Zone1 is the Vatican in the bible?

You repeat only what was wrong since the first time you said it.
Your Church has no foundation in anything but sand and moving glaciers. That's why the doctrines and ordinances have changed so much to be in a complete state of apostasy. The Good news is there is now a prophet and apostles on the earth today that lead the restored Church of Jesus Christ in these the last days. The fulness of the gospel has been restored and all doctrine and ordinances re-established properly with complete authority of Jesus Christ and the Father.
Math-teacher, why did you not say "You are really confused. You talk in riddles and are way off the mark. About Mormons is nothing written in the Bible. The Mormon "Church" was organized 18 hundred years later. If you do not know this then you are an ideologue fool." ???

Or much shorter: Buy a new logic module, math-teacher. Prefer a Jewish one or Catholic one or a Protestant one. Or also a Buddhistic one. Reason: quality work. Christians for example normally never call other Christians "fool". Why not to do so is written in the bible.

  • The Lord’s house shall be established in the top of the mountains, Isa. 2:2 (Micah 4:2; ).
  • God will do a marvellous work and a wonder, Isa. 29:14 (.
  • God shall set up a kingdom, which shall never be destroyed, Dan. 2:44.
  • Elias will come, and restore all things, Matt. 17:11 (Mark 9:12;).
  • There will come times of restitution of all things, Acts 3:21 .
  • In the dispensation of the fulness of times, God will gather together in one all things, Eph. 1:10.
  • I saw another angel, having the everlasting gospel to preach, Rev. 14:6..

Those are just some to start with. Daniel chapter 2 is perfect. We are established in the last days and the Church will not be lost again to anyone else. Thus, the Church could not be started with a leader of any other Church.
Your Church has no foundation in anything but sand and moving glaciers. That's why the doctrines and ordinances have changed so much to be in a complete state of apostasy. The Good news is there is now a prophet and apostles on the earth today that lead the restored Church of Jesus Christ in these the last days. The fulness of the gospel has been restored and all doctrine and ordinances re-established properly with complete authority of Jesus Christ and the Father.
  • The Lord’s house shall be established in the top of the mountains, Isa. 2:2 (Micah 4:2; ).
  • God will do a marvellous work and a wonder, Isa. 29:14 (.
  • God shall set up a kingdom, which shall never be destroyed, Dan. 2:44.
  • Elias will come, and restore all things, Matt. 17:11 (Mark 9:12;).
  • There will come times of restitution of all things, Acts 3:21 .
  • In the dispensation of the fulness of times, God will gather together in one all things, Eph. 1:10.
  • I saw another angel, having the everlasting gospel to preach, Rev. 14:6..

Those are just some to start with. Daniel chapter 2 is perfect. We are established in the last days and the Church will not be lost again to anyone else. Thus, the Church could not be started with a leader of any other Church.

Which answer do you expect now from me to your nonsense and brainwash?

Lyrics & Music: Heino Gaze., singer Claudia Koreck


[Sush ... all be quiet]

Only the man in the moon is watching
When the little babies sleep
So you sleep too

There are two shoes in front of the bed
And they're just as tired
They'll go to sleep

Then the sandman will come
He steps quietly into the house
He'll choose from his dreams
The best of all

Only the man in the moon is watching
When the little babies are sleeping
So you sleep too

There are two shoes in front of the bed
And they're just as tired
They'll go to sleep

Are all the stars
awakening In the heaven
Then I love to sing
A song for you at night

Only the man in the moon is watching
When the little babies are sleeping
So you sleep too

There are two shoes in front of the bed
And they're just as tired
They'll go to sleep
They'll go to sleep
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Was The Vatican, as we know mentioned in The Bible?
The Vatican’s history as the seat of the Catholic Church began with the construction of a basilica over St. Peter’s grave in Rome in the 4th century A.D.

After much of Rome was leveled in a fire in A.D. 64, Emperor Nero executed St. Peter and other Christian scapegoats at the base of Vatican Hill, where they were buried in a necropolis.

