Is the Joe Biden 'Train' Even Going to Make It To The 'Station' For Election Day?

Ah...the sweet smell of desperation. :) The whole unmasking thing flopped. So let's move on to Burisma. Isn't this your third thread on this topic just today?
You hoping repetition is the mother of retention? Sorry. Still, no one cares except you right wing nutters. Why? Because Hunter Biden isn't running for President.
But feel free to keep flinging poo. Each piece that lands makes the margin of victory for Democrats on November 3rd..that much bigger.

EDIT - Sorry, it wasn't you. Just seems like this is the like the billionth thread on this in the last two days.
Hunter isn't going to be president and neither is Joe, who is filmed boasting how he got the prosecutor off the case of Hunter in the Ukraine.
You got a few more weeks to live in that dreamworld. Trump is in a tailspin. It’s actually starting to look sad as he desperately tries and find a smear narrative that will stick
Yer Shittin me?
No, that’s all real... clean your glasses and watch. You’re living in a bubble of lies and reality is about to smack down hard
I don't wear glasses, so we're off to a bad start.
Hmmm, maybe you need a pair
That was damned this will be over with soon.
Yes I agree with you there.... Cheers to that!
Slade, you dont see anything criminal in his behavior
I honestly have not heard one criminal action. I’ve seen many do back bends and twist pretzels to make something sound nefarious but those narratives don’t line up with reality.

I’m also not an expert on these kind of laws. Is it illegal for the child of a politician to introduce business associates to their father? If so then that could be something. But beyond that the lack of action from Barr and the DOJ after the intense spotlight Rudy and Trump and the right wing media have put on this... well that tells me that there’s nothing there. Why aren’t you getting that message as well?
It is illegal for a son of a prominent person to introduce his father to a business man from another country to do business. The son would have to register as a foreign agent. The money that passes through to all is called quid pro quo, or a favor for a favor.
Apparently old Joe was at the wrong station when he slurred that he was running for the senate.
The Biden campaign hunkered down in Joe's basement today after learning of the bombshell report about Hunter Biden e-mails undeniably linking Joe Biden with Burisma before heading to Ukraine and Extorting the former Ukraine PM to fire their top Prosecutor who was investing gating both Burisma and hunter Biden.

If true, this proves Joe Biden committed Perjury, that he knew what his son was doing, that he did meet with Burisma, and that the reason he extorted the former Ukraine PM, as per his videotaped confession, was to protect his son

Add the fact that Burisma officials just testified in another investigation how they BRIBED THE BIDENS, and the Demorats find themselves, once again - just like 2016, with a candidate who should be in jail on election day rather than con a ballot!

SSDE - Same Shit, Different Election.
Senate probing newly emerged emails, purport to show Hunter Biden linking VP dad to Ukraine exec

Senate probing newly emerged emails, purport to show Hunter Biden linking VP dad to Ukraine exec

Campaign calls another "lid" on the campaign on yet another morning of the critical stretch run. They have more "lids" than a Tupperware salesperson.

CHILDREN OF THE NOMENKLATURA: Hunter Biden demanded Chinese billionaire pay $10 million for ‘introductions alone,’ emails show. “Hunter Biden hooked up with the billionaire, Ye Jianming, chairman of the CEFC China Energy Co. conglomerate, during his father’s vice presidency.”


No wonder China thinks the US is a corrupt farce.

Hunter Biden
was receiving a $10 million annual fee from a Chinese billionaire who has been accused of corruption and with whom he sought to increase the cash flow with a joint business ownership, an August 2017 email from Mr. Biden shows.

The money was for “introductions alone,” said Mr. Biden, son of Democratic presidential nominee Joseph R. Biden. Another email to Hunter Biden from a consultant says that a 10% stake in an unnamed company will go to “the big guy?” The “big guy” was not identified. (Joe Biden?)

