Is the coronavirus a hoax?

Is the coronavirus nothing more than a haox

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Trump: Coronavirus is Democrats' 'new hoax' - YouTube

I still see posters denying that Trump said this. I did a USMB search before posting this thread. Trump did say this at his rally - and I wish posters would stop denying it. This pandemic crisis is extremely serious! Posters should not be posting fake news about it.

It is a hoax.

3000 people die a year from texting.

12 die a year just falling into the Grand Canyon.

17 died in a car pile up in California

38 people died from the Corona virus.

950X more die every year from the regular flu.

This post is exhibit A for Trumptard low IQ. Boob Tube calls the coronavirus hoax despite the worldwide pandemic . The moron ignores the worldwide effort to contain the virus thus keeping its effects limited for the moment. Even Trump admits the severity of the virus. I think Boob Tube is spending too much time playing with his tube.

Trump is such a fucking imbecile he didn't realize that if he responded immediately it would have actually helped his chance for reelection. Instead he chose to deny it & try to bullshit everybody. And of course the cult went along with the plan. Now he's admitting there's a crisis & his herd applauds his actions. Trump's herd can't wipe their own ass without his approval.

Trump must love stepping on his own dick.

CLIPDICK TRANSLATION: Trump has measured his responses as was appropriate for the times as facts changed which is why the EU feels he is doing too much and today, our infection and fatality stats aren't twice as good as Italy and some other places, but three-HUNDRED times better.

Yet still, some ZIPPER-clipperheads think that if they merely claim dick-tripping, then there actually IS dick-tripping, other than over their own.
So you still have not corrected your lie? Trump never said that the virus itself was a hoax. Never. As others have pointed out, he was clearly talking about the how liberal news outlets were covering the virus.

By the way, it is turning out that the corona virus does not spread as easily as some people have claimed. In other words, even if you spend considerable time around someone who has the corona virus, this does not mean you will automatically catch it. For example, the World Health Organization (WHO) found that in China only 5-10% of the people who had lived or worked closely with an infected person caught the virus:

The WHO team found that in China, 5-10% of people living or working closely with an infected person had the disease. (Coronavirus lessons from China could help America on COVID-19 epidemic)​
Less than 6K people in the whole world have died but yet the idiots have just about shut down the entire economy of the world.

It is a sham.
Fast decisive action is what controls an outbreak while a virus is isolated to one or two areas and there are few cases. Most nations including the US responded too late. A few nations, including China and South Korea responded immediately to the outbreak. They were able to do this because this isn't their first ballgame. They have gone through these outbreaks with SARS, MERS, and other diseases. They had a plan, supplies, and a top goverment agency ready to go into action in hours, not weeks.

In the US there is plenty of blame to go around. I don't blame Trump for the lack of a cohesive plan because we never had one. I certainly blame Trump for his lies and downplaying the virus at a time when rapid response and leadership was desperately needed.

Had Trump taken the actions he took a few days ago, a few weeks ago there is good chance that the virus could have been brought under control in a few weeks and limited to only few areas of the country. However, that would have taken real courage.
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Less than 6K people in the whole world have died but yet the idiots have just about shut down the entire economy of the world.

It is a sham.
Fast decisive action is what controls an outbreak while a virus is isolated to one or two areas and there are few cases. Most nations including the US responded too late. A few nations, including China and South Korea responded immediately to the outbreak. They were able to do this because this isn't their first ballgame. They have gone through these outbreaks with SARS, MERS, and other diseases. They had a plan, supplies, and a top goverment agency ready to go into action in hours, not weeks.

In the US there is plenty of blame to go around. I don't blame Trump for the lack of a cohesive plan because we never had one. I certainly blame Trump for his lies and downplaying the virus at time when rapid response and leadership was desperately needed.

The US has more foreigners coming into each day than any other nation on earth. Trump imposed the travel ban actually very early. He was called a racist for it and it was a lot quicker than that worthless asshole Obama responded to the H1N1 viral outbreak.

Trump is managing it as well as can at this time.

The only people bitching about it are the TDS afflicted Moon Bats but they always bitch about anything that Trump does.

The real problem is the Communists in China not coming clean on it earlier.
If that piece of worthless shit Crooked Hillary had won she would be doing 1/10th what Trump is doing and all the uneducated low information Moon Bats would be saying she is doing a wonderful job.

What she probably would be doing is finding ways of exploiting the crisis to make the filthy government more oppressive and also to find ways so that she could profit from it. Like she did as Secretary of State.
Less than 6K people in the whole world have died but yet the idiots have just about shut down the entire economy of the world.

