Is the Jack Smith indictment of Donald Trump "Election Interference"? (Poll)

Is Jack Smith's indictment of Trump in the 2024 presidential election cycle election interference?

  • Yes

    Votes: 54 60.7%
  • No

    Votes: 35 39.3%

  • Total voters
Donald Trump is a leading presidential candidate for the 2024 election.

By indicting Trump now Jack Smith is potentially removing the leading 2024 presidential candidate from voters.

Can the judge postpone or dismiss the indictment charges to be sure that the electorate can vote for their preferred president?

Lets take a poll, especially considering the past democrat charges against Trump (Russian collusion, the Steele Dossier, Operations Crossfire-Hurricane and Crossfire Razor, the FBI Gestapo paying Twitter & FB to censor the Biden laptop story, the CIA lying about the laptop calling it Russian Disinformation scamming 2020 voters, and the MSM's constant 95% negative coverage of Trump, but covering up for Biden, etc. You all know that "the LAW" is being subverted in favor of democrats.
Justice cannot be denied because an indicted individual attempts to use candidacy as an exemption.

In America, no one is above the law, and placing one's name on a ballot does not constitute legal immunity.

Such a ruse could be exploited by every miscreant seeking to evade due process.
They did, it was the FPOTUS that didn't.

Why go to the expense of acquiring new storage. Documents from the Trump Administration are being stored at a NARA facility near D.C. That could be using an existing facility or it may have been newly rented, I don't know.

I be live you are referring to the acquisition of the Hoffman Estates as an NARA storage facility outside Chicago. That is because that is the site of the future Obama Presidential Library so the records were retained under NARA control and custody and located near where the library will be.

#45 FPOTUS has shown no indication of establishing the non-profit organization that will actually build a library in his name so there is no location near a library that doesn't exist or is even planned to ship the documents to.

The location where past Presidents documents end up is near their library NOT where the ex-President lives. Again using Obama as an example. The library will be in Chicago since he was a Senator for Illinois, however after leaving the Oval Office I believe he purchased homes in Hawaii and Massachusetts but the administration records when to an NARA facility in Illinios.

There are reports that President's since Ronald Reagan have "mishandled" documents, according to NARA...And, I read something some time ago where NARA with every President has set up a facility in the former President's home area where Presidential documents are to be stored....This wasn't done in Trump's case. Why?

Then there is the manner in which this has unfolded....MAL was raided under armed FBI agents, to recover records that they already knew were there, and instructed Trump staff to secure....Not needed....This was a show....While at the same time allowing Biden lawyers to go through, and hand over the classified records he had, without a raid, and with NO oversight as to what the lawyers were doing....Why the double standard?

Sorry WW, this stinks, and is a degradation of our system of government and oversight...
Justice cannot be denied because an indicted individual attempts to use candidacy as an exemption.

In America, no one is above the law, and placing one's name on a ballot does not constitute legal immunity.

Such a ruse could be exploited by every miscreant seeking to evade due process.
Trump is running to stay OUT of prison. Thinks he can pardon himself. Trump should be denied bail as a domestic terrorist, he'll get people killed with his mouth by the time this is over.
You mean NARA was supposed to aacquire a storage building to prevent Trump from ripping off top secret documents & storing them in boxes in a shithouse at his private club? The same documents that your boy REFUSED to return?
Well, in short, yes....The sheer amount of documents we are talking about, and the past actions that NARA HAS done with these matters say so....But beyond that, the National records act is NOT a criminal statute, so this shouldn't be a federal prosecution...
Well, in short, yes....The sheer amount of documents we are talking about, and the past actions that NARA HAS done with these matters say so....But beyond that, the National records act is NOT a criminal statute, so this shouldn't be a federal prosecution...

If you read the indictment you would know he was not changed under the NRA
Justice cannot be denied because an indicted individual attempts to use candidacy as an exemption.
In America, no one is above the law, and placing one's name on a ballot does not constitute legal immunity.
Such a ruse could be exploited by every miscreant seeking to evade due process.
Totally agree that running for office is NOT a get out of jail free card.
BUT, when Trump is the leading candidate in 2024 polls, IMHO the judge needs to weigh that fact in any potential plea deal.

I'd like to see Trump get the same treatment as Hillary, where he pleads to "being careless" with classified documents, pays the fines, and then gets back to running.
There are reports that President's since Ronald Reagan have "mishandled" documents, according to NARA...

And the ones that you are hearing those "reports" from are the Trump alarmists.

And, I read something some time ago where NARA with every President has set up a facility in the former President's home area where Presidential documents are to be stored....This wasn't done in Trump's case. Why?

This is false. Not near the ex-President's home, but near the ex-Presidents Presidential Libary. That documents were moved and stored is correct.

But #45 FPOTUS has taken NO action on setting up a Presidential Library so the NARA is storing them in the D.C. area.

If #45 FPOTUS wants them moved, setup a Presidential Library in Palm Beach FL, and the NARA will co-locate the documents just like past ex-Presidents.

Then there is the manner in which this has unfolded....MAL was raided under armed FBI agents, to recover records that they already knew were there, and instructed Trump staff to secure....

18 Months of stonewalling on #45 FPOTUS to return government property and classified documents. The FPOTUS was handled with kid gloves, his problems are all his in the making because he felt the rules and the law didn't apply to him.

Well, in short, yes....The sheer amount of documents we are talking about, and the past actions that NARA HAS done with these matters say so....But beyond that, the National records act is NOT a criminal statute, so this shouldn't be a federal prosecution...
A former prez stole classified docs, concealed the theft, obstructed an investigation in to the theft, and that shouldn't be prosecuted by the DoJ?
He was AG dumbass. That is the top US lawyer in case you don't know.
He was an epically unqualified acting AG who disgraced the office. The reason he was selected for the job was the same one Barr was selected, an opposition to Mueller's investigation.
No offense, but I'll take AG Whitaker's interpretation of the law over yours.
This case is about presidential records, all presidential records are covered by the PRA.

However, AG Barr said that whatever McCarthy told Smith means that Trump is toast. So Trump better take a plea deal or spend prison time.
I’ll take the interpretation of a nonpartisan prosecutor with a long exceedingly successful career over the ACTING AG Whitaker (whose appointment may not have even been legal since he was holding a cabinet job without having been confirmed by the Senate).

Whitaker is a partisan hack who got his job as acting AG specifically because he was a partisan hack.

You shouldn’t keep these facts in mind before believing someone just because they say what you want to hear.
You again. Let me make this easy for your cuck ass.
Point out the post...or stop talking in circles and pulling your usual MO.

I'll give you one chance.

Impress me.
Do you want to see your posts where you claim the standard required for something to be election interference is preventing someone from running for office?

Here are a few, Assbreath.

No. Since being indicted does not prevent him from running for President.

Yeah. You'll have to bring it home Smushy. Still not seeing your point.
You asked if the Russians interfered in the 2016 election. They did.
Now back to the OP, is Trump prevented from running for President?
If you read the indictment you would know he was not changed under the NRA
Come on Gator, at this point everyone is fully aware of the indictment...

The bottom line is that every President since Reagan has been allowed to negotiate their retention of documents with NARA...In this case, they refused to negotiate in good faith. Not only that, but I think they purposely didn't set up a storage facility so that Trump would have to store these records in his residence....

You can say what you want, but I believe this whole thing is not only political, but in a Banana Republic kind of way, setting the stage for a sitting President to jail their political opposition....After all, it is what you want....Sad.

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