Is the Joe Biden 'Train' Even Going to Make It To The 'Station' For Election Day?

No, I’m quite clear who you are and who you support
You have zero clue, snowflake. Liberals pre-judge and brand people, especially those who do not think exactly like them. They are the same people who are quite often racist but call other 'racist' to silence them.
I enjoy people who think differently from me as long as they are smart and honest

Honestly, I doubt that you would be able to recognize either.
Slade, you dont see anything criminal in his behavior
I honestly have not heard one criminal action. I’ve seen many do back bends and twist pretzels to make something sound nefarious but those narratives don’t line up with reality.

I’m also not an expert on these kind of laws. Is it illegal for the child of a politician to introduce business associates to their father? If so then that could be something. But beyond that the lack of action from Barr and the DOJ after the intense spotlight Rudy and Trump and the right wing media have put on this... well that tells me that there’s nothing there. Why aren’t you getting that message as well?
It is illegal for a son of a prominent person to introduce his father to a business man from another country to do business. The son would have to register as a foreign agent. The money that passes through to all is called quid pro quo, or a favor for a favor.
Dems are suddenly on onboard with quid pro quos with corrupt foreign actors.

Where is Hunter, like his dad at one time, denying these emails, the laptop is not his, that isn't him in the porn pics and porn videos? Where is the woman denying that it's her in Hunter's videos and pictures?
Wonder how Hunter is right now...being an addict, he's got to be using right now, I would guess. If the FBI hauls his ass in for questioning, he could be spilling his guts. Would he think of getting an attorney?

Hopefully it's sodium pentothal.
Slade, you dont see anything criminal in his behavior
I honestly have not heard one criminal action. I’ve seen many do back bends and twist pretzels to make something sound nefarious but those narratives don’t line up with reality.

I’m also not an expert on these kind of laws. Is it illegal for the child of a politician to introduce business associates to their father? If so then that could be something. But beyond that the lack of action from Barr and the DOJ after the intense spotlight Rudy and Trump and the right wing media have put on this... well that tells me that there’s nothing there. Why aren’t you getting that message as well?
It is illegal for a son of a prominent person to introduce his father to a business man from another country to do business. The son would have to register as a foreign agent. The money that passes through to all is called quid pro quo, or a favor for a favor.
What business did Joe do with this guy? You have zero evidence to support anything you claim and those who have the intel have said there is nothing there. #Desperation
No one here has any evidence of anything. You have no evidence of anything, period. You and I are not part of any investigative law enabled body and therefore we could not have any proof of anything. If we did, posting it on here would cost us our jobs at the very least. So, study this post, let it sink in to whatever passes for a mind you have, and in the future stop being so fucking stupid. Goes for the rest of you vermin too.
Thank you!!! That’s what I’ve been saying. The ones that do have the evidence, the ones who investigated said there is nothing there. So why are you all pretending like there is?

I know why... it’s October and Trump is losing an election
You don't know why, as explained in the statement you just agreed to. But a likely reason those people are saying there is nothing there is they are lying, given the history we know many of the criminals in DC possess.
There you go making accusations without evidence. A GOP lead committee determined no wrong doing after investigating this issue. It’s not in their interest to lie to cover up for Joe. Your arguments all fall flat
Where is Hunter, like his dad at one time, denying these emails, the laptop is not his, that isn't him in the porn pics and porn videos? Where is the woman denying that it's her in Hunter's videos and pictures?
Who fucking cares?? Your questions and narrative are tabloid gossip and inconsequential. You should Stop smearing a candidates family and try towin on the issues. I don’t think you are intelligent enough to do that though
UH UH: Ten Per Cent for the Big Guy. The Twitter fiasco continues to reverberate. For a while, Twitter suspended the Trump campaign’s account, as well as Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany’s account and many others, for linking to the New York Post’s story about Joe Biden’s corruption. Republicans have reacted angrily, and Senator Josh Hawley, on behalf of the Senate Judiciary Committee’s Subcommittee on Terrorism and Crime has requested Jack Dorsey and Mark Zuckerberg to appear and testify at a proposed hearing titled “Digital Platforms and Election Interference.” Reportedly, the full Judiciary Committee will vote to subpoena Dorsey on Tuesday.The Chairman of the Federal Communications Commission is also moving forward with a rule making process to clarify Section 230 of the Communications Act, which some courts have interpreted broadly to shield social media platforms from scrutiny:

Ajit Pai

I intend to move forward with an @FCC rulemaking to clarify the meaning of #Section230.

