Is the theocratic authoritarianism of the GOP on the rise or in eclipse?

How many Nukes did Vietnam have? Or Afghanistan? How did those work out?
Look up some history. See the incident at Veracruz. See the hunt for Ponco Villa.
AFG and VN were on the other side of the earth. Mexico is right there. Like I said, we could have used nukes, but didn't.
My life isn't any different because of those wars, is yours?
Besides, we wouldn't be at war with Mexico, but with the drug cartels...ask Pablo Escobar how that went.
AFG and VN were on the other side of the earth. Mexico is right there. Like I said, we could have used nukes, but didn't.
My life isn't any different because of those wars, is yours?
Besides, we wouldn't be at war with Mexico, but with the drug cartels...ask Pablo Escobar how that went.

I honestly don’t know what is funnier. The fact that you think we lost in Afghanistan and Vietnam because geographically they were on the other side of the world, or that you think Mexico would be different.

But the funniest thing is your waving around Escobar as proof it would work. Ended Cocaine shipments did it? No? I don’t understand. How could killing the guy mean nothing to the shipment of drugs.

We have seen a dozen or more leaders of Cartels killed or captured. We have El Chapo in the Superman right now. And guess what? The drugs are still flowing across the border. The only thing that changes is the guy getting paid.

We celebrate this as if it is the biggest news ever. But in reality it’s like the team on the wrong side of a 34 point runaway football game dancing because they sacked the quarterback. Yeah. You sacked the QB. But you are still losing the game.

Cartels have come and gone. Leaders have been arrested and killed. And nothing has changed. The same drugs are being dealt. Bought and sold. We arrest outlaw bikers and we bust them and send them to prison. No shortage of bikers in the various outlaw groups is there?

The problem is that Get Tough on crime hasn’t worked. But the morons don’t know another answer. So they keep upping what getting tough means. We spend billions of dollars fighting drugs and accomplish exactly what we would if we spent $27.50 on it. Nothing.

We moved Sudafed behind the counter to combat Meth. We created an expensive computer database to make sure people were not buying a lot of it. And the result? Crystal Meth production has increased by 1,000%. No that isn’t a typo. According to the DEA Crystal Meth production has increased by a thousand percent.

Why? It’s no longer being cooked in some trailer, it’s being manufactured in mega factories like you see on Breaking Bad. All the effort has had a big effect on the availability of Meth. And Fentanyl production is even easier and more profitable.

Boats, planes, trains, cars, and trucks. Cocaine comes north by the Ton every single day. We never hear about any shortages. We don’t hear how a city or county or whatever is dry. All we hear is another major bust. Street value in the millions. And Pablo has been dead since 1993.

Containers have drugs in them. And we are importing a hundred thousand of those every single day. We can’t check them all. So a vast majority of the drugs are making it in. The capture of El Chapo and the deaths of other haven’t done diddly squat. Like Sacking the Quarterback with two minutes left in the game. You are still losing by fifty points. Celebrate if you want. It’s useless.
Is the dipshittery of Shitlips on the rise or has it reached its maximum altitude?
I honestly don’t know what is funnier. The fact that you think we lost in Afghanistan and Vietnam because geographically they were on the other side of the world, or that you think Mexico would be different.

But the funniest thing is your waving around Escobar as proof it would work. Ended Cocaine shipments did it? No? I don’t understand. How could killing the guy mean nothing to the shipment of drugs.

We have seen a dozen or more leaders of Cartels killed or captured. We have El Chapo in the Superman right now. And guess what? The drugs are still flowing across the border. The only thing that changes is the guy getting paid.

We celebrate this as if it is the biggest news ever. But in reality it’s like the team on the wrong side of a 34 point runaway football game dancing because they sacked the quarterback. Yeah. You sacked the QB. But you are still losing the game.

Cartels have come and gone. Leaders have been arrested and killed. And nothing has changed. The same drugs are being dealt. Bought and sold. We arrest outlaw bikers and we bust them and send them to prison. No shortage of bikers in the various outlaw groups is there?

