Is The President of the United States Above The Law?

Is a President of the United States above the law?

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Explain and cite any authority if you believe a President of the United States is above the law.
This is a loaded question.
First of all.....the idiots that ask it today believe Hillary is above the law.
When Obama made deals with our enemies and gave them billions, he wasn't giving aid to our enemies. He was president. He's above the law.

Now.....a tweet is grounds for impeachment.

Is it a loaded question? Even if is was it deserves an honest response (something I do not expect to come from you). The DOJ memo suggests a president is above the law, quite an ambiguity since COTUS speaks to High Crimes and Misdemeanors.

Obstruction of justice, in United States jurisdictions, is a crime consisting of obstructing prosecutors, investigators, or other government officials.

We have seen this year the President, and this week Sect. Pompeo, directing subordinates to ignore subpoenas legally issued by The Congress.

The corollary question to this thread is, does obstruction of justice meet the standard of a High Crime or a Misdemeanor; and if the subpoenas are legal.

It was for the republicans when they impeached Clinton. Obstruction of justice was one of the charges.

If lying about consensual oral sex with an adult woman who isn't your wife when married is obstruction of justice then obstruction of justice is a high crime and misdemeanor when trump does it. Which he's done many, many times.

Explain and cite any authority if you believe a President of the United States is above the law.

yes, he actually is, any president has executive privilege. why is it you all don't know that? can't you look shit up on a web page and see it? really are you showing your true dumbness? rhetorical, I get it.

You're suggesting that any POTUS has executive privilege allowing him to obstruct justice. Is that your claim? Are you taking clues from Rudy?

how did he obstruct justice? explain what obstruction you're referring to. See with executive privilege he can refuse to have staff testify. It's in the law. fk. you still don't get it eh?

STATEMENT: See with executive privilege he can refuse to have staff testify. It's in the law. fk. you still don't get it eh?

RESPONSE: It's a Doctrine, not codified in law!

The Limits of Executive Privilege

The Link shows how complicated and ambiguous the doctrine has become.

blah blah blah.....
When Obama was in office they rejoiced the hundreds (maybe thousands) of time he broke the law. He had his "Pen and Phone"....remember.
Your leftist morons live on hypocrisy.


Explain and cite any authority if you believe a President of the United States is above the law.
This is a loaded question.
First of all.....the idiots that ask it today believe Hillary is above the law.
When Obama made deals with our enemies and gave them billions, he wasn't giving aid to our enemies. He was president. He's above the law.

Now.....a tweet is grounds for impeachment.

Is it a loaded question? Even if is was it deserves an honest response (something I do not expect to come from you). The DOJ memo suggests a president is above the law, quite an ambiguity since COTUS speaks to High Crimes and Misdemeanors.

Obstruction of justice, in United States jurisdictions, is a crime consisting of obstructing prosecutors, investigators, or other government officials.

We have seen this year the President, and this week Sect. Pompeo, directing subordinates to ignore subpoenas legally issued by The Congress.

The corollary question to this thread is, does obstruction of justice meet the standard of a High Crime or a Misdemeanor; and if the subpoenas are legal.

It was for the republicans when they impeached Clinton. Obstruction of justice was one of the charges.

If lying about consensual oral sex with an adult woman who isn't your wife when married is obstruction of justice then obstruction of justice is a high crime and misdemeanor when trump does it. Which he's done many, many times.
You better do some research. Clinton wasn't impeached for lying about oral sex.
blah blah blah.....
When Obama was in office they rejoiced the hundreds (maybe thousands) of time he broke the law. He had his "Pen and Phone"....remember.
Your leftist morons live on hypocrisy.

View attachment 283580

Posting a stupid comment is not unexpected, especially from someone like you. Trying to cover up an important link, trying to censor is also typical of Right Wing neo-fascist trump supporter.

What this a-hole tried to censor is this:

The Limits of Executive Privilege

The Link shows how complicated and ambiguous the doctrine has become.
First of all it was a stupid question, one which Frank excels in.

Your question is significant, and the only answer can be inferred in Art II, sec. 4:

"The President, Vice President and all civil officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors"

High Crimes are felonies, and I have no doubt that Obstruction of Justice [18 U.S. Code s/s 1512] is a Felony:

(b)Whoever knowingly uses intimidation, threatens, or corruptly persuades another person, or attempts to do so, or engages in misleading conduct toward another person, with intent to -

(1) influence, delay, or prevent the testimony of any person in an official proceeding;
(2) cause or induce any person to -
(A) withhold testimony, or withhold a record, document, or other object, from an official proceeding;
(C) withhold testimony, or withhold a record, document, or other object, from an official proceeding;​

shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 20 years, or both.

