Is the US to blame for all of Cuba's ills?

People suffered for 60 years but you felt good.

I don't feel good that the Cuban people have suffered under Communism for 60 years.

But you are fine with our sanctions that contributed to their suffering and accomplished nothing.

What diplomatic efforts has Cuba made to improve relations since the whole, being our enemy thing?

Not my issue. People are. Politics sucks.

Cuba is the small nation that choose to be the enemy of the superpower that lived right next door. Not a good plan.

If you care about people, then what Cuba does diplomatically to repair that damage, is important.

Have they stopped all the rhetoric about how America is evul, for example?

I can't say that I see them saying much of anything but as others have noted, China and other countries will step in and fulfill what they need.

We can continue to pretend we are doing something.

This is how things work. We put sanctions on China and other countries stepped in to fill their needs. If we prefer to spin our wheels, that's on you (and others) I guess.

Ok. Then they don't need access to the world's largest market, which just happens to be right next door.

Have a good time, and stop bothering me kid.

They don't so much now. We ceded that to others because.........???

So we would feel better?

Your pretense of not knowing about the Cold War, is .... dismissed.

Cuba made a bad call. They choose to be our enemy. When they are right next door. Their side lost the Cold War and they have done nothing to repair relations.

Ball is in their court.

They want to be China's bitch? lol, sure, the Chinese are well known for being gentle masters.

Cuba said all kinds of things 60 years ago. Irrelevant today.

When did Jacob Hornberger become someone whose opinion I give a shit about?

If any Third World nations targeted by U.S. sanctions or embargoes were First World nations, there is little doubt that they would respond with a military counterattack against the United States.

He is pretty funny. He should do stand-up.
We sanction Russia and China I believe.

Where is the little doubted military response from Putin or Xi Jinping?

So much for Jacob Hornberger. Do quit your day job, Jacob.
We go beyond sanctioning Russia and China, we directly sanction certain citizens and leaders of those countries. IMHO that's more effective than just general sanctions.
Are you aware the US has heavily sanctioned and stopped all trade with Cuba for 60 years?

Yeah, that was awesome!

No, it was an illegal criminal act, based on the Geneva Conventions of 1906 that the US signed.
Economic warfare has been a war crime ever since 1906.
You can interdict weapons only, not civilian good.

it was an illegal criminal act, based on the Geneva Conventions of 1906 that the US signed.

Post the text that you feel applies.

You can interdict weapons only, not civilian good.

Wanna bet?

The Geneva Conventions are long, and so are the previous Hague Conventions, but here is a more recent summary regarding Syria that shows all the relevant facts about international law.

Current international humanitarian law (IHL) — the law of armed conflict — makes clear that the deliberate starvation of the civilian population as a tactic of war is prohibited and a prosecutable war crime. This prohibition finds expression in Additional Protocol I (API) to the 1949 Geneva Conventions, which states that besieging forces may not starve civilians “as a method of warfare.” Similarly, it is prohibited to “attack, destroy, remove or render useless” any items necessary for civilians’ survival (e.g., food, land used to cultivate food, water, irrigation works, etc.), regardless of whether the objective is to starve the civilian population, to cause them to move, or some other motive.

This latter prohibition does not apply to resources used exclusively to sustain a an adversary’s armed forces or in direct support of military action. Such resources may be directly targeted because they constitute “military objectives.” Moreover, in instances of “imperative military necessity” to counter an invader, a state party may derogate from the above prohibition and resort to “scorched earth” tactics.

These rules govern international armed conflicts (i.e., those between states, or IACs). A similar set of prohibitions appears in Article 14 of Additional Protocol II to the 1949 Geneva Conventions, which governs some non-international armed conflicts (i.e., NIACs, or conflicts between states and non-state actors or between non-state actors). Additionally, the ICRC considers the prohibition on deliberately starving civilians to be part of customary international law, regardless of conflict classification. Nonetheless, deliberately starving civilians as a method of warfare may be prosecuted before the International Criminal Court (ICC) only when committed in an IAC. Once more, we see that even when conduct is is clearly recognized as a war crime, it is not always easy to find a court in which it can be prosecuted.

