Is the border a money-making grievance machine for Republicans?


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011

Senator Chris Murphy says it is - and I agree with him! What do you think?
The Republican House passed an excellent border bill. Chuck Schumer won't even bring it for a vote.

Meanwhile, Biden readily URGED people to illegally enter the USA and threw the border wide open. All the while, Biden’s hatchet man, Mayorkas, and Biden himself kept telling Americans the border was the most secure it had ever been.

And now Biden whines he needs a Democrats bill that is basically an amnesty plan for illegals.
Only MAGA dip shits, behold the "ludicrous" believe - that a border wall (which Trump never manged to even finish in 4 years) would solve the immigration issue.

A wall, more border patrol, 20 million illegal aliens deported.
Then remove the thorn in your side, Democrats.

Close the border.

Build the wall.

Deport Illegals.

Asylum seekers stay in Mexico until adjudicated.


Do that and all their objections go away.

But you LibProg Dem idiots aren't intelligent enough nor brave enough to do it.
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Senator Chris Murphy says it is - and I agree with him! What do you think?

The Democrat "border bill" had a couple of rinos onboard, was hardly "bipartisan".

And amnesty for illegals isn't a new idea and it isn't a panacea. The Risky Biden Scheme would have made the crisis worse by allowing at least 5000 illegals a day into the country and providing them all with taxpayer paid lawyers.
A wall, more border patrol, 20 million illegal aliens deported.
:auiqs.jpg: And who "supposedly" deported 20 million aliens ????

Deportations lower under Trump administration than Obama: - 11/18/19 11:25 AM EST
The Trump administration has deported fewer overall people than were deported under former President Obama despite the ongoing crackdown on
immigrants without legal status, according to the Washington Post.

While the Obama administration deported 1.18 million people in his first three years, the number of deportations has been a little under 800,000 so far under Trump
The Obama administration also deported 409,849 people in 2012 alone, while the Trump administration has yet to deport more than 260,000 people in a year,
I don't know about a money machine but you can rest assured the leftist dems are going to get beat-up badly by the border situation.

Every gop hopeful going up against a leftist dem in congress (House) has their no vote on HR-2 to beat them about the head and shoulders with.

Is the border a money-making grievance machine for Republicans?​

Young AMERICAN woman had her head BASHED IN when a Biden illegal attempted to RAPE her. Now she's DEAD like many other Americans killed by Biden's illegals. Secure the MF'ing border you Dem lowlife traitors!!
Young AMERICAN woman had her head BASHED IN when a Biden illegal attempted to RAPE her. Now she's DEAD like many other Americans killed by Biden's illegals. Secure the MF'ing border you Dem lowlife traitors!!

Then WHY did Republicans KILL the border bill?
Whatever you say, Khrushchev.
Thanks a lot, - Khrushchev was a very capable person - who screwed the USA all the way, forcing them to retract their nuke missiles from Turkey - without (unlike the USA) having to initiate and go to war.

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