Hunter Biden hooked up with the billionaire, Ye Jianming, chairman of the CEFC China Energy Co. conglomerate, during his father’s vice presidency.
Slade, you dont see anything criminal in his behavior
I honestly have not heard one criminal action. I’ve seen many do back bends and twist pretzels to make something sound nefarious but those narratives don’t line up with reality.

I’m also not an expert on these kind of laws. Is it illegal for the child of a politician to introduce business associates to their father? If so then that could be something. But beyond that the lack of action from Barr and the DOJ after the intense spotlight Rudy and Trump and the right wing media have put on this... well that tells me that there’s nothing there. Why aren’t you getting that message as well?
It is illegal for a son of a prominent person to introduce his father to a business man from another country to do business. The son would have to register as a foreign agent. The money that passes through to all is called quid pro quo, or a favor for a favor.
Dems are suddenly on onboard with quid pro quos with corrupt foreign actors.
If true???? Say no more.... please... say no more

I threw that in there for the snowflakes, to give them a little hope left. :p

Papa Joe testified he knew nothing about what Hunter was doing and had never met with anyone from Burisma.

The State Dept testified under oath during Impeachment that Biden was visited by Burisma Board members - Hunter's co-workers - who used Hunter's name to get a meeting with 'Daddy', against the State Departments official and legal advice. The Rep added the Bidens should be investigated and testifying under oath.

Photos surfaced showing Biden golfing with Burisma Board Members.

Joe Biden flew to Ukraine, where he told the Ukraine PM if he did not fire their top Prosecutor - who was investigating Burisma and Hunter - within a few hours, he was getting on his plane and Ukraine would not get the millions they were promised. The PM called Bien on it, threatening to call Obama. Biden told him to call Obama, that Obama knew what he was doing. The PM caved and fired the Prosecutor. That's called 'Extortion'.

Biden was then stupid enough to give a video-taped confession in which he BRAGGED about extorting the Ukraine PM.

Now Hunter's e-mails proving all of this is in FBI hands (which probably isn't safe the way they 'lose' such evidence).

Burisma members just testified in another investigating during which they testified that they had bribed the Bidens.

This is what happens when you give your party's nomination to stupid, arrogant criminals.
Haha. I understand that Trumps campaign is bombing right now and they are saving this as their Hail Mary. I expect it to come out in right wing media 10 days prior to the election. But it’s going to fall flat. You’re narrative is full of lies and innuendo. Had laws been broken there would be action taken by Barr by now and as we’ve seen with the unmasking situation and also this Ukraine situation, you all are full tards crying wolf. But nothing real is there. Keep crying wolf though if it makes you feel better. President Biden has a few pencils to sharpen in his basement while he prepares to fix all the shit Trump messed up

Barr can't right now---if he files charges before the election, he will be accused of trying to effect the elections. Nov 4 is a different story.
On Hunter Biden, Remember The Real Story.
The last sentence is what matters. With it, the Biden campaign seemed to be flatly denying that Hunter Biden introduced Pozharskyi to Joe Biden. Of course, one could parse the meaning. For example, the statement referred only to Biden’s “official schedules.” There could not have been some sort of unofficial introduction, could there? And the statement said that no meeting “as alleged by the New York Post” ever took place. There could not have been some sort of introduction that did not fit the allegation in the New York Post, could there? Certainly the Biden campaign would not make a lawyerly, evasive statement like that, would it?
They are spinning/parsing, non-denial, denials.
The answer is not clear. Especially after Politico reported: “Biden’s campaign would not rule out the possibility that the former VP had some kind of informal interaction with Pozharskyi, which wouldn’t appear on Biden’s official schedule. But they said any encounter would have been cursory. Pozharskyi did not respond to a request for comment.”
That's some pretty careful "denying".
Oh. That reporting, if accurate, made the situation a bit murkier. Perhaps there had been an “informal” interaction between the elder Biden and Pozharskyi, but it would just have been “cursory.” In other words, the New York Post article, banned by social media, denounced by many journalists, might be accurate.
I’d be shocked if it weren’t. Look how scared all the Democrat satraps are.
If true???? Say no more.... please... say no more

I threw that in there for the snowflakes, to give them a little hope left. :p

Papa Joe testified he knew nothing about what Hunter was doing and had never met with anyone from Burisma.