Having embraced Christianity with the Edict of Milan in 313, Emperor Constantine I began constructing a basilica over St. Peter’s tomb in 324. St. Peter’s Basilica became a spiritual center for Christian pilgrims, leading to the development of housing for clergymen and the formation of a marketplace that became the thriving commercial district of Borgo.

There is no mention in the old testament, naturally. Rome figures prominently in the New Testament, as the writers were under Roman rule, but The Vatican itself was not mentioned, as far as I know, though 12 of the books of the New Testament were written in time periods of 64 A.D. or later, through 96 A.D., after the execution of St Peter, Revelations being one of them.

Peter was executed before the destruction of the temple in August of 70 AD.
  • The Lord’s house shall be established in the top of the mountains, Isa. 2:2 (Micah 4:2; ).
  • God will do a marvellous work and a wonder, Isa. 29:14 (.
  • God shall set up a kingdom, which shall never be destroyed, Dan. 2:44.
  • Elias will come, and restore all things, Matt. 17:11 (Mark 9:12;).
  • There will come times of restitution of all things, Acts 3:21 .
  • In the dispensation of the fulness of times, God will gather together in one all things, Eph. 1:10.
  • I saw another angel, having the everlasting gospel to preach, Rev. 14:6..

Those are just some to start with. Daniel chapter 2 is perfect. We are established in the last days and the Church will not be lost again to anyone else. Thus, the Church could not be started with a leader of any other Church.

The lion represents the King of Babylon, Nebuchadnezzar. The bear represents the Persian King, Cyrus. The leopard represents the King of the Greek Empire, Alexander. The fourth beast represents the Roman Empire, Julius Caesar.
Which answer do you expect now from me to your nonsense and brainwash?

Lyrics & Music: Heino Gaze., singer Claudia Koreck


[Sush ... all be quiet]

Only the man in the moon is watching
When the little babies sleep
So you sleep too

There are two shoes in front of the bed
And they're just as tired
They'll go to sleep

Then the sandman will come
He steps quietly into the house
He'll choose from his dreams
The best of all

Only the man in the moon is watching
When the little babies are sleeping
So you sleep too

There are two shoes in front of the bed
And they're just as tired
They'll go to sleep

Are all the stars
awakening In the heaven
Then I love to sing
A song for you at night

Only the man in the moon is watching
When the little babies are sleeping
So you sleep too

There are two shoes in front of the bed
And they're just as tired
They'll go to sleep
They'll go to sleep

So, the Bible is brainwashing? Very clear the Lord’s Church will be established in the last days. Any splinter group from that church will not have standing or authority. The true church must also have the true doctrine found in both books of Joseph and Judah. Joseph making the one true doctrine of all doctrines and gospel authority. The only church that fits is The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. It’s the restoration of the gospel. Not the perpetuation of any church in these later days. These are the days the Bible prophecies say is the restitution of all things doctrine and authority.
The lion represents the King of Babylon, Nebuchadnezzar. The bear represents the Persian King, Cyrus. The leopard represents the King of the Greek Empire, Alexander. The fourth beast represents the Roman Empire, Julius Caesar.
Nope. You are wrong...
So, the Bible is brainwashing?

You speak nonsense, brainwasher. I think your use of the bible is spiritually unbiblical.

Very clear the Lord’s Church

What means "the Mormons" in your view to the world, I guess.

will be established in the last days.

There's an old Irish story about a very very old Catholic man who suddenly changed his mind and became a Protestant. The Catholic priest of his commnunity was upset and hurried to ask him what had happened. "Don't worry, Father" he said to him "Soon I will die. And it is much more better one of them will die."

Any splinter group from that church will not have standing or authority.

Whatever god will decide god will decide. Where from comes your idea that you are not on your own a member of this what you call "splinter group"?

The true church must also have the true doctrine found in both books of Joseph and Judah.