Twitter in particular is all in for Joe Biden. If Trump should surprise them and win, there will be an accounting.

Meanwhile, the New York Post is continuing its series of articles based on Hunter Biden’s abandoned hard drive. Today the Post featured a story even more explosive than the one Twitter and Facebook tried to suppress yesterday:

Hunter Biden pursued lucrative deals involving China’s largest private energy company — including one that he said would be “interesting for me and my family,” emails obtained by The Post show.
One email sent to Biden on May 13, 2017, with the subject line “Expectations,” included details of “remuneration packages” for six people involved in an unspecified business venture.

The emails indicate that Hunter was to receive an annual salary of $850,000. Somewhere on the planet there is a greedier person than Hunter Biden, but you would have to look hard to find him. But of course, no one cared then, or now, about Hunter.

In addition, the email outlined a “provisional agreement” under which 80 percent of the “equity,” or shares in the new company, would be split equally among four people whose initials correspond to the sender and three recipients, with “H” apparently referring to Biden.

H is obviously Hunter, and Jim is no doubt Jim Biden, Joe’s brother. But who is “the big guy” on whose behalf Hunter would take an additional 10 percent of the company’s equity? Let’s be clear here: Hunter Biden is a crack-smoking, barely employable nobody. A Chinese conglomerate would not cut Hunter in on a proposed business deal in order to obtain his non-existent expertise. Rather, the point of Hunter’s involvement can only be “the big guy,” on whose behalf Hunter would take an additional 10 percent of the proposed company’s shares. Is the big guy former Vice President and, as of May 2017, likely presidential contender Joe Biden? I can’t think of any plausible alternative.

Instead of trying to suppress the Post’s coverage, based on Hunter’s abandoned hard drive that is now in the possession of the FBI, reporters might consider asking Joe Biden about his history of enriching himself and his family at the expense of the American people.

The Biden campaign hunkered down in Joe's basement today after learning of the bombshell report about Hunter Biden e-mails undeniably linking Joe Biden with Burisma before heading to Ukraine and Extorting the former Ukraine PM to fire their top Prosecutor who was investing gating both Burisma and hunter Biden.

If true, this proves Joe Biden committed Perjury, that he knew what his son was doing, that he did meet with Burisma, and that the reason he extorted the former Ukraine PM, as per his videotaped confession, was to protect his son

Add the fact that Burisma officials just testified in another investigation how they BRIBED THE BIDENS, and the Demorats find themselves, once again - just like 2016, with a candidate who should be in jail on election day rather than con a ballot!

SSDE - Same Shit, Different Election.
Senate probing newly emerged emails, purport to show Hunter Biden linking VP dad to Ukraine exec

Senate probing newly emerged emails, purport to show Hunter Biden linking VP dad to Ukraine exec

Campaign calls another "lid" on the campaign on yet another morning of the critical stretch run. They have more "lids" than a Tupperware salesperson.

CHILDREN OF THE NOMENKLATURA: Hunter Biden demanded Chinese billionaire pay $10 million for ‘introductions alone,’ emails show. “Hunter Biden hooked up with the billionaire, Ye Jianming, chairman of the CEFC China Energy Co. conglomerate, during his father’s vice presidency.”

No wonder China thinks the US is a corrupt farce.
Hunter Biden was receiving a $10 million annual fee from a Chinese billionaire who has been accused of corruption and with whom he sought to increase the cash flow with a joint business ownership, an August 2017 email from Mr. Biden shows.

