Is the presidential race over?

Liberal media says it's over what do you think?

  • Trump

    Votes: 7 58.3%
  • Clinton

    Votes: 5 41.7%

  • Total voters
I think that for a lot of people, Trump is the goofy drunk friend you had in high school, who was fun to hang out with and a million laughs, but you would never actually take him home with you to meet your mom.

In short, yes. The election is over.
no one is saying it's over.

they say dumb donald is looking bad....which he is.

which is why no normal republicans want to be seen with him. take it up with them
Oh it's over all right. Hillary will be beaten like a red headed stepchild. Standing room only at Trump speeches and just a few people standing around at Clinton events. Trump has supporters from all walks of life. People that have never voted before are cramming his rallies.... DEBATE #1 coming up!!!!!
Lay it on the line...

No, the MSM who are shilling for Hillary have just become hysterical, there seems to be a bizarre modus operandi to get people to think The Donald is going to drop out, so that Ted Cruz or someone can go up against Hillary.
No, the MSM who are shilling for Hillary have just become hysterical, there seems to be a bizarre modus operandi to get people to think The Donald is going to drop out, so that Ted Cruz or someone can go up against Hillary.
CNN was over the top this morning...they were bashing Trump and they were not making any sense. He saw the plane he didn't see the plane WTF?????
no one is saying it's over.

they say dumb donald is looking bad....which he is.

which is why no normal republicans want to be seen with him. take it up with them
Oh it's over all right. Hillary will be beaten like a red headed stepchild. Standing room only at Trump speeches and just a few people standing around at Clinton events. Trump has supporters from all walks of life. People that have never voted before are cramming his rallies.... DEBATE #1 coming up!!!!!

Keep that hope alive.

RealClearPolitics - 2016 Latest Polls
No, the MSM who are shilling for Hillary have just become hysterical, there seems to be a bizarre modus operandi to get people to think The Donald is going to drop out, so that Ted Cruz or someone can go up against Hillary.
CNN was over the top this morning...they were bashing Trump and they were not making any sense. He saw the plane he didn't see the plane WTF?????

You're the one who doesn't get it. Trump said he saw a video that the Iranians released that he said showed money being unloaded from the plane. His own campaign debunked his claim stating the video in question was the prisoners exiting the plane. Trump then went on to continue his story several more times.
Lay it on the line...

No, the MSM who are shilling for Hillary have just become hysterical, there seems to be a bizarre modus operandi to get people to think The Donald is going to drop out, so that Ted Cruz or someone can go up against Hillary.
It's not bizarre, it's what they do. The left always assumes everyone but a few insane people agree with them. It's impossible to lose, and when they do they blame the right for dirty politics when they are the shit slingers.
Yeah it's over. I've read rumors that the GOP may abandon Trump and select a new candidate, but that's a pipe dream at this point.

Trump is committing every error that people predicted he would.

There's always 2020 cons.
dude, I love it. nothing like posting with conviction.
It was amazing to see the Trump-ettes claiming a white house victory immediately after the conventions and before the polls.

Now, in the most recent polls, Trump has obviously not made a single voter's loyalty and most of those sitting on the fence have gone to Clinton. The conventions barely moved the needle but a week of Trump gaffs have. It is not in Donald's DNA to apologize so how can he walk back this last week's self inflicted wounds? He cannot/will not. The MEDIA only focused like they have all through the primary's on trump. NOW Trump lashes back on the hand that has fed him for free. You couldn't make this shit up!

I just blew one hell of a big poll out of the water. You better not rely on them unless you go and check out their methodology.

The over sampling shit is how they skewer a poll.
Polls are supposed to be scientifically random.

Here is CNN's latest with special analysis of the swing states and of women.

Hillary Clinton's lead over Donald Trump grows in new national polls -

After what happened to Romney even near the end of the last race I have a hard time believing in the polls. He was practically guaranteed victory. Obviously they were wrong by a lot.
no one is saying it's over.

they say dumb donald is looking bad....which he is.

which is why no normal republicans want to be seen with him. take it up with them
Oh it's over all right. Hillary will be beaten like a red headed stepchild. Standing room only at Trump speeches and just a few people standing around at Clinton events. Trump has supporters from all walks of life. People that have never voted before are cramming his rallies.... DEBATE #1 coming up!!!!!

You know that it is dangerous to stay in the Nile. It has crocodiles.
Ladies and Gentlemen I hope you are not forgetting the Wiki Leaks "October Surprise" that Mr. Assange has prepared for Bill's wife...

View attachment 84348
Maybe the National Enquirer or Beitbart will come out with something who cares it is a moot point. Hillary is going to win and many people don't want change. You know keep hearing word Change in every election. But today we heard over 250,000jobs were created, the ue rate still at 4.9%, stock market at record highs, stores, airports and the roads are jammed like never before. I haven't heard anyone talking about the election or any of this doom and gloom you read on these forums and hear from the media.

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It was amazing to see the Trump-ettes claiming a white house victory immediately after the conventions and before the polls.

Now, in the most recent polls, Trump has obviously not made a single voter's loyalty and most of those sitting on the fence have gone to Clinton. The conventions barely moved the needle but a week of Trump gaffs have. It is not in Donald's DNA to apologize so how can he walk back this last week's self inflicted wounds? He cannot/will not. The MEDIA only focused like they have all through the primary's on trump. NOW Trump lashes back on the hand that has fed him for free. You couldn't make this shit up!

I just blew one hell of a big poll out of the water. You better not rely on them unless you go and check out their methodology.

The over sampling shit is how they skewer a poll.
Polls are supposed to be scientifically random.

Here is CNN's latest with special analysis of the swing states and of women.

Hillary Clinton's lead over Donald Trump grows in new national polls -

After what happened to Romney even near the end of the last race I have a hard time believing in the polls. He was practically guaranteed victory. Obviously they were wrong by a lot.
Probably white guilt. Romney lost Massachusetts a state he was governor of. He even was beaten by Obama in his home town of Belmont MA

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