Is the coronavirus a hoax?

Is the coronavirus nothing more than a haox

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Trump did not say the virus is the hoax.

But the democrat lies indeed, are a hoax.
Trumpers all over this board said the virus was a hoax. See post # among many.
So what? I didn't and Trump didn't.

Trump was very wise to begin decoupling our economy from China. Their wet markets are a pandemic waiting to happen. They will eat anything. They are tightly crowded, the country is a pollution nightmare, everyone smokes and they don't control their sewage well.

Giving the most favored nation status, a designation previously reserved for the Free People in Democracies was an error. They are a barbaric socialist tyranny.

Evidence: China Executes Political Prisoners to Harvest Organs.


The Chinese Communist Party treats the question of transplant volume as a state secret. But evidence is emerging that suggests China’s ready supply of organs is related to the dwindling number of government dissenters.

China’s organ transplantation system appears capable of working miracles. Need a new liver? You can get one in 24 to 72 hours—for a price. To anyone familiar with the voluntary organ donation system in the United States, where the median wait time for a liver exceeds 300 days, such availability raises the question about organ sourcing.

How does the Chinese system locate, identify, and match a deceased donor within such a short timeframe?

Starting in 2000, China rapidly constructed a world-class organ transplantation system that began performing tens of thousands of transplants annually.

At first, Chinese officials claimed that all organs were from voluntary civilian donors. When this claim became untenable, they stated that organs, in fact, were harvested from death-row prisoners.

The claim that even the majority of organs could have come from death row prisoners is contradicted by the well-established decline in death-row executions from 2000 onward.

A close examination of Chinese transplant activity indicates that hospitals have been performing at least several times more transplants than even the largest estimates of death-row prisoners. Given this, Robertson provisionally concludes that the Chinese had some other organ source apart from death-row inmates.

China’s anti-Falun Gong campaign in July 1999 coincided with the rapid growth of China’s transplant industry six months later. Widely reported blood tests and physical examinations consistent with those required for organ procurement, telephone admissions by Chinese doctors, threats of organ harvesting by prison and labor camp guards, and participation in the anti-Falun Gong campaign by Chinese transplant surgeons all serve as evidence supporting this conclusion.

Given that transplants continue both at scale and on-demand, it appears that a secondary concealed organ source is currently also being exploited.

During the same period, the Chinese Communist Party has embarked upon a large-scale campaign against Uyghur Muslims. Part of this campaign has included blood-testing, DNA typing, and the reported shipment of Uyghurs from Xinjiang to the Chinese interior by rail. Former Uyghur detainees now in exile have reported blood tests and physical examinations consistent with those necessary to establish organ health.

The coincidence of the mass internment in Xinjiang, on-going rapid organ availability in Chinese hospitals, and blood and physical tests consistent with assessing organ health, is readily explicable by the exploitation of Uyghurs for their organs.

Chinese officials treat the question of transplant volume as a state secret. When asked about it, they defecate and obfuscate. At this stage, only the CCP is in a position to put these allegations to rest.

Trump: Coronavirus is Democrats' 'new hoax' - YouTube

I still see posters denying that Trump said this. I did a USMB search before posting this thread. Trump did say this at his rally - and I wish posters would stop denying it. This pandemic crisis is extremely serious! Posters should not be posting fake news about it.

Democrats want Americans to die over the virus.

This post is just plain idiotic. ^^^^

And yet, in a other thread a democrat said he will laugh, hoping president Trump would die from the virus.

Seems they are siding with the virus over Americans. The Bill Maher school of democrats at least.
Trump did not say the virus is the hoax.

But the democrat lies indeed, are a hoax.
Trumpers all over this board said the virus was a hoax. See post # among many.
So what? I didn't and Trump didn't.

Trump was very wise to begin decoupling our economy from China. Their wet markets are a pandemic waiting to happen. They will eat anything. They are tightly crowded, the country is a pollution nightmare, everyone smokes and they don't control their sewage well.

Giving the most favored nation status, a designation previously reserved for the Free People in Democracies was an error. They are a barbaric socialist tyranny.

Evidence: China Executes Political Prisoners to Harvest Organs.