The State Dept testified under oath during Impeachment that Biden was visited by Burisma Board members - Hunter's co-workers - who used Hunter's name to get a meeting with 'Daddy', against the State Departments official and legal advice. The Rep added the Bidens should be investigated and testifying under oath.

Photos surfaced showing Biden golfing with Burisma Board Members.

Joe Biden flew to Ukraine, where he told the Ukraine PM if he did not fire their top Prosecutor - who was investigating Burisma and Hunter - within a few hours, he was getting on his plane and Ukraine would not get the millions they were promised. The PM called Bien on it, threatening to call Obama. Biden told him to call Obama, that Obama knew what he was doing. The PM caved and fired the Prosecutor. That's called 'Extortion'.

Biden was then stupid enough to give a video-taped confession in which he BRAGGED about extorting the Ukraine PM.

Now Hunter's e-mails proving all of this is in FBI hands (which probably isn't safe the way they 'lose' such evidence).

Burisma members just testified in another investigating during which they testified that they had bribed the Bidens.

This is what happens when you give your party's nomination to stupid, arrogant criminals.
Haha. I understand that Trumps campaign is bombing right now and they are saving this as their Hail Mary. I expect it to come out in right wing media 10 days prior to the election. But it’s going to fall flat. You’re narrative is full of lies and innuendo. Had laws been broken there would be action taken by Barr by now and as we’ve seen with the unmasking situation and also this Ukraine situation, you all are full tards crying wolf. But nothing real is there. Keep crying wolf though if it makes you feel better. President Biden has a few pencils to sharpen in his basement while he prepares to fix all the shit Trump messed up

Barr can't right now---if he files charges before the election, he will be accused of trying to effect the elections. Nov 4 is a different story.
He could have file charges a year ago if there was anything there. Thing is... there’s nothing there. Read the report the Republican lead senate Committee wrote
Slade, you dont see anything criminal in his behavior
I honestly have not heard one criminal action. I’ve seen many do back bends and twist pretzels to make something sound nefarious but those narratives don’t line up with reality.

I’m also not an expert on these kind of laws. Is it illegal for the child of a politician to introduce business associates to their father? If so then that could be something. But beyond that the lack of action from Barr and the DOJ after the intense spotlight Rudy and Trump and the right wing media have put on this... well that tells me that there’s nothing there. Why aren’t you getting that message as well?
It is illegal for a son of a prominent person to introduce his father to a business man from another country to do business. The son would have to register as a foreign agent. The money that passes through to all is called quid pro quo, or a favor for a favor.
What business did Joe do with this guy? You have zero evidence to support anything you claim and those who have the intel have said there is nothing there. #Desperation
The Biden campaign hunkered down in Joe's basement today after learning of the bombshell report about Hunter Biden e-mails undeniably linking Joe Biden with Burisma before heading to Ukraine and Extorting the former Ukraine PM to fire their top Prosecutor who was investing gating both Burisma and hunter Biden.

If true, this proves Joe Biden committed Perjury, that he knew what his son was doing, that he did meet with Burisma, and that the reason he extorted the former Ukraine PM, as per his videotaped confession, was to protect his son

Add the fact that Burisma officials just testified in another investigation how they BRIBED THE BIDENS, and the Demorats find themselves, once again - just like 2016, with a candidate who should be in jail on election day rather than con a ballot!

SSDE - Same Shit, Different Election.
Senate probing newly emerged emails, purport to show Hunter Biden linking VP dad to Ukraine exec

Senate probing newly emerged emails, purport to show Hunter Biden linking VP dad to Ukraine exec

Campaign calls another "lid" on the campaign on yet another morning of the critical stretch run. They have more "lids" than a Tupperware salesperson.

