Is the GOP wanting us to stay in Iraq different than Russian in the Ukraine?



We invaded Iraq.

We destroyed their government.

We disbanded their army.

We installed a new "Islam" based government friends with Iran.

They asked us to leave and we did. What else could be do.

Republicans feel we should still be there as an occupying and heavily armed military force.

The Ukraine doesn't want the Russian military in their country.

Why is it OK for us but not for Russia. After all, Iraq never asked us. We weren't invited. Iraq is on the other side of the world from us. The Ukraine is right on Russia's border. How come Russia has less right than us. How do we know they didn't see weapons in the Ukraine as a threat? Even then, so what? What gives us the right to run the world?
Hus refused to follow the treaties set forth and brought on (while we are there, lets get rid of Saddam) so we got rid of a murderous tyrant.

we rebuilt what war breaks, like any moral society would do.

russia invaded for b/c they knew no one would do anything b/c they wanted more land and resources.

It's very different with anyone that can think clearly
The USA is "us", everyone else is "them" and therefore not subject to the same standards. Only America is allowed to be imperialist.
The USA is "us", everyone else is "them" and therefore not subject to the same standards. Only America is allowed to be imperialist.

I think the world leader Putin might have something to say about that far left propaganda you just posted.
The USA is "us", everyone else is "them" and therefore not subject to the same standards. Only America is allowed to be imperialist.

im·pe·ri·al·ism [im-peer-ee-uh-liz-uhm] Show IPA
the policy of extending the rule or authority of an empire or nation over foreign countries, or of acquiring and holding colonies and dependencies.
advocacy of imperial or sovereign interests over the interests of the dependent states.
imperial government; rule by an emperor or empress.
an imperial system of government.
British . the policy of so uniting the separate parts of an empire with separate governments as to secure for certain purposes a single state.

I'd like a link to the last country we took over and made into a territory or state.

Or anything that proves your bullshit claim.

thank you
Hus refused to follow the treaties set forth and brought on (while we are there, lets get rid of Saddam) so we got rid of a murderous tyrant.

we rebuilt what war breaks, like any moral society would do.

russia invaded for b/c they knew no one would do anything b/c they wanted more land and resources.

It's very different with anyone that can think clearly

No one in Iraq invited us there. Why there and not Cuba or North Korea?

And who gives us the right to decide? Besides, if Republicans had understood that religious war had been going on in that area for over a thousand years and they actually knew the difference between Shiite and Sunni and that they would be creating a sister State for Iran, would they still have done it?
The USA is "us", everyone else is "them" and therefore not subject to the same standards. Only America is allowed to be imperialist.

im·pe·ri·al·ism [im-peer-ee-uh-liz-uhm] Show IPA
the policy of extending the rule or authority of an empire or nation over foreign countries, or of acquiring and holding colonies and dependencies.
advocacy of imperial or sovereign interests over the interests of the dependent states.
imperial government; rule by an emperor or empress.
an imperial system of government.
British . the policy of so uniting the separate parts of an empire with separate governments as to secure for certain purposes a single state.

I'd like a link to the last country we took over and made into a territory or state.

Or anything that proves your bullshit claim.

thank you

When you go into another country uninvited, destroy their government and set up the one YOU think they should have, you don't need to make them into an actual territory. Try to figure out why.
We invaded Iraq.

We destroyed their government.

We disbanded their army.

We installed a new "Islam" based government friends with Iran.

They asked us to leave and we did. What else could be do.

Republicans feel we should still be there as an occupying and heavily armed military force.

The Ukraine doesn't want the Russian military in their country.

Why is it OK for us but not for Russia. After all, Iraq never asked us. We weren't invited. Iraq is on the other side of the world from us. The Ukraine is right on Russia's border. How come Russia has less right than us. How do we know they didn't see weapons in the Ukraine as a threat? Even then, so what? What gives us the right to run the world?

You had some straw hidden, I see.
The USA is "us", everyone else is "them" and therefore not subject to the same standards. Only America is allowed to be imperialist.

im·pe·ri·al·ism [im-peer-ee-uh-liz-uhm] Show IPA
the policy of extending the rule or authority of an empire or nation over foreign countries, or of acquiring and holding colonies and dependencies.
advocacy of imperial or sovereign interests over the interests of the dependent states.
imperial government; rule by an emperor or empress.
an imperial system of government.
British . the policy of so uniting the separate parts of an empire with separate governments as to secure for certain purposes a single state.

I'd like a link to the last country we took over and made into a territory or state.

Or anything that proves your bullshit claim.

thank you

Every time we extend our power beyond our borders for the purpose of "protecting our interests" we practice imperialism. You're welcome.
Hus refused to follow the treaties set forth and brought on (while we are there, lets get rid of Saddam) so we got rid of a murderous tyrant.

we rebuilt what war breaks, like any moral society would do.

russia invaded for b/c they knew no one would do anything b/c they wanted more land and resources.

It's very different with anyone that can think clearly

No one in Iraq invited us there. Why there and not Cuba or North Korea?

And who gives us the right to decide? Besides, if Republicans had understood that religious war had been going on in that area for over a thousand years and they actually knew the difference between Shiite and Sunni and that they would be creating a sister State for Iran, would they still have done it?

They did ask us, after Desert Shield/Storm.

and again, you are changing the subject of your own thread to avoid admitting your wrong in your op

quell surprise.
Hus refused to follow the treaties set forth and brought on (while we are there, lets get rid of Saddam) so we got rid of a murderous tyrant.

we rebuilt what war breaks, like any moral society would do.

russia invaded for b/c they knew no one would do anything b/c they wanted more land and resources.