If all More9ons thinks so - what do I have to do with such an incompetent and absurde idea? Ever thought about for example that all basics to the Buddhist religion are very very far from the basics of the Christian religion - but nevertheless the ethics of Buddhist is often nearly the same as the ethics of Catholics?

As far as I can see has Joseph Smith absolutely nothing to do in his way to live with Joseph, the husband of Mary and the father (mentor) of god.

making the one true doctrine of all doctrines and gospel authority.

And what about if "the Mormons" are wrong? What do you do in this case? And what about if the gospels are no authority but a map?

The only church that fits is The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

What's far from the Catholic view "One god, one truth, one church" - because this slogan replaces no one and nothing. Who really thinks about with the own heart and finds this has to be true likes to serve and to unite and not to reign and to divide.

It’s the restoration of the gospel.

In my mind it sounds totally stupid what you say here. What do you like to do? To crucify god again? The gospels are what they are. No one has to add something or to take something away.

Not the perpetuation of any church in these later days.


These are the days the Bible prophecies say is the restitution of all things doctrine and authority.

Good grief. How big is your brain washer?

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Nope. You are wrong...
The consensus among scholars is that the four beasts of chapter 7, like the metals of chapter 2, symbolise Babylon, Media, Persia and the Seleucid Greeks, with Antiochus IV as the "small horn" that uproots three others (Antiochus usurped the rights of several other claimants to become king).
You speak nonsense, brainwasher. I think your use of the bible is spiritually unbiblical.

What means "the Mormons" in your view to the world, I guess.

There's an old Irish story about a very very old Catholic man who suddenly changed his mind and became a Protestant. The Catholic priest of his commnunity was upset and hurried to ask him what had happened. "Don't worry, Father" he said to him "Soon I will die. And it is much more better one of them will die."

Whatever god will decide god will decide. Where from comes your idea that you are not on your own a member of this what you call "splinter group"?

If all More9ons thinks so - what do I have to do with such an incompetent and absurde idea? Ever thought about for example that all basics to the Buddhist religion are very very far from the basics of the Christian religion - but nevertheless the ethics of Buddhist is often nearly the same as the ethics of Catholics?

As far as I can see has Joseph Smith absolutely nothing to do in his way to live with Joseph, the husband of Mary and the father (mentor) of god.

And what about if "the Mormons" are wrong? What do you do in this case? And what about if the gospels are no authority but a map?

What's far from the Catholic view "One god, one truth, one church" - because this slogan replaces no one and nothing. Who really thinks about with the own heart and finds this has to be true likes to serve and to unite and not to reign and to divide.

In my mind it sounds totally stupid what you say here. What do you like to do? To crucify god again? The gospels are what they are. No one has to add something or to take something away.


Good grief. How big is your brain washer?

It’s so obvious you haven’t read the Bible. The questions you ask prove this. You don’t have a clue what the book or stick of Joseph comes from. You have never read the times of restitution of all things. And so much more. What you have had is catechism brainwashing.
The consensus among scholars is that the four beasts of chapter 7, like the metals of chapter 2, symbolise Babylon, Media, Persia and the Seleucid Greeks, with Antiochus IV as the "small horn" that uproots three others (Antiochus usurped the rights of several other claimants to become king).
You haven’t figured out that “scholars” are not men or women of God. They spend time making up new false understandings so they can publish something for their degrees or to write a book and make money. Yet, they reject that interpretations are private for them only.
You haven’t figured out that “scholars” are not men or women of God. They spend time making up new false understandings so they can publish something for their degrees or to write a book and make money. Yet, they reject that interpretations are private for them only.

I didn't realize LDS opposed education.
Born into a poor farming family, he was the fifth child of 11 — nine of whom survived childhood. Because his family could not afford the luxury of public education, Joseph received only three years of formal schooling. Along with his brothers and sisters, he was educated mainly at home from the family Bible.

Church Newsroom - Official Newsroom of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints › ...
Joseph Smith and the Restoration - Church Newsroom
It’s so obvious you haven’t read the Bible.