The fact that the deliberate starvation of the civilian population as method of war is now universally condemned, and even criminal, marks an important evolution in the law.
Geneva Convention IV, aimed at the protection of non-combatants in IACs, provides that states must allow the free passage of medical consignments, food, and other relief supplies for the benefit of the civilian population.

The federal government is not authorized to block international commerce when not at war, and it is a violation of the 5th amendment when it interferes with private commerce between US citizens and Cuba.
nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.
The government has blocked international commerce going all the way back to Thomas Jefferson's Embargo. If it were illegal, I'm sure SCOTUS would have ruled on it long ago.
People suffered for 60 years but you felt good.

I don't feel good that the Cuban people have suffered under Communism for 60 years.

But you are fine with our sanctions that contributed to their suffering and accomplished nothing.

What diplomatic efforts has Cuba made to improve relations since the whole, being our enemy thing?

Not my issue. People are. Politics sucks.

Cuba is the small nation that choose to be the enemy of the superpower that lived right next door. Not a good plan.

If you care about people, then what Cuba does diplomatically to repair that damage, is important.

Have they stopped all the rhetoric about how America is evul, for example?

I can't say that I see them saying much of anything but as others have noted, China and other countries will step in and fulfill what they need.

We can continue to pretend we are doing something.

This is how things work. We put sanctions on China and other countries stepped in to fill their needs. If we prefer to spin our wheels, that's on you (and others) I guess.

Ok. Then they don't need access to the world's largest market, which just happens to be right next door.

Have a good time, and stop bothering me kid.

They don't so much now. We ceded that to others because.........???

So we would feel better?

Your pretense of not knowing about the Cold War, is .... dismissed.

Cuba made a bad call. They choose to be our enemy. When they are right next door. Their side lost the Cold War and they have done nothing to repair relations.

Ball is in their court.

They want to be China's bitch? lol, sure, the Chinese are well known for being gentle masters.

Cuba said all kinds of things 60 years ago. Irrelevant today.

Oh? You saying that don't talk the line of jive anymore?
People suffered for 60 years but you felt good.

I don't feel good that the Cuban people have suffered under Communism for 60 years.

But you are fine with our sanctions that contributed to their suffering and accomplished nothing.

What diplomatic efforts has Cuba made to improve relations since the whole, being our enemy thing?

Not my issue. People are. Politics sucks.

Cuba is the small nation that choose to be the enemy of the superpower that lived right next door. Not a good plan.

If you care about people, then what Cuba does diplomatically to repair that damage, is important.

Have they stopped all the rhetoric about how America is evul, for example?

I can't say that I see them saying much of anything but as others have noted, China and other countries will step in and fulfill what they need.

We can continue to pretend we are doing something.

This is how things work. We put sanctions on China and other countries stepped in to fill their needs. If we prefer to spin our wheels, that's on you (and others) I guess.

Ok. Then they don't need access to the world's largest market, which just happens to be right next door.

Have a good time, and stop bothering me kid.

They don't so much now. We ceded that to others because.........???

So we would feel better?

Your pretense of not knowing about the Cold War, is .... dismissed.

Cuba made a bad call. They choose to be our enemy. When they are right next door. Their side lost the Cold War and they have done nothing to repair relations.

Ball is in their court.

They want to be China's bitch? lol, sure, the Chinese are well known for being gentle masters.

Cuba said all kinds of things 60 years ago. Irrelevant today.

Oh? You saying that don't talk the line of jive anymore?

I see very little.
People suffered for 60 years but you felt good.

I don't feel good that the Cuban people have suffered under Communism for 60 years.

But you are fine with our sanctions that contributed to their suffering and accomplished nothing.

What diplomatic efforts has Cuba made to improve relations since the whole, being our enemy thing?

Not my issue. People are. Politics sucks.

