Is The Only Way Out Of This Mess Deflation/Depression?

You don’t even try to answer my question
Voters will answer your question come November. It just totally amazes me how when 75% of Americans think the country is headed in the wrong direction, you and the left look at Americans with a straight face and tell them we should stay on the same course that 75% of Americans think is the wrong course. That's how you lose elections. Your message to them is, "Don't worry, let's keep on heading toward that iceberg. ".
The only way out of this long national nightmare, is voting Xiden and the demafascist out of power.
Obviously this administration thinks that good old war is the way out.
Simple, by getting fuel costs back down to Pre Covid levels by this administration dropping it's anti fossil fuel regulations and rhetoric, foot dragging and cancellation of lease sales in the richest and most profitable deposits.

One well in the arctic or deep gulf can produce upwards of 50,000bbls per day.

The biggest issue right now though is that we're having to supplement other countries who have signed on to reducing Russian Oil imports as quickly as possible.

Biden should not only be leading the charge on permanently ending the Nordstream 2 project but also at the same time urging the EU countries to sign onto the pipeline proposed out of Israel through Cyprus to replace much of that Russian Gas.

At the same time he should be leading the charge urging the Euro's to build the necessary offloading facilities to accept at least a 10x fold increase in LNG shipments from the US while fast tracking new LNG loading facilities in the gulf and along the East Coast.

The Sanctions on Russia could be the biggest boon to US energy production since WWII if he'd get out of the way and give just a little help by cutting federal red tape.
We will never get back to where we were, price wise. But, at least you have some ideas to head us in a better direction. Somehow or other we need to get people back to work that don't want to work anymore and do whatever we have to do to stifle wage gains, not expand them. Wage gains are throwing gas on the fire. The more inflation gets out of control the more the left favor wage gains. In other words, continue throwing gas on a fire every time the fire gets larger.
Voters will answer your question come November. It just totally amazes me how when 75% of Americans think the country is headed in the wrong direction, you and the left look at Americans with a straight face and tell them we should stay on the same course that 75% of Americans think is the wrong course. That's how you lose elections. Your message to them is, "Don't worry, let's keep on heading toward that iceberg. ".
I wasn’t asking voters in November, I was asking you. It’s fine if you don’t want to answer though, I’m used to people dodging real debate on this board. Happens all the time
I wasn’t asking voters in November, I was asking you. It’s fine if you don’t want to answer though, I’m used to people dodging real debate on this board. Happens all the time
What the thoughts of one person are, are irrelevant. Democrats have taken a fire that was already burning and thrown gas on it. Millions of voters in November will hold them accountable. When 75% of the voters say the country is headed in the wrong direction, politicians should take note and enable policies which change the direction of the country. Democrats want to throw their arms up in the air and say there's nothing anyone can do so let's keep on heading in the same direction.
What the thoughts of one person are, are irrelevant. Democrats have taken a fire that was already burning and thrown gas on it. Millions of voters in November will hold them accountable. When 75% of the voters say the country is headed in the wrong direction, politicians should take note and enable policies which change the direction of the country. Democrats want to throw their arms up in the air and say there's nothing anyone can do so let's keep on heading in the same direction.
Why are you here sharing your thoughts if you think they are irrelevant?!
In order to unwind our way out of this mess every democrat must be removed from office. Immediately.
Why are you here sharing your thoughts if you think they are irrelevant?!
The voters will decide in November. Can you even grasp that? Can you grasp the fact that 75% of Americans think the country is headed in the wrong direction, therefore we need to make changes and not head in that same direction?
How do we get back to the prices we used to pay? Biden has painted us into a corner where our only options are either continually paying higher prices than we do now or, to get back to the prices we used to pay, we must enter a period of deflation, AKA a depression.
Say hello to my leetle frien'

Voters will answer your question come November. It just totally amazes me how when 75% of Americans think the country is headed in the wrong direction, you and the left look at Americans with a straight face and tell them we should stay on the same course that 75% of Americans think is the wrong course. That's how you lose elections. Your message to them is, "Don't worry, let's keep on heading toward that iceberg. ".
Liberalism in an incurable mental illness.
How do we get back to the prices we used to pay? Biden has painted us into a corner where our only options are either continually paying higher prices than we do now or, to get back to the prices we used to pay, we must enter a period of deflation, AKA a depression.
They are not coming back until The World Submits To The Fascist Globalist New World Order.

These are planned and manufactured crisis you are seeing and the intent is to establish The Great Reset and implement The New World Order.

The voters will decide in November. Can you even grasp that? Can you grasp the fact that 75% of Americans think the country is headed in the wrong direction, therefore we need to make changes and not head in that same direction?
The vote is the beauty of how this country operates. Not polls and not rantings from partisan hacks. There will be changes to our leadership in Nov and I can only hope better leader are elected into office. Don’t know what that has to do with what we were discussing though
Liberalism in an incurable mental illness.
I love how they ride around with coexist bumper stickers and yet they don't want to coexist with the other side. To them "coexist" means come over and do everything our way and then we can all coexist with each other happily ever after.
The vote is the beauty of how this country operates. Not polls and not rantings from partisan hacks. There will be changes to our leadership in Nov and I can only hope better leader are elected into office. Don’t know what that has to do with what we were discussing though
Yes, come November better leaders than the Democrats will be elected.

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