CHILDREN OF THE NOMENKLATURA: Hunter Biden demanded Chinese billionaire pay $10 million for ‘introductions alone,’ emails show. “Hunter Biden hooked up with the billionaire, Ye Jianming, chairman of the CEFC China Energy Co. conglomerate, during his father’s vice presidency.”

No wonder China thinks the US is a corrupt farce.
Hunter Biden was receiving a $10 million annual fee from a Chinese billionaire who has been accused of corruption and with whom he sought to increase the cash flow with a joint business ownership, an August 2017 email from Mr. Biden shows.

The money was for “introductions alone,” said Mr. Biden, son of Democratic presidential nominee Joseph R. Biden. Another email to Hunter Biden from a consultant says that a 10% stake in an unnamed company will go to “the big guy?” The “big guy” was not identified. (Joe Biden?)

Hunter Biden hooked up with the billionaire, Ye Jianming, chairman of the CEFC China Energy Co. conglomerate, during his father’s vice presidency.
Hahahaha. “Hunter demanded 10 million for introduction”?!?! What horsecrap. Please show a whisper of evidence to support that idiotic claim
Ah...the sweet smell of desperation. :) The whole unmasking thing flopped. So let's move on to Burisma. Isn't this your third thread on this topic just today?
You hoping repetition is the mother of retention? Sorry. Still, no one cares except you right wing nutters. Why? Because Hunter Biden isn't running for President.
But feel free to keep flinging poo. Each piece that lands makes the margin of victory for Democrats on November 3rd..that much bigger.

EDIT - Sorry, it wasn't you. Just seems like this is the like the billionth thread on this in the last two days.
Hunter isn't going to be president and neither is Joe, who is filmed boasting how he got the prosecutor off the case of Hunter in the Ukraine.
You got a few more weeks to live in that dreamworld. Trump is in a tailspin. It’s actually starting to look sad as he desperately tries and find a smear narrative that will stick
How many chinese dollars do they pay you?
Slade, you dont see anything criminal in his behavior
I honestly have not heard one criminal action. I’ve seen many do back bends and twist pretzels to make something sound nefarious but those narratives don’t line up with reality.

I’m also not an expert on these kind of laws. Is it illegal for the child of a politician to introduce business associates to their father? If so then that could be something. But beyond that the lack of action from Barr and the DOJ after the intense spotlight Rudy and Trump and the right wing media have put on this... well that tells me that there’s nothing there. Why aren’t you getting that message as well?
It is illegal for a son of a prominent person to introduce his father to a business man from another country to do business. The son would have to register as a foreign agent. The money that passes through to all is called quid pro quo, or a favor for a favor.
What business did Joe do with this guy? You have zero evidence to support anything you claim and those who have the intel have said there is nothing there. #Desperation
Because the business is not mentioned in the email along with its address means nothing is there? #Desperation lol.
The Biden campaign hunkered down in Joe's basement today after learning of the bombshell report about Hunter Biden e-mails undeniably linking Joe Biden with Burisma before heading to Ukraine and Extorting the former Ukraine PM to fire their top Prosecutor who was investing gating both Burisma and hunter Biden.

If true, this proves Joe Biden committed Perjury, that he knew what his son was doing, that he did meet with Burisma, and that the reason he extorted the former Ukraine PM, as per his videotaped confession, was to protect his son

Add the fact that Burisma officials just testified in another investigation how they BRIBED THE BIDENS, and the Demorats find themselves, once again - just like 2016, with a candidate who should be in jail on election day rather than con a ballot!

SSDE - Same Shit, Different Election.
Senate probing newly emerged emails, purport to show Hunter Biden linking VP dad to Ukraine exec

Senate probing newly emerged emails, purport to show Hunter Biden linking VP dad to Ukraine exec

Campaign calls another "lid" on the campaign on yet another morning of the critical stretch run. They have more "lids" than a Tupperware salesperson.

