Is the Joe Biden 'Train' Even Going to Make It To The 'Station' For Election Day?

Pump harder Joe.

Joe's campaign team only has 1 option to get out of this one.

Do a huge commercial using his dead son - "Joe Biden already lost 1 son - (show a picture of Hunter) - and he was about to lose his other son. What was a parent to do? Wouldn't YOU do anything you could for your children?"

Milk the 'sympathy' and 'heart-string-pull' of struggling loving parents everywhere.....
Joe has nothing to get out from. The narrative is full of lies. All he needs to do is ignore it

What is more likely, that all of the accusations are true, or that people were willing to pay Hunter Biden and Whitey Bulger's nephew millions of dollars out of the goodness of their hearts?
Whats most likely is that Hunter had an investment firm and managed capital, also Hunter was hired as a board member for an energy company and was paid for that. No evidence of anything else. The accusations being slung out right now have been investigated. No wrong doing. You’re full of shit.
The Biden campaign hunkered down in Joe's basement today after learning of the bombshell report about Hunter Biden e-mails undeniably linking Joe Biden with Burisma before heading to Ukraine and Extorting the former Ukraine PM to fire their top Prosecutor who was investing gating both Burisma and hunter Biden.

If true, this proves Joe Biden committed Perjury, that he knew what his son was doing, that he did meet with Burisma, and that the reason he extorted the former Ukraine PM, as per his videotaped confession, was to protect his son

Add the fact that Burisma officials just testified in another investigation how they BRIBED THE BIDENS, and the Demorats find themselves, once again - just like 2016, with a candidate who should be in jail on election day rather than con a ballot!

SSDE - Same Shit, Different Election.
Senate probing newly emerged emails, purport to show Hunter Biden linking VP dad to Ukraine exec

Senate probing newly emerged emails, purport to show Hunter Biden linking VP dad to Ukraine exec

Campaign calls another "lid" on the campaign on yet another morning of the critical stretch run. They have more "lids" than a Tupperware salesperson.

CHILDREN OF THE NOMENKLATURA: Hunter Biden demanded Chinese billionaire pay $10 million for ‘introductions alone,’ emails show. “Hunter Biden hooked up with the billionaire, Ye Jianming, chairman of the CEFC China Energy Co. conglomerate, during his father’s vice presidency.”

No wonder China thinks the US is a corrupt farce.
Hunter Biden was receiving a $10 million annual fee from a Chinese billionaire who has been accused of corruption and with whom he sought to increase the cash flow with a joint business ownership, an August 2017 email from Mr. Biden shows.

The money was for “introductions alone,” said Mr. Biden, son of Democratic presidential nominee Joseph R. Biden. Another email to Hunter Biden from a consultant says that a 10% stake in an unnamed company will go to “the big guy?” The “big guy” was not identified. (Joe Biden?)

Hunter Biden hooked up with the billionaire, Ye Jianming, chairman of the CEFC China Energy Co. conglomerate, during his father’s vice presidency.
Hahahaha. “Hunter demanded 10 million for introduction”?!?! What horsecrap. Please show a whisper of evidence to support that idiotic claim
The emails are a pretty loud whisper.

1-On-1 With Rudy Giuliani — What Haven’t We Seen From The Hunter Biden Hard Drive, And Why Won’t He Release It In Full?

Direct evidence implicating former Vice President Joe Biden in a pay-for-play corruption scandal will be released to the public 10 days prior to the 2020 election, Rudy Giuliani told Daily Caller’s senior White House correspondent Christian Datoc in an exclusive interview.

Text messages sent by Hunter Biden indicate a “kickback” program where he sent “half of his salary” back to Joe Biden, “which is a Chinese method of corruption.”

First and foremost:

There is no evidence that these "email" are genuine, and much that they are a Russian plant.

Then there's the complete lack of credibility of the Daily Caller.

  • Overall, we rate the Daily Caller strongly right biased based on story selection that almost always favors the right and Mixed for factual reporting due to numerous failed fact checks. The Daily Caller is a source that needs to be fact-checked on a per article basis.

