Is the theocratic authoritarianism of the GOP on the rise or in eclipse?

Thank you.

I've always looked at this from a problem-solving perspective. And I guess I'm wrong, but I thought that's what politics are all about. The two ends right now are convinced that everything has to be done their way, and their way only. And they look at the problem-solving process as binary, all-or-nothing, myopic, zero sum, the winner and the loser, your way or my way. Period.

But that's not how an effective problem-solving process works. Such a process brings together ideas from everywhere without ego or tribalism, or territories. And with intellectual honesty and raw, fundamental curiosity. The common understanding that there is something BIGGER at hand.

And if you do it right, guess what happens? You create something NEW. Something in which EVERYONE INVOLVED has skin in the game and incentive to see work properly.

Something NEW, where we ALL want to see it succeed? Hmm, what would be an example of that? Let me think... Oh yeah, our Constitution.


Mac1958 - " I no longer come here to debate. It's pointless here."
Exactly right. Here. I used the word twice. You quoted it. Is English your first language?

Your desperation to attack makes you look foolish.
Who attacked? I’m just pointing out your own words…
Not surprisingly, “Tobacco Nation” [is] a region that spans Alabama, Arkansas, Indiana, Kentucky, Louisiana, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, Ohio, Oklahoma, Tennessee and West Virginia.
They're still out there.
Here's my post #136 again, please try to stay on topic. (Theocratic authoritarianism of the GOP (and church teachings))

1. I linked to prove my points. They are not "discredited".
2. There weren't "thousands" of "Trump goons". Just about a thousand rioters that should have been contained by the National Guard if the democrats would have activated them.
3. J6 was a bad day, but the 2020 election was interfered with by the FBI and the hi-tech oligarchs.
The Biden Crime Family rakes in $millions for selling influence. You are just a Biden stooge.

1. points were discredited".
2. There at least 2,000 of "Trump goons". Hundreds are serving sentences. Hundreds of more will. The National Guard was activated by Pence because Trump refused.
3. J6 was a bad day, but the 2020 election was not interfered with by the FBI and the hi-tech oligarchs.
Typing lies gets us no where. Thanks for playing.
Trump and Capitol Police Chief Sund requested the National Guard on J3, and they were NOT activated. Pence called them on J6, too late to help.

The FBI Gestapo interfered in the 2020 election by censoring the Hunter laptop story.
Only the Presidenrt or his designated appointment can call out the NG in DC.

Trump refused three times.

Pence called it out from the basement garage.
Only the President or his designated appointment can call out the NG in DC.
Trump refused three times. Pence called it out from the basement garage.
Read the links again. I'm not talking about J6, I'm talking about J3. Why wasn't the NG there as requested J3 by Sund and Trump?
With a weaponized Supreme Court latching onto make-believe cases to legislate that discrimination against legal marriages is legal, where is the nation headed?

John Adams who wrote to his wife Abigail that “My religion you know is not exactly conformable to that of the greatest part of the Christian World,” proclaimed in the Treaty of Tripoli that “the government of the United States of America is not in any sense founded on the Christian Religion.”

Thomas Jefferson, intensely interested in religious philosophy and an enthusiastic proponent of religions freedom, emphasize the need for “a wall of separation between church and state.”


Did a fake Mexican-financed wall builder play a role in tearing down Jefferson's?View attachment 801228
For, verily, I proclaim unto you
"I did try and f*ck her, she was married...

And when you're a star they let you do it. You can do anything...
Grab them by the p*ssy. You can do anything!"

Has there been backsliding from patriotic, fundamental principles?

One religious sect that has been increasing politically-intrusive, Southern Baptists, lost nearly half a million members in 2022

The long, slow decline of the nation’s largest Protestant denomination continues.

Membership in the Southern Baptist Convention was down by nearly half a million in 2022…

the SBC had 13.2 million members in 2022, down from 13.68 million in 2021. That loss of 457,371 members is the largest in more than a century…

Once a denomination of 16.3 million, the SBC has declined by 1.5 million members since 2018, and by more than 3 million members since 2006. The COVID-19 pandemic played a role in the downturn, as did the reality that as older members die off, there are fewer young people to replace them.

What remain the nation's largest Protestant denomination is still adamant that a woman should submit to the will of her man, even if he’s a flaming anal aperture.

It decrees that a woman’s reproductive freedom should be abrogated to politicians, predominantly men, of course.

It vehemently opposes gender equality in marriage, in contrast to the overwhelming majority of Americans who are supportive of it.

Dominated by aging white men without a college degree, it is in denial of scientific awareness, particularly in climatology, and in medicine that recognizes conditions such as gender dysphoria. The thumpers insist that children suffering from the condition must be neglected rather than treated.

It’s hardly surprising that their veneration of a court-declared sexual abuser remains fanatical. The shrinking Southern Baptist Convention remains a seething hotbed of Trumpery,

Bart Barber, after being re-elected president of the Southern Baptist Convention, called Trump “a demonstrably evil man.”

“He’s vain, vulgar, vicious and vindictive,” Al Jackson, a retired pastor from Auburn, Alabama succinctly summed up the sore loser of the 2020 presidential election.

And what rough beast,
its hour come round at last,
Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born

View attachment 801231

^ Dumpster fire OP.

But SCOTUS will be the death of the Republican Party.
You know, the more and more I think about it, there's an implication in this theory that really seems to hold true.

Centrism is the native home of freedom.

Centrism best tolerates differences of opinion. Centrism is best positioned to stay in continual motion to navigate an ever changing world. Centrism gives the most deference to allowing particular nuances to determine specific outcomes. Centrism tends toward narrowly tailored policies for specific problems instead of clumsy broad brush fiats. Centrism cares less about what you believe and more about you having the latitude to explore different beliefs for yourself.