The problem is that Get Tough on crime hasn’t worked. But the morons don’t know another answer. So they keep upping what getting tough means. We spend billions of dollars fighting drugs and accomplish exactly what we would if we spent $27.50 on it. Nothing.

We moved Sudafed behind the counter to combat Meth. We created an expensive computer database to make sure people were not buying a lot of it. And the result? Crystal Meth production has increased by 1,000%. No that isn’t a typo. According to the DEA Crystal Meth production has increased by a thousand percent.

Why? It’s no longer being cooked in some trailer, it’s being manufactured in mega factories like you see on Breaking Bad. All the effort has had a big effect on the availability of Meth. And Fentanyl production is even easier and more profitable.

Boats, planes, trains, cars, and trucks. Cocaine comes north by the Ton every single day. We never hear about any shortages. We don’t hear how a city or county or whatever is dry. All we hear is another major bust. Street value in the millions. And Pablo has been dead since 1993.

Containers have drugs in them. And we are importing a hundred thousand of those every single day. We can’t check them all. So a vast majority of the drugs are making it in. The capture of El Chapo and the deaths of other haven’t done diddly squat. Like Sacking the Quarterback with two minutes left in the game. You are still losing by fifty points. Celebrate if you want. It’s useless.
The US has never declared war on the drug cartels. We either get serious about the war on drugs, or we continue to have the cartels flood the US with drugs and migrants.

You don't have a solution. You just say the war on drugs is lost. I can say that drugs are "chlorine in the gene pool" and no big deal, but I don't want to say that.
The US has never declared war on the drug cartels. We either get serious about the war on drugs, or we continue to have the cartels flood the US with drugs and migrants.

You don't have a solution. You just say the war on drugs is lost. I can say that drugs are "chlorine in the gene pool" and no big deal, but I don't want to say that.

Prohibition failed. No matter how much booze was intercepted more was brought in. No matter how many bootleggers were locked up more showed up.

Today bootleggers are smuggling Cigarettes into New York City. They do this to avoid the higher NY taxes. They risk the jail time for the payday. The bootleg smokes sell because the buyer doesn’t want to pay for NY taxes. He wants his Vice cheaper.

Prostitution has been illegal for centuries. Yet it continues.

Sin and Vice survive. They always have. Never in our history have we stamped it out. The most we ever accomplish is a temporary relocation of those selling the sun and vice.

When Pornography and dirty movies were illegal. People still got them. The porn was still produced. Every Batchelor party had a “Blue” movie. They would be illegal in the Military, and still shown on ships and barracks around the world.

Drug treatment has a higher rate of success than incarceration. But we won’t think about that. It’s soft on crime. We need to get tough. Or something.

We lock a guy selling crack up for thirty years. Before he is done being processed into the jail there is someone else selling on the same corner.

The cops don’t even really try to catch the drugs anymore. They want the money. They can seize it and spend it on flashy equipment and stuff. Notice the cops doing checkpoints. They almost always are stopping cars headed out of the city. Cars and trucks that might be carrying the cash towards the cartels.

They aren’t on the other side of the road trying to catch the drugs headed towards the dealers. They want the cash. You can’t spend Cocaine.

The entire war on drugs which has been going on almost literally my entire life, has been a lie. They use it to excuse more erosions of your civil rights. We can’t honor the idea of the Fourth Amendment. We have to stop drug dealers.

When the FBI started catching heat over the National Security Letters. What did they say? We need them to catch drug dealers and pedophiles. Oh and Terrorists. Let’s not forget the Terrorists.

It’s always a lie. Just as when the FBI was caught doing Black Bag Jobs and Hoover swore to Congress that the FBI would never again do a black bag job. Oh the FBI continued breaking into houses and businesses without warrants. They just changed the name to FBI Specials.

When they got caught doing the FBI specials? Congress put their foot down and created the FISA Court. We already know the abuses that happened there right?

In case you don’t. The abuses that Trump suffered were no different than anyone else. The IG investigated and in every single one of the FISA requests there were omissions, falsehoods, and so on. Every single one. And it wasn’t just Washington. It was literally every FISA court in the nation doing the same shit.
I see you're another liberal who opposes our return to being a moral nation.
Zealots, in their fanatical derangement, invariably fancy themselves as being morally superior.

