Is There A Line Between 'Incitement' and Free Press Protection?

I'd like to hear the OP defend outlawing free speech or a free press. Because let's be honest, this silly question leads to that result.

That's not what i'm arguing. But i do feel 'Press Protections' shouldn't cover anything, and all behavior. I mean watching CNN and MNBC the other night, i didn't see any 'News' or 'Journalism' present. They could barely be described as being 'Press.' All i saw was repetitive 'I hate Donald Trump' rhetoric. It was so obsessive and bizarre. It certainly wasn't 'News.'

It all came off as just being incitement. When you continuously use language like 'Trump is a Nazi', 'Trump is a Racist', 'Trump is Evil', it has a very negative impact on most viewers. Many see the rhetoric as being absolute fact. It incites them to possibly do harm in the name of fighting against such perceived 'Evil.' It's very dangerous. And i feel media outlets should be held accountable for it in some way.

"That's not what I'm arguing, but"

Says it all. Now let's hear why you think the free press shouldn't exist and when did you start trusting politicians so much that we no longer need a free press.

Not an issue to take so lightly. Incitement is very dangerous. All this Democrat ginned up Trump hysteria could lead to some very bad stuff.

Yes, I know, you've stated this about six dozens times in two different thread. lol. I am willing to bet the farm you were silent as the grave over the loony rhetoric over the last eight years, but now your clutching your pearls since you've been fitted with your Trump knee-pads.

I didn't intend the thread to only be about Democrats. Republicans engage in such behavior as well. But i do feel this Democrat 'Trump is a Nazi' 'Trump is a Racist' rhetoric, has gotten out of control. The man hasn't even been sworn in yet. I fear for the worst. The Democrats need to be more responsible with their rhetoric.

I didn't intend for this thread to be about the Democrats, but the Democrats, but the Democrats, but the Democrats, but the Democrats, but the Democrats, but the Democrats, but the Democrats, but the Democrats, but the Democrats. Girl, please. lol
I'd like to hear the OP defend outlawing free speech or a free press. Because let's be honest, this silly question leads to that result.

That's not what i'm arguing. But i do feel 'Press Protections' shouldn't cover anything, and all behavior. I mean watching CNN and MNBC the other night, i didn't see any 'News' or 'Journalism' present. They could barely be described as being 'Press.' All i saw was repetitive 'I hate Donald Trump' rhetoric. It was so obsessive and bizarre. It certainly wasn't 'News.'

It all came off as just being incitement. When you continuously use language like 'Trump is a Nazi', 'Trump is a Racist', 'Trump is Evil', it has a very negative impact on most viewers. Many see the rhetoric as being absolute fact. It incites them to possibly do harm in the name of fighting against such perceived 'Evil.' It's very dangerous. And i feel media outlets should be held accountable for it in some way.

"That's not what I'm arguing, but"

Says it all. Now let's hear why you think the free press shouldn't exist and when did you start trusting politicians so much that we no longer need a free press.

Well, now you've just derailed. I didn't say 'the press shouldn't exist.' However, i do say it has responsibilities.

Not an issue to take so lightly. Incitement is very dangerous. All this Democrat ginned up Trump hysteria could lead to some very bad stuff.

Yes, I know, you've stated this about six dozens times in two different thread. lol. I am willing to bet the farm you were silent as the grave over the loony rhetoric over the last eight years, but now your clutching your pearls since you've been fitted with your Trump knee-pads.

I didn't intend the thread to only be about Democrats. Republicans engage in such behavior as well. But i do feel this Democrat 'Trump is a Nazi' 'Trump is a Racist' rhetoric, has gotten out of control. The man hasn't even been sworn in yet. I fear for the worst. The Democrats need to be more responsible with their rhetoric.

I didn't intend for this thread to be about the Democrats, but the Democrats, but the Democrats, but the Democrats, but the Democrats, but the Democrats, but the Democrats, but the Democrats, but the Democrats, but the Democrats. Girl, please. lol

It is the Democrats who are doing most of the inciting at this point. But like said, Republicans do it too.
I'd like to hear the OP defend outlawing free speech or a free press. Because let's be honest, this silly question leads to that result.

Nobody is talking about outlawing free speech, ass hat. That's YOUR shtick! That's what libtards do when they're drunk on power with things like the 'Fairness Doctrine' and outcries of "Fake News" when they legitimately lose elections.
It isn't possible to be a thinking person and allow oneself to repeat oneself as often as the OP has done today.

