Is There A Line Between 'Incitement' and Free Press Protection?

Yeah, i really tried to give CNN and MSNBC a shot. I didn't go into it thinking they would shock me the way they did. I used to respect CNN quite a bit. So i was appalled at the constant 'Trump is a Racist/Trump is a Nazi' rhetoric. It was so obsessive and bizarre. The same goes for MSNBC. There was virtually no 'News' or 'Journalism' present on either network. It really did just came off as brainwashing incitement. I was very disappointed.

Yes, it's funny how they are now becoming the very epitome of the "Fake News" the left tried so desperately to pin on FoxNews and others during the campaign. These people know no shame... whatever they accuse the right of, they are guilty as hell of themselves.
LOL, you can't end a discussion anymore than you can predict the future. You're nothing more than a hack, one I suppose who would support a 21st Century iteration of the Alien and Sedition Act.

No need for that, we just need to enforce the law. You can't incite violence under freedom of speech. I think it's clear that some level of violence is going to happen on inauguration day and when it does, the authorities need to arrest all who have participated in inciting it.

I think it's perfectly fair to ask if everything falls under 'Press Protection.' I mean, i saw virtually no 'News' or 'Journalism' on CNN and MSNBC the other night. For the most part, all i saw was a repetitive 'Trump is a Nazi'/'Trump is a Racist' theme. I don't understand how that falls into the 'News/Journalism' category. Is there a line?

Post the video.
LOL, you can't end a discussion anymore than you can predict the future. You're nothing more than a hack, one I suppose who would support a 21st Century iteration of the Alien and Sedition Act.

No need for that, we just need to enforce the law. You can't incite violence under freedom of speech. I think it's clear that some level of violence is going to happen on inauguration day and when it does, the authorities need to arrest all who have participated in inciting it.

I think it's perfectly fair to ask if everything falls under 'Press Protection.' I mean, i saw virtually no 'News' or 'Journalism' on CNN and MSNBC the other night. For the most part, all i saw was a repetitive 'Trump is a Nazi'/'Trump is a Racist' theme. I don't understand how that falls into the 'News/Journalism' category. Is there a line?

Post the video.

You can watch the networks yourself. They're both 24hr networks.
If you didn't, I promise it will teach you something, and it takes 2 min to read. Timothy Daughtry - Gaslighting and the Left’s War on Reality
Two minutes to read. That's because you tards' attention span doesn't go beyond 120 characters.

Here's something which will take a little longer to read, and it exposes the profoundly hilarious irony of your post: Fool Me A Thousand Times

See posts 1 and 3.

And here's one to add to the list, hot off the fake news press: Mexican drug kingpin "El Chapo" Gave Hillary $15M... for her "Clinton Foundation"

You see, you pseudocon tards literally can't stop yourselves from drinking the piss. And even after being fooled a fucking thousand times, you get right back in line for more.

And you are a phony! It was not us who said "if you like your doc, you can keep him," was it? And you said THAT WAS OK!

No I didn't, liar.

Don't lie to cover up your embarrassment, retard. You are proving my point.

Read the links I provided you. You obviously didn't. Are you too retarded to read beyond 120 characters?

Oh you didn't? Sorry, maybe I was wrong. So you agree then that Obama and friends GASLIGHTED the American public to keep them under control!

Then we agree on this, and I apologize!
So you insist on proving my point. Fascinating.

You poor dumb parrot. You found a short story made just for small brains like yourself, and you are stuck. You can't think for yourself and require further input from your puppeteers before you can carry on.

Poor bastard.

Fool Me A Thousand Times
And again, read-------->Timothy Daughtry - Gaslighting and the Left’s War on Reality

They have no power, and once you understand it, you will laugh at them flailing away. They are gaslighters, and you can see some in the MSM are too.

I disagree. This kind of incitement is very dangerous and effective. People can get hurt. There are many Democrats out there who feel they should act against such perceived 'Trump Evil.' The Democrats really do need to tone down the rhetoric.

Dude, the only reason it works and they can get away with it is------> most people do not know what they are doing! TELL the people, show them! The left knows it is lying, they just keep saying it so it becomes some peoples reality. I am not suggesting you don't set them straight, but I am suggesting while you are setting whomever they are lying to straight, you laugh at them!


Because if WE LAUGH at them, that becomes reality and everybody else (but them) will laugh with us at their incompetence!

Sorry, i just can't find it funny at all. Many CNN and MSNBC viewers will now feel they have to act against the 'Racist Hitler' Trump. I fear for what some will do. I think CNN and MSNBC have crossed a line.

By doing WHAT exactly? Post video.
Don't expect him to actually post evidence of incitement.

He is probably hoping there will be some violence connected to Trump's inauguration in some way so he can claim he predicted it, and then say that justifies shutting down opposition media without ever proving they actually incited violence.

That's what jackbooted nazi wannabe's do.

Not 'hoping' for violence. But sadly, i think there will be. The Democrats have ginned up an awful lot of dangerous Trump hysteria. Some of their supporters will feel a need to act against the perceived 'Trump Evil.' It's why i've been pleading with Democrats to tone down the inflammatory rhetoric. It's dangerous.
I disagree. This kind of incitement is very dangerous and effective. People can get hurt. There are many Democrats out there who feel they should act against such perceived 'Trump Evil.' The Democrats really do need to tone down the rhetoric.