The money was for “introductions alone,” said Mr. Biden, son of Democratic presidential nominee Joseph R. Biden. Another email to Hunter Biden from a consultant says that a 10% stake in an unnamed company will go to “the big guy?” The “big guy” was not identified. (Joe Biden?)

Hunter Biden hooked up with the billionaire, Ye Jianming, chairman of the CEFC China Energy Co. conglomerate, during his father’s vice presidency.
Hahahaha. “Hunter demanded 10 million for introduction”?!?! What horsecrap. Please show a whisper of evidence to support that idiotic claim
The emails are a pretty loud whisper.

1-On-1 With Rudy Giuliani — What Haven’t We Seen From The Hunter Biden Hard Drive, And Why Won’t He Release It In Full?

Direct evidence implicating former Vice President Joe Biden in a pay-for-play corruption scandal will be released to the public 10 days prior to the 2020 election, Rudy Giuliani told Daily Caller’s senior White House correspondent Christian Datoc in an exclusive interview.

Text messages sent by Hunter Biden indicate a “kickback” program where he sent “half of his salary” back to Joe Biden, “which is a Chinese method of corruption.”
Joe's campaign team only has 1 option to get out of this one.

Do a huge commercial using his dead son - "Joe Biden already lost 1 son - (show a picture of Hunter) - and he was about to lose his other son. What was a parent to do? Wouldn't YOU do anything you could for your children?"

Milk the 'sympathy' and 'heart-string-pull' of struggling loving parents everywhere.....
Joe has nothing to get out from. The narrative is full of lies. All he needs to do is ignore it

What is more likely, that all of the accusations are true, or that people were willing to pay Hunter Biden and Whitey Bulger's nephew millions of dollars out of the goodness of their hearts?
Senile Joe has a bastard of a son.

Maybe his undoing

It won't even make a dent in the voting. Because right now, the USA has a lying, criminal bastard of a President, who is destroying the country. Even the members of his own party are deserting him, in an effort to save their own skins.

Ben Sass, come on down!! Where were you and the others who are now saying what a piece of shit Trump is, during the impeachment trial? How many Americans would still be alive if someone, anyone, other than Donald Trump had been President during this pandemic?
Joe's campaign team only has 1 option to get out of this one.

Do a huge commercial using his dead son - "Joe Biden already lost 1 son - (show a picture of Hunter) - and he was about to lose his other son. What was a parent to do? Wouldn't YOU do anything you could for your children?"

Milk the 'sympathy' and 'heart-string-pull' of struggling loving parents everywhere.....
Joe has nothing to get out from. The narrative is full of lies. All he needs to do is ignore it

What is more likely, that all of the accusations are true, or that people were willing to pay Hunter Biden and Whitey Bulger's nephew millions of dollars out of the goodness of their hearts?
They are so corrupt.
The Biden campaign hunkered down in Joe's basement today after learning of the bombshell report about Hunter Biden e-mails undeniably linking Joe Biden with Burisma before heading to Ukraine and Extorting the former Ukraine PM to fire their top Prosecutor who was investing gating both Burisma and hunter Biden.

If true, this proves Joe Biden committed Perjury, that he knew what his son was doing, that he did meet with Burisma, and that the reason he extorted the former Ukraine PM, as per his videotaped confession, was to protect his son

Add the fact that Burisma officials just testified in another investigation how they BRIBED THE BIDENS, and the Demorats find themselves, once again - just like 2016, with a candidate who should be in jail on election day rather than con a ballot!

SSDE - Same Shit, Different Election.
Senate probing newly emerged emails, purport to show Hunter Biden linking VP dad to Ukraine exec

Senate probing newly emerged emails, purport to show Hunter Biden linking VP dad to Ukraine exec

Campaign calls another "lid" on the campaign on yet another morning of the critical stretch run. They have more "lids" than a Tupperware salesperson.

