Is the US to blame for all of Cuba's ills?

As people in Cuba begin to protest their government because of shortages and long lines and a failing economy, etc., government officials in Cuba blame the US for all their ills.

So is the US to blame? On the one hand, Marxists want to destroy the US, but on the other hand, seem to complain when the US does not help them economically or boycotts them economically. Why then do they want to destroy the US economy that they seem to need?

Either that or there is some other hidden way the US is destroying Cuba


And the only response from Joe Biden is that he condemns any violence. There is no support for anyone as he basically ignores what is gong on.

I assume Bernie Sanders is having a panic attack and does blame the US

So what about you?
The US should take credit for it, not “blame”. Since when is it a bad thing when a totalitarian communist regime falls? Oh, when there are millions of leftwing loonies that love communism. Fuck em.
The US isn't to blame for anything currently happening in Cuba that's of any consequence. It's a very small scale US fomenting of trouble on the streets that is very shortlived and irrelevant.

Frankly, the best thing the US could do for Cuba is to do as you suggest. Fuck me. America has lost any ability to do much more without turning to full scale military aggression.

Did you think that Cuba's communist regime was falling?
Maybe, but why would you think that?
We can take credit for inspiring oppressed people to rise up against their evil governments. Especially when they are waiving American flags.
No American who supports Trump can be completely sane.

There is no economic freedom in Socialism, the individual has no right to even own anything, it all belongs to the State.
If you must make ignorant and hateful statements about socialism then you could at least try to attach what you imagine to some country that Americans attempt to make out as socialist.

Do the people of Canada or the Scandinavian countries for example, not own anything?

Americans make shit up like that because they're attempting to compensate for their own suffering under rabid and extreme capitalism.

Now which country in the top ten doesn't allow its people to have something?

Work your way down the list of countries until you find some far below the leading ten!
Who supports cutting people off from the things they need?

Dictators. How is Cuba's internet today?

No clue. Likely better if a Internet supplier was able to do business there.

No clue.


Likely better if a Internet supplier was able to do business there.

Likely better if the Cuban dictators hadn't shut it off.
Cuba's leadership has been patient, and the Cuban people have stayed loyal to their revolution, for as long as it took.
Now it's America's spilt milk.

What will America do now?
How can America sell the use of military force to a world that's wide awake on China's peaceful methods?

U.S. Do what we say or we will bomb you.

China. We will happily trade and do business with you.

This is how they undermine the dollar. All without a spilled drop of blood. Strangely we can't even seem to see that.
Maybe it's because so many Americans are conditioned to believe that military force is the only way to become a great and prospering country?

The rest of the world isn't going to tolerate that any longer, and China is offering another alternative way.

There is no economic freedom in Socialism, the individual has no right to even own anything, it all belongs to the State.
If you must make ignorant and hateful statements about socialism then you could at least try to attach what you imagine to some country that Americans attempt to make out as socialist.

Do the people of Canada or the Scandinavian countries for example, not own anything?

Americans make shit up like that because they're attempting to compensate for their own suffering under rabid and extreme capitalism.

Now which country in the top ten doesn't allow its people to have something?

Work your way down the list of countries until you find some far below the leading ten!
i made nothing up…it’s the definition.

those counties aren’t socialist
It seems like Canadians themselves are significantly less satisfied with their increasingly socialist government
than these on line sites that pop up unaccountably as polls no one asked for.
What is poverty when the people have health care that's rated as roughly equal to America's.

Rated by the inmates of the prison? Damn, you're a moron.

What is poverty when the people have access to unlimited education opportunities?

Nevermind the jackboot stomping on the human face forever, they enjoy free health care and 100 percent comrade?
where did Bush do that?

the law at the time said US businesses couldn’t do business with Cuba. Bush didn’t make the law.

Yes Trump put sanctions back on Cuba after they backed the oppressive dictator of Venezuela
And properly so. That is the proper response to a nation that is an oppressive monster to it's own people
and tries to aid another dictator/butcher, Hugo Chavez, in Venezuela spread socialist misery to other nations.

Actually what Chavez did with Petro Caribe was pretty smart.