Cuba is the small nation that choose to be the enemy of the superpower that lived right next door. Not a good plan.

If you care about people, then what Cuba does diplomatically to repair that damage, is important.

Have they stopped all the rhetoric about how America is evul, for example?

I can't say that I see them saying much of anything but as others have noted, China and other countries will step in and fulfill what they need.

We can continue to pretend we are doing something.

This is how things work. We put sanctions on China and other countries stepped in to fill their needs. If we prefer to spin our wheels, that's on you (and others) I guess.

Ok. Then they don't need access to the world's largest market, which just happens to be right next door.

Have a good time, and stop bothering me kid.

They don't so much now. We ceded that to others because.........???

So we would feel better?

Your pretense of not knowing about the Cold War, is .... dismissed.

Cuba made a bad call. They choose to be our enemy. When they are right next door. Their side lost the Cold War and they have done nothing to repair relations.

Ball is in their court.

They want to be China's bitch? lol, sure, the Chinese are well known for being gentle masters.

Cuba said all kinds of things 60 years ago. Irrelevant today.

Oh? You saying that don't talk the line of jive anymore?

I see very little.

So, you don't know? Neither do I. I assume they still talk the shit, because why would they not?

It's not like we are going to DO anything about it. So, why not talk tough and maybe fool someone here and there into thinking they are relevant, and maybe get some loving from other anti-American assholes in the world, of which there are many, even inside the US.
It is impossible
Cuba never had a choice and never was against the US.
We simply refused their ambassadors, including Castro himself, and then tried to invade them.
Then we illegally threaten any country from doing business with them.
All the damage was done deliberately the US.
And by the way, the US illegally also allowed the stolen Cuban treasury to be banked here.
I guess allowing the USSR to put nukes pointed at the U.S. had nothing to do with it. :dunno:

The Soviets were right to put tiny nukes that could hit Florida, in Cuba in retaliation for the US putting Jupiter C nukes in Turkey, that could hit Moscow.
The bad guy in the Cuban Missile Crisis was the US, not the Cubans or Soviets.

{... The crisis was over but the naval quarantine continued until the Soviets agreed to remove their IL–28 bombers from Cuba and, on November 20, 1962, the United States ended its quarantine. U.S. Jupiter missiles were removed from Turkey in April 1963. ...}
People suffered for 60 years but you felt good.

I don't feel good that the Cuban people have suffered under Communism for 60 years.

But you are fine with our sanctions that contributed to their suffering and accomplished nothing.

What diplomatic efforts has Cuba made to improve relations since the whole, being our enemy thing?

Not my issue. People are. Politics sucks.

Cuba is the small nation that choose to be the enemy of the superpower that lived right next door. Not a good plan.

If you care about people, then what Cuba does diplomatically to repair that damage, is important.

Have they stopped all the rhetoric about how America is evul, for example?

Cuba never had a choice and never was against the US.
We simply refused their ambassadors, including Castro himself, and then tried to invade them.
Then we illegally threaten any country from doing business with them.
All the damage was done deliberately the US.
And by the way, the US illegally also allowed the stolen Cuban treasury to be banked here.

So, what have they done to repair relations?

Since it was the US that did all the harm, such as setting up Batista as the evil dictator that murdered thousands of Cubans, how could Cuba "repair relations"?
Cuba would not have been broke and needed Soviet help if the US has not allowed Batista to get away with stealing the Cuban treasury.
People suffered for 60 years but you felt good.

I don't feel good that the Cuban people have suffered under Communism for 60 years.

But you are fine with our sanctions that contributed to their suffering and accomplished nothing.

What diplomatic efforts has Cuba made to improve relations since the whole, being our enemy thing?

Not my issue. People are. Politics sucks.

Cuba is the small nation that choose to be the enemy of the superpower that lived right next door. Not a good plan.

If you care about people, then what Cuba does diplomatically to repair that damage, is important.

Have they stopped all the rhetoric about how America is evul, for example?