It is a sham.
Fast decisive action is what controls an outbreak while a virus is isolated to one or two areas and there are few cases. Most nations including the US responded too late. A few nations, including China and South Korea responded immediately to the outbreak. They were able to do this because this isn't their first ballgame. They have gone through these outbreaks with SARS, MERS, and other diseases. They had a plan, supplies, and a top goverment agency ready to go into action in hours, not weeks.

In the US there is plenty of blame to go around. I don't blame Trump for the lack of a cohesive plan because we never had one. I certainly blame Trump for his lies and downplaying the virus at time when rapid response and leadership was desperately needed.

The US has more foreigners coming into each day than any other nation on earth. Trump imposed the travel ban actually very early. He was called a racist for it and it was a lot quicker than that worthless asshole Obama responded to the H1N1 viral outbreak.

Trump is managing it as well as can at this time.

The only people bitching about it are the TDS afflicted Moon Bats but they always bitch about anything that Trump does.

The real problem is the Communists in China not coming clean on it earlier.
Trump's travel bans of Muslim countries had nothing to do with the virus. However, the travel ban as a part of his national emergency response is exactly what he should have done two weeks ago But as I said, that would have taken real guts and would have probably cost him the election.
Less than 6K people in the whole world have died but yet the idiots have just about shut down the entire economy of the world.

It is a sham.
Fast decisive action is what controls an outbreak while a virus is isolated to one or two areas and there are few cases. Most nations including the US responded too late. A few nations, including China and South Korea responded immediately to the outbreak. They were able to do this because this isn't their first ballgame. They have gone through these outbreaks with SARS, MERS, and other diseases. They had a plan, supplies, and a top goverment agency ready to go into action in hours, not weeks.

In the US there is plenty of blame to go around. I don't blame Trump for the lack of a cohesive plan because we never had one. I certainly blame Trump for his lies and downplaying the virus at time when rapid response and leadership was desperately needed.

The US has more foreigners coming into each day than any other nation on earth. Trump imposed the travel ban actually very early. He was called a racist for it and it was a lot quicker than that worthless asshole Obama responded to the H1N1 viral outbreak.

Trump is managing it as well as can at this time.

The only people bitching about it are the TDS afflicted Moon Bats but they always bitch about anything that Trump does.

The real problem is the Communists in China not coming clean on it earlier.
Trump's travel bans of Muslim countries had nothing to do with the virus. However, the travel ban as a part of his national emergency response is exactly what he should have done two weeks ago But as I said, that would have taken real guts and would have probably cost him the election.

You are confused. Last month when Trump put a ban on travel from China and a couple of other Asian countries he was accused of being racist by the filthy Moon Bats. Later he expanded it to some Middle East countries and then to Europe.

Trump is doing a great job.

Piss on the TDS afflicted Moon bats and their uneducated low information hate of a great President. It is despicable.

Opinion | The Racism at the Heart of Trump’s ‘Travel Ban’

The Racism at the Heart of Trump’s ‘Travel Ban’
Adding Nigeria to the expanded list of excluded countries just makes it more obvious.
Less than 6K people in the whole world have died but yet the idiots have just about shut down the entire economy of the world.

It is a sham.
Fast decisive action is what controls an outbreak while a virus is isolated to one or two areas and there are few cases. Most nations including the US responded too late. A few nations, including China and South Korea responded immediately to the outbreak. They were able to do this because this isn't their first ballgame. They have gone through these outbreaks with SARS, MERS, and other diseases. They had a plan, supplies, and a top goverment agency ready to go into action in hours, not weeks.

In the US there is plenty of blame to go around. I don't blame Trump for the lack of a cohesive plan because we never had one. I certainly blame Trump for his lies and downplaying the virus at time when rapid response and leadership was desperately needed.

The US has more foreigners coming into each day than any other nation on earth. Trump imposed the travel ban actually very early. He was called a racist for it and it was a lot quicker than that worthless asshole Obama responded to the H1N1 viral outbreak.

Trump is managing it as well as can at this time.

The only people bitching about it are the TDS afflicted Moon Bats but they always bitch about anything that Trump does.

The real problem is the Communists in China not coming clean on it earlier.
Trump's travel bans of Muslim countries had nothing to do with the virus. However, the travel ban as a part of his national emergency response is exactly what he should have done two weeks ago But as I said, that would have taken real guts and would have probably cost him the election.

You are confused. Last month when Trump put a ban on travel from China and a couple of other Asian countries he was accused of being racist by the filthy Moon Bats. Later he expanded it to some Middle East countries and then to Europe.

Trump is doing a great job.

Piss on the TDS afflicted Moon bats and their uneducated low information hate of a great President. It is despicable.

