Zone1 is the Vatican in the bible?

It's against my religion to bad mouth other religions but we can poke fun at them.

Exact Christian source please where is written something about Joseph Smith and his "authority" to be a prophet of god.
Did Adam say anything about Noah? Did Noah say anything about Abraham? Did Abraham say anything about Moses? Did any prophet of the OT say anything about Peter, James, John, Paul? God called them Al at the time they were called. God doesn’t need to tell you who and when he calls his prophets and apostles.
As with all who have been called and have authority, people have the choice for be obedient to God’s will or not.
Did Adam say anything about Noah? Did Noah say anything about Abraham? Did Abraham say anything about Moses? Did any prophet of the OT say anything about Peter, James, John, Paul?

Yes and no.

God called them Al at the time they were called.

Don't make yourselve to a fool now. Joseph Smith lived in the first halfth of the 19th century.

God doesn’t need to tell you who and when he calls his prophets and apostles.

But god needs you to tell me continously anti-Jewish and anti-Christian nonsense about nothing? Who the damn said that Joseph Smith - who died damn young - is a prophet? Where from comes this what you call his "authority"? And why did you tell me lies about your father - who not had been a Jew - and lies about a Catholic school in the USA and the lie that you ever had been in your life a math-teacher? What is no lie or evasion what you try to tell me?

As with all who have been called and have authority,

What for heavens sake do you call authority? The right to be feeded to the lions? Your Joseph Smith lived perhaps only an extremely rich and comfortable life with many women who he made to his personal whores and slaves with the money of their superidiotic parents. What about this interpretation of his life and bad influence?

people have the choice for be obedient to God’s will or not.

The reason why I liked to know more from you is it that I lived some months of my life in the near of a temple of your religion here in Germany. And two or three times I located in this time and in this area spiritually a mighty, formless, evil power - like a fear-producing fog of cold energy. Sure this had been perhaps only an effect of my own very important meditations for me personally which I made at this time in this place and which brought me into the near of my own limits. It's difficult to seperate wrong sensations and wrong perceptions and wrong thoughts from the divine reality all around. But perhaps this evil power - if real at all - came out of one of your houses. So your stupidities which you say here to me are ... only an evil childish nonsense game, isn't it?

Virgo sola
Sola existente
En affuit angelus
Gabriel est
Est appalatus
Atque missus celitus
Clara facieque
Facieque dixit
Ave Maria

: Cuncti simus Ave Maria
Concanentes Ave Maria :

Clara facieque
Facieque dixit
Audite carissimi
En cocipies
Cocipies Maria
Ave Maria

: Cuncti simus Ave Maria
Concanentes Ave Maria : ...
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Yes and no.

Don't make yourselve to a fool now. Joseph Smith lived in the first halfth of the 19th century.

But god needs you to tell me continously anti-Jewish and anti-Christian nonsense about nothing? Who the damn said that Joseph Smith - who died damn young - is a prophet? Where from comes this what you call his "authority"? And why did you tell me lies about your father - who not had been a Jew - and lies about a Catholic school in the USA and the lie that you ever had been in your life a math-teacher? What is no lie or evasion what you try to tell me?

What for heavens sake do you call authority? The right to be feeded to the lions? Your Joseph Smith lived perhaps only an extremely rich and comfortable life with many women who he made to his personal whores and slaves with the money of their superidiotic parents. What about this interpretation of his life and bad influence?

The reason why I liked to know more from you is it that I lived some months of my life in the near of a temple of your religion here in Germany. And two or three times I located in this time and in this area spiritually a mighty, formless, evil power - like a fear-producing fog of cold energy. Sure this had been perhaps only an effect of my own very important meditations for me personally which I made at this time in this place and which brought me into the near of my own limits. It's difficult to seperate wrong sensations and wrong perceptions and wrong thoughts from the divine reality all around. But perhaps this evil power - if real at all - came out of one of your houses. So your stupidities which you say here to me are ... only an evil childish nonsense game, isn't it?

Virgo sola
Sola existente
En affuit angelus
Gabriel est
Est appalatus
Atque missus celitus
Clara facieque
Facieque dixit
Ave Maria

: Cuncti simus Ave Maria
Concanentes Ave Maria :

Clara facieque
Facieque dixit
Audite carissimi
En cocipies
Cocipies Maria
Ave Maria

: Cuncti simus Ave Maria
Concanentes Ave Maria : ...

The answer to the first answer is “No.”
The fact that no prophet or apostle had been called for 1800 years, did any prophet mentioned this possibility? Yes. By name? Not in the Bible. But, the Book of Mormon or Stick of Joseph of the marvelous work and wonder Isaiah 29 says means a prophet would have needed to have happened. Joseph Smith.

