Is the use of Deadly Force to protect property the solution to riots?

I watched the Laura show tonight. She was discussing the continuing riots and attacks on businesses in Minneapolis this weekend that no other MSM outlet covered. Interviewing business owners, they told their story how they ran to their business only to helplessly watch it be looted, destroyed, and in some cases, burnt to the ground.

Some had businesses handed down for generations. Others were foreigners who came here to realize the American dream. Their city and state leaders allowed their dreams to go up in smoke.

Lowlifes who do these things have no fear, because there is no real deterrent to stopping them. We've seen these so-called leaders tell their police to stand down; to not enforce laws; to not protect these businesses; to allow them "room" to vent.

IMO, a real deterrent works every time it's tried. What if we had a federal law that allowed property owners to use deadly force to protect their property with no ability for city or local governments to prosecute?

A group of thugs start busting into a business. The business owner and family or other employees open fire killing dozens or hundreds of lowlifes. Other businesses do the same. Who in their right mind (after witnessing this) would think of trying to break into, or destroying another business down the street weary if they are armed and willing to kill to protect their investment?

True, hundreds of funerals, but also hundreds of businesses saved, millions of dollars not lost, and thousands of jobs saved in just one city. We need a national law of using deadly force to protect our property.
Many states have what is called a Castle doctrine. This allows those inside a home or business to defend it using deadly force when someone enters by force or fear. IF someone had been in the business they are justified using deadly force to protect themselves and others.
I watched the Laura show tonight. She was discussing the continuing riots and attacks on businesses in Minneapolis this weekend that no other MSM outlet covered. Interviewing business owners, they told their story how they ran to their business only to helplessly watch it be looted, destroyed, and in some cases, burnt to the ground.

Some had businesses handed down for generations. Others were foreigners who came here to realize the American dream. Their city and state leaders allowed their dreams to go up in smoke.

Lowlifes who do these things have no fear, because there is no real deterrent to stopping them. We've seen these so-called leaders tell their police to stand down; to not enforce laws; to not protect these businesses; to allow them "room" to vent.

IMO, a real deterrent works every time it's tried. What if we had a federal law that allowed property owners to use deadly force to protect their property with no ability for city or local governments to prosecute?

A group of thugs start busting into a business. The business owner and family or other employees open fire killing dozens or hundreds of lowlifes. Other businesses do the same. Who in their right mind (after witnessing this) would think of trying to break into, or destroying another business down the street weary if they are armed and willing to kill to protect their investment?

True, hundreds of funerals, but also hundreds of businesses saved, millions of dollars not lost, and thousands of jobs saved in just one city. We need a national law of using deadly force to protect our property.

They should all be doing what the Koreans did in the LA riots. Those guys were on the roof of their buildings shooting anyone who tried to break in. None of their businesses got looted or robbed. Shoot the bastards. The Koreans sure as hell did.

In these lib cities and states, they virtually disarm their law abiding citizens with all the laws they have against firearms or the use of them. You can only use a firearm if your life is in immediate danger, and even then, you can find yourself behind bars.

This is why there needs to be a nationwide protection for those people. There are good people in these commie cities and states, but not enough of them to get good Republican leadership. They are outnumbered. Those people need to be protected instead of the criminals being protected. It would at least even the score when it came to saving your investment and property.
You say lib cities and states. " You can only use a firearm if your life is in immediate danger, and even then, you can find yourself behind bars." You mean like Tennessee, the patron state of shooting stuff? That is pretty much how our stand your ground, castle doctrine works and is taught.
I watched the Laura show tonight. She was discussing the continuing riots and attacks on businesses in Minneapolis this weekend that no other MSM outlet covered. Interviewing business owners, they told their story how they ran to their business only to helplessly watch it be looted, destroyed, and in some cases, burnt to the ground.

Some had businesses handed down for generations. Others were foreigners who came here to realize the American dream. Their city and state leaders allowed their dreams to go up in smoke.

Lowlifes who do these things have no fear, because there is no real deterrent to stopping them. We've seen these so-called leaders tell their police to stand down; to not enforce laws; to not protect these businesses; to allow them "room" to vent.

IMO, a real deterrent works every time it's tried. What if we had a federal law that allowed property owners to use deadly force to protect their property with no ability for city or local governments to prosecute?