The Chinese Communist Party treats the question of transplant volume as a state secret. But evidence is emerging that suggests China’s ready supply of organs is related to the dwindling number of government dissenters.

China’s organ transplantation system appears capable of working miracles. Need a new liver? You can get one in 24 to 72 hours—for a price. To anyone familiar with the voluntary organ donation system in the United States, where the median wait time for a liver exceeds 300 days, such availability raises the question about organ sourcing.

How does the Chinese system locate, identify, and match a deceased donor within such a short timeframe?

Starting in 2000, China rapidly constructed a world-class organ transplantation system that began performing tens of thousands of transplants annually.

At first, Chinese officials claimed that all organs were from voluntary civilian donors. When this claim became untenable, they stated that organs, in fact, were harvested from death-row prisoners.

The claim that even the majority of organs could have come from death row prisoners is contradicted by the well-established decline in death-row executions from 2000 onward.

A close examination of Chinese transplant activity indicates that hospitals have been performing at least several times more transplants than even the largest estimates of death-row prisoners. Given this, Robertson provisionally concludes that the Chinese had some other organ source apart from death-row inmates.

China’s anti-Falun Gong campaign in July 1999 coincided with the rapid growth of China’s transplant industry six months later. Widely reported blood tests and physical examinations consistent with those required for organ procurement, telephone admissions by Chinese doctors, threats of organ harvesting by prison and labor camp guards, and participation in the anti-Falun Gong campaign by Chinese transplant surgeons all serve as evidence supporting this conclusion.

Given that transplants continue both at scale and on-demand, it appears that a secondary concealed organ source is currently also being exploited.

During the same period, the Chinese Communist Party has embarked upon a large-scale campaign against Uyghur Muslims. Part of this campaign has included blood-testing, DNA typing, and the reported shipment of Uyghurs from Xinjiang to the Chinese interior by rail. Former Uyghur detainees now in exile have reported blood tests and physical examinations consistent with those necessary to establish organ health.

The coincidence of the mass internment in Xinjiang, on-going rapid organ availability in Chinese hospitals, and blood and physical tests consistent with assessing organ health, is readily explicable by the exploitation of Uyghurs for their organs.

Chinese officials treat the question of transplant volume as a state secret. When asked about it, they defecate and obfuscate. At this stage, only the CCP is in a position to put these allegations to rest.

"Chinese officials treat the question of transplant volume as a state secret. When asked about it, they defecate and obfuscate."


Trump: Coronavirus is Democrats' 'new hoax' - YouTube

I still see posters denying that Trump said this. I did a USMB search before posting this thread. Trump did say this at his rally - and I wish posters would stop denying it. This pandemic crisis is extremely serious! Posters should not be posting fake news about it.

dont worry the virus will not affect you ! when its all said and done virus or no virus you will be the same old idiot you've always been ! ....oh and the hoax he's referring to is the lefts criticism of his handling of the virus.
want to anger liberals? be a patriot and defend the United States! that's exactly what Trump is doing, my friends!
Trump did not say the virus is the hoax.

But the democrat lies indeed, are a hoax.
Trumpers all over this board said the virus was a hoax. See post # among many.
So what? I didn't and Trump didn't.

Trump was very wise to begin decoupling our economy from China. Their wet markets are a pandemic waiting to happen. They will eat anything. They are tightly crowded, the country is a pollution nightmare, everyone smokes and they don't control their sewage well.

Giving the most favored nation status, a designation previously reserved for the Free People in Democracies was an error. They are a barbaric socialist tyranny.

Evidence: China Executes Political Prisoners to Harvest Organs.


The Chinese Communist Party treats the question of transplant volume as a state secret. But evidence is emerging that suggests China’s ready supply of organs is related to the dwindling number of government dissenters.

China’s organ transplantation system appears capable of working miracles. Need a new liver? You can get one in 24 to 72 hours—for a price. To anyone familiar with the voluntary organ donation system in the United States, where the median wait time for a liver exceeds 300 days, such availability raises the question about organ sourcing.

How does the Chinese system locate, identify, and match a deceased donor within such a short timeframe?

Starting in 2000, China rapidly constructed a world-class organ transplantation system that began performing tens of thousands of transplants annually.