Cuba never had a choice and never was against the US.
We simply refused their ambassadors, including Castro himself, and then tried to invade them.
Then we illegally threaten any country from doing business with them.
All the damage was done deliberately the US.
And by the way, the US illegally also allowed the stolen Cuban treasury to be banked here.

So, what have they done to repair relations?

Since it was the US that did all the harm, such as setting up Batista as the evil dictator that murdered thousands of Cubans, how could Cuba "repair relations"?
Cuba would not have been broke and needed Soviet help if the US has not allowed Batista to get away with stealing the Cuban treasury.

Blah, blah, blah, merica bad, got it.

So, despite decades of enmity, they have done nothing to repair relations with the superpower right next door?

Yes the US is in part, to blame.
See all this white space here to type in is where you get to splain your point. I was not looking really for a short yes or no.

Okay no problem, but I just did that in another thread on this topic.

Are you aware the US has heavily sanctioned and stopped all trade with Cuba for 60 years? Now put the puzzle together. The world’s preeminent economic and military nation doing this to Cuba for 60 FUCKING YEARS, will have a negative impact.

No? Yes?

What Trade did the US stop with Cuba aside from its own? Communist Cuba had every opportunity to trade with every nation besides the US.

Cuba…… another Communist failure. VIVA CAPITALISMO!
This continues to be the motto of you crazed statists. Then you claim the embargo had no effect on impoverishing Cubans, but communism did…lol…if it had no effect why do it?

Secondly, who do you think they could trade with in 1960s and 1970s, when much of the first world was still recovering economically from WWII. THINK! In the much of those early decades of the embargo the US was the world’s manufacturer. THINK! DON’T EMOTE.

Thirdly, do you not know the US pressured nations not to trade with Cuba?
What has Cuba been doing the last 20 and 40 years? Empirically, what were the validated effects of the US to pressure (“lobby”) other nations not to trade with Cuba? If so, how and why was this successful yet the US couldn’t get many of those same nations not to trade with with Saddam Hussein?
If you don't see the harm the US has done around the world the last 60 years, I can't help you. You have to get past that fourth grade government school indoctrination.

Yes the US is in part, to blame.
See all this white space here to type in is where you get to splain your point. I was not looking really for a short yes or no.

Okay no problem, but I just did that in another thread on this topic.

Are you aware the US has heavily sanctioned and stopped all trade with Cuba for 60 years? Now put the puzzle together. The world’s preeminent economic and military nation doing this to Cuba for 60 FUCKING YEARS, will have a negative impact.

No? Yes?

What Trade did the US stop with Cuba aside from its own? Communist Cuba had every opportunity to trade with every nation besides the US.

Cuba…… another Communist failure. VIVA CAPITALISMO!
This continues to be the motto of you crazed statists. Then you claim the embargo had no effect on impoverishing Cubans, but communism did…lol…if it had no effect why do it?

Secondly, who do you think they could trade with in 1960s and 1970s, when much of the first world was still recovering economically from WWII. THINK! In the much of those early decades of the embargo the US was the world’s manufacturer. THINK! DON’T EMOTE.

Thirdly, do you not know the US pressured nations not to trade with Cuba?
What has Cuba been doing the last 20 and 40 years? Empirically, what were the validated effects of the US to pressure (“lobby”) other nations not to trade with Cuba? If so, how and why was this successful yet the US couldn’t get many of those same nations not to trade with with Saddam Hussein?
If you don't see the harm the US has done around the world the last 60 years, I can't help you. You have to get past that fourth grade government school indoctrination.

You need help. You Blame US first. That said, what specifically, and verifiably has the US done to Cuba over the last 40 and 20 years, respectively? Cuba was the one that went the rout of North Korea and decided to hold firm on hard core Communism. How many US citizens who have disagreed with a President been tortured and shot like they have in Cuba and North Korea?
No I’m balanced and you aren’t. You fail to recognize the harm our government (the empire) has committed. You want to believe the happy horse shit that our government is all about doing good. We can agree that Cuban communism sucks, but you can’t see our government sucks too.
People suffered for 60 years but you felt good.

