Is the coronavirus a hoax?

Is the coronavirus nothing more than a haox

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speaking of viruses:

historians will recognize Hannity as the man who could have killed the Trump virus early. instead, he incubated it. he kept feeding it nutrients when he should have been killing it with bleach and hot, cleansing fire

i of course speak figuratively not literally
If you go and check Trump's actual words, he did not say the virus itself was a hoax but that the Democrats' and the media's reckless and exaggerated reporting on the virus was a hoax. That's what he actually said. But don't let facts and truth get in your way.
As it turned out the democrats and media were right. There was certainly nothing reckless about the media reporting when Trump made his hoax claim on Feb 28th. At that time there were 35 cases in the US and the World Health Organization was predicting a pandemic. Trump having no idea what he was talking about said "this is their new hoax." During the speech he also downplayed the severity of the outbreak, comparing it to the common flu. Now just 2 weeks later, there are 2,499 cases and we have a national emergency. At the current rate of increase, we could be looking at over a million cases by June 1st. It is painfully obvious that we needed immediate action from the leadership. Unfortunately the leadership seem to be much more concerned about the South Carolina Trump rally and trading insults with democrats.

This has been the problem with Trump from day one. He has little interest in learning about any issues, yet when the need arises for him to address an issue, he does so with great gusto and confidence, misrepresenting, misstating, and creating facts to support his contentions.

Did President Trump Refer to the Coronavirus as a 'Hoax'?
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Trump: Coronavirus is Democrats' 'new hoax' - YouTube

I still see posters denying that Trump said this. I did a USMB search before posting this thread. Trump did say this at his rally - and I wish posters would stop denying it. This pandemic crisis is extremely serious! Posters should not be posting fake news about it.

He says everything but it's a hoax. Context Lahota Context. He's talking about PROGS.
The Trump administration barred a top US disease expert from speaking freely to the public after he warned the coronavirus might be impossible to contain
The Trump administration barred a top US disease expert from speaking freely to the public after he warned the coronavirus might be impossible to contain
The Trump administration has barred Dr. Anthony Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), from speaking publicly about the novel coronavirus without approval, according to The New York Times.

Fauci is one of the top experts in the US on infectious diseases, and his sober public messages have contrasted with President Donald Trump's optimistic claims about the impact of the illness.
Experts have criticized the Trump administration for effectively muzzling Fauci with the US facing its most serious public-health crisis in years.

Pence Will Control All Coronavirus Messaging From Health Officials
Pence Will Control All Coronavirus Messaging From Health Officials
The White House moved on Thursday to tighten control of coronavirus messaging by government health officials and scientists, directing them to coordinate all statements and public appearances with the office of Vice President Mike Pence, according to several officials familiar with the new approach.
At the meeting with Mr. Pence on Thursday, Dr. Fauci described the seriousness of the public health threat facing Americans, saying that “this virus has adapted extremely well to human species” and noting that it appeared to have a higher mortality rate than influenza.

“We are dealing with a serious virus,” Dr. Fauci said.

Dr. Fauci has told associates that the White House had instructed him not to say anything else without clearance.

Pence's office placed in charge of coronavirus messaging
Pence's office placed in charge of coronavirus messaging - CNNPolitics

Stephen Miller’s New Wife Is In Charge Of Approving Coronavirus Communications
Stephen Miller’s New Wife Is In Charge Of Approving Coronavirus Communications
It may well be impossible to contain. The time to act was two weeks ago when the virus was contained within two areas. However, the president had more important things on his mind like the South Carolina rally and firing off tweets attacking democrats and media for exaggerating the virus. Now two weeks later with the number of cases increasing from 35 to 2499, those exaggerations were right on target.

The problem with containing the virus now is that it is almost everywhere in the country coupled with the simple fact that we don't know what we're doing. The Chinese success containing the virus is based on years of dealing with epidemics. Two weeks ago, there was no plan to deal with the virus. The CDC was waiting for states to act and the states were waiting for the CDC to tell them what to do. At the time, the states were running out of test kits, Homeland Security who supposedly had hundreds of thousands couldn't find them. When the kits were delivered, technicians lacked personal protection needed to open collections, and even equipment needed to handle them was in short supply. Now samples are coming in, labs lack trained staff and most hospitals are unprepared for the task ahead. If anything good comes out of all this, it will be the importance of being prepared for the next epidemic, assuming there are enough of us around to care.
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National emergency? Apparently it's no longer a hoax.

Of course democrats built this rather mild illness into a continent killer. That's the democrat hoax. What happens in mid April and certainly May when the public realizes how much this hoax has cost them? Democrats will pay a price for what they are doing.
National emergency? Apparently it's no longer a hoax.

Of course democrats built this rather mild illness into a continent killer. That's the democrat hoax. What happens in mid April and certainly May when the public realizes how much this hoax has cost them? Democrats will pay a price for what they are doing.

Yes, we started it in China. Adjust your meds.
The Trump administration barred a top US disease expert from speaking freely to the public after he warned the coronavirus might be impossible to contain
The Trump administration barred a top US disease expert from speaking freely to the public after he warned the coronavirus might be impossible to contain
The Trump administration has barred Dr. Anthony Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), from speaking publicly about the novel coronavirus without approval, according to The New York Times.

