Is the US National Soccer Program dying?


Crotchety Olde Man
Apr 30, 2014
WHEN the USWNT fails to make the final round of the FIFA Women’s World Cup


WHEN the USMNT fails to get out of the qualification round of the Gold Cup

Can we then all agree that the US Soccer Federation (USSF) is not capable of making the US National teams viable and get legislation passed through Congress and signed into law to forbid the USSF from presenting themselves as the “National teams” of the United States?

The USSF programs have shown themselves to be unable to construct sufficiently dominant teams (at all levels of competition) to be worthy of representing the United States of America in International competitions. They no longer deserve to be allowed to denigrate the name and colors of the United States with their incompetence and lack of success.
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The US is scheduled to play Tuesday

The US Men’s and Women’s teams (at multiple levels) have been quite active the last few weeks. The Men’s U-20 Team peed themselves in the quarterfinals of the U-20 World Cup this past week. The USWNT played a pair of unconvincing friendlies leading up to their World Cup opener this Tuesday. The USMNT has played a pair of utterly embarrassing defeats this past week leading up to their Gold Cup opener a week from Tuesday.

WHEN both of those teams disappoint in their respective tournaments it will mean the last USWNT success will have been 4 years ago at the 2015 WWC. It will also mean the last success by the USMNT will be the 2013 Gold Cup victory(?) and includes missing the 2018 WC and the 2016 Olympics. That’s not acceptable for either team.
The US is scheduled to play Tuesday

The US Men’s and Women’s teams (at multiple levels) have been quite active the last few weeks. The Men’s U-20 Team peed themselves in the quarterfinals of the U-20 World Cup this past week. The USWNT played a pair of unconvincing friendlies leading up to their World Cup opener this Tuesday. The USMNT has played a pair of utterly embarrassing defeats this past week leading up to their Gold Cup opener a week from Tuesday.

WHEN both of those teams disappoint in their respective tournaments it will mean the last USWNT success will have been 4 years ago at the 2015 WWC. It will also mean the last success by the USMNT will be the 2013 Gold Cup victory(?) and includes missing the 2018 WC and the 2016 Olympics. That’s not acceptable for either team.
It sounds like they need better recruiting..
And we are favored for the Cup....

The USWNT is one of several teams (Brazil, Germany, China, and England) that have been given reasonable odds to win the tournament.

Having watched the last two USWNT games prior to the tournament, they showed lots of rust and a distinct inability to connect and finish in the attacking third of the field.
It sounds like they need better recruiting..

Yes. Along with better coaching, a far more “be here or be off the roster” mentality, and a lot more continuity through a long term plan.
What we need is more Asians...

No. What the USMNT needs is a GM/Coach who come up with a standardized roster and system and who tell players that if they want to be on that roster, they need to tell their club teams that COUNTRY comes first.

The USWBT needs to simply be held to a higher standard. A 3-0 win over some soup can Nation they should have beaten by double digits cannot be considered acceptable.
Is it possible that the U.S. simply does not have soccer players of the same skill as our international counterparts? And call me xenophobic, but I'm not really interested in people learned the game in another country, moved to the U.S., and now play on "our" team.

I don't believe we have the same nurturing culture that identifies the top players, sends them to soccer academies, and maximizes their development.

As long as our leagues are based on AGE or school-grade and not on skill level, the top players will never develop fully. As I've said before in this forum, the best 12-year-old "football" players in Europe are playing against 16's, while our best 12's are playing against other 12's (as a general proposition).

But I really don't give a shit; it's a dumb sport.
Honestly, it's not America's sport. It doesn't pay or have the fame of MLB, Football or baseball, (or tennis, golf, hockey, nascar...). So while in other countries, the elite athletes gravitate towards soccer, in the US they move to other sports.

We dominate in womens soccer because we strongly support female sports unlike many other countries.

And I'm fine with that being the state of the game in the US.
WHEN the USWNT fails to make the final round of the FIFA Women’s World Cup


WHEN the USMNT fails to get out of the qualification round of the Gold Cup

Can we then all agree that the US Soccer Federation (USSF) is not capable of making the US National teams viable and get legislation passed through Congress and signed into law to forbid the USSF from presenting themselves as the “National teams” of the United States?

The USSF programs have shown themselves to be unable to construct sufficiently dominant teams (at all levels of competition) to be worthy of representing the United States of America in International competitions. They no longer deserve to be allowed to denigrate the name and colors of the United States with their incompetence and lack of success.

MLB baseball is dying worse.LOL people think it is the NFL that is dying,wishful thinking,trye that attendendance is down somewhat for alot of teams that normally had much better attendance in the past but they got NOTHING on baseball.half if not the majority of teams in baseball now,have half empty stadiums all the time.:abgg2q.jpg:
Honestly, it's not America's sport. It doesn't pay or have the fame of MLB, Football or baseball, (or tennis, golf, hockey, nascar...). So while in other countries, the elite athletes gravitate towards soccer, in the US they move to other sports.

We dominate in womens soccer because we strongly support female sports unlike many other countries.

And I'm fine with that being the state of the game in the US.

which is WHY it is so funny that baseball is dying as much as soccer is in the states.:abgg2q.jpg: the sport that USED to to be considered for so many decades to be amwericas favorite pro sport.:abgg2q.jpg:
Honestly, it's not America's sport. It doesn't pay or have the fame of MLB, Football or baseball, (or tennis, golf, hockey, nascar...). So while in other countries, the elite athletes gravitate towards soccer, in the US they move to other sports.

We dominate in womens soccer because we strongly support female sports unlike many other countries.

And I'm fine with that being the state of the game in the US.

which is WHY it is so funny that baseball is dying as much as soccer is in the states.:abgg2q.jpg: the sport that USED to to be considered for so many decades to be amwericas favorite pro sport.:abgg2q.jpg:

It's been passed as America's favorite sport. I think because the game is slow and doesn't translate as well on TV as basketball and the NFL. But 16 straight years of rising revenue isn't dying.

3.6 bil in revenue in 2002. 10.3 billion today
Soccer'sbiggest problem is that the higher the level of competition, the less scoring there is.

World cup late rounds, 1-0. For the casual fan, this is excruciating to watch.

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