I don't feel good that the Cuban people have suffered under Communism for 60 years.

But you are fine with our sanctions that contributed to their suffering and accomplished nothing.

What diplomatic efforts has Cuba made to improve relations since the whole, being our enemy thing?

Not my issue. People are. Politics sucks.

Cuba is the small nation that choose to be the enemy of the superpower that lived right next door. Not a good plan.

If you care about people, then what Cuba does diplomatically to repair that damage, is important.

Have they stopped all the rhetoric about how America is evul, for example?

I can't say that I see them saying much of anything but as others have noted, China and other countries will step in and fulfill what they need.

We can continue to pretend we are doing something.

This is how things work. We put sanctions on China and other countries stepped in to fill their needs. If we prefer to spin our wheels, that's on you (and others) I guess.

Ok. Then they don't need access to the world's largest market, which just happens to be right next door.

Have a good time, and stop bothering me kid.

They don't so much now. We ceded that to others because.........???

So we would feel better?

Your pretense of not knowing about the Cold War, is .... dismissed.

Cuba made a bad call. They choose to be our enemy. When they are right next door. Their side lost the Cold War and they have done nothing to repair relations.

Ball is in their court.

They want to be China's bitch? lol, sure, the Chinese are well known for being gentle masters.

Cuba said all kinds of things 60 years ago. Irrelevant today.

Oh? You saying that don't talk the line of jive anymore?

I see very little.

So, you don't know? Neither do I. I assume they still talk the shit, because why would they not?

It's not like we are going to DO anything about it. So, why not talk tough and maybe fool someone here and there into thinking they are relevant, and maybe get some loving from other anti-American assholes in the world, of which there are many, even inside the US.

Supporting the idea that any country that doesn't bend to our every whim is our enemy is the anti-american position.
Yes the US is in part, to blame.
See all this white space here to type in is where you get to splain your point. I was not looking really for a short yes or no.

Okay no problem, but I just did that in another thread on this topic.

Are you aware the US has heavily sanctioned and stopped all trade with Cuba for 60 years? Now put the puzzle together. The world’s preeminent economic and military nation doing this to Cuba for 60 FUCKING YEARS, will have a negative impact.

No? Yes?

What Trade did the US stop with Cuba aside from its own? Communist Cuba had every opportunity to trade with every nation besides the US.

Cuba…… another Communist failure. VIVA CAPITALISMO!
This continues to be the motto of you crazed statists. Then you claim the embargo had no effect on impoverishing Cubans, but communism did…lol…if it had no effect why do it?

Secondly, who do you think they could trade with in 1960s and 1970s, when much of the first world was still recovering economically from WWII. THINK! In the much of those early decades of the embargo the US was the world’s manufacturer. THINK! DON’T EMOTE.

Thirdly, do you not know the US pressured nations not to trade with Cuba?
What has Cuba been doing the last 20 and 40 years? Empirically, what were the validated effects of the US to pressure (“lobby”) other nations not to trade with Cuba? If so, how and why was this successful yet the US couldn’t get many of those same nations not to trade with with Saddam Hussein?
If you don't see the harm the US has done around the world the last 60 years, I can't help you. You have to get past that fourth grade government school indoctrination.

Yes the US is in part, to blame.
See all this white space here to type in is where you get to splain your point. I was not looking really for a short yes or no.

Okay no problem, but I just did that in another thread on this topic.

Are you aware the US has heavily sanctioned and stopped all trade with Cuba for 60 years? Now put the puzzle together. The world’s preeminent economic and military nation doing this to Cuba for 60 FUCKING YEARS, will have a negative impact.

No? Yes?

What Trade did the US stop with Cuba aside from its own? Communist Cuba had every opportunity to trade with every nation besides the US.

Cuba…… another Communist failure. VIVA CAPITALISMO!
This continues to be the motto of you crazed statists. Then you claim the embargo had no effect on impoverishing Cubans, but communism did…lol…if it had no effect why do it?