Face facts, Socialism destroyed Venezuela... it's a cancer that's never worked....and never will.
A failed economic platform

Individual corruption is what harmed Venezuela, and socialism had nothing at all to do with it.
The US also illegally caused a great deal of harm.
Most of the world is socialist, and all the good parts of the US are, like public transportation, education, social security, disability, ADC, food stamps, unemployment compensation, etc.

Socialism destroyed venezuela and we did nothing illegal to harm them
Your good old buddies in the CIA just tried to overthrow their government for the past ten years...that's all.
Evidence required.

Oh thats right your stupid ass never posts evidence, just babbling horseshit.
where did Bush do that?

the law at the time said US businesses couldn’t do business with Cuba. Bush didn’t make the law.

Yes Trump put sanctions back on Cuba after they backed the oppressive dictator of Venezuela
And properly so. That is the proper response to a nation that is an oppressive monster to it's own people
and tries to aid another dictator/butcher, Hugo Chavez, in Venezuela spread socialist misery to other nations.

Actually what Chavez did with Petro Caribe was pretty smart.

Face facts, Socialism destroyed Venezuela... it's a cancer that's never worked....and never will.
A failed economic platform

Individual corruption is what harmed Venezuela, and socialism had nothing at all to do with it.
The US also illegally caused a great deal of harm.
Most of the world is socialist, and all the good parts of the US are, like public transportation, education, social security, disability, ADC, food stamps, unemployment compensation, etc.

Socialism destroyed venezuela and we did nothing illegal to harm them
Your good old buddies in the CIA just tried to overthrow their government for the past ten years...that's all.
Evidence required.

Oh thats right your stupid ass never posts evidence, just babbling horseshit.
Why? You never post evidence. I suppose you really think your grandpa’s beloved and murderous agency would never overthrow a foreign government. LMFAO.
where did Bush do that?

the law at the time said US businesses couldn’t do business with Cuba. Bush didn’t make the law.

Yes Trump put sanctions back on Cuba after they backed the oppressive dictator of Venezuela
And properly so. That is the proper response to a nation that is an oppressive monster to it's own people
and tries to aid another dictator/butcher, Hugo Chavez, in Venezuela spread socialist misery to other nations.

Actually what Chavez did with Petro Caribe was pretty smart.

Face facts, Socialism destroyed Venezuela... it's a cancer that's never worked....and never will.
A failed economic platform

Individual corruption is what harmed Venezuela, and socialism had nothing at all to do with it.
The US also illegally caused a great deal of harm.
Most of the world is socialist, and all the good parts of the US are, like public transportation, education, social security, disability, ADC, food stamps, unemployment compensation, etc.

Socialism destroyed venezuela and we did nothing illegal to harm them
Your good old buddies in the CIA just tried to overthrow their government for the past ten years...that's all.
Evidence required.

Oh thats right your stupid ass never posts evidence, just babbling horseshit.
Why? You never post evidence. I suppose you really think your grandpa’s beloved and murderous agency would never overthrow a foreign government. LMFAO.
I always do when I statew something YOU NEVER do.

You claiom the CIA tried to overthrow the CUban government for the last ten years and that requires evidence.

Whether they ever have or not is irrelevant.

Post some efucking evidence you retatrd
where did Bush do that?

the law at the time said US businesses couldn’t do business with Cuba. Bush didn’t make the law.

Yes Trump put sanctions back on Cuba after they backed the oppressive dictator of Venezuela
And properly so. That is the proper response to a nation that is an oppressive monster to it's own people
and tries to aid another dictator/butcher, Hugo Chavez, in Venezuela spread socialist misery to other nations.

Actually what Chavez did with Petro Caribe was pretty smart.

Face facts, Socialism destroyed Venezuela... it's a cancer that's never worked....and never will.
A failed economic platform

Individual corruption is what harmed Venezuela, and socialism had nothing at all to do with it.
The US also illegally caused a great deal of harm.
Most of the world is socialist, and all the good parts of the US are, like public transportation, education, social security, disability, ADC, food stamps, unemployment compensation, etc.

Socialism destroyed venezuela and we did nothing illegal to harm them
Your good old buddies in the CIA just tried to overthrow their government for the past ten years...that's all.
Evidence required.

Oh thats right your stupid ass never posts evidence, just babbling horseshit.
Why? You never post evidence. I suppose you really think your grandpa’s beloved and murderous agency would never overthrow a foreign government. LMFAO.
I always do when I statew something YOU NEVER do.

