Is There A Line Between 'Incitement' and Free Press Protection?

Just stating what i observed. I didn't record it though. The woman actually stated with a straight face that Trump was going to take away all of our Civil Rights. Seriously, how can that be considered 'News' or 'Journalism?'

There is a distinction we need to make here. All the so-called NEWS channels have programming which is mostly comprised of political analysis, opinion and commentary. It is complimented by periodic news updates. These assorted commentaries are not news and those who host them are not journalists. What's ironic is just a few weeks ago, when trying to find some excuse for why Hillary lost, they adopted this "fake news" battle cry and promptly pointed their crooked little finger at people on the right who presented opinion and commentary. Now, they are engaging in exactly the same thing they decried. It's the hypocrisy of the left in action, right before our very eyes.

They should all be forced to remove the word 'News' from their company names. It isn't right telling Americans they're giving them real 'News' and 'Journalism.' If all they're giving them is incitement propaganda, they should be forced to disclose that.

You're describing Fox to a T.
It is the Democrats who are doing most of the inciting at this point. But like said, Republicans do it too.

No they don't. Republicans don't do this.

Not on this scale anyway. This stuff's pretty insane. I really do fear for the worst.

Not on any kind of major scale that I am aware of. Google "republicans protest Obama inauguration" and see what you can find? I don't know of any Republican on a federal or prominent state level who protested Obama's inauguration. Now there could've been some dog catcher in Louisiana who did... there's always a nut bag or two out there, but it was rare if it happened. They damn sure don't incite violence... post instructions on blogs about how to disrupt and cause chaos... how to use acid to spray on people's clothes attending the balls... formulas for stink bombs... yes, all of this is circulating around the left wing blogoshphere and it's going to be a problem for security on inauguration day.

They had a meeting on the day of his inauguration swearing to oppose anything he wanted to do.

The Republicans' Plan for the New President

There were few if any refusing to attend the Inauguration. They realized attending was a respectful tradition. They put their partisan politics away for at least a day. Democrats should have done the same. Refusing to attend seems a bit childish and hateful.
It is the Democrats who are doing most of the inciting at this point. But like said, Republicans do it too.

No they don't. Republicans don't do this.

Not on this scale anyway. This stuff's pretty insane. I really do fear for the worst.

Not on any kind of major scale that I am aware of. Google "republicans protest Obama inauguration" and see what you can find? I don't know of any Republican on a federal or prominent state level who protested Obama's inauguration. Now there could've been some dog catcher in Louisiana who did... there's always a nut bag or two out there, but it was rare if it happened. They damn sure don't incite violence... post instructions on blogs about how to disrupt and cause chaos... how to use acid to spray on people's clothes attending the balls... formulas for stink bombs... yes, all of this is circulating around the left wing blogoshphere and it's going to be a problem for security on inauguration day.

They had a meeting on the day of his inauguration swearing to oppose anything he wanted to do.

The Republicans' Plan for the New President

We're not talking about the politics. Democrats are already doing everything they can to obstruct Trump on his cabinet picks and he hasn't even been inaugurated. No one is calling for or expecting them to abandon their political views for Trump. This about respecting THE OFFICE of the President. The process of peaceful transition of power. It's fairly unprecedented for a losing political party to show it's ass this way... you'd probably have to go back to Lincoln.
Just stating what i observed. I didn't record it though. The woman actually stated with a straight face that Trump was going to take away all of our Civil Rights. Seriously, how can that be considered 'News' or 'Journalism?'

There is a distinction we need to make here. All the so-called NEWS channels have programming which is mostly comprised of political analysis, opinion and commentary. It is complimented by periodic news updates. These assorted commentaries are not news and those who host them are not journalists. What's ironic is just a few weeks ago, when trying to find some excuse for why Hillary lost, they adopted this "fake news" battle cry and promptly pointed their crooked little finger at people on the right who presented opinion and commentary. Now, they are engaging in exactly the same thing they decried. It's the hypocrisy of the left in action, right before our very eyes.

They should all be forced to remove the word 'News' from their company names. It isn't right telling Americans they're giving them real 'News' and 'Journalism.' If all they're giving them is incitement propaganda, they should be forced to disclose that.

You're describing Fox to a T.

Maybe so. They should all be forced to disclose that they're only reporting opinion propaganda. I would even call it 'Fake News.' A woman sitting there on a supposed 'News' network, ranting about Trump being a 'Racist Nazi' who's gonna take away all of our civil rights, is not 'News' or 'Journalism.' It's bleepin retarded incitement propaganda.
Yeah, i mean i actually saw someone on CNN stating emphatically that Trump is going to take away all of our Civil Rights. I mean, how is that 'News' or 'Journalism?' That's just insane ginned up hysteria. I mean she said it as if it was absolute fact.

