Is the coronavirus a hoax?

Is the coronavirus nothing more than a haox

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‘It’s Just Everywhere Already’: How Delays in Testing Set Back the U.S. Coronavirus Response
‘It’s Just Everywhere Already’: How Delays in Testing Set Back the U.S. Coronavirus Response

Trump spent the past 2 years slashing the government agencies responsible for handling the coronavirus outbreak
Trump spent the past 2 years slashing the government agencies responsible for handling the coronavirus outbreak
President Donald Trump insisted on Tuesday that the coronavirus, known as COVID-19 virus, is under control because China is "working very hard" to contain its spread.
The Trump administration has also spent the past several years dismantling the very government programs responsible for combatting a global health crisis.

"China is working very, very hard," Trump told reporters at a business roundtable at the US embassy in New Delhi. "I have spoken to President Xi, and they are working very hard. If you know anything about him, I think he will be in pretty good shape. They have had a rough patch, but now it looks like they are getting it more and more under control. I think that is a problem that is going to go away."

Fears of a pandemic come after the Trump administration spent the past several years gutting the very government programs that are tasked with combatting such a crisis.

In 2018, for instance, the CDC cut 80% of its efforts to prevent global disease outbreaks because it was running out of money. Ultimately, the department went from working in 49 countries to just 10.

Here are some other actions the Trump administration undertook to dismantle government-spending programs related to fighting the spread of global diseases, according to Foreign Policy:

Shutting down the entire global-health-security unit of the National Security Council.

Eliminating the US government's $30 million Complex Crises Fund.

Reducing national health spending by $15 billion.

Consistently attacking Mark Green, the director of the US Agency for International Development.

The Trump administration barred a top US disease expert from speaking freely to the public after he warned the coronavirus might be impossible to contain
The Trump administration barred a top US disease expert from speaking freely to the public after he warned the coronavirus might be impossible to contain
The Trump administration has barred Dr. Anthony Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), from speaking publicly about the novel coronavirus without approval, according to The New York Times.

Fauci is one of the top experts in the US on infectious diseases, and his sober public messages have contrasted with President Donald Trump's optimistic claims about the impact of the illness.

Experts have criticized the Trump administration for effectively muzzling Fauci with the US facing its most serious public-health crisis in years.

Pence Will Control All Coronavirus Messaging From Health Officials
Pence Will Control All Coronavirus Messaging From Health Officials
The White House moved on Thursday to tighten control of coronavirus messaging by government health officials and scientists, directing them to coordinate all statements and public appearances with the office of Vice President Mike Pence, according to several officials familiar with the new approach.
At the meeting with Mr. Pence on Thursday, Dr. Fauci described the seriousness of the public health threat facing Americans, saying that “this virus has adapted extremely well to human species” and noting that it appeared to have a higher mortality rate than influenza.

“We are dealing with a serious virus,” Dr. Fauci said.

Dr. Fauci has told associates that the White House had instructed him not to say anything else without clearance.

Pence's office placed in charge of coronavirus messaging
Pence's office placed in charge of coronavirus messaging - CNNPolitics

Stephen Miller’s New Wife Is In Charge Of Approving Coronavirus Communications
Stephen Miller’s New Wife Is In Charge Of Approving Coronavirus Communications
Trump is down on his luck...Melania is down on her knees

i take it back...he is a man of the people!

the only reason Melania is attracted to Trump is his money. Trump is attracted to Melania because of her boobies
‘It’s Just Everywhere Already’: How Delays in Testing Set Back the U.S. Coronavirus Response
‘It’s Just Everywhere Already’: How Delays in Testing Set Back the U.S. Coronavirus Response
To repurpose the tests for monitoring the coronavirus, they would need the support of state and federal officials. But nearly everywhere Dr. Chu turned, officials repeatedly rejected the idea, interviews and emails show, even as weeks crawled by and outbreaks emerged in countries outside of China, where the infection began.
By Feb. 25, Dr. Chu and her colleagues could not bear to wait any longer. They began performing coronavirus tests, without government approval.

What came back confirmed their worst fear. They quickly had a positive test from a local teenager with no recent travel history.
Federal and state officials said the flu study could not be repurposed because it did not have explicit permission from research subjects; the labs were also not certified for clinical work. While acknowledging the ethical questions, Dr. Chu and others argued there should be more flexibility in an emergency during which so many lives could be lost. On Monday night, state regulators told them to stop testing altogether.

Trump spent the past 2 years slashing the government agencies responsible for handling the coronavirus outbreak
Trump spent the past 2 years slashing the government agencies responsible for handling the coronavirus outbreak
President Donald Trump insisted on Tuesday that the coronavirus, known as COVID-19 virus, is under control because China is "working very hard" to contain its spread.
The Trump administration has also spent the past several years dismantling the very government programs responsible for combatting a global health crisis.