A group of thugs start busting into a business. The business owner and family or other employees open fire killing dozens or hundreds of lowlifes. Other businesses do the same. Who in their right mind (after witnessing this) would think of trying to break into, or destroying another business down the street weary if they are armed and willing to kill to protect their investment?

True, hundreds of funerals, but also hundreds of businesses saved, millions of dollars not lost, and thousands of jobs saved in just one city. We need a national law of using deadly force to protect our property.
How about the business owners and their families w/wo their employees
target their elected officials houses

This shouldn't even be up for discussion
They need to start killing on site and when they start rioting because of that
it should be killing on site, too fucking bad

Where there are no consequences people will continue to do
what they know they can get away with

Why people haven't forcibly removed elected officials is beyond me
This is treason and derelict of duty

Democrats are not very bright people. Look at NYC. AOC easily won the nomination for her party. How smart are those people?

When you live in an area where the stupid outnumber the smart, you end up with stupid leadership.
Well, even Pelosi said a glass of water with a D on it could have won
I watched the Laura show tonight. She was discussing the continuing riots and attacks on businesses in Minneapolis this weekend that no other MSM outlet covered. Interviewing business owners, they told their story how they ran to their business only to helplessly watch it be looted, destroyed, and in some cases, burnt to the ground.

Some had businesses handed down for generations. Others were foreigners who came here to realize the American dream. Their city and state leaders allowed their dreams to go up in smoke.

Lowlifes who do these things have no fear, because there is no real deterrent to stopping them. We've seen these so-called leaders tell their police to stand down; to not enforce laws; to not protect these businesses; to allow them "room" to vent.

IMO, a real deterrent works every time it's tried. What if we had a federal law that allowed property owners to use deadly force to protect their property with no ability for city or local governments to prosecute?

A group of thugs start busting into a business. The business owner and family or other employees open fire killing dozens or hundreds of lowlifes. Other businesses do the same. Who in their right mind (after witnessing this) would think of trying to break into, or destroying another business down the street weary if they are armed and willing to kill to protect their investment?

True, hundreds of funerals, but also hundreds of businesses saved, millions of dollars not lost, and thousands of jobs saved in just one city. We need a national law of using deadly force to protect our property.

They should all be doing what the Koreans did in the LA riots. Those guys were on the roof of their buildings shooting anyone who tried to break in. None of their businesses got looted or robbed. Shoot the bastards. The Koreans sure as hell did.

In these lib cities and states, they virtually disarm their law abiding citizens with all the laws they have against firearms or the use of them. You can only use a firearm if your life is in immediate danger, and even then, you can find yourself behind bars.

This is why there needs to be a nationwide protection for those people. There are good people in these commie cities and states, but not enough of them to get good Republican leadership. They are outnumbered. Those people need to be protected instead of the criminals being protected. It would at least even the score when it came to saving your investment and property.
You say lib cities and states. " You can only use a firearm if your life is in immediate danger, and even then, you can find yourself behind bars." You mean like Tennessee, the patron state of shooting stuff? That is pretty much how our stand your ground, castle doctrine works and is taught.

Isn't that where the biggest problems are, in lib cities? In Chicago, they are letting people out as fast as police bring them in. Rioting, assaulting a police officer, just slap them on the hand and tell them to get back out in the streets to rinse and repeat.

How many people in NYC actually carry a gun? Not many because they hand out CCW's to very few people. It takes hundreds of dollars and months of waiting before they will even give you an answer for your application. The news anchor on Fox, John Stossle, did an entire story on his attempt to get a CCW, which after months, was refused.
You can only use a firearm if your life is in immediate danger,
This is untrue. It only requires the perception of threat. This means the asshole holding a lit maltov cocktail can be shot before he throws it.
I watched the Laura show tonight. She was discussing the continuing riots and attacks on businesses in Minneapolis this weekend that no other MSM outlet covered. Interviewing business owners, they told their story how they ran to their business only to helplessly watch it be looted, destroyed, and in some cases, burnt to the ground.

Some had businesses handed down for generations. Others were foreigners who came here to realize the American dream. Their city and state leaders allowed their dreams to go up in smoke.

Lowlifes who do these things have no fear, because there is no real deterrent to stopping them. We've seen these so-called leaders tell their police to stand down; to not enforce laws; to not protect these businesses; to allow them "room" to vent.

