Is the cold war really over?


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Aug 30, 2011
Or is it going to heat up again? With the recent Russia's recent actions, and Obama ratcheting up our military presence overseas.

The cold war is dead. This is just a death rattle by the opposing giants.

Ten how come Russia always sides with our opposition we even there's a conflict involving us?
Or is it going to heat up again? With the recent Russia's recent actions, and Obama ratcheting up our military presence overseas.


The cold war was a one on one battle, with a bunch of undercards. What we have now is a one (west) on one (russia) on one (china) on another (everyone around china) on a 1/2 (radical islam) on 1/4 (the last remains of socialism).
Granny says, "Dat's right - dem commies is up to dey's old tricks...
Are US and Russia in New Cold War?
April 16, 2014: WASHINGTON — Relations between the United States and Russia have hit a low point since Moscow annexed the Ukrainian peninsula of Crimea. Many analysts are wondering whether the two sides are returning to a new Cold War.
The “first” Cold War lasted roughly from the end of World War Two in 1945 to the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991. Charles Kupchan with Georgetown University, said the Cold War was a rivalry between a Western bloc led by the United States and an Eastern bloc led by the Soviet Union. “It was defined by ideological competition, a communist system versus a capitalist system, an autocratic system versus a democratic system,” he said. “And it was defined by traditional geopolitical rivalry, for dominance both over the military industrial heartland as well as over proxies in the developing world.” Since the demise of the Soviet Union, memories of the Cold War have faded. But there is talk now of a new Cold War following Russian President Vladimir Putin’s annexation of Ukraine’s peninsula, Crimea.

Obama says no cold war

During a recent speech in Brussels (March 26th), President Barack Obama dismissed the notion of a new Cold War. “This is not another Cold War that we’re entering into. After all, unlike the Soviet Union, Russia leads no bloc of nations, no global ideology.” President Obama also described Russia as “a regional power that is threatening some of its immediate neighbors - not out of strength, but of weakness.”

Charles Kupchan agreed, saying Russia isn’t what it used to be. “During the Cold War, Russia had millions of soldiers under arms. It had a world class navy. It had proxy client states around the world. That is not the Russia that we have today. Russia today has 750 - 800,000 men under arms. Its navy is a sad shadow of what it used to be,” said Kupchan. “It has very few allies in the world and it’s for that reason, I think that a return to the Cold War is not on - Russia doesn’t have what it takes.”

Experts say both sides are in a cold war
It used to be over. But thanks to this moronic jerk president who was elected by a bunch of other moronic jerks it's starting back up.
The cold war used to be over. The feckless idiot now staining the white house wants the war reborn but hot.
What are you talking about, neocon?

That's funny, I thought I was a communist pinko...oh well.....
Perhaps. You're definitely a neocon dem, stuck in the 1960's through 1980's.

(in the US) a right-wing tendency that originated amongst supporters of the political left and has become characterized by its support of hawkish foreign policies

Neo-conservative | Define Neo-conservative at

hawkish (ˈhɔːkɪʃ) —adj: favouring the use or display of force rather than diplomacy to achieve foreign policy goals

Now, would you like to prove of any hawkish political motives I have displayed??

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