They even delude themselves into believing that their attacking outnumbered police to overcome the democratic will is righteous.

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The cult is being provoked by a Cry Baby Loser, a court-identified "sexual abuser" they worship as being the personification of morality.

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Trump posted on his social media platform what he claimed was the home address of former President Barack Obama on the same day that a man with guns in his van was arrested near the property...
Taylor Taranto, 37, who prosecutors say participated in the Jan. 6, 2021 riot at the U.S. Capitol, kept two firearms and hundreds of rounds of ammunition inside a van he had driven cross-country and had been living in, according to a Justice Department motion that seeks to keep him behind bars.
... Taranto reposted a Truth Social post from Trump containing what Trump claimed was Obama’s home address. In a post on Telegram, Taranto wrote: “We got these losers surrounded! See you in hell, Podesta’s and Obama’s.”...
Taranto also told followers on his YouTube live stream that he was looking to get a “good angle on a shot,” prosecutors said.
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Zealots, in their fanatical derangement, invariably fancy themselves as being morally superior.

They even delude themselves into believing that their attacking outnumbered police to overcome the democratic will is righteous.

The cult is being provoked by a Cry Baby Loser, a court-identified "sexual abuser" they worship as being the personification of morality.

Trump posted on his social media platform what he claimed was the home address of former President Barack Obama on the same day that a man with guns in his van was arrested near the property...
Taylor Taranto, 37, who prosecutors say participated in the Jan. 6, 2021 riot at the U.S. Capitol, kept two firearms and hundreds of rounds of ammunition inside a van he had driven cross-country and had been living in, according to a Justice Department motion that seeks to keep him behind bars.
... Taranto reposted a Truth Social post from Trump containing what Trump claimed was Obama’s home address. In a post on Telegram, Taranto wrote: “We got these losers surrounded! See you in hell, Podesta’s and Obama’s.”...
Taranto also told followers on his YouTube live stream that he was looking to get a “good angle on a shot,” prosecutors said.
Hey Schmid, you can keep running on J6 if that's all you have, but 400 or so "rioters" doesn't necessarily win in 2024.


1. Trump AND Capitol Police Chief Sund BOTH requested that the National Guard keep the peace on J6, but BOTH requests were denied. If Trump wanted to raid the Capitol why would he call for the National Guard? The Capitol riot was an FBI Gestapo organized setup.

2. Who denied the requests for the National Guard? Nancy Pelosi's policy:
Irving did not float the idea by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.). Instead, he rejected then-U.S. Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund’s request to activate the National Guard based on what he believed would be Pelosi’s position on the matter, Pickle said.
“There’s a reality there — the leaders of the House and the Senate don’t want the military up there,” Pickle told the Post. “They don’t want to show they can’t control their own turf.”

3. Who denied Trump's request for the National Guard?
Hey Schmid, you can keep running on J6 if that's all you have, but 400 or so "rioters" doesn't necessarily win in 2024.

View attachment 801908

1. Trump AND Capitol Police Chief Sund BOTH requested that the National Guard keep the peace on J6, but BOTH requests were denied. If Trump wanted to raid the Capitol why would he call for the National Guard? The Capitol riot was an FBI Gestapo organized setup.

2. Who denied the requests for the National Guard? Nancy Pelosi's policy:
Irving did not float the idea by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.). Instead, he rejected then-U.S. Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund’s request to activate the National Guard based on what he believed would be Pelosi’s position on the matter, Pickle said.
“There’s a reality there — the leaders of the House and the Senate don’t want the military up there,” Pickle told the Post. “They don’t want to show they can’t control their own turf.”

3. Who denied Trump's request for the National Guard?
You can try spouting discredited propaganda and defending the thousands of Trump goons who attacked outnumbered police in a failed attempt to overthrow a democratic election, but justice continues to be dispensed, nonetheless. (RIP America's peaceful transfers of power, 1789-2021.)

The loser's pleasuring himself for hours watching the mayhem he incited while aides, media sycophants, family, and other pleaded with him to call them off was especially repugnant to patriotic supporters of law and order.

