Is the US a democracy?

I do wonder whether TruffMocker's obsession with trying to define the United States as a Democracy comes from the Soros based opinion that election of the President by the method established by the Constitution of 1787 is “antidemocratic by design.”

Soros has a point. It is "antidemocratic by design". Because that's what the Founding Fathers designed it to be. And with very good reasons - and those reasons are as relevant today as they were then.
how many times do you have to go through this same pointless exercise?

even a white rat learns.

Just curious what your take on it is.

we're a representative republic. we don't even directly elect our own president via majority vote.

i think the answer is pretty clear.

Ok.... I was just curious if my Jillie was as smart as I had hoped she was :cool:

Have a good day guys.... got to go to work.
I wonder why none of the right are rushing in to say we are NOT a democracy?

its been like 7 minutes since you started the thread until this will you stick around for the duration of the thread or will you disappear like you usually do?.......
No...she will start another one based on some keyword she saw in this one...:lol:
tell us why you believe it is or is not.

Well, it's not a matter of belief, it's a matter of fact. We are a Republic. At an elementary level, the main difference between the two is that in a direct democracy everyone has a say in all decisions and the majority rules. In a Republic, people elect others to make those decisions on their behalf and there are sometimes protections in place to prevent the majority from trampling over the minority.

That pretty much sums it up.

As Mr Franklin summed it up when asked “Well, Dr. Franklin, what have you done for us?” Franklin said “My dear lady, we have given to you a republic — if you can keep it.”
A mix; the Federalist Papers discuss this, in detail. The two forms of government are not far apart. In #39 Madison, (as Publius) explains a democratic republic.
tell us why you believe it is or is not.


Tell us liesmatters, why do you hate Americans and America.
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7270. REPRESENTATION, Democratic. --


7270. REPRESENTATION, Democratic. --
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The full experiment of a government democratical, but representative, was and is still reserved for us. The idea (taken, indeed, from the little specimen formerly existing in the English constitution, but now lost) has been carried by us, more or less, into all our legislative and executive departments; but it has not yet, by any of us, been pushed into all the ramifications of the system, so far as to leave no authority existing not responsible to the people; whose rights, however, to the exercise and fruits of their own industry, can never be protected against the selfishness of rulers not subject to their control at short periods. The introduction of this new principle of representative democracy has rendered useless almost everything written before on the structure of government; and, in a great measure, relieves our regret, if the political writings of Aristotle, or of any other ancient, have been lost, or are unfaithfully rendered or explained to us. --

TITLE: To Isaac H. Tiffany.
EDITION: Washington ed. vii, 32.
PLACE: Monticello
DATE: 1816

why do you claim Jefferson didnt know what the country is?
This is why your party will fail.

You LIE about the obvious.

We are a democracy and that is right from the founders mouths
I do wonder whether TruffMocker's obsession with trying to define the United States as a Democracy comes from the Soros based opinion that election of the President by the method established by the Constitution of 1787 is “antidemocratic by design.”

Soros has a point. It is "antidemocratic by design". Because that's what the Founding Fathers designed it to be. And with very good reasons - and those reasons are as relevant today as they were then.
Precisely to protect the individual...something Soros loathes.

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