Seem as if this applies to Trump, Pence and Pompeo, along with Rudy and other legal representatives who advise Trump, Pence, Pompeo and Rudy to break the law.

Where did Trump "obstruct" anything?

Today, or last night, when he told the EU Ambassador to not appear before the Congressional Committee.

See my post #143 which you not so cleverly tried to cover with a foolish comment.

He's POTUS, he's allowed to do that!

The won't even take an honest up and down vote on "Impeachment"
which is the law. funny, this stupid fk is asking if the POTUS is above the law on a request that is being made from a person acting like she's above the law. too fking ironic for me.


You two clowns don't have a clue about the law. Or to take what is happening now seriously.
Biden ought to be in jail. Is he above the law?

Explain and cite any authority if you believe a President of the United States is above the law.
This is a loaded question.
First of all.....the idiots that ask it today believe Hillary is above the law.
When Obama made deals with our enemies and gave them billions, he wasn't giving aid to our enemies. He was president. He's above the law.

Now.....a tweet is grounds for impeachment.

Is it a loaded question? Even if is was it deserves an honest response (something I do not expect to come from you). The DOJ memo suggests a president is above the law, quite an ambiguity since COTUS speaks to High Crimes and Misdemeanors.

Obstruction of justice, in United States jurisdictions, is a crime consisting of obstructing prosecutors, investigators, or other government officials.

We have seen this year the President, and this week Sect. Pompeo, directing subordinates to ignore subpoenas legally issued by The Congress.

The corollary question to this thread is, does obstruction of justice meet the standard of a High Crime or a Misdemeanor; and if the subpoenas are legal.

It was for the republicans when they impeached Clinton. Obstruction of justice was one of the charges.

If lying about consensual oral sex with an adult woman who isn't your wife when married is obstruction of justice then obstruction of justice is a high crime and misdemeanor when trump does it. Which he's done many, many times.
You better do some research. Clinton wasn't impeached for lying about oral sex.

"I didn't have sex with that women, Ms. Lewinsky". An effort to mislead the attorney, but not anything unusual in many investigations, and certainly less toxic than the show put on by Cory Lewandowski.
Where did Trump "obstruct" anything?

Today, or last night, when he told the EU Ambassador to not appear before the Congressional Committee.

See my post #143 which you not so cleverly tried to cover with a foolish comment.

He's POTUS, he's allowed to do that!

The won't even take an honest up and down vote on "Impeachment"
which is the law. funny, this stupid fk is asking if the POTUS is above the law on a request that is being made from a person acting like she's above the law. too fking ironic for me.


You two clowns don't have a clue about the law. Or to take what is happening now seriously.
Biden ought to be in jail. Is he above the law?

The Limits of Executive Privilege

The Link shows how complicated and ambiguous the doctrine has become.

Explain and cite any authority if you believe a President of the United States is above the law.
This is a loaded question.
First of all.....the idiots that ask it today believe Hillary is above the law.
When Obama made deals with our enemies and gave them billions, he wasn't giving aid to our enemies. He was president. He's above the law.

Now.....a tweet is grounds for impeachment.

Is it a loaded question? Even if is was it deserves an honest response (something I do not expect to come from you). The DOJ memo suggests a president is above the law, quite an ambiguity since COTUS speaks to High Crimes and Misdemeanors.

Obstruction of justice, in United States jurisdictions, is a crime consisting of obstructing prosecutors, investigators, or other government officials.

We have seen this year the President, and this week Sect. Pompeo, directing subordinates to ignore subpoenas legally issued by The Congress.

The corollary question to this thread is, does obstruction of justice meet the standard of a High Crime or a Misdemeanor; and if the subpoenas are legal.

It was for the republicans when they impeached Clinton. Obstruction of justice was one of the charges.

If lying about consensual oral sex with an adult woman who isn't your wife when married is obstruction of justice then obstruction of justice is a high crime and misdemeanor when trump does it. Which he's done many, many times.
You better do some research. Clinton wasn't impeached for lying about oral sex.

