Is The President of the United States Above The Law?

Is a President of the United States above the law?

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the kurds are not our allies.
Your allies are Bashar al Assad and Putin.
they are? when did I get them? Did you give them to me?
You support Putin with your tweets 100%.
I don't tweet, so you have such great information on me, you have information that I don't even own. funny shit.
I meant post, the image of little nuggets of crap is symbolic of your posts.
I'm so superior to you, and that causes you to go off half cocked at every opportunity. when you have no control over TDS I can't help you.
Presidents have often acted outside the law without serious repercussions to themselves or their term.

Yeah, but what about our country, our people and the rest of the world. Trump is solely responsible for the Kurds already killed by the Turk Military today. Not only are the Kurds too suffer, America's credibility will suffer for decades.

The communist Kurdish terrorists are responsible for the Kurds killed by the Turk military.

No, Donald Trump is responsible for the carnage yet to come. Do you know the Kurds had 12,000 ISIS fighters in custody (they are our allies), and now they will abandon that duty to fight the Turks.
The Kurds are our allies. To the Turks they are murderous terrorists. We can't support the kind of carnage the Kurds commit.
the kurds are not our allies.

Your ignorance is amazing. You must get all your information from blogs and message boards to be so blind to reality.

For the Record:
Cheney says Congress 'must and will' act after Turkey launches 'sickening' offensive in Syria

"Rep. Liz Cheney (Wyo.), the No. 3 House Republican, said Wednesday that Congress “must and will” act after Turkey launched an offensive in northern Syria against Kurdish forces previously backed by the United States.

"President Trump’s decision to withdraw U.S. forces from northern Syria is having sickening and predictable consequences,” Cheney said in a statement Wednesday."

Lindsey Graham Slams Trump’s Syria Withdrawal Decision as ‘Disaster in the Making’ | National Review
"Senator Lindsey Graham (R., S.C.) lambasted President Trump’s decision to withdraw U.S. troops from Syria on Monday, less than an hour after the president confirmed his decision to pull forces back in the face of a potential Turkish invasion of northern Syria.

"Graham stipulated on Twitter that he “don’t know all the details” and was setting up a call with Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to learn more, but nevertheless criticized the administration for what he views as a shortsighted decision.

"Graham continued to attack the White House during a Monday morning appearance on Fox & Friends for being “irresponsible” in its treatment of Kurdish allies."

Republicans unload on Trump for Syria shift when he needs them most

Turkey Launches Syria Offensive, Targeting U.S.-Backed Kurds
Were we really supposed to stay in Syria forever to baby sit the Kurds? The Kurds can deal with their own communist terrorists and then they won't have to worry about Turkey.
Were we really supposed to stay in Syria forever to baby sit the Kurds? The Kurds can deal with their own communist terrorists and then they won't have to worry about Turkey.

You're callous and despicable - what caused you to be so cold?

Explain and cite any authority if you believe a President of the United States is above the law.
This is a loaded question.
First of all.....the idiots that ask it today believe Hillary is above the law.
When Obama made deals with our enemies and gave them billions, he wasn't giving aid to our enemies. He was president. He's above the law.

Now.....a tweet is grounds for impeachment.

Is it a loaded question? Even if is was it deserves an honest response (something I do not expect to come from you). The DOJ memo suggests a president is above the law, quite an ambiguity since COTUS speaks to High Crimes and Misdemeanors.

Obstruction of justice, in United States jurisdictions, is a crime consisting of obstructing prosecutors, investigators, or other government officials.

We have seen this year the President, and this week Sect. Pompeo, directing subordinates to ignore subpoenas legally issued by The Congress.

The corollary question to this thread is, does obstruction of justice meet the standard of a High Crime or a Misdemeanor; and if the subpoenas are legal.

It was for the republicans when they impeached Clinton. Obstruction of justice was one of the charges.

If lying about consensual oral sex with an adult woman who isn't your wife when married is obstruction of justice then obstruction of justice is a high crime and misdemeanor when trump does it. Which he's done many, many times.
You better do some research. Clinton wasn't impeached for lying about oral sex.

suborning perjury was one of the articles of impeachment - which means he got monica to lie for him.

a distinction with out a difference.
It was for the republicans when they impeached Clinton. Obstruction of justice was one of the charges.