Secondly, who do you think they could trade with in 1960s and 1970s, when much of the first world was still recovering economically from WWII. THINK! In the much of those early decades of the embargo the US was the world’s manufacturer. THINK! DON’T EMOTE.

Thirdly, do you not know the US pressured nations not to trade with Cuba?
What has Cuba been doing the last 20 and 40 years? Empirically, what were the validated effects of the US to pressure (“lobby”) other nations not to trade with Cuba? If so, how and why was this successful yet the US couldn’t get many of those same nations not to trade with with Saddam Hussein?
If you don't see the harm the US has done around the world the last 60 years, I can't help you. You have to get past that fourth grade government school indoctrination.

You need help. You Blame US first. That said, what specifically, and verifiably has the US done to Cuba over the last 40 and 20 years, respectively? Cuba was the one that went the rout of North Korea and decided to hold firm on hard core Communism. How many US citizens who have disagreed with a President been tortured and shot like they have in Cuba and North Korea?
No I’m balanced and you aren’t. You fail to recognize the harm our government (the empire) has committed. You want to believe the happy horse shit that our government is all about doing good. We can agree that Cuban communism sucks, but you can’t see our government sucks too.
How can you be balanced when you say the US Government sucks and blame the world’s problems on US? Communism is proven violator of human rights. For starters, Communism builds fences and shoots anyone who tries to leave. So the US sucks for trying to prevent the spread of such a utopia?
People suffered for 60 years but you felt good.

I don't feel good that the Cuban people have suffered under Communism for 60 years.

But you are fine with our sanctions that contributed to their suffering and accomplished nothing.

What diplomatic efforts has Cuba made to improve relations since the whole, being our enemy thing?

Not my issue. People are. Politics sucks.

Cuba is the small nation that choose to be the enemy of the superpower that lived right next door. Not a good plan.

If you care about people, then what Cuba does diplomatically to repair that damage, is important.

Have they stopped all the rhetoric about how America is evul, for example?

I can't say that I see them saying much of anything but as others have noted, China and other countries will step in and fulfill what they need.

We can continue to pretend we are doing something.

This is how things work. We put sanctions on China and other countries stepped in to fill their needs. If we prefer to spin our wheels, that's on you (and others) I guess.

Ok. Then they don't need access to the world's largest market, which just happens to be right next door.

Have a good time, and stop bothering me kid.

They don't so much now. We ceded that to others because.........???

So we would feel better?

Your pretense of not knowing about the Cold War, is .... dismissed.

Cuba made a bad call. They choose to be our enemy. When they are right next door. Their side lost the Cold War and they have done nothing to repair relations.

Ball is in their court.

They want to be China's bitch? lol, sure, the Chinese are well known for being gentle masters.

Cuba said all kinds of things 60 years ago. Irrelevant today.

Oh? You saying that don't talk the line of jive anymore?

I see very little.

So, you don't know? Neither do I. I assume they still talk the shit, because why would they not?

It's not like we are going to DO anything about it. So, why not talk tough and maybe fool someone here and there into thinking they are relevant, and maybe get some loving from other anti-American assholes in the world, of which there are many, even inside the US.

Supporting the idea that any country that doesn't bend to our every whim is our enemy is the anti-american position.

Let's pretend that we spent a couple days where I cut and pasted various anti-American ACTIONS from Cuba over the years nad you stonewalled and gaslighted like a standard lib troll.


Now, lets get back to the actual discussion. Cuba, if it wants better relations, needs to DO something to mend relations diplomatically.

Now is a great time. Biden is a good little leftard himself, and not all there. What are they waiting for?

Do they think Harris will be even better?

Hell, why didnt' they try to make up, during Obama's 8 years? WTF, were they doing? Playing with themselves?
Yes the US is in part, to blame.
See all this white space here to type in is where you get to splain your point. I was not looking really for a short yes or no.

Okay no problem, but I just did that in another thread on this topic.