Now, why are you pushing discredited Russian propaganda and lies when they have been thoroughly discredited. You do know that publishing proven foreign propaganda to affect the outcome of an election is a federal crime, don't you?
It the right was making this up, I'd like to think they would be smarter than leaking it 19 days before the elections when millions of votes have already been cast with mail in ballots..
They are absolutely planning this messaging campaign, Rudy sat on this for almost a year and wait till now to push it out. They are doing the exact same thing as they did to Hillary. Lock her up! Remember?? They want to go into Election Day with a full steam of crooked joe. It’s obvious and pathetic how they are going after his kid.

Did you know Ivanka and Jared made 350 million from China contracts while working in the white house? Do you have any issues with that?
The Biden campaign hunkered down in Joe's basement today after learning of the bombshell report about Hunter Biden e-mails undeniably linking Joe Biden with Burisma before heading to Ukraine and Extorting the former Ukraine PM to fire their top Prosecutor who was investing gating both Burisma and hunter Biden.

If true, this proves Joe Biden committed Perjury, that he knew what his son was doing, that he did meet with Burisma, and that the reason he extorted the former Ukraine PM, as per his videotaped confession, was to protect his son

Add the fact that Burisma officials just testified in another investigation how they BRIBED THE BIDENS, and the Demorats find themselves, once again - just like 2016, with a candidate who should be in jail on election day rather than con a ballot!

SSDE - Same Shit, Different Election.
Senate probing newly emerged emails, purport to show Hunter Biden linking VP dad to Ukraine exec

Senate probing newly emerged emails, purport to show Hunter Biden linking VP dad to Ukraine exec

Campaign calls another "lid" on the campaign on yet another morning of the critical stretch run. They have more "lids" than a Tupperware salesperson.

CHILDREN OF THE NOMENKLATURA: Hunter Biden demanded Chinese billionaire pay $10 million for ‘introductions alone,’ emails show. “Hunter Biden hooked up with the billionaire, Ye Jianming, chairman of the CEFC China Energy Co. conglomerate, during his father’s vice presidency.”

No wonder China thinks the US is a corrupt farce.
Hunter Biden was receiving a $10 million annual fee from a Chinese billionaire who has been accused of corruption and with whom he sought to increase the cash flow with a joint business ownership, an August 2017 email from Mr. Biden shows.

The money was for “introductions alone,” said Mr. Biden, son of Democratic presidential nominee Joseph R. Biden. Another email to Hunter Biden from a consultant says that a 10% stake in an unnamed company will go to “the big guy?” The “big guy” was not identified. (Joe Biden?)

Hunter Biden hooked up with the billionaire, Ye Jianming, chairman of the CEFC China Energy Co. conglomerate, during his father’s vice presidency.
Hahahaha. “Hunter demanded 10 million for introduction”?!?! What horsecrap. Please show a whisper of evidence to support that idiotic claim
The emails are a pretty loud whisper.

1-On-1 With Rudy Giuliani — What Haven’t We Seen From The Hunter Biden Hard Drive, And Why Won’t He Release It In Full?

Direct evidence implicating former Vice President Joe Biden in a pay-for-play corruption scandal will be released to the public 10 days prior to the 2020 election, Rudy Giuliani told Daily Caller’s senior White House correspondent Christian Datoc in an exclusive interview.

Text messages sent by Hunter Biden indicate a “kickback” program where he sent “half of his salary” back to Joe Biden, “which is a Chinese method of corruption.”

First and foremost:

There is no evidence that these "email" are genuine, and much that they are a Russian plant.

Then there's the complete lack of credibility of the Daily Caller.

  • Overall, we rate the Daily Caller strongly right biased based on story selection that almost always favors the right and Mixed for factual reporting due to numerous failed fact checks. The Daily Caller is a source that needs to be fact-checked on a per article basis.

Now, why are you pushing discredited Russian propaganda and lies when they have been thoroughly discredited. You do know that publishing proven foreign propaganda to affect the outcome of an election is a federal crime, don't you?
It the right was making this up, I'd like to think they would be smarter than leaking it 19 days before the elections when millions of votes have already been cast with mail in ballots..
They are absolutely planning this messaging campaign, Rudy sat on this for almost a year and wait till now to push it out. They are doing the exact same thing as they did to Hillary. Lock her up! Remember?? They want to go into Election Day with a full steam of crooked joe. It’s obvious and pathetic how they are going after his kid.