Those kinds of lies will definitely have an adverse effect on many of CNN's viewers. Some will truly believe the lies as being fact. Some will react to it very badly. The Media has responsibilities. But few seem to be living up to them.

Post the link to prove : "someone on CNN stating emphatically that Trump is going to take away all of our Civil Rights"

If you can't I'll add you to my list as a known liar. You won't be alone, many self described conservatives adorn that list.

Just stating what i observed. I didn't record it though. The woman actually stated with a straight face that Trump was going to take away all of our Civil Rights. Seriously, how can that be considered 'News' or 'Journalism?'

It isn't. It's propaganda. And those people are paid well to spread it.

What people?

Have you watched CNN and MSNBC lately? I don't record anything, but they're 24hr networks. You can watch anytime. Decide for yourself whether or not you feel you're watching legitimate 'Press.'

I've watched. I've seen nothing like you have described.

Who did you watch? Who incited violence?
It is the Democrats who are doing most of the inciting at this point. But like said, Republicans do it too.

No they don't. Republicans don't do this.

Not on this scale anyway. This stuff's pretty insane. I really do fear for the worst.

Not on any kind of major scale that I am aware of. Google "republicans protest Obama inauguration" and see what you can find? I don't know of any Republican on a federal or prominent state level who protested Obama's inauguration. Now there could've been some dog catcher in Louisiana who did... there's always a nut bag or two out there, but it was rare if it happened. They damn sure don't incite violence... post instructions on blogs about how to disrupt and cause chaos... how to use acid to spray on people's clothes attending the balls... formulas for stink bombs... yes, all of this is circulating around the left wing blogoshphere and it's going to be a problem for security on inauguration day.

They had a meeting on the day of his inauguration swearing to oppose anything he wanted to do.

The Republicans' Plan for the New President

We're not talking about the politics. Democrats are already doing everything they can to obstruct Trump on his cabinet picks and he hasn't even been inaugurated. No one is calling for or expecting them to abandon their political views for Trump. This about respecting THE OFFICE of the President. The process of peaceful transition of power. It's fairly unprecedented for a losing political party to show it's ass this way... you'd probably have to go back to Lincoln.

I have to agree. And i'm not a Republican. This Democrat behavior is unprecedented. It's setting the country up for possibly some very dark times.
No they don't. Republicans don't do this.

Not on this scale anyway. This stuff's pretty insane. I really do fear for the worst.

Not on any kind of major scale that I am aware of. Google "republicans protest Obama inauguration" and see what you can find? I don't know of any Republican on a federal or prominent state level who protested Obama's inauguration. Now there could've been some dog catcher in Louisiana who did... there's always a nut bag or two out there, but it was rare if it happened. They damn sure don't incite violence... post instructions on blogs about how to disrupt and cause chaos... how to use acid to spray on people's clothes attending the balls... formulas for stink bombs... yes, all of this is circulating around the left wing blogoshphere and it's going to be a problem for security on inauguration day.

They had a meeting on the day of his inauguration swearing to oppose anything he wanted to do.

The Republicans' Plan for the New President

We're not talking about the politics. Democrats are already doing everything they can to obstruct Trump on his cabinet picks and he hasn't even been inaugurated. No one is calling for or expecting them to abandon their political views for Trump. This about respecting THE OFFICE of the President. The process of peaceful transition of power. It's fairly unprecedented for a losing political party to show it's ass this way... you'd probably have to go back to Lincoln.

I have to agree. And i'm not a Republican. This Democrat behavior is unprecedented. It's setting the country up for possibly some very dark times.

It is not unprecedented. You have no knowledge of history. As I are an idiot.
Post the link to prove : "someone on CNN stating emphatically that Trump is going to take away all of our Civil Rights"

If you can't I'll add you to my list as a known liar. You won't be alone, many self described conservatives adorn that list.

Just stating what i observed. I didn't record it though. The woman actually stated with a straight face that Trump was going to take away all of our Civil Rights. Seriously, how can that be considered 'News' or 'Journalism?'

It isn't. It's propaganda. And those people are paid well to spread it.

What people?

Have you watched CNN and MSNBC lately? I don't record anything, but they're 24hr networks. You can watch anytime. Decide for yourself whether or not you feel you're watching legitimate 'Press.'

I've watched. I've seen nothing like you have described.

Who did you watch? Who incited violence?

It's not necessarily so direct. It's the repetitive 'Trump is a Nazi', 'Trump is a Racist', 'Trump is the Devil' theme. It definitely effects some viewers in a very adverse way. It creates a false reality.

It causes some viewers to really believe that Trump is an evil 'Racist Nazi' leading us to 'End-Times.' Some will feel a need to do something about that. It could lead to them doing very bad things. The rhetoric is very dangerous.
Of course you're not saying you want to ban free speech just like someone can ask if fucking a child is really harmful isn't saying fucking children is ok...but you get the message loud and clear.