You claiom the CIA tried to overthrow the CUban government for the last ten years and that requires evidence.

Whether they ever have or not is irrelevant.

Post some efucking evidence you retatrd

Thought he was talking about VZ.
People suffered for 60 years but you felt good.

I don't feel good that the Cuban people have suffered under Communism for 60 years.

But you are fine with our sanctions that contributed to their suffering and accomplished nothing.

What diplomatic efforts has Cuba made to improve relations since the whole, being our enemy thing?

Not my issue. People are. Politics sucks.

Cuba is the small nation that choose to be the enemy of the superpower that lived right next door. Not a good plan.

If you care about people, then what Cuba does diplomatically to repair that damage, is important.

Have they stopped all the rhetoric about how America is evul, for example?

I can't say that I see them saying much of anything but as others have noted, China and other countries will step in and fulfill what they need.

We can continue to pretend we are doing something.

This is how things work. We put sanctions on China and other countries stepped in to fill their needs. If we prefer to spin our wheels, that's on you (and others) I guess.

Ok. Then they don't need access to the world's largest market, which just happens to be right next door.

Have a good time, and stop bothering me kid.

They don't so much now. We ceded that to others because.........???

So we would feel better?

Your pretense of not knowing about the Cold War, is .... dismissed.

Cuba made a bad call. They choose to be our enemy. When they are right next door. Their side lost the Cold War and they have done nothing to repair relations.

Ball is in their court.

They want to be China's bitch? lol, sure, the Chinese are well known for being gentle masters.

Cuba said all kinds of things 60 years ago. Irrelevant today.

Oh? You saying that don't talk the line of jive anymore?

I see very little.

So, you don't know? Neither do I. I assume they still talk the shit, because why would they not?

It's not like we are going to DO anything about it. So, why not talk tough and maybe fool someone here and there into thinking they are relevant, and maybe get some loving from other anti-American assholes in the world, of which there are many, even inside the US.

Supporting the idea that any country that doesn't bend to our every whim is our enemy is the anti-american position.
So true, yet so many Americans don’t get that.

Cuba did a little more than, "not bend to our every whim".

And hey, I'm open to hearing what they are doing to mend relations. After all, Cold War is over.
People suffered for 60 years but you felt good.

I don't feel good that the Cuban people have suffered under Communism for 60 years.

But you are fine with our sanctions that contributed to their suffering and accomplished nothing.

What diplomatic efforts has Cuba made to improve relations since the whole, being our enemy thing?

Not my issue. People are. Politics sucks.

Cuba is the small nation that choose to be the enemy of the superpower that lived right next door. Not a good plan.

If you care about people, then what Cuba does diplomatically to repair that damage, is important.

Have they stopped all the rhetoric about how America is evul, for example?

I can't say that I see them saying much of anything but as others have noted, China and other countries will step in and fulfill what they need.

We can continue to pretend we are doing something.

This is how things work. We put sanctions on China and other countries stepped in to fill their needs. If we prefer to spin our wheels, that's on you (and others) I guess.

Ok. Then they don't need access to the world's largest market, which just happens to be right next door.

Have a good time, and stop bothering me kid.

They don't so much now. We ceded that to others because.........???

So we would feel better?

Your pretense of not knowing about the Cold War, is .... dismissed.

Cuba made a bad call. They choose to be our enemy. When they are right next door. Their side lost the Cold War and they have done nothing to repair relations.

Ball is in their court.

They want to be China's bitch? lol, sure, the Chinese are well known for being gentle masters.

Cuba said all kinds of things 60 years ago. Irrelevant today.

Oh? You saying that don't talk the line of jive anymore?

I see very little.

So, you don't know? Neither do I. I assume they still talk the shit, because why would they not?

It's not like we are going to DO anything about it. So, why not talk tough and maybe fool someone here and there into thinking they are relevant, and maybe get some loving from other anti-American assholes in the world, of which there are many, even inside the US.

Supporting the idea that any country that doesn't bend to our every whim is our enemy is the anti-american position.

Let's pretend that we spent a couple days where I cut and pasted various anti-American ACTIONS from Cuba over the years nad you stonewalled and gaslighted like a standard lib troll.