Did you know Ivanka and Jared made 350 million from China contracts while working in the white house? Do you have any issues with that?
not going to happen, On this site, a grand jury document was shown. Think is was Dec. 9, 2019.
The Biden campaign hunkered down in Joe's basement today after learning of the bombshell report about Hunter Biden e-mails undeniably linking Joe Biden with Burisma before heading to Ukraine and Extorting the former Ukraine PM to fire their top Prosecutor who was investing gating both Burisma and hunter Biden.

If true, this proves Joe Biden committed Perjury, that he knew what his son was doing, that he did meet with Burisma, and that the reason he extorted the former Ukraine PM, as per his videotaped confession, was to protect his son

Add the fact that Burisma officials just testified in another investigation how they BRIBED THE BIDENS, and the Demorats find themselves, once again - just like 2016, with a candidate who should be in jail on election day rather than con a ballot!

SSDE - Same Shit, Different Election.
Senate probing newly emerged emails, purport to show Hunter Biden linking VP dad to Ukraine exec

Senate probing newly emerged emails, purport to show Hunter Biden linking VP dad to Ukraine exec

Campaign calls another "lid" on the campaign on yet another morning of the critical stretch run. They have more "lids" than a Tupperware salesperson.

CHILDREN OF THE NOMENKLATURA: Hunter Biden demanded Chinese billionaire pay $10 million for ‘introductions alone,’ emails show. “Hunter Biden hooked up with the billionaire, Ye Jianming, chairman of the CEFC China Energy Co. conglomerate, during his father’s vice presidency.”

No wonder China thinks the US is a corrupt farce.
Hunter Biden was receiving a $10 million annual fee from a Chinese billionaire who has been accused of corruption and with whom he sought to increase the cash flow with a joint business ownership, an August 2017 email from Mr. Biden shows.

The money was for “introductions alone,” said Mr. Biden, son of Democratic presidential nominee Joseph R. Biden. Another email to Hunter Biden from a consultant says that a 10% stake in an unnamed company will go to “the big guy?” The “big guy” was not identified. (Joe Biden?)

Hunter Biden hooked up with the billionaire, Ye Jianming, chairman of the CEFC China Energy Co. conglomerate, during his father’s vice presidency.
Hahahaha. “Hunter demanded 10 million for introduction”?!?! What horsecrap. Please show a whisper of evidence to support that idiotic claim
The emails are a pretty loud whisper.

1-On-1 With Rudy Giuliani — What Haven’t We Seen From The Hunter Biden Hard Drive, And Why Won’t He Release It In Full?

Direct evidence implicating former Vice President Joe Biden in a pay-for-play corruption scandal will be released to the public 10 days prior to the 2020 election, Rudy Giuliani told Daily Caller’s senior White House correspondent Christian Datoc in an exclusive interview.

Text messages sent by Hunter Biden indicate a “kickback” program where he sent “half of his salary” back to Joe Biden, “which is a Chinese method of corruption.”

First and foremost:

There is no evidence that these "email" are genuine, and much that they are a Russian plant.

Then there's the complete lack of credibility of the Daily Caller.

  • Overall, we rate the Daily Caller strongly right biased based on story selection that almost always favors the right and Mixed for factual reporting due to numerous failed fact checks. The Daily Caller is a source that needs to be fact-checked on a per article basis.

Now, why are you pushing discredited Russian propaganda and lies when they have been thoroughly discredited. You do know that publishing proven foreign propaganda to affect the outcome of an election is a federal crime, don't you?
It the right was making this up, I'd like to think they would be smarter than leaking it 19 days before the elections when millions of votes have already been cast with mail in ballots..
They are absolutely planning this messaging campaign, Rudy sat on this for almost a year and wait till now to push it out. They are doing the exact same thing as they did to Hillary. Lock her up! Remember?? They want to go into Election Day with a full steam of crooked joe. It’s obvious and pathetic how they are going after his kid.

Did you know Ivanka and Jared made 350 million from China contracts while working in the white house? Do you have any issues with that?
not going to happen, On this site, a grand jury document was shown. Think is was Dec. 9, 2019.
What’s not going to happen?
The Biden campaign hunkered down in Joe's basement today after learning of the bombshell report about Hunter Biden e-mails undeniably linking Joe Biden with Burisma before heading to Ukraine and Extorting the former Ukraine PM to fire their top Prosecutor who was investing gating both Burisma and hunter Biden.