So I'll ask again, if you say that the press is inciting violence then what could be your solution to stop it?

Oh right, you're too embarrassed to embrace your fascism. I guess this is where you're going to respond all about what you ARE NOT saying. But I'm asking what ARE you promoting?

There is no comparing my position to that of pedophiles and I am offended by that remark. It borderlines on violation of the board rules as well and I suggest you abandon such nonsense.

Careful there snowflake. I said SOMEONE can ask if fucking a child is harmful. You seemed to jump to the conclusion that that person is a pedophile.

Well buddy, you get my point now. No one said fucking a child was ok, now did they? But does someone have to say it outright for you to see the message...or does that rule only apply to slither snakes like yourself? Hardy har har.

I've not said the mainstream press has incited violence. I think they are engaging in hyperbolic rhetoric which is equivalent to the "fake news" they were so vehemently opposed to just a few weeks ago. But I believe they are fully within their first amendment rights just as others are within their rights to call them out on it.

My problem is with the organized groups and various left wing websites who ARE inciting violence at the inauguration. I think those people should be prosecuted under current law for public endangerment and their websites closed down. I think those individuals who participated in disseminating their information should be jailed and held liable by any families who suffer any harm due to their negligence.

There you go, you sure do talk a lot just to say that you agree with me. So again, you want to shut down people you disagree with by calling it incitement. And you think that by labeljng something bad then THAT is enough to go after those people. What other parts of fascism do you like? And what other tenants would you like to employ?
Of course you're not saying you want to ban free speech just like someone can ask if fucking a child is really harmful isn't saying fucking children is ok...but you get the message loud and clear.

So I'll ask again, if you say that the press is inciting violence then what could be your solution to stop it?

Oh right, you're too embarrassed to embrace your fascism. I guess this is where you're going to respond all about what you ARE NOT saying. But I'm asking what ARE you promoting?

There is no comparing my position to that of pedophiles and I am offended by that remark. It borderlines on violation of the board rules as well and I suggest you abandon such nonsense.

I've not said the mainstream press has incited violence. I think they are engaging in hyperbolic rhetoric which is equivalent to the "fake news" they were so vehemently opposed to just a few weeks ago. But I believe they are fully within their first amendment rights just as others are within their rights to call them out on it.

My problem is with the organized groups and various left wing websites who ARE inciting violence at the inauguration. I think those people should be prosecuted under current law for public endangerment and their websites closed down. I think those individuals who participated in disseminating their information should be jailed and held liable by any families who suffer any harm due to their negligence.

You are offended? You once posted pictures of raped and assaulted women and said that you hoped my daughter would end up like that.

Fuck your being offended.

Be careful with that snowflake. He might go to the mods and demand a safe space.

It's funny that he sees my point when I asked the question...he didn't seem to think that "just asking" was my point. Weird huh?
I have to say, watching CNN and MSNBC the other night was a pretty disturbing experience. I observed almost nothing resembling 'News' or 'Journalism.' For the most part, all i observed was a constant stream of 'Trump is a Nazi' and 'Trump is a Racist' rhetoric. That constant stream of inflammatory rhetoric has to have an effect on people.

In my opinion, it was all incitement. It served no 'News' or Journalistic purpose. So is there a line media outlets can cross, that results in the removal of claims to Free Press protections? What is the 'Press' at this point? When is it 'News' or 'Journalism?' When is it incitement?

What are your thoughts? Thanks.

Both sides play this game. It gets old and tiring. Obama is a Muslim, Michelle is a guy, Trump is a racist, Trump is a Nazi, come on, who but idiots can't see that both sides do it?

For either side to claim the high road would be extremely funny, except it is dividing our country.
I have to say, watching CNN and MSNBC the other night was a pretty disturbing experience. I observed almost nothing resembling 'News' or 'Journalism.' For the most part, all i observed was a constant stream of 'Trump is a Nazi' and 'Trump is a Racist' rhetoric. That constant stream of inflammatory rhetoric has to have an effect on people.

In my opinion, it was all incitement. It served no 'News' or Journalistic purpose. So is there a line media outlets can cross, that results in the removal of claims to Free Press protections? What is the 'Press' at this point? When is it 'News' or 'Journalism?' When is it incitement?

What are your thoughts? Thanks.

Both sides play this game. It gets old and tiring. Obama is a Muslim, Michelle is a guy, Trump is a racist, Trump is a Nazi, come on, who but idiots can't see that both sides do it?

For either side to claim the high road would be extremely funny, except it is dividing our country.