Opinion | The Racism at the Heart of Trump’s ‘Travel Ban’

The Racism at the Heart of Trump’s ‘Travel Ban’
Adding Nigeria to the expanded list of excluded countries just makes it more obvious.
Putting a travel ban on China was absolutely the right thing to do, it just didn't go far enough. It was much more of a political move than one based on blocking the virus. That was evident from the very beginning of the coronavirus outbreak in the U.S. A 35-year-old man returned home to Washington state through the Seattle airport after traveling to Wuhan, China, where the virus was already spreading. There was no screening for virus at all. He would become the nation’s first known case. Shortly before, a woman in her 60s arrived home through the Chicago airport after traveling to Wuhan.
Texas Governor Deploys State Guard To Stave Off Obama Takeover

What's going on with that Jade Helm thing?? Is Isis and the Deep State still planning to put Texas under martial law?? When are they gonna get those FEMA concentration camps up and running?? Is that child sex trafficking ring still operating out of that pizza parlor?? What are those child actors at Sandy Hook up to now??

"It seems there is concern among some folks that this so-called training maneuver is just a cover story. What's really going on? President Obama is about to use Special Forces to put Texas under martial law. You see, there are these Wal-Marts in West Texas that supposedly closed for six months for "renovation." That's what they want you to believe. The truth is these Wal-Marts are going to be military guerrilla-warfare staging areas and FEMA processing camps for political prisoners. The prisoners are going to be transported by train cars that have already been equipped with shackles"

This was a real conspiracy theory that was bought hook line and sinker by right wingers -- so much so that the Governor of Texas had to appease these morons by ordering the state national guard to "monitor" the US military...I know trumpers like to practice "strategic forgetfulness" -- which is basically pretending something never happened when that something makes you look like a hypocritical moron, but luckily the rest of us have perfectly working memories....

As much as Trumpers bitch and whine about how the media has covered the corona-virus -- at least there was some credibility to the possibility of this being a global pandemic -- so much so that your own cult leader within a span of a couple of days went from painting the coverage of it as just a Democrat conspiracy hoax to he himself declaring a state of emergency and having to get tested for the virus....THEREFORE TRUMPERS HAVE ZERO ROOM TO CRITICIZE ANYONE ABOUT PANICKING OR PUSHING A HOAX

Your whole reason for becoming Trump sycophants in the first place was based on a hoax...The Birther movement was a hoax...a conspiracy...that most of you Trumpers still believe....All you Trumpers do is accuse others of doing shit that you yourself have done, is doing and will keep doing -- then get mad at everyone else for calling you out on your bullshit....

FEMA Camps - Debunking FEMA Camp Myths

Lenny Pozner Believed in Conspiracy Theories. Until His Son’s Death Became One.
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Hey Biff did hear:

Romney killed some guy
Romney killed his dog
Romney never paid taxes
Romney has binders full of women
Algore won Florida but his brother gave Bush the election
There were pregnant chads.
Bush went to war to defend his father
Eussian collusion
Trump told 15,000 lies

I could go on but I'd run out of space.
I'd guess there have been more wacked out conspiracy theories against Trump than there have been Biden gaffs. At any rate, the numbers are both HUGE.
Texas Governor Deploys State Guard To Stave Off Obama Takeover

What's going on with that Jade Helm thing?? Is Isis and the Deep State still planning to put Texas under martial law?? When are they gonna get those FEMA concentration camps up and running?? Is that child sex trafficking ring still operating out of that pizza parlor?? What are those child actors at Sandy Hook up to now??

"It seems there is concern among some folks that this so-called training maneuver is just a cover story. What's really going on? President Obama is about to use Special Forces to put Texas under martial law. You see, there are these Wal-Marts in West Texas that supposedly closed for six months for "renovation." That's what they want you to believe. The truth is these Wal-Marts are going to be military guerrilla-warfare staging areas and FEMA processing camps for political prisoners. The prisoners are going to be transported by train cars that have already been equipped with shackles"

This was a real conspiracy theory that was bought hook line and sinker by right wingers -- so much so that the Governor of Texas had to appease these morons by ordering the state national guard to "monitor" the US military...I know trumpers like to practice "strategic forgetfulness" -- which is basically pretending something never happened when that something makes you look like a hypocritical moron, but luckily the rest of us have perfectly working memories....

As much as Trumpers bitch and whine about how the media has covered the corona-virus -- at least there was some credibility to the possibility of this being a global pandemic -- so much so that your own cult leader within a span of a couple of days went from painting the coverage of it as just a Democrat conspiracy hoax to he himself declaring a state of emergency and having to get tested for the virus....THEREFORE TRUMPERS HAVE ZERO ROOM TO CRITICIZE ANYONE ABOUT PANICKING OR PUSHING A HOAX

Your whole reason for becoming Trump sycophants in the first place was based on a hoax...The Birther movement was a hoax...a conspiracy...that most of you Trumpers still believe....All you Trumpers do is accuse others of doing shit that you yourself have done, is doing and will keep doing -- then get mad at everyone else for calling you out on your bullshit....