"I didn't have sex with that women, Ms. Lewinsky". An effort to mislead the attorney, but not anything unusual in many investigations, and certainly less toxic than the show put on by Cory Lewandowski.
Lewinsky wasn't why he was impeached. That was just the public media circus. He was impeached for something else. Do some research.
This is a loaded question.
First of all.....the idiots that ask it today believe Hillary is above the law.
When Obama made deals with our enemies and gave them billions, he wasn't giving aid to our enemies. He was president. He's above the law.

Now.....a tweet is grounds for impeachment.

Is it a loaded question? Even if is was it deserves an honest response (something I do not expect to come from you). The DOJ memo suggests a president is above the law, quite an ambiguity since COTUS speaks to High Crimes and Misdemeanors.

Obstruction of justice, in United States jurisdictions, is a crime consisting of obstructing prosecutors, investigators, or other government officials.

We have seen this year the President, and this week Sect. Pompeo, directing subordinates to ignore subpoenas legally issued by The Congress.

The corollary question to this thread is, does obstruction of justice meet the standard of a High Crime or a Misdemeanor; and if the subpoenas are legal.

It was for the republicans when they impeached Clinton. Obstruction of justice was one of the charges.

If lying about consensual oral sex with an adult woman who isn't your wife when married is obstruction of justice then obstruction of justice is a high crime and misdemeanor when trump does it. Which he's done many, many times.
You better do some research. Clinton wasn't impeached for lying about oral sex.

"I didn't have sex with that women, Ms. Lewinsky". An effort to mislead the attorney, but not anything unusual in many investigations, and certainly less toxic than the show put on by Cory Lewandowski.

Lewinsky wasn't why he was impeached. That was just the public media circus. He was impeached for something else. Do some research.

OH, I get it, President Clinton was the founder and leader of the DEEP STATE.

BS is what you filter into you posts.

Explain and cite any authority if you believe a President of the United States is above the law.

yes, he actually is, any president has executive privilege. why is it you all don't know that? can't you look shit up on a web page and see it? really are you showing your true dumbness? rhetorical, I get it.

You're suggesting that any POTUS has executive privilege allowing him to obstruct justice. Is that your claim? Are you taking clues from Rudy?

The articles of impeachment for both Clinton and nixon included obstruction of justice.
This is a loaded question.
First of all.....the idiots that ask it today believe Hillary is above the law.
When Obama made deals with our enemies and gave them billions, he wasn't giving aid to our enemies. He was president. He's above the law.

Now.....a tweet is grounds for impeachment.

Is it a loaded question? Even if is was it deserves an honest response (something I do not expect to come from you). The DOJ memo suggests a president is above the law, quite an ambiguity since COTUS speaks to High Crimes and Misdemeanors.

Obstruction of justice, in United States jurisdictions, is a crime consisting of obstructing prosecutors, investigators, or other government officials.

We have seen this year the President, and this week Sect. Pompeo, directing subordinates to ignore subpoenas legally issued by The Congress.

The corollary question to this thread is, does obstruction of justice meet the standard of a High Crime or a Misdemeanor; and if the subpoenas are legal.

It was for the republicans when they impeached Clinton. Obstruction of justice was one of the charges.

If lying about consensual oral sex with an adult woman who isn't your wife when married is obstruction of justice then obstruction of justice is a high crime and misdemeanor when trump does it. Which he's done many, many times.
You better do some research. Clinton wasn't impeached for lying about oral sex.

"I didn't have sex with that women, Ms. Lewinsky". An effort to mislead the attorney, but not anything unusual in many investigations, and certainly less toxic than the show put on by Cory Lewandowski.
Lewinsky wasn't why he was impeached. That was just the public media circus. He was impeached for something else. Do some research.

For all of the visits by Epstein
Is it a loaded question? Even if is was it deserves an honest response (something I do not expect to come from you). The DOJ memo suggests a president is above the law, quite an ambiguity since COTUS speaks to High Crimes and Misdemeanors.

Obstruction of justice, in United States jurisdictions, is a crime consisting of obstructing prosecutors, investigators, or other government officials.

We have seen this year the President, and this week Sect. Pompeo, directing subordinates to ignore subpoenas legally issued by The Congress.

The corollary question to this thread is, does obstruction of justice meet the standard of a High Crime or a Misdemeanor; and if the subpoenas are legal.

It was for the republicans when they impeached Clinton. Obstruction of justice was one of the charges.