To perform any ordinance of God requires authority of God given to man to do his work. God’s priesthood. In the Bible, the Lord said the apostles didn’t yet have the authority to give the Holy Ghost. Christ came and did so. Paul writes about the two “Orders” of the Priesthood. Melchizedek and Aaronic. That was completely lost by the Catholic and Greek churches. The authority lost. So, this had to be restored and was in 1829. From there, the Church and ordinances could be organized and performed with power and total affect.

The greatest authority was bringing back the authority by Elijah with the sealing authority of marriage for not just time on earth but also potentially for all eternity. All the eternal ordinances are performed in the temple. Without them, terrestrial glory is the highest part of heaven we could get to. As Paul wrote in 1st Corinthians chapter 15, the Celestial glory should be our primary goal. With temple work, those who had no opportunity to hear, see and know of the fulness of the gospel and ordinances can receive them vicariously as they are required like baptism and the gift of the Holy Ghost or baptism by fire. These are earthly ordinances and can only be performed on earth. Seems like the temples are good. Have you had this opportunity?
"The answer to the first answer is “No.”

An answer about a nothingness which you ¿have to? think?

The fact that no prophet or apostle had been called for 1800 years, did any prophet mentioned this possibility? Yes. By name? Not in the Bible. But, the Book of Mormon

The what?

or Stick of Joseph of the marvelous work and wonder Isaiah 29 says means a prophet would have needed to have happened. Joseph Smith.

To perform any ordinance of God requires authority of God given to man to do his work. God’s priesthood.

God's what?

In the Bible, the Lord said the apostles didn’t yet have the authority to give the Holy Ghost.

Eh? What for heavens sake do you try to speak about?

Christ came and did so.

The Christ did do what when he came to which place ?

Paul writes about the two “Orders” of the Priesthood. Melchizedek and Aaronic.

About what? What for heavens sake do you try to speak about?

That was completely lost by the Catholic and Greek churches.


The authority lost. So, this had to be restored and was in 1829.

When suddenly ¿who? told your greatest leading leader of all leaders what?

From there, the Church and ordinances could be organized and performed with power and total affect.

The greatest authority was bringing back the authority by Elijah with the sealing authority of marriage for not just time on earth but also potentially for all eternity. All the eternal ordinances are performed in the temple.


Without them,


terrestrial glory is the highest part of heaven we could get to.


As Paul wrote in 1st Corinthians chapter 15, the Celestial glory should be our primary goal.

"Death is swallowed up in victory. O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?"

With temple work, those who had no opportunity to hear, see and know of the fulness of the gospel and ordinances can receive them vicariously as they are required like baptism and the gift of the Holy Ghost or baptism by fire. These are earthly ordinances and can only be performed on earth. Seems like the temples are good. Have you had this opportunity?

I will never understand how someone is able to speak such an unbelievable amount of stupid nothingness while misusing the bible to do so. Strange - very very strange.

PS.: After you heard this videos now start both videos the same time and listen - if you are able to listen.
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Did Adam say anything about Noah? Did Noah say anything about Abraham? Did Abraham say anything about Moses? Did any prophet of the OT say anything about Peter, James, John, Paul? God called them Al at the time they were called. God doesn’t need to tell you who and when he calls his prophets and apostles.
As with all who have been called and have authority, people have the choice for be obedient to God’s will or not.
Do you hear God's voice?
The answer to the first answer is “No.”
The fact that no prophet or apostle had been called for 1800 years, did any prophet mentioned this possibility? Yes. By name? Not in the Bible. But, the Book of Mormon or Stick of Joseph of the marvelous work and wonder Isaiah 29 says means a prophet would have needed to have happened. Joseph Smith.

To perform any ordinance of God requires authority of God given to man to do his work. God’s priesthood. In the Bible, the Lord said the apostles didn’t yet have the authority to give the Holy Ghost. Christ came and did so. Paul writes about the two “Orders” of the Priesthood. Melchizedek and Aaronic. That was completely lost by the Catholic and Greek churches. The authority lost. So, this had to be restored and was in 1829. From there, the Church and ordinances could be organized and performed with power and total affect.