Now, lets get back to the actual discussion. Cuba, if it wants better relations, needs to DO something to mend relations diplomatically.

Now is a great time. Biden is a good little leftard himself, and not all there. What are they waiting for?

Do they think Harris will be even better?

Hell, why didnt' they try to make up, during Obama's 8 years? WTF, were they doing? Playing with themselves?

That ship has largely sailed.

Obama yes, but Biden? He's a good leftard. Why is Cuba not making kissy face diplo noises?

They want better relations? ASK FOR THEM. NICELY. D'UH.
People suffered for 60 years but you felt good.

I don't feel good that the Cuban people have suffered under Communism for 60 years.

But you are fine with our sanctions that contributed to their suffering and accomplished nothing.

What diplomatic efforts has Cuba made to improve relations since the whole, being our enemy thing?

Not my issue. People are. Politics sucks.

Cuba is the small nation that choose to be the enemy of the superpower that lived right next door. Not a good plan.

If you care about people, then what Cuba does diplomatically to repair that damage, is important.

Have they stopped all the rhetoric about how America is evul, for example?

I can't say that I see them saying much of anything but as others have noted, China and other countries will step in and fulfill what they need.

We can continue to pretend we are doing something.

This is how things work. We put sanctions on China and other countries stepped in to fill their needs. If we prefer to spin our wheels, that's on you (and others) I guess.

Ok. Then they don't need access to the world's largest market, which just happens to be right next door.

Have a good time, and stop bothering me kid.

They don't so much now. We ceded that to others because.........???

So we would feel better?

Your pretense of not knowing about the Cold War, is .... dismissed.

Cuba made a bad call. They choose to be our enemy. When they are right next door. Their side lost the Cold War and they have done nothing to repair relations.

Ball is in their court.

They want to be China's bitch? lol, sure, the Chinese are well known for being gentle masters.

Cuba said all kinds of things 60 years ago. Irrelevant today.

Oh? You saying that don't talk the line of jive anymore?

I see very little.

So, you don't know? Neither do I. I assume they still talk the shit, because why would they not?

It's not like we are going to DO anything about it. So, why not talk tough and maybe fool someone here and there into thinking they are relevant, and maybe get some loving from other anti-American assholes in the world, of which there are many, even inside the US.

Supporting the idea that any country that doesn't bend to our every whim is our enemy is the anti-american position.

Let's pretend that we spent a couple days where I cut and pasted various anti-American ACTIONS from Cuba over the years nad you stonewalled and gaslighted like a standard lib troll.


Now, lets get back to the actual discussion. Cuba, if it wants better relations, needs to DO something to mend relations diplomatically.

Now is a great time. Biden is a good little leftard himself, and not all there. What are they waiting for?

Do they think Harris will be even better?

Hell, why didnt' they try to make up, during Obama's 8 years? WTF, were they doing? Playing with themselves?

That ship has largely sailed.

Obama yes, but Biden? He's a good leftard. Why is Cuba not making kissy face diplo noises?

They want better relations? ASK FOR THEM. NICELY. D'UH.

I do NOT care about the politics. I care about the people.
People suffered for 60 years but you felt good.

I don't feel good that the Cuban people have suffered under Communism for 60 years.

But you are fine with our sanctions that contributed to their suffering and accomplished nothing.

What diplomatic efforts has Cuba made to improve relations since the whole, being our enemy thing?

Not my issue. People are. Politics sucks.

Cuba is the small nation that choose to be the enemy of the superpower that lived right next door. Not a good plan.

If you care about people, then what Cuba does diplomatically to repair that damage, is important.

Have they stopped all the rhetoric about how America is evul, for example?

I can't say that I see them saying much of anything but as others have noted, China and other countries will step in and fulfill what they need.

We can continue to pretend we are doing something.

This is how things work. We put sanctions on China and other countries stepped in to fill their needs. If we prefer to spin our wheels, that's on you (and others) I guess.

Ok. Then they don't need access to the world's largest market, which just happens to be right next door.

Have a good time, and stop bothering me kid.

They don't so much now. We ceded that to others because.........???

So we would feel better?

Your pretense of not knowing about the Cold War, is .... dismissed.