It's very different with anyone that can think clearly

Are you lying or you don't know or are you guessing? Obama followed the treaty signed by President Bush. If you are going to post here, know what you're are talking about:

Iraqi Prime Minister Says U.S. Forces Must Leave On Time - WSJ

BAGHDAD—Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki ruled out the presence of any U.S. troops in Iraq after the end of 2011, saying his new government and the country's security forces were capable of confronting any remaining threats to Iraq's security, sovereignty and unity.


They never wanted us there and after we got there, they wanted us gone.
Hus refused to follow the treaties set forth and brought on (while we are there, lets get rid of Saddam) so we got rid of a murderous tyrant.

we rebuilt what war breaks, like any moral society would do.

russia invaded for b/c they knew no one would do anything b/c they wanted more land and resources.

It's very different with anyone that can think clearly

No one in Iraq invited us there. Why there and not Cuba or North Korea?

And who gives us the right to decide? Besides, if Republicans had understood that religious war had been going on in that area for over a thousand years and they actually knew the difference between Shiite and Sunni and that they would be creating a sister State for Iran, would they still have done it?

They did ask us, after Desert Shield/Storm.

and again, you are changing the subject of your own thread to avoid admitting your wrong in your op

quell surprise.

This isn't about Desert Storm. So stop trying to change the subject.
The USA is "us", everyone else is "them" and therefore not subject to the same standards. Only America is allowed to be imperialist.

im·pe·ri·al·ism [im-peer-ee-uh-liz-uhm] Show IPA
the policy of extending the rule or authority of an empire or nation over foreign countries, or of acquiring and holding colonies and dependencies.
advocacy of imperial or sovereign interests over the interests of the dependent states.
imperial government; rule by an emperor or empress.
an imperial system of government.
British . the policy of so uniting the separate parts of an empire with separate governments as to secure for certain purposes a single state.

I'd like a link to the last country we took over and made into a territory or state.

Or anything that proves your bullshit claim.

thank you

Every time we extend our power beyond our borders for the purpose of "protecting our interests" we practice imperialism. You're welcome.


and what was our interest in Iraq?

don't say 'oil' b/c that's been debunked.
We invaded Iraq.

We destroyed their government.

We disbanded their army.

We installed a new "Islam" based government friends with Iran.

They asked us to leave and we did. What else could be do.

Republicans feel we should still be there as an occupying and heavily armed military force.

The Ukraine doesn't want the Russian military in their country.

Why is it OK for us but not for Russia. After all, Iraq never asked us. We weren't invited. Iraq is on the other side of the world from us. The Ukraine is right on Russia's border. How come Russia has less right than us. How do we know they didn't see weapons in the Ukraine as a threat? Even then, so what? What gives us the right to run the world?

You had some straw hidden, I see.

That's all ya got? Pretty pathetic, I must say.
The USA is "us", everyone else is "them" and therefore not subject to the same standards. Only America is allowed to be imperialist.

im·pe·ri·al·ism [im-peer-ee-uh-liz-uhm] Show IPA
the policy of extending the rule or authority of an empire or nation over foreign countries, or of acquiring and holding colonies and dependencies.
advocacy of imperial or sovereign interests over the interests of the dependent states.
imperial government; rule by an emperor or empress.
an imperial system of government.
British . the policy of so uniting the separate parts of an empire with separate governments as to secure for certain purposes a single state.

I'd like a link to the last country we took over and made into a territory or state.

Or anything that proves your bullshit claim.

thank you

When you go into another country uninvited, destroy their government and set up the one YOU think they should have, you don't need to make them into an actual territory. Try to figure out why.

we didn't force any kind of government upon them.

but keep lying, you think it's your forte, but you suck at it.
Hus refused to follow the treaties set forth and brought on (while we are there, lets get rid of Saddam) so we got rid of a murderous tyrant.

we rebuilt what war breaks, like any moral society would do.

russia invaded for b/c they knew no one would do anything b/c they wanted more land and resources.

It's very different with anyone that can think clearly

Are you lying or you don't know or are you guessing? Obama followed the treaty signed by President Bush. If you are going to post here, know what you're are talking about:

Iraqi Prime Minister Says U.S. Forces Must Leave On Time - WSJ

BAGHDAD—Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki ruled out the presence of any U.S. troops in Iraq after the end of 2011, saying his new government and the country's security forces were capable of confronting any remaining threats to Iraq's security, sovereignty and unity.


They never wanted us there and after we got there, they wanted us gone.

Are you trying to say that the same people that wanted us to invade and kill sadam during DS/S didn't want us to kill him later?

im·pe·ri·al·ism [im-peer-ee-uh-liz-uhm] Show IPA
the policy of extending the rule or authority of an empire or nation over foreign countries, or of acquiring and holding colonies and dependencies.
advocacy of imperial or sovereign interests over the interests of the dependent states.
imperial government; rule by an emperor or empress.
an imperial system of government.
British . the policy of so uniting the separate parts of an empire with separate governments as to secure for certain purposes a single state.

I'd like a link to the last country we took over and made into a territory or state.

Or anything that proves your bullshit claim.

thank you

Every time we extend our power beyond our borders for the purpose of "protecting our interests" we practice imperialism. You're welcome.


and what was our interest in Iraq?

don't say 'oil' b/c that's been debunked.

Debunked? Hardly.

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