Is there a better Get Rich Quick with never risking a cent of your own money scheme than being a Socialist politician?

if you're a first time Senate candidate, for example, you need to raise around 30 million dollars in campaign contributions to have a shot at winning

how is a "socialist" politician supposed to do that? the odds are stacked up against socialist candidates BECAUSE of money!
i'll never forget when my son sold his bicycle and sold all his video games so he can donate the amount to Beto's presidential campaign

a rich person Beto is not, and neither are other socialists


The Troll Train

people who finance American political campaigns: wealthy conservatives, wealthier conservatives, and the wealthiest conservatives!

that's why something like a wealth tax will never get passed unless there is reform of money in politics
Trump has more money in the back of his sock drawer than Biden has entirely
Actually, I don't think he has a pot to piss in, literally. Filings with the New York AG show that he had 93 million dollars in liquid assets in 2020. Last year he was in debt to the tune of 1.3 billion dollars. That puts him at about a .07 quick ratio. Which means it would take a moron to send him even two dimes. In the next three years he has over 738 million dollars in debt coming due. He ain't going to make it. His properties are going to sell for pennies on the dollar. He won't meet the 100 million for Trump towers, let alone any of the rest. The fact that I know this means there are countless vultures who know it too, and they will swoop in and pick his carcass clean.

Perhaps it will make Trump feel better, but while elected as the wealthiest president in history, second was George Washington, Trump is going to die like Thomas Jefferson, and ironically for the same damn reason. Jefferson died broke as hell, and his debts were left to his grandson, who spent a lifetime paying them off. The reason, living beyond his means, which Trump epitomizes.

But there is an upside here. There will be no Trump dynasty, and thank the Gods. To be honest, Baron might not be that bad, but the rest of his devil's spawn, especially the other sons, are dumber than a damn box of rocks. Ivanka, pick of the litter, is just stupid. Posting an Instagram photo in front of a multi-million dollar piece of modern art she didn't list on her asset filing with the government. How can you be that stupid?

Nope, three years from now Trump is going to be sitting in Butner, scrabbling for internet access so he can solicit donations to pay for his Tuna pouches from the prison commissary. Maybe I will buy him some.
Actually, I don't think he has a pot to piss in, literally. Filings with the New York AG show that he had 93 million dollars in liquid assets in 2020. Last year he was in debt to the tune of 1.3 billion dollars. That puts him at about a .07 quick ratio. Which means it would take a moron to send him even two dimes. In the next three years he has over 738 million dollars in debt coming due. He ain't going to make it. His properties are going to sell for pennies on the dollar. He won't meet the 100 million for Trump towers, let alone any of the rest. The fact that I know this means there are countless vultures who know it too, and they will swoop in and pick his carcass clean.

Perhaps it will make Trump feel better, but while elected as the wealthiest president in history, second was George Washington, Trump is going to die like Thomas Jefferson, and ironically for the same damn reason. Jefferson died broke as hell, and his debts were left to his grandson, who spent a lifetime paying them off. The reason, living beyond his means, which Trump epitomizes.

But there is an upside here. There will be no Trump dynasty, and thank the Gods. To be honest, Baron might not be that bad, but the rest of his devil's spawn, especially the other sons, are dumber than a damn box of rocks. Ivanka, pick of the litter, is just stupid. Posting an Instagram photo in front of a multi-million dollar piece of modern art she didn't list on her asset filing with the government. How can you be that stupid?

Nope, three years from now Trump is going to be sitting in Butner, scrabbling for internet access so he can solicit donations to pay for his Tuna pouches from the prison commissary. Maybe I will buy him some.
So you are a communist that figures that you have your finger on the pulse of capitalism, yet only in hopes to someday destroy it eh ? Yes, how exactly do you keep track of the things in which you speak, and better yet WHY do you keep track of such information on your supposed enemy ???

This is the sort of thing that American's for whom ever want to achieve the American dream, well had best take heed and listen too when they hear a leftist speaking confidently about someone's wealth, and worse keeps tabs on their family. Best take heed American's, because these types of individual's are the most dangerous to the American dream, and towards the whole of the economy. They've proven it with their words and their actions.
Actually, I don't think he has a pot to piss in, literally. Filings with the New York AG show that he had 93 million dollars in liquid assets in 2020. Last year he was in debt to the tune of 1.3 billion dollars. That puts him at about a .07 quick ratio. Which means it would take a moron to send him even two dimes. In the next three years he has over 738 million dollars in debt coming due. He ain't going to make it. His properties are going to sell for pennies on the dollar. He won't meet the 100 million for Trump towers, let alone any of the rest. The fact that I know this means there are countless vultures who know it too, and they will swoop in and pick his carcass clean.

