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Is the New BS GOP treasonous? Totally brainwashed, misinformed/out of control...

Is the New BS GOP treasonous? Totally brainwashed, misinformed/out of control..
The Force is weak in this one.

You can smell the Fear and Desperation on Democrats like the chlorinated musk stench of a decadent LibTard bathhouse and opium den.

Their noses are so far up each others asses that they're sniffin' tonsils...

Unfortunately, I'm stuck voting for their corrupt standard bearer, given the insane nature of the alternative, but it's still damned funny to watch.
If you believe the world's best charity is a slush fund after numerous investigations...

The investigation is not done yet, it looks very bad .

Ony in duped New BS GOP world, Putin lover. It's an evil, un-American joke witch hunt just like all the others, dupe.

Trafficking in children and a huge pay to play slush fund don't look good on paper ..

Poor little haterpubdupes is going off the deep end.

He's so convinced that he's right and Republicans are wrong, despite massive evidence to the contrary, that he's making up "total war" and other hysterical accusations against them rather than consider that, just maybe, he's the one who's wrong.

That's what comes from these hysterical screamers, I guess. :dunno:
He's not the first to whine about "war" in politics, of course. It's an old complaint, and usually comes from losers like himself.

Who can forget Democrat consultant James Carville shouting "This is war, Larry, war!!!" ... at the news that Special Investigator Kenneth Star has begun to find out the truth about Bill Clinton in 1998?

Democrats have been at war against normal Americans since far before that date, legislating against the will of the people in most areas. But now, Republicans have stopped being the "nice guy" and have fought fire with fire for a change.

It's a hoot seeing whiners like little haterpubdupes yelping like whipped dogs when Republicans start beating them with their own tactics.
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Remember way back when Comey was a hero to the left for saying "Extremely careless but no charges were being brought".
Is the New BS GOP treasonous? Totally brainwashed, misinformed/out of control..
The Force is weak in this one.

You can smell the Fear and Desperation on Democrats like the chlorinated musk stench of a decadent LibTard bathhouse and opium den.

Their noses are so far up each others asses that they're sniffin' tonsils...

Unfortunately, I'm stuck voting for their corrupt standard bearer, given the insane nature of the alternative, but it's still damned funny to watch.
If you believe the world's best charity is a slush fund after numerous investigations...

The investigation is not done yet, it looks very bad .

Ony in duped New BS GOP world, Putin lover. It's an evil, un-American joke witch hunt just like all the others, dupe.

Trafficking in children and a huge pay to play slush fund don't look good on paper ..

There is no evidence of either, according to the US justice system, functional traitor.
There is no evidence of either, according to the US justice system, functional traitor.
The usual Bart Simpson defense: "I didn't do it, nobody saw me do it, you can't prove anything....."

Spoken as usual, as though he thought anyone was actually listening or believing him any more.
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The hate/bs conspiracy nutjobs Republicans are now vowing Total War. And the consequences could be immense.

Let’s take the FBI case as just one example. You have a situation where a group of FBI agents is in direct conflict with prosecutors who believe the agents have a weak case in their attempt to find evidence of corruption that can be used against Clinton. The agents, in an atrocious violation of FBI policy against injecting the Bureau into an election, begin leaking dark innuendo to reporters. That convinces the FBI director that he has no choice but to go public with the fact that the Bureau is looking at some emails that might or might not have something to do with Clinton, though no one has actually read them. That news lands like a bombshell, despite its complete lack of substance.

And then it turns out that these agents are basing their investigation on a book called “Clinton Cash” by Peter Schweizer. Schweizer is the president of the Government Accountability Institute, an organization co-founded and chaired by Steve Bannon. Who is the CEO of the Trump campaign.

While the “imagine if the other side was doing this” argument can sometimes sound trite, in this case it’s more than apt. Imagine if a group of FBI agents were leaking damaging information on Donald Trump in violation of longstanding departmental policy, and it turned out that they were basing their innuendo on a book published by the Center for American Progress, which Clinton campaign chair John Podesta founded and used to run. Republicans would be crying bloody murder, and I’m pretty sure the entire news media would be backing them up every step of the way.

[Former CIA chief: Trump is Russia’s useful fool]

It’s not that this kind of thing is completely unprecedented. When Bill Clinton was impeached, people talked about “the criminalization of politics” — the idea that Republicans were trying to use the levers of the justice system as a means to prevail in what should be just ordinary political competition. George W. Bush’s administration fired a group of U.S. Attorneys because they were unwilling to pursue bogus voter fraud cases against Democrats or were too willing to investigate genuine corruption among Republican officials. There are cases like the absurd prosecution of former Alabama governor Don Siegelman, who has been in jail for years because he reappointed to a state health care board a man who had donated money to a lottery initiative Siegelman favored. And there was this guy named J. Edgar Hoover.