At first, Chinese officials claimed that all organs were from voluntary civilian donors. When this claim became untenable, they stated that organs, in fact, were harvested from death-row prisoners.

The claim that even the majority of organs could have come from death row prisoners is contradicted by the well-established decline in death-row executions from 2000 onward.

A close examination of Chinese transplant activity indicates that hospitals have been performing at least several times more transplants than even the largest estimates of death-row prisoners. Given this, Robertson provisionally concludes that the Chinese had some other organ source apart from death-row inmates.

China’s anti-Falun Gong campaign in July 1999 coincided with the rapid growth of China’s transplant industry six months later. Widely reported blood tests and physical examinations consistent with those required for organ procurement, telephone admissions by Chinese doctors, threats of organ harvesting by prison and labor camp guards, and participation in the anti-Falun Gong campaign by Chinese transplant surgeons all serve as evidence supporting this conclusion.

Given that transplants continue both at scale and on-demand, it appears that a secondary concealed organ source is currently also being exploited.

During the same period, the Chinese Communist Party has embarked upon a large-scale campaign against Uyghur Muslims. Part of this campaign has included blood-testing, DNA typing, and the reported shipment of Uyghurs from Xinjiang to the Chinese interior by rail. Former Uyghur detainees now in exile have reported blood tests and physical examinations consistent with those necessary to establish organ health.

The coincidence of the mass internment in Xinjiang, on-going rapid organ availability in Chinese hospitals, and blood and physical tests consistent with assessing organ health, is readily explicable by the exploitation of Uyghurs for their organs.

Chinese officials treat the question of transplant volume as a state secret. When asked about it, they defecate and obfuscate. At this stage, only the CCP is in a position to put these allegations to rest.

Well, in view of your above post, I am somewhat confused as to why Vietnam is a "Most favored Nation" on our trading partner list....
Trump did not say the virus is the hoax.

But the democrat lies indeed, are a hoax.
Trumpers all over this board said the virus was a hoax. See post # among many.
So what? I didn't and Trump didn't.

Trump was very wise to begin decoupling our economy from China. Their wet markets are a pandemic waiting to happen. They will eat anything. They are tightly crowded, the country is a pollution nightmare, everyone smokes and they don't control their sewage well.

Giving the most favored nation status, a designation previously reserved for the Free People in Democracies was an error. They are a barbaric socialist tyranny.

Evidence: China Executes Political Prisoners to Harvest Organs.


The Chinese Communist Party treats the question of transplant volume as a state secret. But evidence is emerging that suggests China’s ready supply of organs is related to the dwindling number of government dissenters.

China’s organ transplantation system appears capable of working miracles. Need a new liver? You can get one in 24 to 72 hours—for a price. To anyone familiar with the voluntary organ donation system in the United States, where the median wait time for a liver exceeds 300 days, such availability raises the question about organ sourcing.

How does the Chinese system locate, identify, and match a deceased donor within such a short timeframe?

Starting in 2000, China rapidly constructed a world-class organ transplantation system that began performing tens of thousands of transplants annually.

At first, Chinese officials claimed that all organs were from voluntary civilian donors. When this claim became untenable, they stated that organs, in fact, were harvested from death-row prisoners.

The claim that even the majority of organs could have come from death row prisoners is contradicted by the well-established decline in death-row executions from 2000 onward.

A close examination of Chinese transplant activity indicates that hospitals have been performing at least several times more transplants than even the largest estimates of death-row prisoners. Given this, Robertson provisionally concludes that the Chinese had some other organ source apart from death-row inmates.

China’s anti-Falun Gong campaign in July 1999 coincided with the rapid growth of China’s transplant industry six months later. Widely reported blood tests and physical examinations consistent with those required for organ procurement, telephone admissions by Chinese doctors, threats of organ harvesting by prison and labor camp guards, and participation in the anti-Falun Gong campaign by Chinese transplant surgeons all serve as evidence supporting this conclusion.

Given that transplants continue both at scale and on-demand, it appears that a secondary concealed organ source is currently also being exploited.

During the same period, the Chinese Communist Party has embarked upon a large-scale campaign against Uyghur Muslims. Part of this campaign has included blood-testing, DNA typing, and the reported shipment of Uyghurs from Xinjiang to the Chinese interior by rail. Former Uyghur detainees now in exile have reported blood tests and physical examinations consistent with those necessary to establish organ health.

