Is the border a money-making grievance machine for Republicans?

Still waiting for your explanation/proof, for those 20 million - and why Trump wasn't even capable to finish an already existing 700mls wall in 4 years - you silly boy.
Why would a supposed German national, supposedly living in Asia care? Or am I confusing you with someone else? What's the time difference there?
That's odd because "The compromise embarrassed Khrushchev and the Soviet Union because the withdrawal of US missiles from Italy and Turkey was a secret deal between Kennedy and Khrushchev, and the Soviets were seen as retreating from a situation that they had started."
"embarrassed" ? according to who? oh yeah right according to US and NATO media bull.

A qualified & professional politician like Khrushchev simply knew how to compromise, in order to gain a far bigger win for his side.
Since unlike Russia "intentions" in Cuba, - the USA had factually stationed nukes in Turkey and Italy, and had to withdraw them.
On a scoreboard - USA 0, USSR 2
"embarrassed" ? according to who? oh yeah right according to US and NATO media bull.

A qualified & professional politician like Khrushchev simply knew how to compromise, in order to gain a far bigger win for his side.
Since unlike Russia "intentions" in Cuba, - the USA had factually stationed nukes in Turkey and Italy, and had to withdraw them.
On a scoreboard - USA 0, USSR 2
History. But putting that aside, it sounds like you are making an argument a Russian would make.
Why would a supposed German national, supposedly living in Asia care? Or am I confusing you with someone else? What's the time difference there?
Because MAGA idiots, can't realize the simple and obvious fact, that US politics/policies have a major global impact - thus effecting 194 countries + the USA.
I would have asked him to pick a lane. Does he want more illegal alien immigration or less illegal alien immigration?
Who’s making money off the open border?

Drug smugglers, sex traffickers and the NGO’s

Later its the public teachers union
History. But putting that aside, it sounds like you are making an argument a Russian would make.
Well if facts, logic and advantage in that matter go to the Russians - then so be it.

BTW are you able to present valid facts and arguments to proof your views? In regards to your "religious" postings, and from this thread, obviously not.
Because MAGA idiots, can't realize the simple and obvious fact, that US politics/policies have a major global impact - thus effecting 194 countries + the USA.
That's nice but you really should pick a lane and stay in it.
Well if facts, logic and advantage in that matter go to the Russians - then so be it.

BTW are you able to present valid facts and arguments to proof your views? In regards to your "religious" postings, and from this thread, obviously not.
When was it that the Berlin Wall fell again?
Because MAGA idiots, can't realize the simple and obvious fact, that US politics/policies have a major global impact - thus effecting 194 countries + the USA.
So what you are saying is that America controls the world so you think the other 194 countries should have a say so with what goes on in America?
I would have asked him to pick a lane. Does he want more illegal alien immigration or less illegal alien immigration?
You need to ask those that profit from illegal aliens - aka the industry and commerce, incl. Trump and his construction crews.

So do they prefer more illegal profits, or less illegal profits? For Trump it's obvious since he is a pathological fraudster.
You need to ask those that profit from illegal aliens - aka the industry and commerce

So do they prefer more illegal profits, or less illegal profits?
No idea. Do you think America - which isn't your country - should have more or less illegal alien immigrants?
Reading this thread
Who’s making money off the open border?

Drug smugglers, sex traffickers and the NGO’s

Later its the public teachers union
I bet it was the part about the teachers union that Unkotare objects to

But illegal aliens represent job security for the teachers
Once again, the vast majority of students in ESL classes were born in the US.
So what you are saying is that America controls the world so you think the other 194 countries should have a say so with what goes on in America?
At least give it multiple tries to comprehend simple statements - see my post #46 - so come on, give it another try.

As for your simplistic and laughable "foreigner" argumentation efforts - I am a holder of a Green Card, and several PR's in other countries.

My family and me have invested around US$ 2 million alone in the USA since 1977 - making it a present asset value of around US$ 7 million - how much do YOU have financially at risk in the USA? and or committed/contributed towards the USA.??? aside from your postings.

And at least try to stay on topic.

Is the border a money-making grievance machine for Republicans?​

This question and topic is not about the former Berlin wall. I know, I know, it's easy for MAGA's to get confused.
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