IMO, a real deterrent works every time it's tried. What if we had a federal law that allowed property owners to use deadly force to protect their property with no ability for city or local governments to prosecute?

A group of thugs start busting into a business. The business owner and family or other employees open fire killing dozens or hundreds of lowlifes. Other businesses do the same. Who in their right mind (after witnessing this) would think of trying to break into, or destroying another business down the street weary if they are armed and willing to kill to protect their investment?

True, hundreds of funerals, but also hundreds of businesses saved, millions of dollars not lost, and thousands of jobs saved in just one city. We need a national law of using deadly force to protect our property.
Many states have what is called a Castle doctrine. This allows those inside a home or business to defend it using deadly force when someone enters by force or fear. IF someone had been in the business they are justified using deadly force to protect themselves and others.

I don't know if the Castle Doctrine extends to your business. We have a pretty good one here in Ohio because it also gives you legal protection in your car as I previously mentioned. But even if it did apply to your business, what can you do if people are throwing bricks through your shop windows, or fire bombs and not entering the place?

If shop owners could stand outside their business and protect it with lethal force, it would give people something to think about before they cast that first molotov cocktail. True, brick and mortar is less important than human life, but what is a lifetime of work worth when somebody sends it up in flames?
I watched the Laura show tonight. She was discussing the continuing riots and attacks on businesses in Minneapolis this weekend that no other MSM outlet covered. Interviewing business owners, they told their story how they ran to their business only to helplessly watch it be looted, destroyed, and in some cases, burnt to the ground.

Some had businesses handed down for generations. Others were foreigners who came here to realize the American dream. Their city and state leaders allowed their dreams to go up in smoke.

Lowlifes who do these things have no fear, because there is no real deterrent to stopping them. We've seen these so-called leaders tell their police to stand down; to not enforce laws; to not protect these businesses; to allow them "room" to vent.

IMO, a real deterrent works every time it's tried. What if we had a federal law that allowed property owners to use deadly force to protect their property with no ability for city or local governments to prosecute?

A group of thugs start busting into a business. The business owner and family or other employees open fire killing dozens or hundreds of lowlifes. Other businesses do the same. Who in their right mind (after witnessing this) would think of trying to break into, or destroying another business down the street weary if they are armed and willing to kill to protect their investment?

True, hundreds of funerals, but also hundreds of businesses saved, millions of dollars not lost, and thousands of jobs saved in just one city. We need a national law of using deadly force to protect our property.

They should all be doing what the Koreans did in the LA riots. Those guys were on the roof of their buildings shooting anyone who tried to break in. None of their businesses got looted or robbed. Shoot the bastards. The Koreans sure as hell did.
They and their families were the owners of the businesses in question; the places getting looted and vandalized in most places now are corporate owned and they just shrug and make an insurance claim.

So when insurance companies pay billions in claims, how do you think they recoup that money?

Yup and not all the looted and burned stores were big box stores. You can bet many mom and pop stores got looted and burned as well.
You can only use a firearm if your life is in immediate danger,
This is untrue. It only requires the perception of threat. This means the asshole holding a lit maltov cocktail can be shot before he throws it.
You did not see my earlier post about the phrase to remember. Basically the difference can boil down to whether the jury is convinced of the threat. Ass hole with lit molotov cocktail would convince a jury in my state. But, that is the real point. Any body actually can use a weapon defensively or offensively at anytime, but not without risk of being judged. If you need to shoot, you will be judged, possibly up to and including a judge and jury trial. There are no guarantees. Right or wrong, you will need a decent lawyer and it will cost you money. You had better be right. If you er, you need to er toward your personal or family safety with full knowledge it may cost you dearly. I carry, more often than not. I am satisfied with my ability to balance the situational questions, but act decisively if necessary, knowing it may not work out fairly for me though I was justified. Can you trust your judgement? Not everybody can. Others that do, should not. Cops make the same calculations if they are good cops and they have a built in advantage of authority, but sometimes they still get it wrong.
I watched the Laura show tonight. She was discussing the continuing riots and attacks on businesses in Minneapolis this weekend that no other MSM outlet covered. Interviewing business owners, they told their story how they ran to their business only to helplessly watch it be looted, destroyed, and in some cases, burnt to the ground.