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But as he has in so many ways, Donald Trump takes every ugly impulse Republicans have and turns it up to 11, and just about the entire party follows him down. So now they are making it very clear that from literally the day Hillary Clinton is inaugurated, they will wage total war on her. There will be no rule or norm or standard of decency they won’t flout if it gets them a step closer to destroying her, no matter what the collateral damage.

It’s important to understand that strong institutions are what separate strong democracies from weak ones. In a strong democracy, one party can’t come into power and just lock up its opponents. It can’t turn the country’s law enforcement agencies into a partisan tool to destroy the other party. It can’t say that the courts will function only at its pleasure. We have the world’s most stable system not just because there aren’t tanks in the streets on election day, but because we have institutions that are strong enough to restrain the venality of individual men and women. And now, Republicans are not even pretending that those institutions should be impartial and transcend partisanship. They’re saying, if we can use them to destroy our opponents, we will. Something is seriously breaking down.

[Here’s how you destroy a democratic republic]

And please, spare me any explanations for this phenomenon that rely on how “divided” Americans are. Are we divided? Sure. But there’s only one party that is so vigorously undermining core democratic institutions in this way. You may not like what Democrats stand for, but they aren’t engaging in widespread official vote suppression, chanting that should their candidate win her opponent should be tossed in jail, promising to prevent any Republican president from filling vacancies on the Supreme Court, suggesting that they’ll try to impeach their opponent as soon as he takes office, cheering when a hostile foreign power hacks into American electronic systems, and trying to use the FBI to win the election.

Only one party is doing all of that. And we should all be very worried about what Republicans will do after November 8, whether they win or lose.
Say again Nazi?

Are you posting from orgy island with Bill amd hitlery??
You're really fixated on the possible orgy island stuff....aren't you? You should check into the Drumpf rape case stuff........that's real.
The Force is weak in this one.

You can smell the Fear and Desperation on Democrats like the chlorinated musk stench of a decadent LibTard bathhouse and opium den.

Their noses are so far up each others asses that they're sniffin' tonsils...

Unfortunately, I'm stuck voting for their corrupt standard bearer, given the insane nature of the alternative, but it's still damned funny to watch.
If you believe the world's best charity is a slush fund after numerous investigations...

The investigation is not done yet, it looks very bad .

Ony in duped New BS GOP world, Putin lover. It's an evil, un-American joke witch hunt just like all the others, dupe.

Trafficking in children and a huge pay to play slush fund don't look good on paper ..

There is no evidence of either, according to the US justice system, functional traitor.


If you believe the world's best charity is a slush fund after numerous investigations...

The investigation is not done yet, it looks very bad .

Ony in duped New BS GOP world, Putin lover. It's an evil, un-American joke witch hunt just like all the others, dupe.

Trafficking in children and a huge pay to play slush fund don't look good on paper ..

There is no evidence of either, according to the US justice system, functional traitor.


Real world.
The investigation is not done yet, it looks very bad .

Ony in duped New BS GOP world, Putin lover. It's an evil, un-American joke witch hunt just like all the others, dupe.

Trafficking in children and a huge pay to play slush fund don't look good on paper ..

There is no evidence of either, according to the US justice system, functional traitor.


Real world.

Try Walley world

Dear francoHFW
I wish there was some way I could tag on or reply to your Funny with a Funny.
Like n to the nth power expontentially.

When one of my Republican friends starts talking like you about an armed revolution, the one argument he will listen to is that the Governor would call for a constitutional solution first. Such as training all citizens to be their own police and military so the population would qualify for gun ownership should federal restriction s come down on the states. He and I as constitutionalists would support setting up a grand jury system with the Libertarians to check govt and stop political abuses. So these proposal s do appeal to right wing conservatives and constitutionalists as peaceful means of revolutionizing govt without armed forces needing to be exerted.

I think YOU are funny for thinking this is funny. It's a very serious solution to serious problems, and it will take a lot of work similarly to the heavy pulling it took Jesse Jones to convince private investors to bail out smaller banks after the Depression. Not funny at all but some serious serious work for people to agree to take on to fix things ourselves, civilly through the private sector and realize we have that power that ability and that social responsibility.

You are funny if you think this is funny!

The Constitution gives the President the power to nominate Supreme Court Justices.