FEMA Camps - Debunking FEMA Camp Myths

Lenny Pozner Believed in Conspiracy Theories. Until His Son’s Death Became One.
lol more tds
Texas Governor Deploys State Guard To Stave Off Obama Takeover

What's going on with that Jade Helm thing?? Is Isis and the Deep State still planning to put Texas under martial law?? When are they gonna get those FEMA concentration camps up and running?? Is that child sex trafficking ring still operating out of that pizza parlor?? What are those child actors at Sandy Hook up to now??

"It seems there is concern among some folks that this so-called training maneuver is just a cover story. What's really going on? President Obama is about to use Special Forces to put Texas under martial law. You see, there are these Wal-Marts in West Texas that supposedly closed for six months for "renovation." That's what they want you to believe. The truth is these Wal-Marts are going to be military guerrilla-warfare staging areas and FEMA processing camps for political prisoners. The prisoners are going to be transported by train cars that have already been equipped with shackles"

This was a real conspiracy theory that was bought hook line and sinker by right wingers -- so much so that the Governor of Texas had to appease these morons by ordering the state national guard to "monitor" the US military...I know trumpers like to practice "strategic forgetfulness" -- which is basically pretending something never happened when that something makes you look like a hypocritical moron, but luckily the rest of us have perfectly working memories....

As much as Trumpers bitch and whine about how the media has covered the corona-virus -- at least there was some credibility to the possibility of this being a global pandemic -- so much so that your own cult leader within a span of a couple of days went from painting the coverage of it as just a Democrat conspiracy hoax to he himself declaring a state of emergency and having to get tested for the virus....THEREFORE TRUMPERS HAVE ZERO ROOM TO CRITICIZE ANYONE ABOUT PANICKING OR PUSHING A HOAX

Your whole reason for becoming Trump sycophants in the first place was based on a hoax...The Birther movement was a hoax...a conspiracy...that most of you Trumpers still believe....All you Trumpers do is accuse others of doing shit that you yourself have done, is doing and will keep doing -- then get mad at everyone else for calling you out on your bullshit....

FEMA Camps - Debunking FEMA Camp Myths

Lenny Pozner Believed in Conspiracy Theories. Until His Son’s Death Became One.
The media is over hyping this, the swine flu epidemic was worse, but no shut downs.
Texas Governor Deploys State Guard To Stave Off Obama Takeover

What's going on with that Jade Helm thing?? Is Isis and the Deep State still planning to put Texas under martial law?? When are they gonna get those FEMA concentration camps up and running?? Is that child sex trafficking ring still operating out of that pizza parlor?? What are those child actors at Sandy Hook up to now??

"It seems there is concern among some folks that this so-called training maneuver is just a cover story. What's really going on? President Obama is about to use Special Forces to put Texas under martial law. You see, there are these Wal-Marts in West Texas that supposedly closed for six months for "renovation." That's what they want you to believe. The truth is these Wal-Marts are going to be military guerrilla-warfare staging areas and FEMA processing camps for political prisoners. The prisoners are going to be transported by train cars that have already been equipped with shackles"

This was a real conspiracy theory that was bought hook line and sinker by right wingers -- so much so that the Governor of Texas had to appease these morons by ordering the state national guard to "monitor" the US military...I know trumpers like to practice "strategic forgetfulness" -- which is basically pretending something never happened when that something makes you look like a hypocritical moron, but luckily the rest of us have perfectly working memories....

As much as Trumpers bitch and whine about how the media has covered the corona-virus -- at least there was some credibility to the possibility of this being a global pandemic -- so much so that your own cult leader within a span of a couple of days went from painting the coverage of it as just a Democrat conspiracy hoax to he himself declaring a state of emergency and having to get tested for the virus....THEREFORE TRUMPERS HAVE ZERO ROOM TO CRITICIZE ANYONE ABOUT PANICKING OR PUSHING A HOAX

Your whole reason for becoming Trump sycophants in the first place was based on a hoax...The Birther movement was a hoax...a conspiracy...that most of you Trumpers still believe....All you Trumpers do is accuse others of doing shit that you yourself have done, is doing and will keep doing -- then get mad at everyone else for calling you out on your bullshit....

FEMA Camps - Debunking FEMA Camp Myths

Lenny Pozner Believed in Conspiracy Theories. Until His Son’s Death Became One.
The media is over hyping this, the swine flu epidemic was worse, but no shut downs.
How many Schools, Restaurants, Bars did we close on 911? The Democrat cancel culture wants things closed for a whole month, maybe longer.
It is not a hoax and we have to just slow down for a period of time...

By May we will start again and by August we will get back to normal...

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