Perhaps it will make Trump feel better, but while elected as the wealthiest president in history, second was George Washington, Trump is going to die like Thomas Jefferson, and ironically for the same damn reason. Jefferson died broke as hell, and his debts were left to his grandson, who spent a lifetime paying them off. The reason, living beyond his means, which Trump epitomizes.

But there is an upside here. There will be no Trump dynasty, and thank the Gods. To be honest, Baron might not be that bad, but the rest of his devil's spawn, especially the other sons, are dumber than a damn box of rocks. Ivanka, pick of the litter, is just stupid. Posting an Instagram photo in front of a multi-million dollar piece of modern art she didn't list on her asset filing with the government. How can you be that stupid?

Nope, three years from now Trump is going to be sitting in Butner, scrabbling for internet access so he can solicit donations to pay for his Tuna pouches from the prison commissary. Maybe I will buy him some.
You got him this time!
Trump lied as usual. He brags in his books that he doesn't use his own money.

On the scale of things and the way that relates to your life, big fucking deal. I am more concerned with the blatant lies Biden is telling every day. Lies that effect everyone's lives. Lies about the economy, about his policies, about the border, inflation his recession, about the war in Ukraine, about Republicans, Trump-supporters...

That asshole Biden is a pathological liar who spews crap out of his foul mouth that seldom if ever gets fact-checked by the sympathetic media. You would think that the President of the United States has access to reliable information, but that son of a bitch doesn't have a fucking clue.
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Not from lack of trying to enrich himself. Four figure hotel rooms for the secret service? Foreign visitors taking out whole floors of his hotels. How did he make out with his pass through exemption addition to the tax code? What about the estate tax?

Nope, his net worth dropped because he is a piss poor businessman, always has been.

Listen to yourself: You probably live in a crappy apartment in some shithole blue state, living from check to check, and couldn't come up with $1,000 if you had to.

Meanwhile, Donald J. Trump's net worth is currently $3.2 billion dollars.

Now who's a "piss-poor businessman" and lowlife poor person? Go be poor somewhere else.
Trump's father had to bail him out repeatedly until he quit construction and development. He's just a marketing guy selling his brand and failing in business after business.

So did his father will to him $3.2 billion dollars? Because that's his net worth right now.

So how much are you worth? You don't even own a home or property, do you?

You can go be poor somewhere else too.
Listen to yourself: You probably live in a crappy apartment in some shithole blue state, living from check to check, and couldn't come up with $1,000 if you had to.

Meanwhile, Donald J. Trump's net worth is currently $3.2 billion dollars.

Now who's a "piss-poor businessman" and lowlife poor person? Go be poor somewhere else.
No dumbshit, I live in a crappy house in one of the reddest Congressional districts in the country. But it is paid for, which is more than Trump can say. I got no debt, again, more than Trump can say, and I suppose I could live from paycheck to paycheck, which, with several revenue streams, that is almost day to day. But as it is, I just check my account balances about once a month just to make sure they keep growing.
So did his father will to him $3.2 billion dollars? Because that's his net worth right now.

So how much are you worth? You don't even own a home or property, do you?

You can go be poor somewhere else too.

300 million after he cheated his siblings and nieces and nephews.

I'm doing fine in retirement.
Trump's father had to bail him out repeatedly until he quit construction and development. He's just a marketing guy selling his brand and failing in business after business.
And this had what to do with his serving the American people ? Not a damned thing. You knuckleheads are just extremely jealous of Americans who are making it or were making it until you people unfortunately got in charge. That's alright though, because you people's idiocy is about to end on November the 8th.
No dumbshit, I live in a crappy house in one of the reddest Congressional districts in the country. But it is paid for, which is more than Trump can say. I got no debt, again, more than Trump can say, and I suppose I could live from paycheck to paycheck, which, with several revenue streams, that is almost day to day. But as it is, I just check my account balances about once a month just to make sure they keep growing.
And still Trump is wealthy beyond any stretch of the common imagination. You comparing your wealth to Trump's is flat outright hilarious.

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