My verdict: The OP is a blithering idiot.
I'd like to hear the OP defend outlawing free speech or a free press. Because let's be honest, this silly question leads to that result.

Nobody is talking about outlawing free speech, ass hat. That's YOUR shtick! That's what libtards do when they're drunk on power with things like the 'Fairness Doctrine' and outcries of "Fake News" when they legitimately lose elections.

Yes you are...that is the result of this questioning. It's like if you asked if fucling a child was really harmful.

Everyone can see what you're leading toward, yet when asked directly you hide saying "nuh uh". Why promote and be ashamed of the same idea?
Barack HUSSEIN Soeteroreo was born in Kenya and is a Muslim. BENGHAZI!!! He wants the terrorists to win, and he BENGHAZI!!! founded ISIS. He also caused the Great Recession while he was in Illinois. The Kenyan Muslim also wants us all to be killed by Ebola, and BENGHAZIII!!!! he uses the Constitution as toilet paper. I have a list of four hundred BENGHAZI!!! and ninety-three reasons to impeach the Kenyan that I got off the BENGHAZI!!! internet. I also have a lot of really hilarious graphics BENGHAZI!!! of his fat monkey wife I like to copy and paste at the drop of a hat. I'll use any BENGHAZI!!! excuse. I can go from serenity to full on rage in two point five microseconds once I receive a BENGHAZI!!! fake news story over my Retard Facebook feed which is directly wired to a firebell over my BENGHAZI!!! cot in my mother's basement. I have managed to foam at the mouth an average of BENGHAZI!!! 15 times a week, and I am proud to say I initiated the 500th Bergdahl topic on this forum.

Because of ObamaCare, Iran has nukes.


And now, I cannot BENGHAZI!!! believe how worked up you libtards are getting over our messiah Donald Trump! You need to chill out.

Barack who says "I" 15 times a minute, told his publisher that he was born in Kenya
It is the Democrats who are doing most of the inciting at this point. But like said, Republicans do it too.

No they don't. Republicans don't do this.

Not on this scale anyway. This stuff's pretty insane. I really do fear for the worst.

Not on any kind of major scale that I am aware of. Google "republicans protest Obama inauguration" and see what you can find? I don't know of any Republican on a federal or prominent state level who protested Obama's inauguration. Now there could've been some dog catcher in Louisiana who did... there's always a nut bag or two out there, but it was rare if it happened. They damn sure don't incite violence... post instructions on blogs about how to disrupt and cause chaos... how to use acid to spray on people's clothes attending the balls... formulas for stink bombs... yes, all of this is circulating around the left wing blogoshphere and it's going to be a problem for security on inauguration day.
You can't yell "Fire!!" in a crowded theater, nor can you yell "Golden Shower!!" in the WH Press Room, you forfeit your right to be there. I think several LMSM organizations are going to be watching from the sidelines
It is the Democrats who are doing most of the inciting at this point. But like said, Republicans do it too.

No they don't. Republicans don't do this.

Not on this scale anyway. This stuff's pretty insane. I really do fear for the worst.

Example please.

It's everywhere from Democrats. Hollywood Democrats are even in on it now. They've created their bizarre scenario that Trump's this evil 'Racist Nazi' who's gonna lead us to 'End-Times.'

It's ginned up hysteria. It's too much. Some of their supporters are gonna handle it very badly. Democrats should understand that what they're doing, is likely gonna lead to some very bad incidents.
I'd like to hear the OP defend outlawing free speech or a free press. Because let's be honest, this silly question leads to that result.

Nobody is talking about outlawing free speech, ass hat. That's YOUR shtick! That's what libtards do when they're drunk on power with things like the 'Fairness Doctrine' and outcries of "Fake News" when they legitimately lose elections.

Yes you are...that is the result of this questioning. It's like if you asked if fucling a child was really harmful.

Everyone can see what you're leading toward, yet when asked directly you hide saying "nuh uh". Why promote and be ashamed of the same idea?

No ass clown... nobody has said a goddamn word about banning free speech. Your constitutional right to freedom of speech doesn't include a right to incite violence. It doesn't surprise me an idiot moron like you can't comprehend the difference.
I have to say, watching CNN and MSNBC the other night was a pretty disturbing experience. I observed almost nothing resembling 'News' or 'Journalism.' For the most part, all i observed was a constant stream of 'Trump is a Nazi' and 'Trump is a Racist' rhetoric. That constant stream of inflammatory rhetoric has to have an effect on people.

