Is Scott Brown Delusional and Does He Support Terrorism?

Is this "Liberals Don't Like Scott Brown" Day?

So soon after "Liberals Like Scott Brown" Day, too...
Oh I like Brown. I just think he's a light weight populist who is bound to disappoint all.

Gonna be 6 years of fun-n-games.

I hope ewe are wrong. I think he's the real deal, and it is going to take time and a lot more Scott Brown's elected nationally to get this debacle cleaned up. We are going right down the dumper, and this guy is one of the hopes we have to stave off the elimination of the middle class.
Here is a link to TPM where Massachusetts US Senator Scott Brown (R), talks about the Tea Party terrorist who flew a plane into a building.

In reading the link I was hit by these phrases: "But the way we're trying to deal with things and have been in the past, at least until I got here..." and " And people want us to do better. They want us to help solve the problems that are affecting Americans in a very real way.

And I think we, I'm hopeful that we can do that, with a lot of the things that are coming forward. At least what I'm hearing through, and speaking with my colleagues this seems to be a diff feel there's kind of a message that was sent with my election,.. "

Does this man actually think things have changed because he 'got there'? Does he think we buy a lot of things have come forward since he was elected and that these imaginary things will solve anything?

Is Scott Brown delusional or is he blowing smoke up your arse or both?

we report, you decide.


Oh yeah, the idea that Brown maybe supports terrorism:
Not Ready for Prime Time
Josh Marshall | February 18, 2010, 9:23PM

Was Sen. Scott Brown (R-MA) rationalizing the Joe Stack's anti-tax plane attack down in Texas today in an interview with Neil Cavuto? I'm not sure that's exactly it. But he did seem weirdly close to describing the incident as another example of the voter frustration that sent him to Washington. I'm curious to know what you think. Let me know. Transcript after the jump ...

There wasnt a tea party terrorist who flew a plane into a building.
Here is a link to TPM where Massachusetts US Senator Scott Brown (R), talks about the Tea Party terrorist who flew a plane into a building.

In reading the link I was hit by these phrases: "But the way we're trying to deal with things and have been in the past, at least until I got here..." and " And people want us to do better. They want us to help solve the problems that are affecting Americans in a very real way.

And I think we, I'm hopeful that we can do that, with a lot of the things that are coming forward. At least what I'm hearing through, and speaking with my colleagues this seems to be a diff feel there's kind of a message that was sent with my election,.. "

Does this man actually think things have changed because he 'got there'? Does he think we buy a lot of things have come forward since he was elected and that these imaginary things will solve anything?

Is Scott Brown delusional or is he blowing smoke up your arse or both?

we report, you decide.


Oh yeah, the idea that Brown maybe supports terrorism:
Not Ready for Prime Time
Josh Marshall | February 18, 2010, 9:23PM

Was Sen. Scott Brown (R-MA) rationalizing the Joe Stack's anti-tax plane attack down in Texas today in an interview with Neil Cavuto? I'm not sure that's exactly it. But he did seem weirdly close to describing the incident as another example of the voter frustration that sent him to Washington. I'm curious to know what you think. Let me know. Transcript after the jump ...

There wasnt a tea party terrorist who flew a plane into a building.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, and Timothy McVeigh wasn't part of the Posse Comitatus movement or affiliated with The Covenant, The Sword, and the Arm of the Lord.

you fuckin' deceptive, deceitful bastard!
I hope ewe are wrong. I think he's the real deal, and it is going to take time and a lot more Scott Brown's elected nationally to get this debacle cleaned up. We are going right down the dumper, and this guy is one of the hopes we have to stave off the elimination of the middle class.

I wish I were wrong. I'd love to see just one Profile in Courage, just one.

I see none on any side or the middle. Shit, Harold Ford just dropped out of the NY US Senate race, citing partisan fears.

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