The coincidence of the mass internment in Xinjiang, on-going rapid organ availability in Chinese hospitals, and blood and physical tests consistent with assessing organ health, is readily explicable by the exploitation of Uyghurs for their organs.

Chinese officials treat the question of transplant volume as a state secret. When asked about it, they defecate and obfuscate. At this stage, only the CCP is in a position to put these allegations to rest.

Well, in view of your above post, I am somewhat confused as to why Vietnam is a "Most favored Nation" on our trading partner list....
Being a Free People is no longer a condition for MFN.
Trump says the coronavirus is the Democrats’ ‘new hoax’
Trump says the coronavirus is the Democrats' 'new hoax'
President Trump says that Democrats are using the virulent coronavirus as a “hoax” to damage him and his administration.

“The Democrats are politicizing the coronavirus,” he said from a campaign rally in North Charleston, South Carolina. “This is their new hoax.”

The coronavirus, which began in Wuhan, China, has now killed more than 2,800 people worldwide and infected more than 80,000.

Democratic candidates hit Trump's coronavirus 'hoax' claim
Democratic candidates hit Trump's coronavirus 'hoax' claim

The Trump administration barred a top US disease expert from speaking freely to the public after he warned the coronavirus might be impossible to contain
The Trump administration barred a top US disease expert from speaking freely to the public after he warned the coronavirus might be impossible to contain
The Trump administration has barred Dr. Anthony Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), from speaking publicly about the novel coronavirus without approval, according to The New York Times.

Fauci is one of the top experts in the US on infectious diseases, and his sober public messages have contrasted with President Donald Trump's optimistic claims about the impact of the illness.

Experts have criticized the Trump administration for effectively muzzling Fauci with the US facing its most serious public-health crisis in years.

Pence Will Control All Coronavirus Messaging From Health Officials
Pence Will Control All Coronavirus Messaging From Health Officials
The White House moved on Thursday to tighten control of coronavirus messaging by government health officials and scientists, directing them to coordinate all statements and public appearances with the office of Vice President Mike Pence, according to several officials familiar with the new approach.
At the meeting with Mr. Pence on Thursday, Dr. Fauci described the seriousness of the public health threat facing Americans, saying that “this virus has adapted extremely well to human species” and noting that it appeared to have a higher mortality rate than influenza.

“We are dealing with a serious virus,” Dr. Fauci said.

Dr. Fauci has told associates that the White House had instructed him not to say anything else without clearance.

Pence's office placed in charge of coronavirus messaging
Pence's office placed in charge of coronavirus messaging - CNNPolitics

Stephen Miller’s New Wife Is In Charge Of Approving Coronavirus Communications
Stephen Miller’s New Wife Is In Charge Of Approving Coronavirus Communications
Trump says the coronavirus is the Democrats’ ‘new hoax’
Trump says the coronavirus is the Democrats' 'new hoax'
President Trump says that Democrats are using the virulent coronavirus as a “hoax” to damage him and his administration.

“The Democrats are politicizing the coronavirus,” he said from a campaign rally in North Charleston, South Carolina. “This is their new hoax.”

The coronavirus, which began in Wuhan, China, has now killed more than 2,800 people worldwide and infected more than 80,000.

Democratic candidates hit Trump's coronavirus 'hoax' claim
Democratic candidates hit Trump's coronavirus 'hoax' claim

old news and a sign of severe TDS
Drumpfs a fucking idiot that thinks everyone is dumber than he is. This silly fucker sat there a told a bold face lie. The sad thing is his band of merry idiots will believe it and call the proof fake news.

Trump: Coronavirus is Democrats' 'new hoax' - YouTube

I still see posters denying that Trump said this. I did a USMB search before posting this thread. Trump did say this at his rally - and I wish posters would stop denying it. This pandemic crisis is extremely serious! Posters should not be posting fake news about it.

But conservatives are going to continue to propagate this and other Trump lies regardless – it’s all they’ve got.

I agree. Are they really that evil - or just really stupid?

That from the butthurt moron who has posted about 50,000 pictures on another thread.

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