The Senate's Constitutional role of "advise and consent" is done by considering and deciding upon the qualifications of the president's nominee.

Mitch McConnel said he would not even consider a justice nominated by Obama. He said only the next president should have the right to nominate a Supreme Court justice. Then John McCain closed the deal by saying that if Clinton wins, he belives the Republican obstruction of the President's Constitutional role in nominating justices would continue. Translation: no nominees selected by a Democratic President will be considered.

By refusing to advise and consent, the Republicans are obstructing the Constitutionally protected powers of a sitting president.

"Furthermore, the power to change the number of justices on the Supreme Court requires an act of Congress, and thus the Senate is unable to accomplish this on its own. So if the Senate were to refuse to consider any nominees whatsoever, not only would this amount to the Senate failing to perform its constitutional duties, but this would also have the effect of the Senate improperly usurping the power unto itself to change the number of sitting justices from 9 to 8."

This is exactly how the Constitution will be destroyed, by a movement that claims to be protecting it while acting outside of it.

God fucking help us. This is really happening in my lifetime.

(FYI: thank you for your thoughtful explanations on everything. It is far better than spewing talking points or making cryptic rejoinders)
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Dear francoHFW
I wish there was some way I could tag on or reply to your Funny with a Funny.
Like n to the nth power expontentially.

When one of my Republican friends starts talking like you about an armed revolution, the one argument he will listen to is that the Governor would call for a constitutional solution first. Such as training all citizens to be their own police and military so the population would qualify for gun ownership should federal restriction s come down on the states. He and I as constitutionalists would support setting up a grand jury system with the Libertarians to check govt and stop political abuses. So these proposal s do appeal to right wing conservatives and constitutionalists as peaceful means of revolutionizing govt without armed forces needing to be exerted.

I think YOU are funny for thinking this is funny. It's a very serious solution to serious problems, and it will take a lot of work similarly to the heavy pulling it took Jesse Jones to convince private investors to bail out smaller banks after the Depression. Not funny at all but some serious serious work for people to agree to take on to fix things ourselves, civilly through the private sector and realize we have that power that ability and that social responsibility.

You are funny if you think this is funny!

The Constitution gives the President the power to nominate Supreme Court Justices.

The Senate's Constitutional role of "advise and consent" is done by considering and deciding upon the qualifications of the president's nominee.

Mitch McConnel said he would not even consider a justice nominated by Obama. He said only the next president should have the right to nominate a Supreme Court justice. Then John McCain closed the deal by saying that if Clinton wins, he belives the Republican obstruction of the President's Constitutional role in nominating justices would continue. Translation: no nominees selected by a Democratic President will be considered.

By refusing to advise and consent, the Republicans are obstructing the Constitutionally protected powers of a sitting president.

"Furthermore, the power to change the number of justices on the Supreme Court requires an act of Congress, and thus the Senate is unable to accomplish this on its own. So if the Senate were to refuse to consider any nominees whatsoever, not only would this amount to the Senate failing to perform its constitutional duties, but this would also have the effect of the Senate improperly usurping the power unto itself to change the number of sitting justices from 9 to 8."

This is exactly how the Constitution will be destroyed, by a movement that claims to be protecting it while acting outside of it.

God fucking help us. This is really happening in my lifetime.

(FYI: thank you for your thoughtful explanations on everything. It is far better than spewing talking points or making cryptic rejoinders)
Dear Londoner
On the other hand, I totally believe if all the parties consult together
we can agree to stop these destructive politics,
and choose people willing to represent the diverse parties AND put the Constitution first,
so we work toward consensus on laws that respect BOTH.

Right now, if we fill govt with bullies who only put one party first or bow to the other,
we get garbage. Like ACA where people on both left and right complained
the corporate crap and compromises weren't what EITHER side wanted.

Let's stop nominating electing and hiring people who can't work with both the
various beliefs of diverse parties AND enforce the Constitution at the same time.

Either respect all of these, or get people in office who will work as a team.
If it takes a TEAM of consultants to help each person in office respect BOTH
then so be it. It will take all citizens learning the Constitution to police govt,
at all levels.

This isn't going to destroy the Constitution, it's going to require
educating everyone, as even people are trying to correct and
teach each other on this forum here. Just like that, we can make this work.
And we can include and respect each person's and party's beliefs, just like we try to here!

It isn't perfect. That's why we need to enlist each other's help to make this work.

It's no different than how universities hire the best of the art, science, music, facilities,
sports, health depts so they have all the areas covered in their campus programs.