You voted for Joe Biden.
Tell us why.
Nancy Pelosi's policy denied Capitol Polioce Chief Sund's request:

Irving did not float the idea by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.). Instead, he rejected then-U.S. Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund’s request to activate the National Guard based on what he believed would be Pelosi’s position on the matter, Pickle said.

Washington D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser sent a letter to Acting United States Attorney General Jeffery Rosen, Secretary of the Army Ryan D. McCarthy, and Acting Secretary of Defense Chris Miller explaining that Capitol Police were ready for the First Amendment activities taking place in the the lead up to the January 6 storming of the Capitol.

Mayor Bowser said that the DC police were adequate for the J6 protest, so Trump's request for the NG was denied.
kyzr, Trump did not approve the requests when they were made on J6.
Not the point. If the NG was there as requested by Trump and Sund on J3, there wouldn't have been a J6 riot.
The FBI Gestapo instigated the riot, the democrats stopped the NG from being there, J6 was a setup, like the illegal FISA warrants were.

Is the theocratic authoritarianism of the GOP on the rise or in eclipse?​

With a weaponized Supreme Court

Intense reaction by the shitbird left to some minimal victories by the good and normal in society seems to be on the rise.
kyzr, the insurgents started the riot on J6, the Democrats called for the NG several times, Trump denied it three times before Pence approved the call out.

If you try any of the other approaches in a history class, you would fail the problem.

No proof Trump requested 10,000 Guard troops for Jan. 6 or that Pelosi denied it​


  • There is no evidence that Trump made a request for 10,000 National Guard troops to be deployed for a rally he held that preceded the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol.
  • There is no evidence that Pelosi denied such a request.
See the sources for this fact-check

Asked in an interview about the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol, former President Donald Trump claimed that he had made a request for 10,000 National Guard troops to be deployed for the rally he led that preceded the attack, and that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi rejected it.

His claim was widely repeated on social media.

There is no clear evidence that Trump made such a request, and no evidence that Pelosi denied one.

"The Speaker’s Office has made it clear publicly and repeatedly that our office was not consulted or contacted concerning any request for the National Guard ahead of Jan. 6," said Pelosi spokesman Drew Hammill.

And that has been confirmed, Hammill pointed out, by the former House’s former head of security, under oath.

Trump’s claim on Fox News
Trump had encouraged his supporters to come to Washington on Jan. 6 to protest the results of his election loss to Joe Biden. At a rally on the Ellipse, outside the White House, he urged those in attendance to march to the Capitol, where a joint session of Congress was officially counting the electoral votes from the election. The proceedings were interrupted by a mob in an attack that left five people dead.

In an Feb. 28 interview, Fox News host Steve Hilton asked Trump if he would have done any differently on Jan. 6. Trump said:

"We said to the Department of Defense, the top person, days before we had the rally … I requested … I definitely gave the number of 10,000 National Guardsmen, I think you should have 10,000 of the National Guard ready. They took that number. From what I understand, they gave it to the people at the Capitol, which is controlled by Pelosi. And I heard they rejected it because they didn’t think it would look good. So, you know, that was a big mistake."

A mention, no clear request
According to a Jan. 22 Vanity Fair article, Christopher Miller, then the acting defense secretary, said he met with Trump the night before the attack about a matter unrelated to Trump’s rally the next day. But then Trump asked Miller how many troops the Pentagon planned to deploy the next day in D.C., according to Miller’s account.

There is no clear evidence that Trump made a request for 10,000 National Guard troops, but based on what Miller told the magazine, it appears Trump wondered aloud about what was planned:



Hal Turner Radio Show
stated on June 17, 2023 in an article
Videos and photos of military vehicles are proof of “war prep” and looming military action within the U.S.

By Jeff Cercone • June 21, 2023
The president, Miller recalled, asked how many troops the Pentagon planned to turn out the following day. "We’re like, ‘We’re going to provide any National Guard support that the District requests,’" Miller responded. "And (Trump) goes, ‘You’re going to need 10,000 people.’ No, I’m not talking bullshit. He said that. And we’re like, ‘Maybe. But you know, someone’s going to have to ask for it.’" At that point Miller remembered the president telling him, "‘You do what you need to do. You do what you need to do.’ He said, ‘You’re going to need 10,000.’ That’s what he said. Swear to God."

A Defense Department spokesman said the department "has no record of such an order being given" by Trump.

In June 2020, Trump did mobilize the National Guard, as well as other federal agencies, in Washington in response to protests over police brutality.

Pelosi not informed
In testimony at a Senate hearing on Feb. 23, former Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund said he met on Jan. 4 with former House sergeant-at-arms Paul Irving, who reported to Pelosi, and former Senate sergeant-at-arms Michael Stenger, and that Sund requested that National Guard troops be deployed on Jan. 6. (All three men resigned after the attack.)

Irving testified that he did not take the discussion as a request. He said that Sund had said only that he had received an offer from the National Guard. Irving said all three men agreed that, based on intelligence reports, there was no need for troops.

Irving said he had no discussion about the matter with any congressional leaders until Jan. 6.

A spokesman for Trump did not reply to our emails.

kyzr, the insurgents started the riot on J6, the Democrats called for the NG several times, Trump denied it three times before Pence approved the call out.
If you try any of the other approaches in a history class, you would fail the problem.
My post #151 says you're the liar. Read the links. (Hint: its not about J6, its about J3)

Now I see your post #156. So someone is lying. The House Republicans need to get to the truth before the primary debates and votes.

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