Cuba made a bad call. They choose to be our enemy. When they are right next door. Their side lost the Cold War and they have done nothing to repair relations.

Ball is in their court.

They want to be China's bitch? lol, sure, the Chinese are well known for being gentle masters.

Cuba said all kinds of things 60 years ago. Irrelevant today.

Oh? You saying that don't talk the line of jive anymore?

I see very little.

So, you don't know? Neither do I. I assume they still talk the shit, because why would they not?

It's not like we are going to DO anything about it. So, why not talk tough and maybe fool someone here and there into thinking they are relevant, and maybe get some loving from other anti-American assholes in the world, of which there are many, even inside the US.

Supporting the idea that any country that doesn't bend to our every whim is our enemy is the anti-american position.

Let's pretend that we spent a couple days where I cut and pasted various anti-American ACTIONS from Cuba over the years nad you stonewalled and gaslighted like a standard lib troll.


Now, lets get back to the actual discussion. Cuba, if it wants better relations, needs to DO something to mend relations diplomatically.

Now is a great time. Biden is a good little leftard himself, and not all there. What are they waiting for?

Do they think Harris will be even better?

Hell, why didnt' they try to make up, during Obama's 8 years? WTF, were they doing? Playing with themselves?

That ship has largely sailed.

Obama yes, but Biden? He's a good leftard. Why is Cuba not making kissy face diplo noises?

They want better relations? ASK FOR THEM. NICELY. D'UH.

I do NOT care about the politics. I care about the people.

You want better relations between the two countries, that's a political issue.
People suffered for 60 years but you felt good.

I don't feel good that the Cuban people have suffered under Communism for 60 years.

But you are fine with our sanctions that contributed to their suffering and accomplished nothing.

What diplomatic efforts has Cuba made to improve relations since the whole, being our enemy thing?

Not my issue. People are. Politics sucks.

Cuba is the small nation that choose to be the enemy of the superpower that lived right next door. Not a good plan.

If you care about people, then what Cuba does diplomatically to repair that damage, is important.

Have they stopped all the rhetoric about how America is evul, for example?

I can't say that I see them saying much of anything but as others have noted, China and other countries will step in and fulfill what they need.

We can continue to pretend we are doing something.

This is how things work. We put sanctions on China and other countries stepped in to fill their needs. If we prefer to spin our wheels, that's on you (and others) I guess.

Ok. Then they don't need access to the world's largest market, which just happens to be right next door.

Have a good time, and stop bothering me kid.

They don't so much now. We ceded that to others because.........???

So we would feel better?

Your pretense of not knowing about the Cold War, is .... dismissed.

Cuba made a bad call. They choose to be our enemy. When they are right next door. Their side lost the Cold War and they have done nothing to repair relations.

Ball is in their court.

They want to be China's bitch? lol, sure, the Chinese are well known for being gentle masters.

Cuba said all kinds of things 60 years ago. Irrelevant today.

Oh? You saying that don't talk the line of jive anymore?

I see very little.

So, you don't know? Neither do I. I assume they still talk the shit, because why would they not?

It's not like we are going to DO anything about it. So, why not talk tough and maybe fool someone here and there into thinking they are relevant, and maybe get some loving from other anti-American assholes in the world, of which there are many, even inside the US.

Supporting the idea that any country that doesn't bend to our every whim is our enemy is the anti-american position.

Let's pretend that we spent a couple days where I cut and pasted various anti-American ACTIONS from Cuba over the years nad you stonewalled and gaslighted like a standard lib troll.


Now, lets get back to the actual discussion. Cuba, if it wants better relations, needs to DO something to mend relations diplomatically.

Now is a great time. Biden is a good little leftard himself, and not all there. What are they waiting for?

Do they think Harris will be even better?

Hell, why didnt' they try to make up, during Obama's 8 years? WTF, were they doing? Playing with themselves?

That ship has largely sailed.

Obama yes, but Biden? He's a good leftard. Why is Cuba not making kissy face diplo noises?

They want better relations? ASK FOR THEM. NICELY. D'UH.

I do NOT care about the politics. I care about the people.
If you cared about the people then you would care about the politics running the people. You'd want and support their freedom, from the oppressive left wing socialist regime.
People suffered for 60 years but you felt good.

I don't feel good that the Cuban people have suffered under Communism for 60 years.