Some had businesses handed down for generations. Others were foreigners who came here to realize the American dream. Their city and state leaders allowed their dreams to go up in smoke.

Lowlifes who do these things have no fear, because there is no real deterrent to stopping them. We've seen these so-called leaders tell their police to stand down; to not enforce laws; to not protect these businesses; to allow them "room" to vent.

IMO, a real deterrent works every time it's tried. What if we had a federal law that allowed property owners to use deadly force to protect their property with no ability for city or local governments to prosecute?

A group of thugs start busting into a business. The business owner and family or other employees open fire killing dozens or hundreds of lowlifes. Other businesses do the same. Who in their right mind (after witnessing this) would think of trying to break into, or destroying another business down the street weary if they are armed and willing to kill to protect their investment?

True, hundreds of funerals, but also hundreds of businesses saved, millions of dollars not lost, and thousands of jobs saved in just one city. We need a national law of using deadly force to protect our property.

They should all be doing what the Koreans did in the LA riots. Those guys were on the roof of their buildings shooting anyone who tried to break in. None of their businesses got looted or robbed. Shoot the bastards. The Koreans sure as hell did.
They and their families were the owners of the businesses in question; the places getting looted and vandalized in most places now are corporate owned and they just shrug and make an insurance claim.

So when insurance companies pay billions in claims, how do you think they recoup that money?

Yup and not all the looted and burned stores were big box stores. You can bet many mom and pop stores got looted and burned as well.

It's irrelevant who it is because we all pay insurance, and we all pay the costs of claims. Not all businesses have the same carrier you or I do, but I'm sure some of them do. Hell, in NYC alone, they had over a million dollars just in damaged police cars.
I watched the Laura show tonight. She was discussing the continuing riots and attacks on businesses in Minneapolis this weekend that no other MSM outlet covered. Interviewing business owners, they told their story how they ran to their business only to helplessly watch it be looted, destroyed, and in some cases, burnt to the ground.

Some had businesses handed down for generations. Others were foreigners who came here to realize the American dream. Their city and state leaders allowed their dreams to go up in smoke.

Lowlifes who do these things have no fear, because there is no real deterrent to stopping them. We've seen these so-called leaders tell their police to stand down; to not enforce laws; to not protect these businesses; to allow them "room" to vent.

IMO, a real deterrent works every time it's tried. What if we had a federal law that allowed property owners to use deadly force to protect their property with no ability for city or local governments to prosecute?

A group of thugs start busting into a business. The business owner and family or other employees open fire killing dozens or hundreds of lowlifes. Other businesses do the same. Who in their right mind (after witnessing this) would think of trying to break into, or destroying another business down the street weary if they are armed and willing to kill to protect their investment?

True, hundreds of funerals, but also hundreds of businesses saved, millions of dollars not lost, and thousands of jobs saved in just one city. We need a national law of using deadly force to protect our property.

They should all be doing what the Koreans did in the LA riots. Those guys were on the roof of their buildings shooting anyone who tried to break in. None of their businesses got looted or robbed. Shoot the bastards. The Koreans sure as hell did.
They and their families were the owners of the businesses in question; the places getting looted and vandalized in most places now are corporate owned and they just shrug and make an insurance claim.

So when insurance companies pay billions in claims, how do you think they recoup that money?

Yup and not all the looted and burned stores were big box stores. You can bet many mom and pop stores got looted and burned as well.

It's irrelevant who it is because we all pay insurance, and we all pay the costs of claims. Not all businesses have the same carrier you or I do, but I'm sure some of them do. Hell, in NYC alone, they had over a million dollars just in damaged police cars.

Doesn't surprise me at all. I wonder how many damaged cars are in Portland, Seattle and Indianapolis??
I watched the Laura show tonight. She was discussing the continuing riots and attacks on businesses in Minneapolis this weekend that no other MSM outlet covered. Interviewing business owners, they told their story how they ran to their business only to helplessly watch it be looted, destroyed, and in some cases, burnt to the ground.

Some had businesses handed down for generations. Others were foreigners who came here to realize the American dream. Their city and state leaders allowed their dreams to go up in smoke.

Lowlifes who do these things have no fear, because there is no real deterrent to stopping them. We've seen these so-called leaders tell their police to stand down; to not enforce laws; to not protect these businesses; to allow them "room" to vent.