Are you aware the US has heavily sanctioned and stopped all trade with Cuba for 60 years? Now put the puzzle together. The world’s preeminent economic and military nation doing this to Cuba for 60 FUCKING YEARS, will have a negative impact.

No? Yes?

What Trade did the US stop with Cuba aside from its own? Communist Cuba had every opportunity to trade with every nation besides the US.

Cuba…… another Communist failure. VIVA CAPITALISMO!
This continues to be the motto of you crazed statists. Then you claim the embargo had no effect on impoverishing Cubans, but communism did…lol…if it had no effect why do it?

Secondly, who do you think they could trade with in 1960s and 1970s, when much of the first world was still recovering economically from WWII. THINK! In the much of those early decades of the embargo the US was the world’s manufacturer. THINK! DON’T EMOTE.

Thirdly, do you not know the US pressured nations not to trade with Cuba?
What has Cuba been doing the last 20 and 40 years? Empirically, what were the validated effects of the US to pressure (“lobby”) other nations not to trade with Cuba? If so, how and why was this successful yet the US couldn’t get many of those same nations not to trade with with Saddam Hussein?
If you don't see the harm the US has done around the world the last 60 years, I can't help you. You have to get past that fourth grade government school indoctrination.

Yes the US is in part, to blame.
See all this white space here to type in is where you get to splain your point. I was not looking really for a short yes or no.

Okay no problem, but I just did that in another thread on this topic.

Are you aware the US has heavily sanctioned and stopped all trade with Cuba for 60 years? Now put the puzzle together. The world’s preeminent economic and military nation doing this to Cuba for 60 FUCKING YEARS, will have a negative impact.

No? Yes?

What Trade did the US stop with Cuba aside from its own? Communist Cuba had every opportunity to trade with every nation besides the US.

Cuba…… another Communist failure. VIVA CAPITALISMO!
This continues to be the motto of you crazed statists. Then you claim the embargo had no effect on impoverishing Cubans, but communism did…lol…if it had no effect why do it?

Secondly, who do you think they could trade with in 1960s and 1970s, when much of the first world was still recovering economically from WWII. THINK! In the much of those early decades of the embargo the US was the world’s manufacturer. THINK! DON’T EMOTE.

Thirdly, do you not know the US pressured nations not to trade with Cuba?
What has Cuba been doing the last 20 and 40 years? Empirically, what were the validated effects of the US to pressure (“lobby”) other nations not to trade with Cuba? If so, how and why was this successful yet the US couldn’t get many of those same nations not to trade with with Saddam Hussein?
If you don't see the harm the US has done around the world the last 60 years, I can't help you. You have to get past that fourth grade government school indoctrination.

You need help. You Blame US first. That said, what specifically, and verifiably has the US done to Cuba over the last 40 and 20 years, respectively? Cuba was the one that went the rout of North Korea and decided to hold firm on hard core Communism. How many US citizens who have disagreed with a President been tortured and shot like they have in Cuba and North Korea?
No I’m balanced and you aren’t. You fail to recognize the harm our government (the empire) has committed. You want to believe the happy horse shit that our government is all about doing good. We can agree that Cuban communism sucks, but you can’t see our government sucks too.
How can you be balanced when you say the US Government sucks and blame the world’s problems on US? Communism is proven violator of human rights. For starters, Communism builds fences and shoots anyone who tries to leave. So the US sucks for trying to prevent the spread of such a utopia?
You’re not listening. Try harder.
People suffered for 60 years but you felt good.

I don't feel good that the Cuban people have suffered under Communism for 60 years.

But you are fine with our sanctions that contributed to their suffering and accomplished nothing.

What diplomatic efforts has Cuba made to improve relations since the whole, being our enemy thing?

Not my issue. People are. Politics sucks.

Cuba is the small nation that choose to be the enemy of the superpower that lived right next door. Not a good plan.

If you care about people, then what Cuba does diplomatically to repair that damage, is important.

Have they stopped all the rhetoric about how America is evul, for example?