But you are fine with our sanctions that contributed to their suffering and accomplished nothing.

What diplomatic efforts has Cuba made to improve relations since the whole, being our enemy thing?

Not my issue. People are. Politics sucks.

Cuba is the small nation that choose to be the enemy of the superpower that lived right next door. Not a good plan.

If you care about people, then what Cuba does diplomatically to repair that damage, is important.

Have they stopped all the rhetoric about how America is evul, for example?

I can't say that I see them saying much of anything but as others have noted, China and other countries will step in and fulfill what they need.

We can continue to pretend we are doing something.

This is how things work. We put sanctions on China and other countries stepped in to fill their needs. If we prefer to spin our wheels, that's on you (and others) I guess.

Ok. Then they don't need access to the world's largest market, which just happens to be right next door.

Have a good time, and stop bothering me kid.

They don't so much now. We ceded that to others because.........???

So we would feel better?

Your pretense of not knowing about the Cold War, is .... dismissed.

Cuba made a bad call. They choose to be our enemy. When they are right next door. Their side lost the Cold War and they have done nothing to repair relations.

Ball is in their court.

They want to be China's bitch? lol, sure, the Chinese are well known for being gentle masters.

Cuba said all kinds of things 60 years ago. Irrelevant today.

Oh? You saying that don't talk the line of jive anymore?

I see very little.

So, you don't know? Neither do I. I assume they still talk the shit, because why would they not?

It's not like we are going to DO anything about it. So, why not talk tough and maybe fool someone here and there into thinking they are relevant, and maybe get some loving from other anti-American assholes in the world, of which there are many, even inside the US.

Supporting the idea that any country that doesn't bend to our every whim is our enemy is the anti-american position.

Let's pretend that we spent a couple days where I cut and pasted various anti-American ACTIONS from Cuba over the years nad you stonewalled and gaslighted like a standard lib troll.


Now, lets get back to the actual discussion. Cuba, if it wants better relations, needs to DO something to mend relations diplomatically.

Now is a great time. Biden is a good little leftard himself, and not all there. What are they waiting for?

Do they think Harris will be even better?

Hell, why didnt' they try to make up, during Obama's 8 years? WTF, were they doing? Playing with themselves?

That ship has largely sailed.

Obama yes, but Biden? He's a good leftard. Why is Cuba not making kissy face diplo noises?

They want better relations? ASK FOR THEM. NICELY. D'UH.

I do NOT care about the politics. I care about the people.
If you cared about the people then you would care about the politics running the people. You'd want and support their freedom, from the oppressive left wing socialist regime.

I support their protesting. That's the only way to enact change. We haven't helped by refusing to do business with them for 60 years and still refusing to over 60 year old grievances.
People suffered for 60 years but you felt good.

I don't feel good that the Cuban people have suffered under Communism for 60 years.

But you are fine with our sanctions that contributed to their suffering and accomplished nothing.

What diplomatic efforts has Cuba made to improve relations since the whole, being our enemy thing?

Not my issue. People are. Politics sucks.

Cuba is the small nation that choose to be the enemy of the superpower that lived right next door. Not a good plan.

If you care about people, then what Cuba does diplomatically to repair that damage, is important.

Have they stopped all the rhetoric about how America is evul, for example?

I can't say that I see them saying much of anything but as others have noted, China and other countries will step in and fulfill what they need.

We can continue to pretend we are doing something.

This is how things work. We put sanctions on China and other countries stepped in to fill their needs. If we prefer to spin our wheels, that's on you (and others) I guess.

Ok. Then they don't need access to the world's largest market, which just happens to be right next door.

Have a good time, and stop bothering me kid.

They don't so much now. We ceded that to others because.........???

So we would feel better?

Your pretense of not knowing about the Cold War, is .... dismissed.

Cuba made a bad call. They choose to be our enemy. When they are right next door. Their side lost the Cold War and they have done nothing to repair relations.

Ball is in their court.

They want to be China's bitch? lol, sure, the Chinese are well known for being gentle masters.

Cuba said all kinds of things 60 years ago. Irrelevant today.

Oh? You saying that don't talk the line of jive anymore?

I see very little.

So, you don't know? Neither do I. I assume they still talk the shit, because why would they not?