IMO, a real deterrent works every time it's tried. What if we had a federal law that allowed property owners to use deadly force to protect their property with no ability for city or local governments to prosecute?

A group of thugs start busting into a business. The business owner and family or other employees open fire killing dozens or hundreds of lowlifes. Other businesses do the same. Who in their right mind (after witnessing this) would think of trying to break into, or destroying another business down the street weary if they are armed and willing to kill to protect their investment?

True, hundreds of funerals, but also hundreds of businesses saved, millions of dollars not lost, and thousands of jobs saved in just one city. We need a national law of using deadly force to protect our property.

Yes, indeed we do

And it is not only in New York City that people are deciding against downtown locations. In Minneapolis, the police department has publicly announced that the police are unable to protect the public from robbery and abuse. The police advise the public that when confronted by robbers, “do as they say”.
I watched the Laura show tonight. She was discussing the continuing riots and attacks on businesses in Minneapolis this weekend that no other MSM outlet covered. Interviewing business owners, they told their story how they ran to their business only to helplessly watch it be looted, destroyed, and in some cases, burnt to the ground.

Some had businesses handed down for generations. Others were foreigners who came here to realize the American dream. Their city and state leaders allowed their dreams to go up in smoke.

Lowlifes who do these things have no fear, because there is no real deterrent to stopping them. We've seen these so-called leaders tell their police to stand down; to not enforce laws; to not protect these businesses; to allow them "room" to vent.

IMO, a real deterrent works every time it's tried. What if we had a federal law that allowed property owners to use deadly force to protect their property with no ability for city or local governments to prosecute?

A group of thugs start busting into a business. The business owner and family or other employees open fire killing dozens or hundreds of lowlifes. Other businesses do the same. Who in their right mind (after witnessing this) would think of trying to break into, or destroying another business down the street weary if they are armed and willing to kill to protect their investment?

True, hundreds of funerals, but also hundreds of businesses saved, millions of dollars not lost, and thousands of jobs saved in just one city. We need a national law of using deadly force to protect our property.

They should all be doing what the Koreans did in the LA riots. Those guys were on the roof of their buildings shooting anyone who tried to break in. None of their businesses got looted or robbed. Shoot the bastards. The Koreans sure as hell did.
They and their families were the owners of the businesses in question; the places getting looted and vandalized in most places now are corporate owned and they just shrug and make an insurance claim.

So when insurance companies pay billions in claims, how do you think they recoup that money?
I know how, and so do you..... but these folks don't care, because they don't own anything worth insuring.
View attachment 373626

Has anyone considered something like this?
Rioters are observed by multiple cameras and many of them can be identified...… the ones who get arrested are obviously identified. What if, once they are ID'ed, they are cited and that results in them being barred from any sort of government assistance? No EBT, no SNAP, no unemployment?
What if any outstanding debts of their's are called in as a result, such as student loans?
What if they are barred from getting a line of credit with any store or corporate entity, because why should those companies whose interests have been damaged and storefronts looted, extend credit to a rioter or looter?
What if they can't get an apartment in a decent neighborhood because it shows up on their background check that they like to burn property down? We don't like sex offenders in our neighborhoods, maybe we should keep these guys out too.
Just because some DAs are not willing to prosecute these folks doesn't mean there is no way to punish this behavior...… there is a lot of other stuff that the rest of us can do.

Maybe there are other ways to deal with these people than just putting bullets in them.

My idea is so that we don't have to put bullets in them. We have had nuke weapons all of my life. We don't have them to use on anybody, we have them to stop others from using theirs against us.

You have some good ideas, but whatever we do, it has to be a strong enough deterrent to stop the uncivilized behavior. People living in their moms basement don't care about welfare or getting an apartment.
Honestly, the most effective way to do this is for groups of residents to make closed-door deals with the local cops for them to all vacate the area and turn off all the street cameras for the duration.
Then the locals go in hard and lay waste to these folks...... a bunch of black-clad bodies laying in the street, all shot to shit and mangled from being run over would put a quick end to this stuff. But that is the response they want.... they want a way to portray themselves as victims. It's why they constantly block roads and provoke drivers. The people who are orchestrating this are more than willing to sacrifice some useful idiots under the wheels of a truck, because they will get a shit-ton of mileage out of that.
I watched the Laura show tonight. She was discussing the continuing riots and attacks on businesses in Minneapolis this weekend that no other MSM outlet covered. Interviewing business owners, they told their story how they ran to their business only to helplessly watch it be looted, destroyed, and in some cases, burnt to the ground.