If lying about consensual oral sex with an adult woman who isn't your wife when married is obstruction of justice then obstruction of justice is a high crime and misdemeanor when trump does it. Which he's done many, many times.
You better do some research. Clinton wasn't impeached for lying about oral sex.

"I didn't have sex with that women, Ms. Lewinsky". An effort to mislead the attorney, but not anything unusual in many investigations, and certainly less toxic than the show put on by Cory Lewandowski.

Lewinsky wasn't why he was impeached. That was just the public media circus. He was impeached for something else. Do some research.

OH, I get it, President Clinton was the founder and leader of the DEEP STATE.

BS is what you filter into you posts.
Paula Jones. Do you know how much Bill had to pay her?
For the others trump supporters who choose to ignore a simple question, admit you believe Trump is above the law and make up some reason. It's not an honest response, but no one expects honesty from a trump supporter.
Trump didn't break any laws, you fucking douchebag.

Explain and cite any authority if you believe a President of the United States is above the law.
This is a loaded question.
First of all.....the idiots that ask it today believe Hillary is above the law.
When Obama made deals with our enemies and gave them billions, he wasn't giving aid to our enemies. He was president. He's above the law.

Now.....a tweet is grounds for impeachment.

Is it a loaded question? Even if is was it deserves an honest response (something I do not expect to come from you). The DOJ memo suggests a president is above the law, quite an ambiguity since COTUS speaks to High Crimes and Misdemeanors.

Obstruction of justice, in United States jurisdictions, is a crime consisting of obstructing prosecutors, investigators, or other government officials.

We have seen this year the President, and this week Sect. Pompeo, directing subordinates to ignore subpoenas legally issued by The Congress.

The corollary question to this thread is, does obstruction of justice meet the standard of a High Crime or a Misdemeanor; and if the subpoenas are legal.

It was for the republicans when they impeached Clinton. Obstruction of justice was one of the charges.

If lying about consensual oral sex with an adult woman who isn't your wife when married is obstruction of justice then obstruction of justice is a high crime and misdemeanor when trump does it. Which he's done many, many times.
Lying under oath is perjury. Getting other people to lie and cover up the facts is obstruction of justice.
It was for the republicans when they impeached Clinton. Obstruction of justice was one of the charges.

If lying about consensual oral sex with an adult woman who isn't your wife when married is obstruction of justice then obstruction of justice is a high crime and misdemeanor when trump does it. Which he's done many, many times.
You better do some research. Clinton wasn't impeached for lying about oral sex.

"I didn't have sex with that women, Ms. Lewinsky". An effort to mislead the attorney, but not anything unusual in many investigations, and certainly less toxic than the show put on by Cory Lewandowski.

Lewinsky wasn't why he was impeached. That was just the public media circus. He was impeached for something else. Do some research.

OH, I get it, President Clinton was the founder and leader of the DEEP STATE.

BS is what you filter into you posts.
Paula Jones. Do you know how much Bill had to pay her?

I could look it up, if it were relevant. How much did trump pay his two ladies by violating campaign finance laws.

Explain and cite any authority if you believe a President of the United States is above the law.
This is a loaded question.
First of all.....the idiots that ask it today believe Hillary is above the law.
When Obama made deals with our enemies and gave them billions, he wasn't giving aid to our enemies. He was president. He's above the law.

Now.....a tweet is grounds for impeachment.

Is it a loaded question? Even if is was it deserves an honest response (something I do not expect to come from you). The DOJ memo suggests a president is above the law, quite an ambiguity since COTUS speaks to High Crimes and Misdemeanors.

Obstruction of justice, in United States jurisdictions, is a crime consisting of obstructing prosecutors, investigators, or other government officials.

We have seen this year the President, and this week Sect. Pompeo, directing subordinates to ignore subpoenas legally issued by The Congress.

The corollary question to this thread is, does obstruction of justice meet the standard of a High Crime or a Misdemeanor; and if the subpoenas are legal.

It was for the republicans when they impeached Clinton. Obstruction of justice was one of the charges.

If lying about consensual oral sex with an adult woman who isn't your wife when married is obstruction of justice then obstruction of justice is a high crime and misdemeanor when trump does it. Which he's done many, many times.
Lying under oath is perjury. Getting other people to lie and cover up the facts is obstruction of justice.

Trump was advised not to testify under oath, his handlers told him he was too inept to not lie.

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