The greatest authority was bringing back the authority by Elijah with the sealing authority of marriage for not just time on earth but also potentially for all eternity. All the eternal ordinances are performed in the temple. Without them, terrestrial glory is the highest part of heaven we could get to. As Paul wrote in 1st Corinthians chapter 15, the Celestial glory should be our primary goal. With temple work, those who had no opportunity to hear, see and know of the fulness of the gospel and ordinances can receive them vicariously as they are required like baptism and the gift of the Holy Ghost or baptism by fire. These are earthly ordinances and can only be performed on earth. Seems like the temples are good. Have you had this opportunity?
Isaiah is talking about Hezekiah.
You have a 1% understanding of the Bible. Try reading it. Then you can debate with me.
Do you like to start again from the beginning of our "conversation" here? The bible is an important book - but sometimes it's better to throw it in a waste paper basket. You are very confused. Looks like as if you do not speak with other people - nor with god who always speaks with everyone in many ways - but looks like you are only speaking with yourselve.
Do you hear God's voice?
Even more. But, I answered his question. The Bible doesn’t have to have the name Joseph Smith in it. The Lord chooses his prophets, not you. It’s up to us to know by asking the Father with real intent, faith not wavering, without a double mind if a prophet is in fact a prophet.
Do you like to start again from the beginning of our "conversation" here? The bible is an important book - but sometimes it's better to throw it in a waste paper basket. You are very confused. Looks like as if you do not speak with other people - nor with god who always speaks with everyone in many ways - but looks like you are only speaking with yourselve.
Why do you say it is an important book? But then you say to throw it away?
If the Bible is an important book then you should read it. Because it doesn't appear you know much what is in it. Then you say that God speaks to us in many ways. Yet, his word say we have to speak to him with real intent, with true faith in Him, anCd without a double mind. Do you know what a double mind is? Do you know what real intent is? Do you know what faith in Christ is?

The Bible is the blueprint of Christ's Church. It starts with the foundation which is with apostles and prophets with Jesus Christ as the chief cornerstone. If your church, religion, belief doesn't start with that foundation, it's not the Church of Jesus Christ. It could be the church of Moses, John, Peter, Presbytery, Buddha, Tao or anything else. But, not the Church of Jesus Christ, especially in these last or latter days.
Why do you say it is an important book? But then you say to throw it away?
If the Bible is an important book then you should read it. Because it doesn't appear you know much what is in it. Then you say that God speaks to us in many ways. Yet, his word say we have to speak to him with real intent, with true faith in Him, anCd without a double mind. Do you know what a double mind is? Do you know what real intent is? Do you know what faith in Christ is?

The Bible is the blueprint of Christ's Church. It starts with the foundation which is with apostles and prophets with Jesus Christ as the chief cornerstone. If your church, religion, belief doesn't start with that foundation, it's not the Church of Jesus Christ. It could be the church of Moses, John, Peter, Presbytery, Buddha, Tao or anything else. But, not the Church of Jesus Christ, especially in these last or latter days.

Let me say it this way: You try to use the bible for to polish the aura of your asshole. If you throw it in the next waste paper basket and start to do what's written there then this would be like holidays for the people the bible writes about and is written from.

Wenn ich, o Schöpfer, deine Macht,
Die Weisheit deiner Wege,
Die Liebe, die für alle wacht,
Anbetend überlege:
So weis ich, von Bewundrung voll,
Nicht, wie ich dich erheben soll,
Mein Gott, mein Herr und Vater!

Mein Auge sieht, wohin es blickt,
Die Wunder deiner Werke.
Der Himmel, prächtig ausgeschmückt,
Preist dich, du Gott der Stärke!
Wer hat die Sonn an ihm erhöht?
Wer kleidet sie mit Majestät?
Wer ruft dem Heer der Sterne?

Wer mißt dem Winde seinen Lauf?
Wer heißt die Himmel regnen?
Wer schließt den Schooß der Erden auf,
Mit Vorrath uns zu segnen?
O Gott der Macht und Herrlichkeit!
Gott, deine Güte reicht so weit,
So weit die Wolken reichen!

Dich predigt Sonnenschein und Sturm,
Dich preist der Sand am Meere.
Bringt, ruft auch der geringste Wurm,
Bringt meinem Schöpfer Ehre!
Mich, ruft der Baum in seiner Pracht,
Mich, ruft die Saat, hat Gott gemacht;
Bringt unserm Schöpfer Ehre!

Der Mensch, ein Leib, den deine Hand
So wunderbar bereitet;
Der Mensch, ein Geist, den sein Verstand
Dich zu erkennen leitet;
Der Mensch, der Schöpfung Ruhm und Preis,
Ist sich ein täglicher Beweis
Von deiner Güt und Größe.