If lying about consensual oral sex with an adult woman who isn't your wife when married is obstruction of justice then obstruction of justice is a high crime and misdemeanor when trump does it. Which he's done many, many times.
You better do some research. Clinton wasn't impeached for lying about oral sex.

"I didn't have sex with that women, Ms. Lewinsky". An effort to mislead the attorney, but not anything unusual in many investigations, and certainly less toxic than the show put on by Cory Lewandowski.

Lewinsky wasn't why he was impeached. That was just the public media circus. He was impeached for something else. Do some research.

OH, I get it, President Clinton was the founder and leader of the DEEP STATE.

BS is what you filter into you posts.
Paula Jones. Do you know how much Bill had to pay her?

was it as much as the pmts to the porn star or bunny?
You better do some research. Clinton wasn't impeached for lying about oral sex.

"I didn't have sex with that women, Ms. Lewinsky". An effort to mislead the attorney, but not anything unusual in many investigations, and certainly less toxic than the show put on by Cory Lewandowski.

Lewinsky wasn't why he was impeached. That was just the public media circus. He was impeached for something else. Do some research.

OH, I get it, President Clinton was the founder and leader of the DEEP STATE.

BS is what you filter into you posts.
Paula Jones. Do you know how much Bill had to pay her?

was it as much as the pmts to the porn star or bunny?
Is The President of the United States Above The Law?

all of DC exists in moral turpitude

one can't be part of the 'big club' unless one subscribes to it all

"I didn't have sex with that women, Ms. Lewinsky". An effort to mislead the attorney, but not anything unusual in many investigations, and certainly less toxic than the show put on by Cory Lewandowski.

Lewinsky wasn't why he was impeached. That was just the public media circus. He was impeached for something else. Do some research.

OH, I get it, President Clinton was the founder and leader of the DEEP STATE.

BS is what you filter into you posts.
Paula Jones. Do you know how much Bill had to pay her?

was it as much as the pmts to the porn star or bunny?

wow - she priced herself high.
The president has a cogent position that is consistent with the Constitution and public opinion. He wants U.S. forces out of a conflict in which America’s interests have never been clear, and for which Congress has never approved military intervention. The stridency of the counterarguments is matched only by their selectiveness in reciting relevant facts.

The basic fact is that there is no Kurdish territory. There is Syrian territory on Turkey’s border that the Kurds are occupying. Ethnic Kurds do not have a state. They live in contiguous parts of Syria, Turkey, Iraq, and Iran. Most are integrated into these countries, but many are separatists.

The Kurds have been our allies against ISIS, but it is not for us that they have fought. They fight ISIS for themselves, with our help. They are seeking an autonomous zone and, ultimately, statehood. The Kurds we have backed, led by the YPG (People’s Protection Units), are the Syrian branch of the PKK (the Kurdistan Worker’s Party) in Turkey. The PKK is a militant separatist organization with Marxist-Leninist roots. The PKK is a formally designated foreign terrorist organization under U.S. law. While our government materially supports the PKK’s confederates, ordinary Americans have been prosecuted for materially supporting the PKK.

The PKK has a long history of conducting terrorist attacks, but their quarrel is not with us. So why has our government designated them as terrorists? Because they have been fighting an insurgent war against Turkey for over 30 years. Turkey remains our NATO ally, even though the Erdogan government is one of the more duplicitous and anti-Western actors in a region that teems with them. The Erdogan problem complicates but does not change the fact that Turkey is of great strategic significance to our security.

PKK is a terrorist organization and Turkey is our ally. These are not mere technicalities. Our government’s machinations in Syria have not put just one of our allies in a bind. There are two allies in this equation, and our support for one has already vexed the other. The ramifications are serious, not least Turkey’s continued lurch away from NATO and toward Moscow.

Without any public debate, the Obama administration in 2014 insinuated our nation into the Kurdish–Turk conflict by arming the YPG. To be sure, our intentions were good. ISIS had besieged the city of Kobani in northern Syria; but Turkey understandably regards the YPG as a terrorist organization, complicit in the PKK insurgency.

Intervention in Syria has never been authorized by Congress.

Turkey & the Kurds: Defending Trump’s Decision to Remove Syria Troops | National Review

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