Is the American flag ‘offensive’ in Southern Mexifornia?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
Why wouldn’t other politicians use the phrase “Americans First”....could you imagine a Democrat embracing said tagline? Is there a chance in hell that he or she would / could get elected?
What would your grandfather think if he knew that American politicians can’t run ‘patriotic’ campaigns without offending their constituents?
So what does this all mean to you?
means that my thinking on the future and fate of this USA is that this USA is going to be fecked up for people or Americans like ME that will eventually disappear . Course , there probably aren't many Americans being born that will be going to schools like i went to or have American parents and American family like i had . So , i figure that the USA will just continue to become more fecked up as time and foreigners , libs , dems , rino repubs fully take over BLoser .
Sorry bout that,

  1. It tells me the Democratic Party is indeed DEAD.
  2. At this point they are like rats in a barrel with a water hose left on in the bottom, all they can do is swim and claw each other to stay on top.
  3. That's why they want to split California into three states, they think they will have a better chance to take over a split State rather than one whole California.
  4. California had better buckle up its going to be a bumpy ride.
Among other factors, it shows that this generation (say, everyone under 35) has been raised at a time when they have never had to contribute a damn thing to the overall society. There is no chance of getting drafted, they pay near nothing (most of them) in taxes, they have been coddled all their lives (everybody gets a trophy!), and they have no idea what Patriotism is. To them, it is just a bunch of old, irrelevant bastards standing at attention for the National Anthem.

They are economic illiterates, philosophical fools, religious agnostics, and total cynics.

To be slightly political for a moment, their embrace of "socialism" is Exhibit A. Their view of "socialism" is a dream-like view of Scandinavia, where nobody works very hard, and everyone is protected from cradle to grave, and everyone is happy. China? The Soviet Union? North Korea? Cuba? The millions and millions who were killed, impoverished, starved to death under Socialism? What's that?

Barry Soetoro was the first American President who was ashamed of his country. Any they idolize him.



Why wouldn’t other politicians use the phrase “Americans First”....could you imagine a Democrat embracing said tagline? Is there a chance in hell that he or she would / could get elected?
What would your grandfather think if he knew that American politicians can’t run ‘patriotic’ campaigns without offending their constituents?
So what does this all mean to you?

A Democrat's tongue would fall off if they projected an "America-First" agenda! The Hard Left are FILTH, pure rotten scum. Anti-American anarchist dirtbags to the core, and all they live for is the dissolution of the nation so that they can rebuild a new power base of the poor, illiterate, needy minority Lilliputians with them at the top of the food chain as the Gulliver. America sees them now as no longer just a party of different choices but of destruction and anti-Americanism not representing them, and each election they slip further and further into the toilet bowl of irrelevancy.
Why wouldn’t other politicians use the phrase “Americans First”....could you imagine a Democrat embracing said tagline? Is there a chance in hell that he or she would / could get elected?
What would your grandfather think if he knew that American politicians can’t run ‘patriotic’ campaigns without offending their constituents?
So what does this all mean to you?
What makes you think the American flag is somehow offensive in SoCal?
Why wouldn’t other politicians use the phrase “Americans First”....could you imagine a Democrat embracing said tagline? Is there a chance in hell that he or she would / could get elected?
What would your grandfather think if he knew that American politicians can’t run ‘patriotic’ campaigns without offending their constituents?
So what does this all mean to you?
What makes you think the American flag is somehow offensive in SoCal?
The American flag is offensive in all blue states.
Why wouldn’t other politicians use the phrase “Americans First”....could you imagine a Democrat embracing said tagline? Is there a chance in hell that he or she would / could get elected?
What would your grandfather think if he knew that American politicians can’t run ‘patriotic’ campaigns without offending their constituents?
So what does this all mean to you?

What it means is, is that in the minds of our two most narcissistic domestic ivory towers--of the radical American Left intelligentsia, and of those who whip crack the American MSM into propagandizing the American experience--foundational, traditional, constitutional America is on the verging pivot point of final transformation into the United-States-of-Anti-America (U.S.A.A.). The sinister-- prodigal genius, really--in play here is the nearly universal success in convincing millions of American youth and--the inherently naïve by association with radical ideology Democrat voters-- that the Flag of our Fathers, our American history, and our American religious traditions, are all symbols and fetishes of the enemy within us, rather than the Standards that define us as a people and a nation--under God.

What better way to destroy a colossus than from within in such a manner that the very cells of its body choose to consume the whole? And that is exactly what we have been witnessing going down in our America since the initiation of the radical Leftist American cultural revolution. The radical Left rallying call for universal acceptance and equality has been nothing less than a Trojan Horse shell to house the very intentional destruction of America on every damn strata of its existence, from Christianity, the Patriarchy, the Nuclear Family, Sanctity of Life, Sanctity of our young and developing minds--to glorification of self-hatred, self destruction and interracial and class warfare.

And . . . the radical Left philosophies are succeeding.
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Why wouldn’t other politicians use the phrase “Americans First”....could you imagine a Democrat embracing said tagline? Is there a chance in hell that he or she would / could get elected?
What would your grandfather think if he knew that American politicians can’t run ‘patriotic’ campaigns without offending their constituents?
So what does this all mean to you?
What makes you think the American flag is somehow offensive in SoCal?
----------------------------------------------------- it is offensive in many parts of s. kali that i have heard about . I have seen and heard the offence that the 'mex' have at the American flag being flown . Why do you think that many school in 'kali' don't want their American students wearing American flag t-shirts being one example Bode . Plus see all the 'mexican' flags being flown while American flags are burned at pro 'mex' protests . Plus see 'mexican' flags being flown at soccer games [ball games] when the 'mex' play American Teams Bode .

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