It's not like we are going to DO anything about it. So, why not talk tough and maybe fool someone here and there into thinking they are relevant, and maybe get some loving from other anti-American assholes in the world, of which there are many, even inside the US.

Supporting the idea that any country that doesn't bend to our every whim is our enemy is the anti-american position.

Let's pretend that we spent a couple days where I cut and pasted various anti-American ACTIONS from Cuba over the years nad you stonewalled and gaslighted like a standard lib troll.


Now, lets get back to the actual discussion. Cuba, if it wants better relations, needs to DO something to mend relations diplomatically.

Now is a great time. Biden is a good little leftard himself, and not all there. What are they waiting for?

Do they think Harris will be even better?

Hell, why didnt' they try to make up, during Obama's 8 years? WTF, were they doing? Playing with themselves?

That ship has largely sailed.

Obama yes, but Biden? He's a good leftard. Why is Cuba not making kissy face diplo noises?

They want better relations? ASK FOR THEM. NICELY. D'UH.

I do NOT care about the politics. I care about the people.
If you cared about the people then you would care about the politics running the people. You'd want and support their freedom, from the oppressive left wing socialist regime.

I support their protesting. That's the only way to enact change. We haven't helped by refusing to do business with them for 60 years and still refusing to over 60 year old grievances.

I'm open to better relations. Have they asked for better relations?
People suffered for 60 years but you felt good.

I don't feel good that the Cuban people have suffered under Communism for 60 years.

But you are fine with our sanctions that contributed to their suffering and accomplished nothing.

What diplomatic efforts has Cuba made to improve relations since the whole, being our enemy thing?

Not my issue. People are. Politics sucks.

Cuba is the small nation that choose to be the enemy of the superpower that lived right next door. Not a good plan.

If you care about people, then what Cuba does diplomatically to repair that damage, is important.

Have they stopped all the rhetoric about how America is evul, for example?

I can't say that I see them saying much of anything but as others have noted, China and other countries will step in and fulfill what they need.

We can continue to pretend we are doing something.

This is how things work. We put sanctions on China and other countries stepped in to fill their needs. If we prefer to spin our wheels, that's on you (and others) I guess.

Ok. Then they don't need access to the world's largest market, which just happens to be right next door.

Have a good time, and stop bothering me kid.

They don't so much now. We ceded that to others because.........???

So we would feel better?

Your pretense of not knowing about the Cold War, is .... dismissed.

Cuba made a bad call. They choose to be our enemy. When they are right next door. Their side lost the Cold War and they have done nothing to repair relations.

Ball is in their court.

They want to be China's bitch? lol, sure, the Chinese are well known for being gentle masters.

Cuba said all kinds of things 60 years ago. Irrelevant today.

Oh? You saying that don't talk the line of jive anymore?

I see very little.

So, you don't know? Neither do I. I assume they still talk the shit, because why would they not?

It's not like we are going to DO anything about it. So, why not talk tough and maybe fool someone here and there into thinking they are relevant, and maybe get some loving from other anti-American assholes in the world, of which there are many, even inside the US.

Supporting the idea that any country that doesn't bend to our every whim is our enemy is the anti-american position.

Let's pretend that we spent a couple days where I cut and pasted various anti-American ACTIONS from Cuba over the years nad you stonewalled and gaslighted like a standard lib troll.


Now, lets get back to the actual discussion. Cuba, if it wants better relations, needs to DO something to mend relations diplomatically.

Now is a great time. Biden is a good little leftard himself, and not all there. What are they waiting for?

Do they think Harris will be even better?

Hell, why didnt' they try to make up, during Obama's 8 years? WTF, were they doing? Playing with themselves?

That ship has largely sailed.

Obama yes, but Biden? He's a good leftard. Why is Cuba not making kissy face diplo noises?

They want better relations? ASK FOR THEM. NICELY. D'UH.

I do NOT care about the politics. I care about the people.
If you cared about the people then you would care about the politics running the people. You'd want and support their freedom, from the oppressive left wing socialist regime.

I support their protesting. That's the only way to enact change. We haven't helped by refusing to do business with them for 60 years and still refusing to over 60 year old grievances.

I'm open to better relations. Have they asked for better relations?

You put to much faith in politics.

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