CHILDREN OF THE NOMENKLATURA: Hunter Biden demanded Chinese billionaire pay $10 million for ‘introductions alone,’ emails show. “Hunter Biden hooked up with the billionaire, Ye Jianming, chairman of the CEFC China Energy Co. conglomerate, during his father’s vice presidency.”

No wonder China thinks the US is a corrupt farce.
Hunter Biden was receiving a $10 million annual fee from a Chinese billionaire who has been accused of corruption and with whom he sought to increase the cash flow with a joint business ownership, an August 2017 email from Mr. Biden shows.

The money was for “introductions alone,” said Mr. Biden, son of Democratic presidential nominee Joseph R. Biden. Another email to Hunter Biden from a consultant says that a 10% stake in an unnamed company will go to “the big guy?” The “big guy” was not identified. (Joe Biden?)

Hunter Biden hooked up with the billionaire, Ye Jianming, chairman of the CEFC China Energy Co. conglomerate, during his father’s vice presidency.
Hahahaha. “Hunter demanded 10 million for introduction”?!?! What horsecrap. Please show a whisper of evidence to support that idiotic claim
The emails are a pretty loud whisper.

1-On-1 With Rudy Giuliani — What Haven’t We Seen From The Hunter Biden Hard Drive, And Why Won’t He Release It In Full?

Direct evidence implicating former Vice President Joe Biden in a pay-for-play corruption scandal will be released to the public 10 days prior to the 2020 election, Rudy Giuliani told Daily Caller’s senior White House correspondent Christian Datoc in an exclusive interview.

Text messages sent by Hunter Biden indicate a “kickback” program where he sent “half of his salary” back to Joe Biden, “which is a Chinese method of corruption.”

First and foremost:

There is no evidence that these "email" are genuine, and much that they are a Russian plant.

Then there's the complete lack of credibility of the Daily Caller.

  • Overall, we rate the Daily Caller strongly right biased based on story selection that almost always favors the right and Mixed for factual reporting due to numerous failed fact checks. The Daily Caller is a source that needs to be fact-checked on a per article basis.

Now, why are you pushing discredited Russian propaganda and lies when they have been thoroughly discredited. You do know that publishing proven foreign propaganda to affect the outcome of an election is a federal crime, don't you?
Yes, the Biden train is proceeding very smoothly and will arrive safe & sound in the station on November 3.

It is the train of my candidate that is chugging along but will (sadly) stop short of the station.

On January 20, the Biden train will be switched to a quiet siding to make room for the sleek Harris streamliner.
The Biden campaign hunkered down in Joe's basement today after learning of the bombshell report about Hunter Biden e-mails undeniably linking Joe Biden with Burisma before heading to Ukraine and Extorting the former Ukraine PM to fire their top Prosecutor who was investing gating both Burisma and hunter Biden.

If true, this proves Joe Biden committed Perjury, that he knew what his son was doing, that he did meet with Burisma, and that the reason he extorted the former Ukraine PM, as per his videotaped confession, was to protect his son

Add the fact that Burisma officials just testified in another investigation how they BRIBED THE BIDENS, and the Demorats find themselves, once again - just like 2016, with a candidate who should be in jail on election day rather than con a ballot!

SSDE - Same Shit, Different Election.
Senate probing newly emerged emails, purport to show Hunter Biden linking VP dad to Ukraine exec

Senate probing newly emerged emails, purport to show Hunter Biden linking VP dad to Ukraine exec

Campaign calls another "lid" on the campaign on yet another morning of the critical stretch run. They have more "lids" than a Tupperware salesperson.

CHILDREN OF THE NOMENKLATURA: Hunter Biden demanded Chinese billionaire pay $10 million for ‘introductions alone,’ emails show. “Hunter Biden hooked up with the billionaire, Ye Jianming, chairman of the CEFC China Energy Co. conglomerate, during his father’s vice presidency.”

No wonder China thinks the US is a corrupt farce.
Hunter Biden was receiving a $10 million annual fee from a Chinese billionaire who has been accused of corruption and with whom he sought to increase the cash flow with a joint business ownership, an August 2017 email from Mr. Biden shows.