Some had businesses handed down for generations. Others were foreigners who came here to realize the American dream. Their city and state leaders allowed their dreams to go up in smoke.

Lowlifes who do these things have no fear, because there is no real deterrent to stopping them. We've seen these so-called leaders tell their police to stand down; to not enforce laws; to not protect these businesses; to allow them "room" to vent.

IMO, a real deterrent works every time it's tried. What if we had a federal law that allowed property owners to use deadly force to protect their property with no ability for city or local governments to prosecute?

A group of thugs start busting into a business. The business owner and family or other employees open fire killing dozens or hundreds of lowlifes. Other businesses do the same. Who in their right mind (after witnessing this) would think of trying to break into, or destroying another business down the street weary if they are armed and willing to kill to protect their investment?

True, hundreds of funerals, but also hundreds of businesses saved, millions of dollars not lost, and thousands of jobs saved in just one city. We need a national law of using deadly force to protect our property.

They should all be doing what the Koreans did in the LA riots. Those guys were on the roof of their buildings shooting anyone who tried to break in. None of their businesses got looted or robbed. Shoot the bastards. The Koreans sure as hell did.

In these lib cities and states, they virtually disarm their law abiding citizens with all the laws they have against firearms or the use of them. You can only use a firearm if your life is in immediate danger, and even then, you can find yourself behind bars.

This is why there needs to be a nationwide protection for those people. There are good people in these commie cities and states, but not enough of them to get good Republican leadership. They are outnumbered. Those people need to be protected instead of the criminals being protected. It would at least even the score when it came to saving your investment and property.
You say lib cities and states. " You can only use a firearm if your life is in immediate danger, and even then, you can find yourself behind bars." You mean like Tennessee, the patron state of shooting stuff? That is pretty much how our stand your ground, castle doctrine works and is taught.
Lib cities? You crime infested hell holes. Yeah.
I watched the Laura show tonight. She was discussing the continuing riots and attacks on businesses in Minneapolis this weekend that no other MSM outlet covered. Interviewing business owners, they told their story how they ran to their business only to helplessly watch it be looted, destroyed, and in some cases, burnt to the ground.

Some had businesses handed down for generations. Others were foreigners who came here to realize the American dream. Their city and state leaders allowed their dreams to go up in smoke.

Lowlifes who do these things have no fear, because there is no real deterrent to stopping them. We've seen these so-called leaders tell their police to stand down; to not enforce laws; to not protect these businesses; to allow them "room" to vent.

IMO, a real deterrent works every time it's tried. What if we had a federal law that allowed property owners to use deadly force to protect their property with no ability for city or local governments to prosecute?

A group of thugs start busting into a business. The business owner and family or other employees open fire killing dozens or hundreds of lowlifes. Other businesses do the same. Who in their right mind (after witnessing this) would think of trying to break into, or destroying another business down the street weary if they are armed and willing to kill to protect their investment?

True, hundreds of funerals, but also hundreds of businesses saved, millions of dollars not lost, and thousands of jobs saved in just one city. We need a national law of using deadly force to protect our property.
I totally agree. The cities could take some of the police funds and give AR-15's to the family members of each owner of the stores. Problem corrected.

There would be no need for that in Blue cities if only the mayors would allow them to arm themselves. There is no second Amendment privileges in New York City unless you're rich and can grease palms or politically affiliated with Democrats.

One of many reasons I don't live in NYC, and never would.
I watched the Laura show tonight. She was discussing the continuing riots and attacks on businesses in Minneapolis this weekend that no other MSM outlet covered. Interviewing business owners, they told their story how they ran to their business only to helplessly watch it be looted, destroyed, and in some cases, burnt to the ground.

Some had businesses handed down for generations. Others were foreigners who came here to realize the American dream. Their city and state leaders allowed their dreams to go up in smoke.

Lowlifes who do these things have no fear, because there is no real deterrent to stopping them. We've seen these so-called leaders tell their police to stand down; to not enforce laws; to not protect these businesses; to allow them "room" to vent.

