Is the reaction to 1/6 the biggest fake-outrage pearl clutch in human history?

Is 1/6 the biggest pearl clutch in human history?

  • Yes

    Votes: 18 85.7%
  • Yes

    Votes: 3 14.3%

  • Total voters
I think we need to make a set of huge, appropriately fake pearls the size of truck tires and have them on tour in every city/town in America so all can get a chance to clutch them.View attachment 507721
That is what a few Germans said about the Holocaust. The worst of the worst. You would be a great Nazi. Maybe you are a great Nazi.
Leftist 101 - Tie everything and everyone who does not toe the party line to Nazis.

Thousands of cops have been assaulted over the past 18 months by ANTIFA and Black Lies Matter with zero pushback by democrats
What does that have to do with Trump’s supporters beating up cops because they were told the election was stolen?
And you say that Democrats saying the same things as Trump weren't serious and everyone knew that, but they kept LOOTING, RIOTING AND STARTING FIRES you stupid twat
Democrats never encouraged rioting and looting.
Nobody told them the way to make themselves heard was other than to raise their voices in the streets.

Trump praised violence, as the facebook oversight board pointed out.

You're lying again, of course Democrats supported the rioting, looting and burning insurrectionists. Democrat politicians did, you did, Democrats everywhere supported the violent anti-American fascists
I think we need to make a set of huge, appropriately fake pearls the size of truck tires and have them on tour in every city/town in America so all can get a chance to clutch them.

You're obviously right about the faux outrage, but the biggest ever? It's just a day at the office for the Democrat party.

When my kids were babies and cried because they wanted their way, I would tell them that's a good cry, but their tears are dry, takes away from the effect.

Democrats scream hysterically every time they want their way as if the world is ending, but it's a constant farce

That's funny because aren't republicans the ones who have been crying and whining all year? First they they whined and cried about stay at home restrictions right as the pandemic broke, then they whined and cried about wearing masks in private businesses, then they whined and cried about getting a shot because that would cause an ouchy, then they whined and cried when their guy failed to win reelection so they climbed over the wall at the state capitol and broke in because they were so upset, now theyre screaming hysterically about the vaccine. It's non pearl clutching.

Your TDS just burns on and on

Your silly reply and the fact that you don't deny it speaks volumes.
I think we need to make a set of huge, appropriately fake pearls the size of truck tires and have them on tour in every city/town in America so all can get a chance to clutch them.

You're obviously right about the faux outrage, but the biggest ever? It's just a day at the office for the Democrat party.

When my kids were babies and cried because they wanted their way, I would tell them that's a good cry, but their tears are dry, takes away from the effect.

Democrats scream hysterically every time they want their way as if the world is ending, but it's a constant farce

That's funny because aren't republicans the ones who have been crying and whining all year? First they they whined and cried about stay at home restrictions right as the pandemic broke, then they whined and cried about wearing masks in private businesses, then they whined and cried about getting a shot because that would cause an ouchy, then they whined and cried when their guy failed to win reelection so they climbed over the wall at the state capitol and broke in because they were so upset, now theyre screaming hysterically about the vaccine. It's non pearl clutching.

Your TDS just burns on and on

Your silly reply and the fact that you don't deny it speaks volumes.

Yes, everything to someone as stupid as you are proves your point. If I had parsed your crap and responded to it you'd have said that spoke volumes.

Grow up, Chuckie. And take some special Preparation H for severe butt hurt
I don’t think minimizing this event is going to help.

Jan 6, 2021 is a day that will be remembered by Americans for a very long time. It will surely come up in the next several elections.

Trump supporters are going to be on the defensive with this and they’re going to have a difficult time explaining themselves to the American people.
I think we need to make a set of huge, appropriately fake pearls the size of truck tires and have them on tour in every city/town in America so all can get a chance to clutch them.

You're obviously right about the faux outrage, but the biggest ever? It's just a day at the office for the Democrat party.

When my kids were babies and cried because they wanted their way, I would tell them that's a good cry, but their tears are dry, takes away from the effect.

Democrats scream hysterically every time they want their way as if the world is ending, but it's a constant farce

That's funny because aren't republicans the ones who have been crying and whining all year? First they they whined and cried about stay at home restrictions right as the pandemic broke, then they whined and cried about wearing masks in private businesses, then they whined and cried about getting a shot because that would cause an ouchy, then they whined and cried when their guy failed to win reelection so they climbed over the wall at the state capitol and broke in because they were so upset, now theyre screaming hysterically about the vaccine. It's non pearl clutching.

Your TDS just burns on and on

Your silly reply and the fact that you don't deny it speaks volumes.

Yes, everything to someone as stupid as you are proves your point. If I had parsed your crap and responded to it you'd have said that spoke volumes.

Grow up, Chuckie. And take some special Preparation H for severe butt hurt

Still not denying it i see.
does that have to do with Trump’s supporters beating up cops because they were told the election was stolen?
It has to do with rising anger over the yearlong liberal violence in the streets all over America

Because violence and extremism allowed to go unchecked breeds counter violence and extremism
does that have to do with Trump’s supporters beating up cops because they were told the election was stolen?
It has to do with rising anger over the yearlong liberal violence in the streets all over America

Because violence and extremism allowed to go unchecked breeds counter violence and extremism
Bullshit. They had nothing to do with each other. The riot at the Capitol wasn’t a counter point to anything in the summer given they weren’t even about remotely similar issues.
I say they are definitely linked
Sounds like you’re just trying to find a scapegoat.

Riots over last summer were about discrimination in policing. Whether you agree with the protestors or not, that was the issue.

The riot at the Capitol was about violent reaction from people who were led to believe a politician won an election.

These are totally different issues.
I was going to answer line one till I reached line two

Now go fuck yourself

No, go fuck yourself you sub-human piece of shit.

You think destroying federal property and assaulting police officers deserves only a $250 fine? What a scumbag you are.

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