I've said that too. But what Democrats are doing now, is unprecedented. It's going too far.
Of course you're not saying you want to ban free speech just like someone can ask if fucking a child is really harmful isn't saying fucking children is ok...but you get the message loud and clear.

So I'll ask again, if you say that the press is inciting violence then what could be your solution to stop it?

Oh right, you're too embarrassed to embrace your fascism. I guess this is where you're going to respond all about what you ARE NOT saying. But I'm asking what ARE you promoting?

There is no comparing my position to that of pedophiles and I am offended by that remark. It borderlines on violation of the board rules as well and I suggest you abandon such nonsense.

Careful there snowflake. I said SOMEONE can ask if fucking a child is harmful. You seemed to jump to the conclusion that that person is a pedophile.

Well buddy, you get my point now. No one said fucking a child was ok, now did they? But does someone have to say it outright for you to see the message...or does that rule only apply to slither snakes like yourself? Hardy har har.

I've not said the mainstream press has incited violence. I think they are engaging in hyperbolic rhetoric which is equivalent to the "fake news" they were so vehemently opposed to just a few weeks ago. But I believe they are fully within their first amendment rights just as others are within their rights to call them out on it.

My problem is with the organized groups and various left wing websites who ARE inciting violence at the inauguration. I think those people should be prosecuted under current law for public endangerment and their websites closed down. I think those individuals who participated in disseminating their information should be jailed and held liable by any families who suffer any harm due to their negligence.

There you go, you sure do talk a lot just to say that you agree with me. So again, you want to shut down people you disagree with by calling it incitement. And you think that by labeljng something bad then THAT is enough to go after those people. What other parts of fascism do you like? And what other tenants would you like to employ?

Aww... look, it's confused! Snowflake is the nickname we gave YOU, sweetheart. No wonder you're off in the weeds talking about kiddie-fuckers. I'm sorry I jumped your shit now, I didn't realize you were mentally retarded.

Soooo... you think I agree with you but I am a fascist? Well, not really, Corky... I don't really think we agree on much but I understand how you want to be like me and I'm flattered. I'm not a fascist at all, I don't think it's a matter of labeling something bad, we have laws on the books and they should be enforced. Depending on the magnitude of what goes down Friday, I am confident President Trump and AG Sessions will handle these miscreants accordingly. And we can depend on you to be here in your pissy diaper whining about it.
Both sides play this game. It gets old and tiring. Obama is a Muslim, Michelle is a guy, Trump is a racist, Trump is a Nazi, come on, who but idiots can't see that both sides do it?

No.... Both sides DON'T incite violence. You can claim that all you like, it's false. Violence is the go-to tactic of the left when they don't get their way. I think that kind of shit is about to be dealt with.
Some of the shit the right wing has said about liberals and Obama been thousands of times worse.

Lets just say that next to threatening to kill the president the press can say it.
Both sides play this game. It gets old and tiring. Obama is a Muslim, Michelle is a guy, Trump is a racist, Trump is a Nazi, come on, who but idiots can't see that both sides do it?

No.... Both sides DON'T incite violence. You can claim that all you like, it's false. Violence is the go-to tactic of the left when they don't get their way. I think that kind of shit is about to be dealt with.

I didn't say ether side incited violence. Quit claiming I said things I never said.
I have to say, watching CNN and MSNBC the other night was a pretty disturbing experience. I observed almost nothing resembling 'News' or 'Journalism.' For the most part, all i observed was a constant stream of 'Trump is a Nazi' and 'Trump is a Racist' rhetoric. That constant stream of inflammatory rhetoric has to have an effect on people.

In my opinion, it was all incitement. It served no 'News' or Journalistic purpose. So is there a line media outlets can cross, that results in the removal of claims to Free Press protections? What is the 'Press' at this point? When is it 'News' or 'Journalism?' When is it incitement?

What are your thoughts? Thanks.

Both sides play this game. It gets old and tiring. Obama is a Muslim, Michelle is a guy, Trump is a racist, Trump is a Nazi, come on, who but idiots can't see that both sides do it?

For either side to claim the high road would be extremely funny, except it is dividing our country.
Trump constantly steps into the realm of berating people for how they look. Plus, he picked as his top advisor the guy who made Breitbart the alt-right mouthpiece.

I don't see any reason to believe Trump isn't racist.

It's not like racists are more overt than Trump is.
Both sides play this game. It gets old and tiring. Obama is a Muslim, Michelle is a guy, Trump is a racist, Trump is a Nazi, come on, who but idiots can't see that both sides do it?

No.... Both sides DON'T incite violence. You can claim that all you like, it's false. Violence is the go-to tactic of the left when they don't get their way. I think that kind of shit is about to be dealt with.

I didn't say ether side incited violence. Quit claiming I said things I never said.

Well that's what the thread OP is about... sorry, I thought you were commenting on topic. My bad! :dunno:

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