Instead of bullying between one party over others, we hire consultants from all of
them to assist in areas where this affects people of different beliefs, and make
sure all objections and concerns/conflicts are addressed. So our policies cover all the bases.

We are heading for this anyway. A combination of representative democracy
and direct, of federal working with state. And we use the internet and
school/academic depts to organize teams of experts and researchers in each
area, to make sure we develop and implement the most effective sustainable solutions we can.

Clinton, Trump Cruz all the leaders are right that we need to fix the things wrong we see.
It will take all leaders and all the parties working together to delegate the work
that needs to get done.

That's where we're heading as a country. And so are all other nations
having to organize resources the same way. It's already happening,
through the internet, through academic depts connecting across the world
to put together the best solutions to each of the areas and problems
they specialize in respectively.

Sorry I overstated this. I'm sure you got this back in paragraph 1-2.

If not, we will all be on the same page in time, if we are going to survive.

Take care and thanks for being here, too.
Appreciate yours and everyone's input,
because believe me,it's going to take every one
of us to organize the work it takes to reorganize
and reform where our govt and economy is heading.

It's all good, but it's a helluva lot of work.
Look forward to better times ahead than
the messes left behind we've just begun to assess and clean up.

Yours truly,
"The no compromise, un-American TP GOP" -TIME. Dangerous dupes...see sig.
It warms my heart knowing Franco is going into these last few days before the election, very very nervous.
That's what you hater dupes are good for. "No compromise, un-American TP GOP"- TIME. Keep voting for your greedy, lying scumbag GOP billionaires, fool.

The only real question is whether there will be any GOPers who will respect the great American traditions of good gov't under President Hilllary Clinton's administration.
It warms my heart knowing Franco is going into these last few days before the election, very very nervous.
That's what you hater dupes are good for. "No compromise, un-American TP GOP"- TIME. Keep voting for your greedy, lying scumbag GOP billionaires, fool.

The only real question is whether there will be any GOPers who will respect the great American traditions of good gov't under President Hilllary Clinton's administration.
Face it- you've got nuthin'....
It warms my heart knowing Franco is going into these last few days before the election, very very nervous.
That's what you hater dupes are good for. "No compromise, un-American TP GOP"- TIME. Keep voting for your greedy, lying scumbag GOP billionaires, fool.

The only real question is whether there will be any GOPers who will respect the great American traditions of good gov't under President Hilllary Clinton's administration.
Face it- you've got nuthin'....

Dear francoHFW the day supporters of Democratic politicians like you
join in paying all the damage done by such corruption, as I am paying for as a Democrat to make this point myself,
then I might believe you really accept responsibility for whatever policy is represented.
otherwise those votes are being "bought and sold" and the cost dumped on others!

As long as voters and donors keep electing politicians like Obama and Clinton to office,

that's why the people who do pay the costs complain.

Now to be fair, you can say the same of Republicans and war spending.
But where have Democrats gone after recooping that money?
If the two parties only rack up costs while blaming the other,
and never make any effort to collect and pay back citizens and taxpaying public
for these costs and expenses of corruption "they are so opposed to"

that's why you "have nothing."
It warms my heart knowing Franco is going into these last few days before the election, very very nervous.
That's what you hater dupes are good for. "No compromise, un-American TP GOP"- TIME. Keep voting for your greedy, lying scumbag GOP billionaires, fool.

The only real question is whether there will be any GOPers who will respect the great American traditions of good gov't under President Hilllary Clinton's administration.
Face it- you've got nuthin'....

Dear francoHFW the day supporters of Democratic politicians like you
join in paying all the damage done by such corruption, as I am paying for as a Democrat to make this point myself,
then I might believe you really accept responsibility for whatever policy is represented.
otherwise those votes are being "bought and sold" and the cost dumped on others!

As long as voters and donors keep electing politicians like Obama and Clinton to office,

that's why the people who do pay the costs complain.

Now to be fair, you can say the same of Republicans and war spending.
But where have Democrats gone after recooping that money?
If the two parties only rack up costs while blaming the other,
and never make any effort to collect and pay back citizens and taxpaying public
for these costs and expenses of corruption "they are so opposed to"

that's why you "have nothing."
The corruption you speak of doesn't exist lol. But thanks for 9/11 thru sheer incompetence, the stupidest wars ever, a corrupt GOP world depression, and 8 years of mindless obstruction of the usual solutions- and of course the worst and biggest bs propaganda machine in our history.. The New BS GOP is totally bought by their greedy idiot lying thieving billionaire masters, dupes.

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