Erheb ihn ewig, o mein Geist,
Erhebe seinen Namen!
Gott, unser Vater, sey gepreist,
Und alle Welt sag Amen!
Und alle Welt fürcht ihren Herrn,
Und hoff auf ihn, und dien ihm gern!
Wer wollte Gott nicht dienen?
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Even more. But, I answered his question. The Bible doesn’t have to have the name Joseph Smith in it. The Lord chooses his prophets, not you. It’s up to us to know by asking the Father with real intent, faith not wavering, without a double mind if a prophet is in fact a prophet.

Only to say something to the fact that it was a lie when you said to me you are a math-teacher. A math-teacher would not make the mistake to say the Catholic church is not written in the bible but Joseph Smith is a biblical prophet who rewrote the bible in 1829. Why a math-teacher not would do so? Speak with a math-teacher! A real math-teacher!
Let me say it this way: You try to use the bible for to polish the aura of your asshole. If you throw it in the next waste paper basket and start to do what's written there then this would be like holidays for the people the bible writes about and is written from.

Wenn ich, o Schöpfer, deine Macht,
Die Weisheit deiner Wege,
Die Liebe, die für alle wacht,
Anbetend überlege:
So weis ich, von Bewundrung voll,
Nicht, wie ich dich erheben soll,
Mein Gott, mein Herr und Vater!

Mein Auge sieht, wohin es blickt,
Die Wunder deiner Werke.
Der Himmel, prächtig ausgeschmückt,
Preist dich, du Gott der Stärke!
Wer hat die Sonn an ihm erhöht?
Wer kleidet sie mit Majestät?
Wer ruft dem Heer der Sterne?

Wer mißt dem Winde seinen Lauf?
Wer heißt die Himmel regnen?
Wer schließt den Schooß der Erden auf,
Mit Vorrath uns zu segnen?
O Gott der Macht und Herrlichkeit!
Gott, deine Güte reicht so weit,
So weit die Wolken reichen!

Dich predigt Sonnenschein und Sturm,
Dich preist der Sand am Meere.
Bringt, ruft auch der geringste Wurm,
Bringt meinem Schöpfer Ehre!
Mich, ruft der Baum in seiner Pracht,
Mich, ruft die Saat, hat Gott gemacht;
Bringt unserm Schöpfer Ehre!

Der Mensch, ein Leib, den deine Hand
So wunderbar bereitet;
Der Mensch, ein Geist, den sein Verstand
Dich zu erkennen leitet;
Der Mensch, der Schöpfung Ruhm und Preis,
Ist sich ein täglicher Beweis
Von deiner Güt und Größe.

Erheb ihn ewig, o mein Geist,
Erhebe seinen Namen!
Gott, unser Vater, sey gepreist,
Und alle Welt sag Amen!
Und alle Welt fürcht ihren Herrn,
Und hoff auf ihn, und dien ihm gern!
Wer wollte Gott nicht dienen?

The Bible is the blueprint of Christ's Church. It starts with the foundation which is with apostles and prophets with Jesus Christ as the chief cornerstone. If your church, religion, belief doesn't start with that foundation, it's not the Church of Jesus Christ. It could be the church of Moses, John, Peter, Presbytery, Buddha, Tao or anything else. But, not the Church of Jesus Christ, especially in these last or latter days.
Only to say something to the fact that it was a lie when you said to me you are a math-teacher. A math-teacher would not make the mistake to say the Catholic church is not written in the bible but Joseph Smith is a biblical prophet who rewrote the bible in 1829. Why a math-teacher not would do so? Speak with a math-teacher! A real math-teacher!
You are really confused. You talk in riddles and are way off the mark. The Catholic Church is not written in the Bible. The Catholic Church was organized hundreds of years later. If you do t know this then you are an ideologue fool.
The Bible is the blueprint of Christ's Church.

You repeat only what was wrong since the first time you said it.

It starts with the foundation which is with apostles and prophets with Jesus Christ as the chief cornerstone. If your church, religion, belief doesn't start with that foundation, it's not the Church of Jesus Christ. It could be the church of Moses, John, Peter, Presbytery, Buddha, Tao or anything else. But, not the Church of Jesus Christ, especially in these last or latter days.
You are really confused. You talk in riddles and are way off the mark. The Catholic Church is not written in the Bible. The Catholic Church was organized hundreds of years later. If you do t know this then you are an ideologue fool.

Math-teacher, why did you not say "You are really confused. You talk in riddles and are way off the mark. About Mormons is nothing written in the Bible. The Mormon "Church" was organized 18 hundred years later. If you do not know this then you are an ideologue fool." ???

Or much shorter: Buy a new logic module, math-teacher. Prefer a Jewish one or Catholic one or a Protestant one. Or also a Buddhistic one. Reason: quality work. Christians for example normally never call other Christians "fool". Why not to do so is written in the bible.

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