The money was for “introductions alone,” said Mr. Biden, son of Democratic presidential nominee Joseph R. Biden. Another email to Hunter Biden from a consultant says that a 10% stake in an unnamed company will go to “the big guy?” The “big guy” was not identified. (Joe Biden?)

Hunter Biden hooked up with the billionaire, Ye Jianming, chairman of the CEFC China Energy Co. conglomerate, during his father’s vice presidency.
Hahahaha. “Hunter demanded 10 million for introduction”?!?! What horsecrap. Please show a whisper of evidence to support that idiotic claim
The emails are a pretty loud whisper.

1-On-1 With Rudy Giuliani — What Haven’t We Seen From The Hunter Biden Hard Drive, And Why Won’t He Release It In Full?

Direct evidence implicating former Vice President Joe Biden in a pay-for-play corruption scandal will be released to the public 10 days prior to the 2020 election, Rudy Giuliani told Daily Caller’s senior White House correspondent Christian Datoc in an exclusive interview.

Text messages sent by Hunter Biden indicate a “kickback” program where he sent “half of his salary” back to Joe Biden, “which is a Chinese method of corruption.”

First and foremost:

There is no evidence that these "email" are genuine, and much that they are a Russian plant.

Then there's the complete lack of credibility of the Daily Caller.

  • Overall, we rate the Daily Caller strongly right biased based on story selection that almost always favors the right and Mixed for factual reporting due to numerous failed fact checks. The Daily Caller is a source that needs to be fact-checked on a per article basis.

Now, why are you pushing discredited Russian propaganda and lies when they have been thoroughly discredited. You do know that publishing proven foreign propaganda to affect the outcome of an election is a federal crime, don't you?
It the right was making this up, I'd like to think they would be smarter than leaking it 19 days before the elections when millions of votes have already been cast with mail in ballots..
The Biden campaign hunkered down in Joe's basement today after learning of the bombshell report about Hunter Biden e-mails undeniably linking Joe Biden with Burisma before heading to Ukraine and Extorting the former Ukraine PM to fire their top Prosecutor who was investing gating both Burisma and hunter Biden.

If true, this proves Joe Biden committed Perjury, that he knew what his son was doing, that he did meet with Burisma, and that the reason he extorted the former Ukraine PM, as per his videotaped confession, was to protect his son

Add the fact that Burisma officials just testified in another investigation how they BRIBED THE BIDENS, and the Demorats find themselves, once again - just like 2016, with a candidate who should be in jail on election day rather than con a ballot!

SSDE - Same Shit, Different Election.
Senate probing newly emerged emails, purport to show Hunter Biden linking VP dad to Ukraine exec

Senate probing newly emerged emails, purport to show Hunter Biden linking VP dad to Ukraine exec

Campaign calls another "lid" on the campaign on yet another morning of the critical stretch run. They have more "lids" than a Tupperware salesperson.

CHILDREN OF THE NOMENKLATURA: Hunter Biden demanded Chinese billionaire pay $10 million for ‘introductions alone,’ emails show. “Hunter Biden hooked up with the billionaire, Ye Jianming, chairman of the CEFC China Energy Co. conglomerate, during his father’s vice presidency.”

No wonder China thinks the US is a corrupt farce.
Hunter Biden was receiving a $10 million annual fee from a Chinese billionaire who has been accused of corruption and with whom he sought to increase the cash flow with a joint business ownership, an August 2017 email from Mr. Biden shows.

The money was for “introductions alone,” said Mr. Biden, son of Democratic presidential nominee Joseph R. Biden. Another email to Hunter Biden from a consultant says that a 10% stake in an unnamed company will go to “the big guy?” The “big guy” was not identified. (Joe Biden?)

Hunter Biden hooked up with the billionaire, Ye Jianming, chairman of the CEFC China Energy Co. conglomerate, during his father’s vice presidency.
Hahahaha. “Hunter demanded 10 million for introduction”?!?! What horsecrap. Please show a whisper of evidence to support that idiotic claim
The emails are a pretty loud whisper.