That's what our current political/electoral "system" incentivizes and rewards.


You know, the more and more I think about it, there's an implication in this theory that really seems to hold true.

Centrism is the native home of freedom.

Centrism best tolerates differences of opinion. Centrism is best positioned to stay in continual motion to navigate an ever changing world. Centrism gives the most deference to allowing particular nuances to determine specific outcomes. Centrism tends toward narrowly tailored policies for specific problems instead of clumsy broad brush fiats. Centrism cares less about what you believe and more about you having the latitude to explore different beliefs for yourself.
Of course. That is not in doubt. The Democrat filth have learned how to steal elections and there will never be another legitimate election in this banana republic we live in.
Just settle in and enjoy the ride.
You can try spouting discredited propaganda and defending the thousands of Trump goons who attacked outnumbered police in a failed attempt to overthrow a democratic election, but justice continues to be dispensed, nonetheless. (RIP America's peaceful transfers of power, 1789-2021.)
The loser's pleasuring himself for hours watching the mayhem he incited while aides, media sycophants, family, and other pleaded with him to call them off was especially repugnant to patriotic supporters of law and order.
1. I linked to prove my points. They are not "discredited".
2. There weren't "thousands" of "Trump goons". Just a few hundred rioters that should have been contained by the National Guard if the democrats would have activated them.
3. J6 was a bad day, but the 2020 election was interfered with by the FBI and the hi-tech oligarchs.

The Biden Crime Family rakes in $millions for selling influence. You are just a Biden stooge.
1. I linked to prove my points. They are not "discredited".
2. There weren't "thousands" of "Trump goons". Just a few hundred rioters that should have been contained by the National Guard if the democrats would have activated them.
3. J6 was a bad day, but the 2020 election was interfered with by the FBI and the hi-tech oligarchs.

The Biden Crime Family rakes in $millions for selling influence. You are just a Biden stooge.
Not surprisingly, “Tobacco Nation” [is] a region that spans Alabama, Arkansas, Indiana, Kentucky, Louisiana, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, Ohio, Oklahoma, Tennessee and West Virginia.


They're still out there.

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1. points were discredited".
2. There at least 2,000 of "Trump goons". Hundreds are serving sentences. Hundreds of more will. The National Guard was activated by Pence because Trump refused.
3. J6 was a bad day, but the 2020 election was not interfered with by the FBI and the hi-tech oligarchs.
You know, the more and more I think about it, there's an implication in this theory that really seems to hold true.

Centrism is the native home of freedom.

Centrism best tolerates differences of opinion. Centrism is best positioned to stay in continual motion to navigate an ever changing world. Centrism gives the most deference to allowing particular nuances to determine specific outcomes. Centrism tends toward narrowly tailored policies for specific problems instead of clumsy broad brush fiats. Centrism cares less about what you believe and more about you having the latitude to explore different beliefs for yourself.
Thank you.

I've always looked at this from a problem-solving perspective. And I guess I'm wrong, but I thought that's what politics are all about. The two ends right now are convinced that everything has to be done their way, and their way only. And they look at the problem-solving process as binary, all-or-nothing, myopic, zero sum, the winner and the loser, your way or my way. Period.

But that's not how an effective problem-solving process works. Such a process brings together ideas from everywhere without ego or tribalism, or territories. And with intellectual honesty and raw, fundamental curiosity. The common understanding that there is something BIGGER at hand.

And if you do it right, guess what happens? You create something NEW. Something in which EVERYONE INVOLVED has skin in the game and incentive to see work properly.

Something NEW, where we ALL want to see it succeed? Hmm, what would be an example of that? Let me think... Oh yeah, our Constitution.


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You may fantasize that the world is ending, but the fact is that the current Supreme Court is legislating in a manner that does not reflect the patriotic values of most Americans, undermining confidence in America.

The decisive votes to overthrow popular rulings and established law were cast by individuals appointed by an individual who rejects the democratic process in which the will of the People is reflected.

A confirmed loser in a presidential election should concede his loss, as had been the case from 1789 until 2020. That is how democracy works, and enrages those who have contempt for it.

Why would I share your fantasy?

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