IMO, a real deterrent works every time it's tried. What if we had a federal law that allowed property owners to use deadly force to protect their property with no ability for city or local governments to prosecute?

A group of thugs start busting into a business. The business owner and family or other employees open fire killing dozens or hundreds of lowlifes. Other businesses do the same. Who in their right mind (after witnessing this) would think of trying to break into, or destroying another business down the street weary if they are armed and willing to kill to protect their investment?

True, hundreds of funerals, but also hundreds of businesses saved, millions of dollars not lost, and thousands of jobs saved in just one city. We need a national law of using deadly force to protect our property.
You need to remember the words "I was in fear for my life and I had to shoot to protect my self and other present". Shooting someone who is stealing your lawn mower or care is on thing. Breaking in on you when you tell them to get back is something else, especially if you have security cameras filming the attack. Burn it down with you in it? Do what you have to do.

Thats why they dont pull this shit in the south.
We can shoot you for stealing our shit.
View attachment 373626

Has anyone considered something like this?
Rioters are observed by multiple cameras and many of them can be identified...… the ones who get arrested are obviously identified. What if, once they are ID'ed, they are cited and that results in them being barred from any sort of government assistance? No EBT, no SNAP, no unemployment?
What if any outstanding debts of their's are called in as a result, such as student loans?
What if they are barred from getting a line of credit with any store or corporate entity, because why should those companies whose interests have been damaged and storefronts looted, extend credit to a rioter or looter?
What if they can't get an apartment in a decent neighborhood because it shows up on their background check that they like to burn property down? We don't like sex offenders in our neighborhoods, maybe we should keep these guys out too.
Just because some DAs are not willing to prosecute these folks doesn't mean there is no way to punish this behavior...… there is a lot of other stuff that the rest of us can do.

Maybe there are other ways to deal with these people than just putting bullets in them.

My idea is so that we don't have to put bullets in them. We have had nuke weapons all of my life. We don't have them to use on anybody, we have them to stop others from using theirs against us.

You have some good ideas, but whatever we do, it has to be a strong enough deterrent to stop the uncivilized behavior. People living in their moms basement don't care about welfare or getting an apartment.
Honestly, the most effective way to do this is for groups of residents to make closed-door deals with the local cops for them to all vacate the area and turn off all the street cameras for the duration.
Then the locals go in hard and lay waste to these folks...... a bunch of black-clad bodies laying in the street, all shot to shit and mangled from being run over would put a quick end to this stuff. But that is the response they want.... they want a way to portray themselves as victims. It's why they constantly block roads and provoke drivers. The people who are orchestrating this are more than willing to sacrifice some useful idiots under the wheels of a truck, because they will get a shit-ton of mileage out of that.

What you are talking about is doing illegal things, just differently than the criminals who are causing the problem. My proposal is to make defending property legal on a national level, meaning the protection overrides local authorities and jurisdiction. Give it a catchy name like the Federal Defense of private property Act or something like that.
I watched the Laura show tonight. She was discussing the continuing riots and attacks on businesses in Minneapolis this weekend that no other MSM outlet covered. Interviewing business owners, they told their story how they ran to their business only to helplessly watch it be looted, destroyed, and in some cases, burnt to the ground.

Some had businesses handed down for generations. Others were foreigners who came here to realize the American dream. Their city and state leaders allowed their dreams to go up in smoke.

Lowlifes who do these things have no fear, because there is no real deterrent to stopping them. We've seen these so-called leaders tell their police to stand down; to not enforce laws; to not protect these businesses; to allow them "room" to vent.

IMO, a real deterrent works every time it's tried. What if we had a federal law that allowed property owners to use deadly force to protect their property with no ability for city or local governments to prosecute?

A group of thugs start busting into a business. The business owner and family or other employees open fire killing dozens or hundreds of lowlifes. Other businesses do the same. Who in their right mind (after witnessing this) would think of trying to break into, or destroying another business down the street weary if they are armed and willing to kill to protect their investment?

True, hundreds of funerals, but also hundreds of businesses saved, millions of dollars not lost, and thousands of jobs saved in just one city. We need a national law of using deadly force to protect our property.

Time to change the constitution---it is a right to shoot and kill rioters/looters/thugs attacking people. I can support that-------Texas used to have this as their castle doctrine.

Still do.
Remember Joe Horn!!!!!!

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