1-On-1 With Rudy Giuliani — What Haven’t We Seen From The Hunter Biden Hard Drive, And Why Won’t He Release It In Full?

Direct evidence implicating former Vice President Joe Biden in a pay-for-play corruption scandal will be released to the public 10 days prior to the 2020 election, Rudy Giuliani told Daily Caller’s senior White House correspondent Christian Datoc in an exclusive interview.

Text messages sent by Hunter Biden indicate a “kickback” program where he sent “half of his salary” back to Joe Biden, “which is a Chinese method of corruption.”

First and foremost:

There is no evidence that these "email" are genuine, and much that they are a Russian plant.

Then there's the complete lack of credibility of the Daily Caller.

  • Overall, we rate the Daily Caller strongly right biased based on story selection that almost always favors the right and Mixed for factual reporting due to numerous failed fact checks. The Daily Caller is a source that needs to be fact-checked on a per article basis.

Now, why are you pushing discredited Russian propaganda and lies when they have been thoroughly discredited. You do know that publishing proven foreign propaganda to affect the outcome of an election is a federal crime, don't you? › world-view › washington-post
Apr 14, 2020 · The Washington Post is widely considered more of a left-leaning publication, though this is debated question. A Pew survey conducted in 2014 indicated that individuals with more liberal views read publications such as The Washington Post,
The Biden campaign hunkered down in Joe's basement today after learning of the bombshell report about Hunter Biden e-mails undeniably linking Joe Biden with Burisma before heading to Ukraine and Extorting the former Ukraine PM to fire their top Prosecutor who was investing gating both Burisma and hunter Biden.

If true, this proves Joe Biden committed Perjury, that he knew what his son was doing, that he did meet with Burisma, and that the reason he extorted the former Ukraine PM, as per his videotaped confession, was to protect his son

Add the fact that Burisma officials just testified in another investigation how they BRIBED THE BIDENS, and the Demorats find themselves, once again - just like 2016, with a candidate who should be in jail on election day rather than con a ballot!

SSDE - Same Shit, Different Election.
Senate probing newly emerged emails, purport to show Hunter Biden linking VP dad to Ukraine exec

Senate probing newly emerged emails, purport to show Hunter Biden linking VP dad to Ukraine exec

Campaign calls another "lid" on the campaign on yet another morning of the critical stretch run. They have more "lids" than a Tupperware salesperson.

CHILDREN OF THE NOMENKLATURA: Hunter Biden demanded Chinese billionaire pay $10 million for ‘introductions alone,’ emails show. “Hunter Biden hooked up with the billionaire, Ye Jianming, chairman of the CEFC China Energy Co. conglomerate, during his father’s vice presidency.”

No wonder China thinks the US is a corrupt farce.
Hunter Biden was receiving a $10 million annual fee from a Chinese billionaire who has been accused of corruption and with whom he sought to increase the cash flow with a joint business ownership, an August 2017 email from Mr. Biden shows.

The money was for “introductions alone,” said Mr. Biden, son of Democratic presidential nominee Joseph R. Biden. Another email to Hunter Biden from a consultant says that a 10% stake in an unnamed company will go to “the big guy?” The “big guy” was not identified. (Joe Biden?)

Hunter Biden hooked up with the billionaire, Ye Jianming, chairman of the CEFC China Energy Co. conglomerate, during his father’s vice presidency.
Hahahaha. “Hunter demanded 10 million for introduction”?!?! What horsecrap. Please show a whisper of evidence to support that idiotic claim
The emails are a pretty loud whisper.

1-On-1 With Rudy Giuliani — What Haven’t We Seen From The Hunter Biden Hard Drive, And Why Won’t He Release It In Full?

Direct evidence implicating former Vice President Joe Biden in a pay-for-play corruption scandal will be released to the public 10 days prior to the 2020 election, Rudy Giuliani told Daily Caller’s senior White House correspondent Christian Datoc in an exclusive interview.

