Is The Only Way Out Of This Mess Deflation/Depression?

First you get every one vaxed and get Ukraine OVER duh...not Biden's fault DUH.
LOL. Oh yeah, I forgot that's the line the left are trying to sell people. How you guys can ignore the polls which show 75% of Americans believe we are on the wrong track just boggles my mind. Voters aren't buying your BS. A red tsunami is coming in November. You know this already. And yet with 75% of Americans saying that the country is headed in the wrong direction people like you think we should continue going in this direction. Unbelievable. I love it. Keep on thinking that, clear up to 2024.
The transportation industries are the issue.

This railroad mostly. Some airlines but mostly the railroad that was newly formed last spring.

This new rail conglomerate has created a bottleneck at every port. It doesn't want to haul diesel anymore so our trucking industry can't haul anything any more.

And congress is so busy shoveling money into their own pockets they haven't noticed.

They are bleeding us dry. That's the reason for the mess at the shipping docks...
How do we get back to the prices we used to pay? Biden has painted us into a corner where our only options are either continually paying higher prices than we do now or, to get back to the prices we used to pay, we must enter a period of deflation, AKA a depression.
Impeachment and imprisonment.
How do we get back to the prices we used to pay? Biden has painted us into a corner where our only options are either continually paying higher prices than we do now or, to get back to the prices we used to pay, we must enter a period of deflation, AKA a depression.
How exactly did Biden paint us into a corner? What are the top actions that he took that directly caused this situation. Would be nice to dig in instead of scrapping the surface. If we can understand the causes then we can better understand the possible fixes
How exactly did Biden paint us into a corner? What are the top actions that he took that directly caused this situation. Would be nice to dig in instead of scrapping the surface. If we can understand the causes then we can better understand the possible fixes
Why ask questions that you will refuse to believe the answer?
1. Killing America's energy independence.
2. Giving more people money to stay at home then they would have going to work.
3 Spending money we don't have.
4. Showing weakness created the war in Ukraine.
No matter how much you whine bitch and deflect this is biden's making.
For all those who flunked economics 101, inflation is a good thing.
It means expanding demand.
It is what reduces the difficulty in repaying old loans, and stimulates growth.
We had 2 yeas of stagnation due to covid fears, that now have to go away as we start reinvesting more production again.
Lowering prices mean recession and less ability to buy, so is a bad thing.
How exactly did Biden paint us into a corner? What are the top actions that he took that directly caused this situation. Would be nice to dig in instead of scrapping the surface. If we can understand the causes then we can better understand the possible fixes

Continue being blind. 75% of Americans say the country is going in the wrong direction. Even Democrats realize that their goose is cooked at the midterms. When 75% of Americans think the country is headed in the wrong direction you don't get their votes by saying that we're going to keep on going in this same direction. That's just totally stupid. Democrats need to listen to the voters.
No one knows, because of the nature of the global inflationary pressures: Exploding demand coupled with/multiplied by crippled supply chains.

Normally prices don't contract unless we're in a period of real and significant deflation, and we are certainly not there. However, many prices have already begun dropping, such as used cars and lumber.

So, while inflationary pressures have fed on themselves resulting in a much longer inflationary period than we had hoped, we may actually see certain key prices decline in selected areas rather than on a macro scale. That would be great. Or, the shit may hit the fan as remaining inflationary pressures continue to feed on themselves.

Again, no one knows. We're in uncharted territory right now.
In a Depression a nation's government can choose between a Deflationary or Inflationary Depression. The Depression though is real. Different people may be affected by the choice. The Great Depression was a Deflationary one in an era of low taxes compared to now and with more control over the Federal Reserve (which is a privately owned central bank) back then as today the Federal Reserve has enormous control and say over us all.
How exactly did Biden paint us into a corner? What are the top actions that he took that directly caused this situation. Would be nice to dig in instead of scrapping the surface. If we can understand the causes then we can better understand the possible fixes
The causes of inflation were simple (profoundly damaged) supply and (exploding) demand. The most fundamental of all economic theory, and it happened globally.