Again;: We componed the bible - and not so did do your Mr. absurdity John Smith who found out in the first halfth of the 19th century what's not written in the bible and what never had been a tradition in the western world. Even the stone age people more than 6000 years ago lived in Europe in monogamy.

The questions you ask prove this.

"How big is your brain washer?" is no real question. It expressses the concern you could be successful with your absurde lies and nonsense because in the times today much too many people seem not to learn how to think any longer and what is the difference between a cold calculating intelligence and a warm spiritually inpired reason. Not everything is true. Indeed only god is truth. And I fear you are far from this truth which is much more than our universe.

You don’t have a clue what the book or stick of Joseph comes from.

What comes from what in case of the person Joseph Smith? I know nothing about this man - but what you told me awoke in me the picture of an extremely criminal and charismatic man who used his gifts of god in a totally wrong way to satisfy only his own pervertetd needs. How did he die? Let me guess: Drunken in the arms of whores waving a black skull flag pierced by a rapier?

You have never read the times of restitution of all things.

I do not have any light idea what you try to speak about now. Why should you break a cup and this cup will be restituted? Also if you never loved it? Do you really believe in a restitution of every heap of rubbish?

And so much more. What you have had is catechism brainwashing.

Not all Catholics believe in everything what is written in the catechism of the Holy Curch. Also the catechism is a map with good ways and with priorities and a product for the unity of all Christians - like the bible is such a "product" on its own. Something has to be spoken out before it is able to be criticised. And many Catholics believe in things which are not written in the bible or in the catechism. I believe for example in god given rights for animals - so I respect also animals and so I (nearly) never kill an animal (Mosquitos and ticks are a problem in this context). And not any Catholic bishop will tell me not to do so. To respect god's creation is an implicitness.

Whatever - today is Sunday. Have a nice new god given day. Every day is new and also god is every day new.

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Again;: We componed the bible - and not so did do so your Mr. absurdity John Smith who found out in the first halfth of the 19th century what's not written in the bible and what never had been a tradition in the western world. Even the stone age people more than 6000 years ago lived in Europe in monogamy.

"How big is your brain washer?" is no real question. It expressses the concern you could be successful with your absurde lies and nonsense because in the times today mich too many people seem not to learn how to think any longer and what is the difference between a cold calculating intelligence and spiritually inpired reason. Not everything is true. Indeed only god is true. And I fear you are far from this truth which is much more than our universe.

Where comes from what in case of the person Joseph Smith? I know nothing about this man - but what you told me awoke in me the picture of an extremely criminal and charismatic man who used his gifts of god in a totally wrong way to satisfy his own pervertetd needs. How did he die? Let me guess: Drunken in the arms of whores waving a black skull flag pierced by a rapier?

I do not have any light idea what you try to speak about now. Why should you break a cup and this cup will be restituted? Also if you never loved it? Do you really believe in a restitution of every heap of rubbish?

Not Catholic believes in everything what is written in the Catechism of the Holy Curch. Also the Catechsism is a map with good ways and with priorities and a "product" for the unity of all Christians. Something has to be spoken out before it is able to be criticised. And many Catholics believe in things which are not written in the Catechism. I believe for example in god given rights for animals - so I respect also animals. And not any Catholic bishop will tell me not to do so. To respect god's creation is an implicitness.
The stick or book of Joseph is in Ezekiel chapter 37. Together with the book of Judah or the Bible they will be one in thy hand
The stick or book of Joseph is in Ezekiel chapter 37. Together with the book of Judah or the Bible they will be one in thy hand

What about to start really from the beginning? Is Ezechiel something to eat? And who was Judah? The daughter of Nofretetes grandson? By the way: What really started with monotheism in the beginning was respect for women! And god has many female attributes in the eldest writings. But also plural forms. And whoever this mysterious Mr. Joseph Smith had been - it not sounds as if you know something about this "biblical prophet" from the first halfth of the 19th century. Why do you fear this man?

And by the way: Why do you live without rhythm?

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