Text messages sent by Hunter Biden indicate a “kickback” program where he sent “half of his salary” back to Joe Biden, “which is a Chinese method of corruption.”

First and foremost:

There is no evidence that these "email" are genuine, and much that they are a Russian plant.
Gee. Sure likes like Hunter in the video and photos. So, when are Hunter and Joe going on the record with an unequivocal denial?

Who has denied that this is Hunter?​

Hunter and Joe Biden Scandal Takes a Dark Turn — FBI’s Top Lawyer on Child Porn Involved in Case

One image included in the New York Post photos was the FBI’s subpoena for the laptop.

Bleeding through the top page was the FBI Special Agent’s signature: Joshua Wilson. As Western Journal describes it, Joshua Wilson works a specific kind of crime: child porn.

FBI Grand Jury subpoena for Hunter Biden’s laptop.

The Biden campaign hunkered down in Joe's basement today after learning of the bombshell report about Hunter Biden e-mails undeniably linking Joe Biden with Burisma before heading to Ukraine and Extorting the former Ukraine PM to fire their top Prosecutor who was investing gating both Burisma and hunter Biden.

If true, this proves Joe Biden committed Perjury, that he knew what his son was doing, that he did meet with Burisma, and that the reason he extorted the former Ukraine PM, as per his videotaped confession, was to protect his son

Add the fact that Burisma officials just testified in another investigation how they BRIBED THE BIDENS, and the Demorats find themselves, once again - just like 2016, with a candidate who should be in jail on election day rather than con a ballot!

SSDE - Same Shit, Different Election.
Senate probing newly emerged emails, purport to show Hunter Biden linking VP dad to Ukraine exec

Senate probing newly emerged emails, purport to show Hunter Biden linking VP dad to Ukraine exec

Campaign calls another "lid" on the campaign on yet another morning of the critical stretch run. They have more "lids" than a Tupperware salesperson.

CHILDREN OF THE NOMENKLATURA: Hunter Biden demanded Chinese billionaire pay $10 million for ‘introductions alone,’ emails show. “Hunter Biden hooked up with the billionaire, Ye Jianming, chairman of the CEFC China Energy Co. conglomerate, during his father’s vice presidency.”

No wonder China thinks the US is a corrupt farce.
Hunter Biden was receiving a $10 million annual fee from a Chinese billionaire who has been accused of corruption and with whom he sought to increase the cash flow with a joint business ownership, an August 2017 email from Mr. Biden shows.

The money was for “introductions alone,” said Mr. Biden, son of Democratic presidential nominee Joseph R. Biden. Another email to Hunter Biden from a consultant says that a 10% stake in an unnamed company will go to “the big guy?” The “big guy” was not identified. (Joe Biden?)

Hunter Biden hooked up with the billionaire, Ye Jianming, chairman of the CEFC China Energy Co. conglomerate, during his father’s vice presidency.
Hahahaha. “Hunter demanded 10 million for introduction”?!?! What horsecrap. Please show a whisper of evidence to support that idiotic claim
The emails are a pretty loud whisper.

1-On-1 With Rudy Giuliani — What Haven’t We Seen From The Hunter Biden Hard Drive, And Why Won’t He Release It In Full?

Direct evidence implicating former Vice President Joe Biden in a pay-for-play corruption scandal will be released to the public 10 days prior to the 2020 election, Rudy Giuliani told Daily Caller’s senior White House correspondent Christian Datoc in an exclusive interview.

Text messages sent by Hunter Biden indicate a “kickback” program where he sent “half of his salary” back to Joe Biden, “which is a Chinese method of corruption.”

First and foremost:

There is no evidence that these "email" are genuine, and much that they are a Russian plant.

Then there's the complete lack of credibility of the Daily Caller.

  • Overall, we rate the Daily Caller strongly right biased based on story selection that almost always favors the right and Mixed for factual reporting due to numerous failed fact checks. The Daily Caller is a source that needs to be fact-checked on a per article basis.

