Is the border a money-making grievance machine for Republicans?

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Senator Chris Murphy says it is - and I agree with him! What do you think?
It's time to get serious and face the reality:

The dominant narrative on the right has compared illegal immigration to an invasion, facilitated by criminal cartels and accepted by “open borders” liberals. On the left, an alternative narrative is that the surge in immigration is essentially driven by poverty, violence and other misery in origin countries, portraying migrants as refugees in need of protection.

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But both narratives ignore the real reason for the border crisis: a hypocritical immigration system that refuses to acknowledge the U.S. economy’s persistent need for lower-skilled labor. The rise in illegal immigration is mainly driven by unprecedented labor demand and the absence of legal channels to accommodate it. Tougher enforcement at the border is no solution to this mismatch. In fact, it is a big part of the problem.
Since [1986], successive Republican and Democratic administrations have invested massive resources in ramping up border surveillance and collaborating with countries of transit such as Mexico to deter migration. By 2023, the U.S. border enforcement budget had risen to $25.9 billion—more than double the budget of the FBI.
Yet none of this has stopped people from coming. Migrants are willing to accept the significant costs and risks of the journey because they understand that there are plentiful jobs at much higher wages for them in the U.S. It is an opportunity for them to radically improve the living standards of themselves and their families.
Over the past few decades, a combination of demographic and economic factors in the U.S.—increasing education, an aging population, the rise of double-income families—has fueled a growing demand for migrant workers in sectors such as agriculture, slaughtering and meatpacking, construction, cleaning, child and eldercare, hospitality, warehousing, distribution and transport. Migrants have flocked to such jobs as the supply of local workers willing and able to do them has shrunk.
Ever-more restrictive border enforcement over the past four decades has done little to change this basic economic rationale for migration…

Only MAGA dip shits, behold the "ludicrous" believe - that a border wall (which Trump never manged to even finish in 4 years) would solve the immigration issue.
Yeah yeah…”walls don’t work”.
The immigration issue could easily be solved tomorrow but you purple hair feelings weirdos and all the Mexicans you’ve planted here won’t allow it.
:auiqs.jpg: And who "supposedly" deported 20 million aliens ????

Deportations lower under Trump administration than Obama: - 11/18/19 11:25 AM EST
The Trump administration has deported fewer overall people than were deported under former President Obama despite the ongoing crackdown on
immigrants without legal status, according to the Washington Post.

While the Obama administration deported 1.18 million people in his first three years, the number of deportations has been a little under 800,000 so far under Trump
The Obama administration also deported 409,849 people in 2012 alone, while the Trump administration has yet to deport more than 260,000 people in a year,
I’m pretty sure Todd said 20 million parasites need to be deported….I’m certain you would support such an action…right?

A wall, more border patrol, 20 million illegal aliens deported.
Didn’t black people harvest our veggies before you replaced them?
OR did we just not have veggies before Mexico invaded?
Does it matter? Who harvests them now? That’s the point, along with ever higher prices, if supply chains are disrupted, a concept that I’m surprised an “elite” businessman, like Trump, was unfamiliar! :dunno:
Didn’t black people harvest our veggies before you replaced them?
OR did we just not have veggies before Mexico invaded?
We’ve had migrant workers harvesting our “veggies “ for over a century
hahaha…why do you always conflate “migrants” with illegal migrants?
In terms of the labor force there is little difference.

We currently allow in only a few thousand a year legally.

Not nearly enough to satisfy the labor demands of businesses
Only MAGA dip shits, behold the "ludicrous" believe - that a border wall (which Trump never manged to even finish in 4 years) would solve the immigration issue.
Dare you to find one REpub that claimed the wall would "solve" the immigration issue
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Senator Chris Murphy says it is - and I agree with him! What do you think?

If the left declares it then it's projection, a distraction, distortion, antonym, ambition and/or confession. That meme captures all of them, nice.

You guys got to realize what your Democrats are.

1. The Democrats haven't done shit for how many years? And in fact, Biden told them to storm the border, while he pretended border solutions were fascist to please the turnip-heads.

2. The only reason Biden and Democrats are confronting their mistakes in the first place is it's an election year. This election year is opposite the last. Problem with the Democratic circle jerk is your masters swing into any direction that will gather votes. That's one reason they always make the wrong decisions, but they get your votes, I'll say that.

3. Of course Biden and cast are going to blame the Republicans, and what better than to feed the TDS the left suggests does not exist?

4. Biden figures you're dumb, and expects you to think of the policy as perhaps 1-2 lines that even you can understand. Really, Biden doesn't figure anything, he's dead right or surely half right. That's what made him a politician. But the fact is, the Democrack's proposal is packed with special interests and stupids, like everything else DC, to include great big economic accounts for friendlies.

4B. And being they're Democracks, like so many laws they enact today, they're empty MFing threats, half because the laws were fucked up to begin with, half because Democracks have serious issues holding people responsible. But they sure do project responsibility, and they sure as fuck weaponize the justice system, boy howdy.

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