CHILDREN OF THE NOMENKLATURA: Hunter Biden demanded Chinese billionaire pay $10 million for ‘introductions alone,’ emails show. “Hunter Biden hooked up with the billionaire, Ye Jianming, chairman of the CEFC China Energy Co. conglomerate, during his father’s vice presidency.”

No wonder China thinks the US is a corrupt farce.
Hunter Biden was receiving a $10 million annual fee from a Chinese billionaire who has been accused of corruption and with whom he sought to increase the cash flow with a joint business ownership, an August 2017 email from Mr. Biden shows.

The money was for “introductions alone,” said Mr. Biden, son of Democratic presidential nominee Joseph R. Biden. Another email to Hunter Biden from a consultant says that a 10% stake in an unnamed company will go to “the big guy?” The “big guy” was not identified. (Joe Biden?)

Hunter Biden hooked up with the billionaire, Ye Jianming, chairman of the CEFC China Energy Co. conglomerate, during his father’s vice presidency.
Hahahaha. “Hunter demanded 10 million for introduction”?!?! What horsecrap. Please show a whisper of evidence to support that idiotic claim
The emails are a pretty loud whisper.
Slade, you dont see anything criminal in his behavior
I honestly have not heard one criminal action. I’ve seen many do back bends and twist pretzels to make something sound nefarious but those narratives don’t line up with reality.

I’m also not an expert on these kind of laws. Is it illegal for the child of a politician to introduce business associates to their father? If so then that could be something. But beyond that the lack of action from Barr and the DOJ after the intense spotlight Rudy and Trump and the right wing media have put on this... well that tells me that there’s nothing there. Why aren’t you getting that message as well?
It is illegal for a son of a prominent person to introduce his father to a business man from another country to do business. The son would have to register as a foreign agent. The money that passes through to all is called quid pro quo, or a favor for a favor.
What business did Joe do with this guy? You have zero evidence to support anything you claim and those who have the intel have said there is nothing there. #Desperation
No one here has any evidence of anything. You have no evidence of anything, period. You and I are not part of any investigative law enabled body and therefore we could not have any proof of anything. If we did, posting it on here would cost us our jobs at the very least. So, study this post, let it sink in to whatever passes for a mind you have, and in the future stop being so fucking stupid. Goes for the rest of you vermin too.
The Biden campaign hunkered down in Joe's basement today after learning of the bombshell report about Hunter Biden e-mails undeniably linking Joe Biden with Burisma before heading to Ukraine and Extorting the former Ukraine PM to fire their top Prosecutor who was investing gating both Burisma and hunter Biden.

If true, this proves Joe Biden committed Perjury, that he knew what his son was doing, that he did meet with Burisma, and that the reason he extorted the former Ukraine PM, as per his videotaped confession, was to protect his son

Add the fact that Burisma officials just testified in another investigation how they BRIBED THE BIDENS, and the Demorats find themselves, once again - just like 2016, with a candidate who should be in jail on election day rather than con a ballot!

SSDE - Same Shit, Different Election.
Senate probing newly emerged emails, purport to show Hunter Biden linking VP dad to Ukraine exec

Senate probing newly emerged emails, purport to show Hunter Biden linking VP dad to Ukraine exec

Campaign calls another "lid" on the campaign on yet another morning of the critical stretch run. They have more "lids" than a Tupperware salesperson.

CHILDREN OF THE NOMENKLATURA: Hunter Biden demanded Chinese billionaire pay $10 million for ‘introductions alone,’ emails show. “Hunter Biden hooked up with the billionaire, Ye Jianming, chairman of the CEFC China Energy Co. conglomerate, during his father’s vice presidency.”

No wonder China thinks the US is a corrupt farce.
Hunter Biden was receiving a $10 million annual fee from a Chinese billionaire who has been accused of corruption and with whom he sought to increase the cash flow with a joint business ownership, an August 2017 email from Mr. Biden shows.