I can't say that I see them saying much of anything but as others have noted, China and other countries will step in and fulfill what they need.

We can continue to pretend we are doing something.

This is how things work. We put sanctions on China and other countries stepped in to fill their needs. If we prefer to spin our wheels, that's on you (and others) I guess.

Ok. Then they don't need access to the world's largest market, which just happens to be right next door.

Have a good time, and stop bothering me kid.

They don't so much now. We ceded that to others because.........???

So we would feel better?

Your pretense of not knowing about the Cold War, is .... dismissed.

Cuba made a bad call. They choose to be our enemy. When they are right next door. Their side lost the Cold War and they have done nothing to repair relations.

Ball is in their court.

They want to be China's bitch? lol, sure, the Chinese are well known for being gentle masters.

Cuba said all kinds of things 60 years ago. Irrelevant today.

Oh? You saying that don't talk the line of jive anymore?

I see very little.

So, you don't know? Neither do I. I assume they still talk the shit, because why would they not?

It's not like we are going to DO anything about it. So, why not talk tough and maybe fool someone here and there into thinking they are relevant, and maybe get some loving from other anti-American assholes in the world, of which there are many, even inside the US.

Supporting the idea that any country that doesn't bend to our every whim is our enemy is the anti-american position.
So true, yet so many Americans don’t get that.
People suffered for 60 years but you felt good.

I don't feel good that the Cuban people have suffered under Communism for 60 years.

But you are fine with our sanctions that contributed to their suffering and accomplished nothing.

What diplomatic efforts has Cuba made to improve relations since the whole, being our enemy thing?

Not my issue. People are. Politics sucks.

Cuba is the small nation that choose to be the enemy of the superpower that lived right next door. Not a good plan.

If you care about people, then what Cuba does diplomatically to repair that damage, is important.

Have they stopped all the rhetoric about how America is evul, for example?

I can't say that I see them saying much of anything but as others have noted, China and other countries will step in and fulfill what they need.

We can continue to pretend we are doing something.

This is how things work. We put sanctions on China and other countries stepped in to fill their needs. If we prefer to spin our wheels, that's on you (and others) I guess.

Ok. Then they don't need access to the world's largest market, which just happens to be right next door.

Have a good time, and stop bothering me kid.

They don't so much now. We ceded that to others because.........???

So we would feel better?

Your pretense of not knowing about the Cold War, is .... dismissed.

Cuba made a bad call. They choose to be our enemy. When they are right next door. Their side lost the Cold War and they have done nothing to repair relations.

Ball is in their court.

They want to be China's bitch? lol, sure, the Chinese are well known for being gentle masters.

Cuba said all kinds of things 60 years ago. Irrelevant today.

Oh? You saying that don't talk the line of jive anymore?

I see very little.

So, you don't know? Neither do I. I assume they still talk the shit, because why would they not?

It's not like we are going to DO anything about it. So, why not talk tough and maybe fool someone here and there into thinking they are relevant, and maybe get some loving from other anti-American assholes in the world, of which there are many, even inside the US.

Supporting the idea that any country that doesn't bend to our every whim is our enemy is the anti-american position.

Let's pretend that we spent a couple days where I cut and pasted various anti-American ACTIONS from Cuba over the years nad you stonewalled and gaslighted like a standard lib troll.


Now, lets get back to the actual discussion. Cuba, if it wants better relations, needs to DO something to mend relations diplomatically.

Now is a great time. Biden is a good little leftard himself, and not all there. What are they waiting for?

Do they think Harris will be even better?

Hell, why didnt' they try to make up, during Obama's 8 years? WTF, were they doing? Playing with themselves?

That ship has largely sailed.
In comparison to other banana republics, Cuba has very few ills. It's government has produced a success story that rivals rich countries in some ways.

What is poverty when the people have health care that's rated as roughly equal to America's.

What is poverty when the people have access to unlimited education opportunities?

What is poverty to a people that don't suffer starvation?

And how much greater will Cuba be once it's thrown off US hateful and cruel sanctions?

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