If true, this proves Joe Biden committed Perjury, that he knew what his son was doing, that he did meet with Burisma, and that the reason he extorted the former Ukraine PM, as per his videotaped confession, was to protect his son

Add the fact that Burisma officials just testified in another investigation how they BRIBED THE BIDENS, and the Demorats find themselves, once again - just like 2016, with a candidate who should be in jail on election day rather than con a ballot!

SSDE - Same Shit, Different Election.
Senate probing newly emerged emails, purport to show Hunter Biden linking VP dad to Ukraine exec

Senate probing newly emerged emails, purport to show Hunter Biden linking VP dad to Ukraine exec

Campaign calls another "lid" on the campaign on yet another morning of the critical stretch run. They have more "lids" than a Tupperware salesperson.

CHILDREN OF THE NOMENKLATURA: Hunter Biden demanded Chinese billionaire pay $10 million for ‘introductions alone,’ emails show. “Hunter Biden hooked up with the billionaire, Ye Jianming, chairman of the CEFC China Energy Co. conglomerate, during his father’s vice presidency.”

No wonder China thinks the US is a corrupt farce.
Hunter Biden was receiving a $10 million annual fee from a Chinese billionaire who has been accused of corruption and with whom he sought to increase the cash flow with a joint business ownership, an August 2017 email from Mr. Biden shows.

The money was for “introductions alone,” said Mr. Biden, son of Democratic presidential nominee Joseph R. Biden. Another email to Hunter Biden from a consultant says that a 10% stake in an unnamed company will go to “the big guy?” The “big guy” was not identified. (Joe Biden?)

Hunter Biden hooked up with the billionaire, Ye Jianming, chairman of the CEFC China Energy Co. conglomerate, during his father’s vice presidency.
Hahahaha. “Hunter demanded 10 million for introduction”?!?! What horsecrap. Please show a whisper of evidence to support that idiotic claim
The emails are a pretty loud whisper.

1-On-1 With Rudy Giuliani — What Haven’t We Seen From The Hunter Biden Hard Drive, And Why Won’t He Release It In Full?

Direct evidence implicating former Vice President Joe Biden in a pay-for-play corruption scandal will be released to the public 10 days prior to the 2020 election, Rudy Giuliani told Daily Caller’s senior White House correspondent Christian Datoc in an exclusive interview.

Text messages sent by Hunter Biden indicate a “kickback” program where he sent “half of his salary” back to Joe Biden, “which is a Chinese method of corruption.”

First and foremost:

There is no evidence that these "email" are genuine, and much that they are a Russian plant.

Then there's the complete lack of credibility of the Daily Caller.

  • Overall, we rate the Daily Caller strongly right biased based on story selection that almost always favors the right and Mixed for factual reporting due to numerous failed fact checks. The Daily Caller is a source that needs to be fact-checked on a per article basis.

Now, why are you pushing discredited Russian propaganda and lies when they have been thoroughly discredited. You do know that publishing proven foreign propaganda to affect the outcome of an election is a federal crime, don't you?
It the right was making this up, I'd like to think they would be smarter than leaking it 19 days before the elections when millions of votes have already been cast with mail in ballots..
They are absolutely planning this messaging campaign, Rudy sat on this for almost a year and wait till now to push it out. They are doing the exact same thing as they did to Hillary. Lock her up! Remember?? They want to go into Election Day with a full steam of crooked joe. It’s obvious and pathetic how they are going after his kid.

Did you know Ivanka and Jared made 350 million from China contracts while working in the white house? Do you have any issues with that?
not going to happen, On this site, a grand jury document was shown. Think is was Dec. 9, 2019.
What’s not going to happen?
I don't know what I was referring to. Sorry.
Last edited:
Joe's campaign team only has 1 option to get out of this one.

Do a huge commercial using his dead son - "Joe Biden already lost 1 son - (show a picture of Hunter) - and he was about to lose his other son. What was a parent to do? Wouldn't YOU do anything you could for your children?"

Milk the 'sympathy' and 'heart-string-pull' of struggling loving parents everywhere.....
Joe has nothing to get out from. The narrative is full of lies. All he needs to do is ignore it

What is more likely, that all of the accusations are true, or that people were willing to pay Hunter Biden and Whitey Bulger's nephew millions of dollars out of the goodness of their hearts?
Whats most likely is that Hunter had an investment firm and managed capital, also Hunter was hired as a board member for an energy company and was paid for that. No evidence of anything else. The accusations being slung out right now have been investigated. No wrong doing. You’re full of shit.