Now, why are you pushing discredited Russian propaganda and lies when they have been thoroughly discredited. You do know that publishing proven foreign propaganda to affect the outcome of an election is a federal crime, don't you?
It the right was making this up, I'd like to think they would be smarter than leaking it 19 days before the elections when millions of votes have already been cast with mail in ballots..
Nobody slanders the Biden's as effectively as the Bidens.

Fact Checkers Rule Joe Biden Called Young Black Men “Predators – Beyond the Pale – Antisocial and Sociopaths”
The Biden campaign hunkered down in Joe's basement today after learning of the bombshell report about Hunter Biden e-mails undeniably linking Joe Biden with Burisma before heading to Ukraine and Extorting the former Ukraine PM to fire their top Prosecutor who was investing gating both Burisma and hunter Biden.

If true, this proves Joe Biden committed Perjury, that he knew what his son was doing, that he did meet with Burisma, and that the reason he extorted the former Ukraine PM, as per his videotaped confession, was to protect his son

Add the fact that Burisma officials just testified in another investigation how they BRIBED THE BIDENS, and the Demorats find themselves, once again - just like 2016, with a candidate who should be in jail on election day rather than con a ballot!

SSDE - Same Shit, Different Election.
Senate probing newly emerged emails, purport to show Hunter Biden linking VP dad to Ukraine exec

Senate probing newly emerged emails, purport to show Hunter Biden linking VP dad to Ukraine exec

Campaign calls another "lid" on the campaign on yet another morning of the critical stretch run. They have more "lids" than a Tupperware salesperson.

CHILDREN OF THE NOMENKLATURA: Hunter Biden demanded Chinese billionaire pay $10 million for ‘introductions alone,’ emails show. “Hunter Biden hooked up with the billionaire, Ye Jianming, chairman of the CEFC China Energy Co. conglomerate, during his father’s vice presidency.”

No wonder China thinks the US is a corrupt farce.
Hunter Biden was receiving a $10 million annual fee from a Chinese billionaire who has been accused of corruption and with whom he sought to increase the cash flow with a joint business ownership, an August 2017 email from Mr. Biden shows.

The money was for “introductions alone,” said Mr. Biden, son of Democratic presidential nominee Joseph R. Biden. Another email to Hunter Biden from a consultant says that a 10% stake in an unnamed company will go to “the big guy?” The “big guy” was not identified. (Joe Biden?)

Hunter Biden hooked up with the billionaire, Ye Jianming, chairman of the CEFC China Energy Co. conglomerate, during his father’s vice presidency.
Hahahaha. “Hunter demanded 10 million for introduction”?!?! What horsecrap. Please show a whisper of evidence to support that idiotic claim
The emails are a pretty loud whisper.

1-On-1 With Rudy Giuliani — What Haven’t We Seen From The Hunter Biden Hard Drive, And Why Won’t He Release It In Full?

Direct evidence implicating former Vice President Joe Biden in a pay-for-play corruption scandal will be released to the public 10 days prior to the 2020 election, Rudy Giuliani told Daily Caller’s senior White House correspondent Christian Datoc in an exclusive interview.

Text messages sent by Hunter Biden indicate a “kickback” program where he sent “half of his salary” back to Joe Biden, “which is a Chinese method of corruption.”

First and foremost:

There is no evidence that these "email" are genuine, and much that they are a Russian plant.
Gee. Sure likes like Hunter in the video and photos. So, when are Hunter and Joe going on the record with an unequivocal denial?

Who has denied that this is Hunter?​

Hunter and Joe Biden Scandal Takes a Dark Turn — FBI’s Top Lawyer on Child Porn Involved in Case

One image included in the New York Post photos was the FBI’s subpoena for the laptop.

Bleeding through the top page was the FBI Special Agent’s signature: Joshua Wilson. As Western Journal describes it, Joshua Wilson works a specific kind of crime: child porn.

FBI Grand Jury subpoena for Hunter Biden’s laptop.

This article is an interesting read. Click on the headline.

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