The money was for “introductions alone,” said Mr. Biden, son of Democratic presidential nominee Joseph R. Biden. Another email to Hunter Biden from a consultant says that a 10% stake in an unnamed company will go to “the big guy?” The “big guy” was not identified. (Joe Biden?)

Hunter Biden hooked up with the billionaire, Ye Jianming, chairman of the CEFC China Energy Co. conglomerate, during his father’s vice presidency.
Hahahaha. “Hunter demanded 10 million for introduction”?!?! What horsecrap. Please show a whisper of evidence to support that idiotic claim
The emails are a pretty loud whisper.
No they aren’t. Show where there’s anything that proves what you claim
Slade, you dont see anything criminal in his behavior
I honestly have not heard one criminal action. I’ve seen many do back bends and twist pretzels to make something sound nefarious but those narratives don’t line up with reality.

I’m also not an expert on these kind of laws. Is it illegal for the child of a politician to introduce business associates to their father? If so then that could be something. But beyond that the lack of action from Barr and the DOJ after the intense spotlight Rudy and Trump and the right wing media have put on this... well that tells me that there’s nothing there. Why aren’t you getting that message as well?
It is illegal for a son of a prominent person to introduce his father to a business man from another country to do business. The son would have to register as a foreign agent. The money that passes through to all is called quid pro quo, or a favor for a favor.
What business did Joe do with this guy? You have zero evidence to support anything you claim and those who have the intel have said there is nothing there. #Desperation
No one here has any evidence of anything. You have no evidence of anything, period. You and I are not part of any investigative law enabled body and therefore we could not have any proof of anything. If we did, posting it on here would cost us our jobs at the very least. So, study this post, let it sink in to whatever passes for a mind you have, and in the future stop being so fucking stupid. Goes for the rest of you vermin too.
Thank you!!! That’s what I’ve been saying. The ones that do have the evidence, the ones who investigated said there is nothing there. So why are you all pretending like there is?

I know why... it’s October and Trump is losing an election
Here is a sobering thought, does Kamala and the gang of Marxist whores want Biden gone? If so, Biden could well be impeached with help from his own party.

They don't really need him dead or impeached. He's a perfect weekend at bernies puppet for the radicals. They just run their tyranny and communism through him, keep him pumped full of mind altering drugs, drooling, and smiling and they're all set.
Slade, you dont see anything criminal in his behavior
I honestly have not heard one criminal action. I’ve seen many do back bends and twist pretzels to make something sound nefarious but those narratives don’t line up with reality.

I’m also not an expert on these kind of laws. Is it illegal for the child of a politician to introduce business associates to their father? If so then that could be something. But beyond that the lack of action from Barr and the DOJ after the intense spotlight Rudy and Trump and the right wing media have put on this... well that tells me that there’s nothing there. Why aren’t you getting that message as well?
It is illegal for a son of a prominent person to introduce his father to a business man from another country to do business. The son would have to register as a foreign agent. The money that passes through to all is called quid pro quo, or a favor for a favor.
What business did Joe do with this guy? You have zero evidence to support anything you claim and those who have the intel have said there is nothing there. #Desperation
No one here has any evidence of anything. You have no evidence of anything, period. You and I are not part of any investigative law enabled body and therefore we could not have any proof of anything. If we did, posting it on here would cost us our jobs at the very least. So, study this post, let it sink in to whatever passes for a mind you have, and in the future stop being so fucking stupid. Goes for the rest of you vermin too.
Thank you!!! That’s what I’ve been saying. The ones that do have the evidence, the ones who investigated said there is nothing there. So why are you all pretending like there is?

I know why... it’s October and Trump is losing an election
You don't know why, as explained in the statement you just agreed to. But a likely reason those people are saying there is nothing there is they are lying, given the history we know many of the criminals in DC possess.
Wonder how Hunter is right now...being an addict, he's got to be using right now, I would guess. If the FBI hauls his ass in for questioning, he could be spilling his guts. Would he think of getting an attorney?

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