If pops was asking for only 10% maybe. But, pops wanted 50%.
Joe's campaign team only has 1 option to get out of this one.

Do a huge commercial using his dead son - "Joe Biden already lost 1 son - (show a picture of Hunter) - and he was about to lose his other son. What was a parent to do? Wouldn't YOU do anything you could for your children?"

Milk the 'sympathy' and 'heart-string-pull' of struggling loving parents everywhere.....
Joe has nothing to get out from. The narrative is full of lies. All he needs to do is ignore it

What is more likely, that all of the accusations are true, or that people were willing to pay Hunter Biden and Whitey Bulger's nephew millions of dollars out of the goodness of their hearts?
Whats most likely is that Hunter had an investment firm and managed capital, also Hunter was hired as a board member for an energy company and was paid for that. No evidence of anything else. The accusations being slung out right now have been investigated. No wrong doing. You’re full of shit.

If pops was asking for only 10% maybe. But, pops wanted 50%.
What are you talking about?
Joe's campaign team only has 1 option to get out of this one.

Do a huge commercial using his dead son - "Joe Biden already lost 1 son - (show a picture of Hunter) - and he was about to lose his other son. What was a parent to do? Wouldn't YOU do anything you could for your children?"

Milk the 'sympathy' and 'heart-string-pull' of struggling loving parents everywhere.....
Joe has nothing to get out from. The narrative is full of lies. All he needs to do is ignore it

What is more likely, that all of the accusations are true, or that people were willing to pay Hunter Biden and Whitey Bulger's nephew millions of dollars out of the goodness of their hearts?
Whats most likely is that Hunter had an investment firm and managed capital, also Hunter was hired as a board member for an energy company and was paid for that. No evidence of anything else. The accusations being slung out right now have been investigated. No wrong doing. You’re full of shit.

There's all kinds of evidence now on the hard drive. Crackhead, snorting cocaine off of kids, giving half the money from exortion to his dad. Hunter was a crackhead who couldn't manage anything. More evidence on the hard drive that the virus was a bioweapon to be used in the US. Wow!!
The Biden train has just been derailed. The validity of the emails and the planned Chinese pay-out to the Biden's / Joe has been confirmed....

Both Barry & these 2 fu@kers - Hunter & Joe - should be in Gitmo.
Joe's campaign team only has 1 option to get out of this one.

Do a huge commercial using his dead son - "Joe Biden already lost 1 son - (show a picture of Hunter) - and he was about to lose his other son. What was a parent to do? Wouldn't YOU do anything you could for your children?"

Milk the 'sympathy' and 'heart-string-pull' of struggling loving parents everywhere.....
Joe has nothing to get out from. The narrative is full of lies. All he needs to do is ignore it

What is more likely, that all of the accusations are true, or that people were willing to pay Hunter Biden and Whitey Bulger's nephew millions of dollars out of the goodness of their hearts?
Whats most likely is that Hunter had an investment firm and managed capital, also Hunter was hired as a board member for an energy company and was paid for that. No evidence of anything else. The accusations being slung out right now have been investigated. No wrong doing. You’re full of shit.

There's all kinds of evidence now on the hard drive. Crackhead, snorting cocaine off of kids, giving half the money from exortion to his dad. Hunter was a crackhead who couldn't manage anything. More evidence on the hard drive that the virus was a bioweapon to be used in the US. Wow!!
I totally believe you! Haha.
Joe's campaign team only has 1 option to get out of this one.

Do a huge commercial using his dead son - "Joe Biden already lost 1 son - (show a picture of Hunter) - and he was about to lose his other son. What was a parent to do? Wouldn't YOU do anything you could for your children?"

Milk the 'sympathy' and 'heart-string-pull' of struggling loving parents everywhere.....
Joe has nothing to get out from. The narrative is full of lies. All he needs to do is ignore it

What is more likely, that all of the accusations are true, or that people were willing to pay Hunter Biden and Whitey Bulger's nephew millions of dollars out of the goodness of their hearts?
Whats most likely is that Hunter had an investment firm and managed capital, also Hunter was hired as a board member for an energy company and was paid for that. No evidence of anything else. The accusations being slung out right now have been investigated. No wrong doing. You’re full of shit.