It started here in early 2020 and fed on itself as the economy grew. It was inevitable, helped also by the Fed's trillions buoying both Obama's and Trump's economies since 2009.

A freakin' high school freshman could understand this. But not these economic geniuses. Arrogant ignorance is bliss for them.


Why ask questions that you will refuse to believe the answer?
1. Killing America's energy independence.
2. Giving more people money to stay at home then they would have going to work.
3 Spending money we don't have.
4. Showing weakness created the war in Ukraine.
No matter how much you whine bitch and deflect this is biden's making.
If you state something true that you can back up then I’ll certainly believe it. Otherwise I will provide a counter argument. That’s how debates work.

1. America hasn’t been energy independent for 70 years. You’re getting bad intel… let me guess, Trump said so?

2. Trump and Biden both did stimulus. So people could stay home during a pandemic.

3. Every president for the pst century has spent more money than we have.

4. That is total horseshit. Biden has nothing to do with Russia invading Ukraine. You’re delusional
Continue being blind. 75% of Americans say the country is going in the wrong direction. Even Democrats realize that their goose is cooked at the midterms. When 75% of Americans think the country is headed in the wrong direction you don't get their votes by saying that we're going to keep on going in this same direction. That's just totally stupid. Democrats need to listen to the voters.
You don’t even try to answer my question
One way is not to impose new taxes on those that create jobs, another is not block access to much needed energy, another way is not allow people to just enter the country at will when we can not take of the ones that are here, another is not be weak on the world stage so the big oil countries will not take your phone calls, etc.

The government can be in the way of a recovery as we saw under Obama. The government can make matters much worse than they need to be.

When you have a government that is more interested in dividing it's population, do not look to it to be part of the solution.
If you state something true that you can back up then I’ll certainly believe it. Otherwise I will provide a counter argument. That’s how debates work.

1. America hasn’t been energy independent for 70 years. You’re getting bad intel… let me guess, Trump said so?

2. Trump and Biden both did stimulus. So people could stay home during a pandemic.

3. Every president for the pst century has spent more money than we have.

4. That is total horseshit. Biden has nothing to do with Russia invading Ukraine. You’re delusional
Whin bitch whin America is not buying your bullshit
How do we get back to the prices we used to pay? Biden has painted us into a corner where our only options are either continually paying higher prices than we do now or, to get back to the prices we used to pay, we must enter a period of deflation, AKA a depression.
Simple, by getting fuel costs back down to Pre Covid levels by this administration dropping it's anti fossil fuel regulations and rhetoric, foot dragging and cancellation of lease sales in the richest and most profitable deposits.

One well in the arctic or deep gulf can produce upwards of 50,000bbls per day.

The biggest issue right now though is that we're having to supplement other countries who have signed on to reducing Russian Oil imports as quickly as possible.

Biden should not only be leading the charge on permanently ending the Nordstream 2 project but also at the same time urging the EU countries to sign onto the pipeline proposed out of Israel through Cyprus to replace much of that Russian Gas.

At the same time he should be leading the charge urging the Euro's to build the necessary offloading facilities to accept at least a 10x fold increase in LNG shipments from the US while fast tracking new LNG loading facilities in the gulf and along the East Coast.

The Sanctions on Russia could be the biggest boon to US energy production since WWII if he'd get out of the way and give just a little help by cutting federal red tape.
If you state something true that you can back up then I’ll certainly believe it. Otherwise I will provide a counter argument. That’s how debates work.

1. America hasn’t been energy independent for 70 years. You’re getting bad intel… let me guess, Trump said so?

2. Trump and Biden both did stimulus. So people could stay home during a pandemic.

3. Every president for the pst century has spent more money than we have.

4. That is total horseshit. Biden has nothing to do with Russia invading Ukraine. You’re delusional
We were a net exporter of Petroleum for the first time in 65 years under the last administration.

With the unbelievably low level of consciousness evident in public life, "depression" on the part of an observer is understandable.

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