Is The Impeachment Hearing A Jew Coup ???


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018
WATCH: Christian TV Host Calls Impeachment Efforts A “Jew Coup” |

"The founder of TruNews, a fundamentalist Christian platform that regularly releases anti-Semitic, Islamophobic and homophobic videos, has raged against a “Jew coup” behind efforts to impeach US President Donald Trump ...The channel’s founder and host Pastor Rick Wiles is widely known for his anti-Semitic conspiracy theories, but despite that has been coddled by the White House." <<-- as in, they gave them an official press pass...

Basically, Rick Wiles is an anti-Semite -- but apparently, you can get away with being a blatant Anti-Semite if you claim you are a Trump supporter....Can you imagine if the owner of the Washington Post, AP News or any other major news outlet -- referred to anything as a Jew coup?? Trumpers would be having full body seizures of fake outrage....but this is the news outlet that Trump gives a press pass to?

“That’s the way the Jews work, they are deceivers, they plot, they lie, they do whatever they have to do to accomplish their political agenda,” Wiles said during his show broadcast last Friday, this ‘impeach Trump’ movement is a Jew coup and the American people better wake up to it really fast because this thing is moving now toward a vote in the House and then a trial in the Senate. We could have a trial before Christmas,' Wiles said, predicting a civil war within a month."

When you Trumpers get your panties in a bunch because people say that most white supremacists align with Trump because they think he aligns with their white supremacist views, this is why they think that...and also, why do you Trumpers opine over a Civil War so much?? The last Civil War was fought over slavery -- are you saying the second Civil War will be fought because of a handful of butthurt Trumpers?? FOH!
Rick Wiles is an uncommonly stupid person.
Rick Wiles is an uncommonly stupid person.
but his news organization still gets a fancy press pass.....

I wonder when the Final Call will get them a press pass....


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