There's all kinds of evidence now on the hard drive. Crackhead, snorting cocaine off of kids, giving half the money from exortion to his dad. Hunter was a crackhead who couldn't manage anything. More evidence on the hard drive that the virus was a bioweapon to be used in the US. Wow!!
I totally believe you! Haha.

Yes we get it. Ignorance is bliss. Really doesn't matter what you believe though. The facts are there. Most partisan libs will believe the delusion.
Last edited:
Joe's campaign team only has 1 option to get out of this one.

Do a huge commercial using his dead son - "Joe Biden already lost 1 son - (show a picture of Hunter) - and he was about to lose his other son. What was a parent to do? Wouldn't YOU do anything you could for your children?"

Milk the 'sympathy' and 'heart-string-pull' of struggling loving parents everywhere.....
Joe has nothing to get out from. The narrative is full of lies. All he needs to do is ignore it

What is more likely, that all of the accusations are true, or that people were willing to pay Hunter Biden and Whitey Bulger's nephew millions of dollars out of the goodness of their hearts?
Whats most likely is that Hunter had an investment firm and managed capital, also Hunter was hired as a board member for an energy company and was paid for that. No evidence of anything else. The accusations being slung out right now have been investigated. No wrong doing. You’re full of shit.

There's all kinds of evidence now on the hard drive. Crackhead, snorting cocaine off of kids, giving half the money from exortion to his dad. Hunter was a crackhead who couldn't manage anything. More evidence on the hard drive that the virus was a bioweapon to be used in the US. Wow!!
I totally believe you! Haha.

Yes we get it. Ignorance is bliss. Really doesn't matter what you believe though. The facts are there. Most partisan libs will believe the delusion.
What delusion is that?

Because its pretty clear that these revelations didn’t magically happen 20 days out of an election. You have to be a damn moron to not see this as a coordinated smear campaign. Nothing more.
Joe's campaign team only has 1 option to get out of this one.

Do a huge commercial using his dead son - "Joe Biden already lost 1 son - (show a picture of Hunter) - and he was about to lose his other son. What was a parent to do? Wouldn't YOU do anything you could for your children?"

Milk the 'sympathy' and 'heart-string-pull' of struggling loving parents everywhere.....
Joe has nothing to get out from. The narrative is full of lies. All he needs to do is ignore it

What is more likely, that all of the accusations are true, or that people were willing to pay Hunter Biden and Whitey Bulger's nephew millions of dollars out of the goodness of their hearts?
Whats most likely is that Hunter had an investment firm and managed capital, also Hunter was hired as a board member for an energy company and was paid for that. No evidence of anything else. The accusations being slung out right now have been investigated. No wrong doing. You’re full of shit.

There's all kinds of evidence now on the hard drive. Crackhead, snorting cocaine off of kids, giving half the money from exortion to his dad. Hunter was a crackhead who couldn't manage anything. More evidence on the hard drive that the virus was a bioweapon to be used in the US. Wow!!
I totally believe you! Haha.

Yes we get it. Ignorance is bliss. Really doesn't matter what you believe though. The facts are there. Most partisan libs will believe the delusion.
What delusion is that?

Because its pretty clear that these revelations didn’t magically happen 20 days out of an election. You have to be a damn moron to not see this as a coordinated smear campaign. Nothing more.

Smear? Dont think so. Human trafficking, extortion, bribery, aren't smears. They're egregious abominable acts.
Joe's campaign team only has 1 option to get out of this one.

Do a huge commercial using his dead son - "Joe Biden already lost 1 son - (show a picture of Hunter) - and he was about to lose his other son. What was a parent to do? Wouldn't YOU do anything you could for your children?"

Milk the 'sympathy' and 'heart-string-pull' of struggling loving parents everywhere.....
Joe has nothing to get out from. The narrative is full of lies. All he needs to do is ignore it

What is more likely, that all of the accusations are true, or that people were willing to pay Hunter Biden and Whitey Bulger's nephew millions of dollars out of the goodness of their hearts?
Whats most likely is that Hunter had an investment firm and managed capital, also Hunter was hired as a board member for an energy company and was paid for that. No evidence of anything else. The accusations being slung out right now have been investigated. No wrong doing. You’re full of shit.