"China is working very, very hard," Trump told reporters at a business roundtable at the US embassy in New Delhi. "I have spoken to President Xi, and they are working very hard. If you know anything about him, I think he will be in pretty good shape. They have had a rough patch, but now it looks like they are getting it more and more under control. I think that is a problem that is going to go away."

Fears of a pandemic come after the Trump administration spent the past several years gutting the very government programs that are tasked with combatting such a crisis.

In 2018, for instance, the CDC cut 80% of its efforts to prevent global disease outbreaks because it was running out of money. Ultimately, the department went from working in 49 countries to just 10.

Here are some other actions the Trump administration undertook to dismantle government-spending programs related to fighting the spread of global diseases, according to Foreign Policy:

Shutting down the entire global-health-security unit of the National Security Council.

Eliminating the US government's $30 million Complex Crises Fund.

Reducing national health spending by $15 billion.

Consistently attacking Mark Green, the director of the US Agency for International Development.

Trump the King Of Lies

[Wikipedia] Veracity of statements by Donald Trump:
Veracity of statements by Donald Trump - Wikipedia


[Washington post] President Trump has made 15,413 false or misleading claims over 1,055 days:

[The New York Times] Trump's Biggest and Most Dangerous Lie
Opinion | Trump’s Biggest and Most Dangerous Lie

Trump lies on environmental issues, in order to raise the price of oil, to help Russia's economy
Taking the Trump Administration to Court: NRDC’s Litigation Timeline
How does the price of oil affect Russia's economy?
How does the price of oil affect Russia's economy?

How Does The Price Of Oil Affect The Russian Economy?
How Does The Price Of Oil Affect The Russian Economy? - FXCM Markets

President Donald Trump's Lies: The Definitive List:

President Trump has made more than 10,000 false or misleading claims

Trump's ex-colleagues open up about his history of lies

Jim Carrey Pens Scathing Poem About ‘King Of Lies’ Donald Trump
Jim Carrey Pens Scathing Poem About 'King Of Lies' Donald Trump | HuffPost

[The New York Times] Lord of the Lies
Opinion | Lord of the Lies
If you go and check Trump's actual words, he did not say the virus itself was a hoax but that the Democrats' and the media's reckless and exaggerated reporting on the virus was a hoax. That's what he actually said. But don't let facts and truth get in your way.
Trump is now blaming President Obama for the lack of coronavirus testing - even after Trump fired the Pandemic Response Team in 2018 that President Obama had created. Holy shit...
we failed to stop Trump in 2016, but that doesnt mean i'm gonna sit by as the Nickelback of presidents wrecks America!
There have nearly been 5,000 deaths worldwide

NEWS FLASH FOR YA, Muddlebrain:

Worldwide deaths in 2019 = 8.7 MILLION just for heart disease.

3.2 MILLION just for Flu.

More people died last year from Trypanosomiasis than for Corona.

42 million babies died from abortion.

142,000 died just from the Measles.

11.5 million people have died in the world so far this year. That makes your 5,000 deaths from Covid equal to 0.4% of all deaths. Not that it isn't a problem needing addressed, but hardly the panic you would make it out to be.

Get a grip on yourself, John (no, not there).
I wonder if that's what people said about the Spanish Influenza in 1917, nothing to panic about it's just the flu. Within 3 years, the death toll had risen close to 50 million worldwide and 678,000 Americans. But it was nothing to worry about, right.
Last edited:
There have nearly been 5,000 deaths worldwide

NEWS FLASH FOR YA, Muddlebrain:

Worldwide deaths in 2019 = 8.7 MILLION just for heart disease.

3.2 MILLION just for Flu.

More people died last year from Trypanosomiasis than for Corona.

42 million babies died from abortion.

142,000 died just from the Measles.

11.5 million people have died in the world so far this year. That makes your 5,000 deaths from Covid equal to 0.4% of all deaths. Not that it isn't a problem needing addressed, but hardly the panic you would make it out to be.

Get a grip on yourself, John (no, not there).
I wonder if that's what people said about the Spanish Influenza in 1917, nothing to panic about it's just the flu. Within 3 years, the death toll had risen close to 50 million worldwide and 678,000 Americans. But it was nothing to worry about, right.
Two Things FlipFlopper:
  1. HCoV-19 deaths still insignificant compared to other causes.
  2. Comparing a virus effect from 103 years ago to today with our modern medicine makes you look pretty silly.
As always, any virus is always a threat to the infirm and elderly.

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