Fauci is one of the top experts in the US on infectious diseases, and his sober public messages have contrasted with President Donald Trump's optimistic claims about the impact of the illness.

Experts have criticized the Trump administration for effectively muzzling Fauci with the US facing its most serious public-health crisis in years.

Pence Will Control All Coronavirus Messaging From Health Officials
Pence Will Control All Coronavirus Messaging From Health Officials
The White House moved on Thursday to tighten control of coronavirus messaging by government health officials and scientists, directing them to coordinate all statements and public appearances with the office of Vice President Mike Pence, according to several officials familiar with the new approach.
At the meeting with Mr. Pence on Thursday, Dr. Fauci described the seriousness of the public health threat facing Americans, saying that “this virus has adapted extremely well to human species” and noting that it appeared to have a higher mortality rate than influenza.

“We are dealing with a serious virus,” Dr. Fauci said.

Dr. Fauci has told associates that the White House had instructed him not to say anything else without clearance.

Pence's office placed in charge of coronavirus messaging
Pence's office placed in charge of coronavirus messaging - CNNPolitics

Stephen Miller’s New Wife Is In Charge Of Approving Coronavirus Communications
Stephen Miller’s New Wife Is In Charge Of Approving Coronavirus Communications
The democrat desire to spread panic must be contained.
National emergency? Apparently it's no longer a hoax.

Of course democrats built this rather mild illness into a continent killer. That's the democrat hoax. What happens in mid April and certainly May when the public realizes how much this hoax has cost them? Democrats will pay a price for what they are doing.
With the number of cases increasing from 35 to 2499 in just 2 weeks, it seems pretty unlike that Trump's tweets and a national emergency is going to change the trajectory. Possibly by summer we will see some real progress, but that is just a guess.
Less than 6K people in the whole world have died but yet the idiots have just about shut down the entire economy of the world.

It is a sham.
Less than 6K people in the whole world have died but yet the idiots have just about shut down the entire economy of the world.

It is a sham.

It's all about the curve, sparky, to keep our healthcare system capacity from being overwhelmed.

If Trump hadn't acted so decisively then it be much more of an impact on the US. Trump is doing a great job.

Unlike when that worthless piece of lazy Nergro shit President these idiot Moon Bats elected that didn't do a damn thing about the H1N1 virus until thousands of Americans had died.
If Trump hadn't acted so decisively then it be much more of an impact on the US. Trump is doing a great job.

Unlike when that worthless piece of lazy Nergro shit President these idiot Moon Bats elected that didn't do a damn thing about the H1N1 virus until thousands of Americans had died.

You are too ignorant and racist to communicate with. Placing you on permanent ignore. Bye...

Trump: Coronavirus is Democrats' 'new hoax' - YouTube

I still see posters denying that Trump said this. I did a USMB search before posting this thread. Trump did say this at his rally - and I wish posters would stop denying it. This pandemic crisis is extremely serious! Posters should not be posting fake news about it.

It is a hoax.

3000 people die a year from texting.

12 die a year just falling into the Grand Canyon.

17 died in a car pile up in California

38 people died from the Corona virus.

950X more die every year from the regular flu.

This post is exhibit A for Trumptard low IQ. Boob Tube calls the coronavirus hoax despite the worldwide pandemic . The moron ignores the worldwide effort to contain the virus thus keeping its effects limited for the moment. Even Trump admits the severity of the virus. I think Boob Tube is spending too much time playing with his tube.

Trump is such a fucking imbecile he didn't realize that if he responded immediately it would have actually helped his chance for reelection. Instead he chose to deny it & try to bullshit everybody. And of course the cult went along with the plan. Now he's admitting there's a crisis & his herd applauds his actions. Trump's herd can't wipe their own ass without his approval.

Trump must love stepping on his own dick.

Trump: Coronavirus is Democrats' 'new hoax' - YouTube

I still see posters denying that Trump said this. I did a USMB search before posting this thread. Trump did say this at his rally - and I wish posters would stop denying it. This pandemic crisis is extremely serious! Posters should not be posting fake news about it.

It is a hoax.

3000 people die a year from texting.

12 die a year just falling into the Grand Canyon.

17 died in a car pile up in California

38 people died from the Corona virus.

950X more die every year from the regular flu.

This post is exhibit A for Trumptard low IQ. Boob Tube calls the coronavirus hoax despite the worldwide pandemic . The moron ignores the worldwide effort to contain the virus thus keeping its effects limited for the moment. Even Trump admits the severity of the virus. I think Boob Tube is spending too much time playing with his tube.

Trump is such a fucking imbecile he didn't realize that if he responded immediately it would have actually helped his chance for reelection. Instead he chose to deny it & try to bullshit everybody. And of course the cult went along with the plan. Now he's admitting there's a crisis & his herd applauds his actions. Trump's herd can't wipe their own ass without his approval.

Trump must love stepping on his own dick.

I've got a few things to worry about, but the coronavirus isn't one them. :dunno: But I don't think that all the hype and whipped up hysteria is about Trump. I think there are other reasons. Time will tell.

It is interesting that just last October there was a global pandemic "exercise" in New York City, to prepare for a "severe pandemic." Event 201, a pandemic exercise to illustrate preparedness efforts

I'm sure that's just a coincidence though.

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