There's all kinds of evidence now on the hard drive. Crackhead, snorting cocaine off of kids, giving half the money from exortion to his dad. Hunter was a crackhead who couldn't manage anything. More evidence on the hard drive that the virus was a bioweapon to be used in the US. Wow!!
I totally believe you! Haha.

Yes we get it. Ignorance is bliss. Really doesn't matter what you believe though. The facts are there. Most partisan libs will believe the delusion.
What delusion is that?

Because its pretty clear that these revelations didn’t magically happen 20 days out of an election. You have to be a damn moron to not see this as a coordinated smear campaign. Nothing more.

Smear? Dont think so. Human trafficking, extortion, bribery, aren't smears. They're egregious abominable acts.
No sorry, those are crimes. The FBI and Senate invested all this crap and say there’s nothing there. All you guys have is Trump smear BS
Joe's campaign team only has 1 option to get out of this one.

Do a huge commercial using his dead son - "Joe Biden already lost 1 son - (show a picture of Hunter) - and he was about to lose his other son. What was a parent to do? Wouldn't YOU do anything you could for your children?"

Milk the 'sympathy' and 'heart-string-pull' of struggling loving parents everywhere.....
Joe has nothing to get out from. The narrative is full of lies. All he needs to do is ignore it

What is more likely, that all of the accusations are true, or that people were willing to pay Hunter Biden and Whitey Bulger's nephew millions of dollars out of the goodness of their hearts?
Whats most likely is that Hunter had an investment firm and managed capital, also Hunter was hired as a board member for an energy company and was paid for that. No evidence of anything else. The accusations being slung out right now have been investigated. No wrong doing. You’re full of shit.

There's all kinds of evidence now on the hard drive. Crackhead, snorting cocaine off of kids, giving half the money from exortion to his dad. Hunter was a crackhead who couldn't manage anything. More evidence on the hard drive that the virus was a bioweapon to be used in the US. Wow!!
I totally believe you! Haha.

Yes we get it. Ignorance is bliss. Really doesn't matter what you believe though. The facts are there. Most partisan libs will believe the delusion.
What delusion is that?

Because its pretty clear that these revelations didn’t magically happen 20 days out of an election. You have to be a damn moron to not see this as a coordinated smear campaign. Nothing more.

Smear? Dont think so. Human trafficking, extortion, bribery, aren't smears. They're egregious abominable acts.
No sorry, those are crimes. The FBI and Senate invested all this crap and say there’s nothing there. All you guys have is Trump smear BS

Theyre crimes committed by the bidens. The truth is coming out.
Joe's campaign team only has 1 option to get out of this one.

Do a huge commercial using his dead son - "Joe Biden already lost 1 son - (show a picture of Hunter) - and he was about to lose his other son. What was a parent to do? Wouldn't YOU do anything you could for your children?"

Milk the 'sympathy' and 'heart-string-pull' of struggling loving parents everywhere.....
Joe has nothing to get out from. The narrative is full of lies. All he needs to do is ignore it

What is more likely, that all of the accusations are true, or that people were willing to pay Hunter Biden and Whitey Bulger's nephew millions of dollars out of the goodness of their hearts?
Whats most likely is that Hunter had an investment firm and managed capital, also Hunter was hired as a board member for an energy company and was paid for that. No evidence of anything else. The accusations being slung out right now have been investigated. No wrong doing. You’re full of shit.

There's all kinds of evidence now on the hard drive. Crackhead, snorting cocaine off of kids, giving half the money from exortion to his dad. Hunter was a crackhead who couldn't manage anything. More evidence on the hard drive that the virus was a bioweapon to be used in the US. Wow!!
I totally believe you! Haha.

Yes we get it. Ignorance is bliss. Really doesn't matter what you believe though. The facts are there. Most partisan libs will believe the delusion.
What delusion is that?

Because its pretty clear that these revelations didn’t magically happen 20 days out of an election. You have to be a damn moron to not see this as a coordinated smear campaign. Nothing more.

Smear? Dont think so. Human trafficking, extortion, bribery, aren't smears. They're egregious abominable acts.
No sorry, those are crimes. The FBI and Senate invested all this crap and say there’s nothing there. All you guys have is Trump smear BS

Theyre crimes committed by the bidens. The truth is coming out.
The facts have been investigated and no crimes. All that coming out now are the republicans desperate attempt at an October surprise. You’re a fool if you truly believe it

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