In my opinion, it was all incitement. It served no 'News' or Journalistic purpose. So is there a line media outlets can cross, that results in the removal of claims to Free Press protections? What is the 'Press' at this point? When is it 'News' or 'Journalism?' When is it incitement?

What are your thoughts? Thanks.

Like as is the case with the 2nd amendment there can be no "removal of claims to Free Press protections", just as there can or should be no "infringement" of second amendment rights, you cannot cherry pick the constitution, you are either a constitutionalist or you are not, but as with the second amendment where a gun owner uses a gun in the commission of a crime is no longer a law abiding citizen whose right to own a fire arm no longer exists, journalists who cross the line into incitement should no longer be considered journalists whose right to use the protections of the "free press" should exist...both the armed felon and faux journalist are not dealt with properly and that is why we have gun violence and a joke of a media.
It is the Democrats who are doing most of the inciting at this point. But like said, Republicans do it too.

No they don't. Republicans don't do this.

Not on this scale anyway. This stuff's pretty insane. I really do fear for the worst.

Not on any kind of major scale that I am aware of. Google "republicans protest Obama inauguration" and see what you can find? I don't know of any Republican on a federal or prominent state level who protested Obama's inauguration. Now there could've been some dog catcher in Louisiana who did... there's always a nut bag or two out there, but it was rare if it happened. They damn sure don't incite violence... post instructions on blogs about how to disrupt and cause chaos... how to use acid to spray on people's clothes attending the balls... formulas for stink bombs... yes, all of this is circulating around the left wing blogoshphere and it's going to be a problem for security on inauguration day.

Yeah, not showing up for the Inauguration seems a bit childish and hateful. Overall, the Democrats have handled their loss very badly. It's disappointing. I see no hope of them and Trump being able to work together on anything.
I have to say, watching CNN and MSNBC the other night was a pretty disturbing experience. I observed almost nothing resembling 'News' or 'Journalism.' For the most part, all i observed was a constant stream of 'Trump is a Nazi' and 'Trump is a Racist' rhetoric. That constant stream of inflammatory rhetoric has to have an effect on people.

In my opinion, it was all incitement. It served no 'News' or Journalistic purpose. So is there a line media outlets can cross, that results in the removal of claims to Free Press protections? What is the 'Press' at this point? When is it 'News' or 'Journalism?' When is it incitement?

What are your thoughts? Thanks.

There are laws covering incitement and laws covering free speech.

The Press does enjoy special protections. But is round-the-clock 'Trump is a Nazi', 'Trump is a Racist' rhetoric, really 'News' or 'Journalism?' Should that kind of incitement be protected?

No, that is libel, if you are in a position to present it as FACT and not as OPINION.

Propagandists are not to be confused with JOURNALISTS, nor the propaganda arm of ANY government to be confused with a FREE press.
Yeah, not showing up for the Inauguration seems a bit childish and hateful. Overall, the Democrats have handled their loss very badly. It's disappointing. I see no hope of them and Trump being able to work together on anything.

I don't give a damn if they boycott the inauguration. That's fine with me, no one needs them to be there anyway. It just shows what a bunch of petty immature crybabies they really are in my opinion. But this constant droning and continuing narrative about Trump being illegitimate, unhinged, unqualified, Hitler/Nazi/Racist who's going to strip away all your freedoms... the over-the-top hyperbolic rhetoric that has simply grown louder since the election... that's going to come back to bite them in the ass when the bloodshed happens, and I believe it regrettably will happen.
Yeah, not showing up for the Inauguration seems a bit childish and hateful. Overall, the Democrats have handled their loss very badly. It's disappointing. I see no hope of them and Trump being able to work together on anything.

I don't give a damn if they boycott the inauguration. That's fine with me, no one needs them to be there anyway. It just shows what a bunch of petty immature crybabies they really are in my opinion. But this constant droning and continuing narrative about Trump being illegitimate, unhinged, unqualified, Hitler/Nazi/Racist who's going to strip away all your freedoms... the over-the-top hyperbolic rhetoric that has simply grown louder since the election... that's going to come back to bite them in the ass when the bloodshed happens, and I believe it regrettably will happen.

Yeah, i mean i actually saw someone on CNN stating emphatically that Trump is going to take away all of our Civil Rights. I mean, how is that 'News' or 'Journalism?' That's just insane ginned up hysteria. I mean she said it as if it was absolute fact.

Those kinds of lies will definitely have an adverse effect on many of CNN's viewers. Some will truly believe the lies as being fact. Some will react to it very badly. The Media has responsibilities. But few seem to be living up to them.

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