Dude, the only reason it works and they can get away with it is------> most people do not know what they are doing! TELL the people, show them! The left knows it is lying, they just keep saying it so it becomes some peoples reality. I am not suggesting you don't set them straight, but I am suggesting while you are setting whomever they are lying to straight, you laugh at them!


Because if WE LAUGH at them, that becomes reality and everybody else (but them) will laugh with us at their incompetence!

Sorry, i just can't find it funny at all. Many CNN and MSNBC viewers will now feel they have to act against the 'Racist Hitler' Trump. I fear for what some will do. I think CNN and MSNBC have crossed a line.

By doing WHAT exactly? Post video.
Don't expect him to actually post evidence of incitement.

He is probably hoping there will be some violence connected to Trump's inauguration in some way so he can claim he predicted it, and then say that justifies shutting down opposition media without ever proving they actually incited violence.

That's what jackbooted nazi wannabe's do.

Not 'hoping' for violence.
Yeah you are.

If I were to make a guess, you heard some propaganda minister saying this shit somewhere in the past 24 hours and you are just parroting him.
Dude, the only reason it works and they can get away with it is------> most people do not know what they are doing! TELL the people, show them! The left knows it is lying, they just keep saying it so it becomes some peoples reality. I am not suggesting you don't set them straight, but I am suggesting while you are setting whomever they are lying to straight, you laugh at them!


Because if WE LAUGH at them, that becomes reality and everybody else (but them) will laugh with us at their incompetence!

Sorry, i just can't find it funny at all. Many CNN and MSNBC viewers will now feel they have to act against the 'Racist Hitler' Trump. I fear for what some will do. I think CNN and MSNBC have crossed a line.

By doing WHAT exactly? Post video.
Don't expect him to actually post evidence of incitement.

He is probably hoping there will be some violence connected to Trump's inauguration in some way so he can claim he predicted it, and then say that justifies shutting down opposition media without ever proving they actually incited violence.

That's what jackbooted nazi wannabe's do.

Not 'hoping' for violence.
Yeah you are.

If I were to make a guess, you heard some propaganda minister saying this shit this morning somewhere and you are just parroting him.

I'm not hoping for violence. You can continue claiming i am, but i'm not. However, i am expecting it. The Democrats have ginned up too much Trump hysteria. As a result, violence just seems likely.
LOL, you can't end a discussion anymore than you can predict the future. You're nothing more than a hack, one I suppose who would support a 21st Century iteration of the Alien and Sedition Act.

No need for that, we just need to enforce the law. You can't incite violence under freedom of speech. I think it's clear that some level of violence is going to happen on inauguration day and when it does, the authorities need to arrest all who have participated in inciting it.

I think it's perfectly fair to ask if everything falls under 'Press Protection.' I mean, i saw virtually no 'News' or 'Journalism' on CNN and MSNBC the other night. For the most part, all i saw was a repetitive 'Trump is a Nazi'/'Trump is a Racist' theme. I don't understand how that falls into the 'News/Journalism' category. Is there a line?

Post the video.

You can watch the networks yourself. They're both 24hr networks.

I do watch. Saw no examples of the networks reporting that Trump is a Nazi.
LOL, you can't end a discussion anymore than you can predict the future. You're nothing more than a hack, one I suppose who would support a 21st Century iteration of the Alien and Sedition Act.

No need for that, we just need to enforce the law. You can't incite violence under freedom of speech. I think it's clear that some level of violence is going to happen on inauguration day and when it does, the authorities need to arrest all who have participated in inciting it.

I think it's perfectly fair to ask if everything falls under 'Press Protection.' I mean, i saw virtually no 'News' or 'Journalism' on CNN and MSNBC the other night. For the most part, all i saw was a repetitive 'Trump is a Nazi'/'Trump is a Racist' theme. I don't understand how that falls into the 'News/Journalism' category. Is there a line?

Post the video.

You can watch the networks yourself. They're both 24hr networks.

I do watch. Saw no examples of the networks reporting that Trump is a Nazi.

Stay tuned i guess. They'll get back around to it. I saw virtually no 'News' or 'Journalism' present on either network. It was all a well-rehearsed 'Sabotage Trump' show. It can barely be called 'Press.' Therefore, i feel they should be held accountable for their actions. Not everything they do should fall under Free Press Protections.
No need for that, we just need to enforce the law. You can't incite violence under freedom of speech. I think it's clear that some level of violence is going to happen on inauguration day and when it does, the authorities need to arrest all who have participated in inciting it.

I think it's perfectly fair to ask if everything falls under 'Press Protection.' I mean, i saw virtually no 'News' or 'Journalism' on CNN and MSNBC the other night. For the most part, all i saw was a repetitive 'Trump is a Nazi'/'Trump is a Racist' theme. I don't understand how that falls into the 'News/Journalism' category. Is there a line?

Post the video.

You can watch the networks yourself. They're both 24hr networks.

I do watch. Saw no examples of the networks reporting that Trump is a Nazi.

Stay tuned i guess. They'll get back around to it. I saw virtually no 'News' or 'Journalism' present on either network. It was all a well-rehearsed 'Sabotage Trump' show. It can barely be called 'Press.' Therefore, i feel they should be held accountable for their actions. Not everything they do should fall under Free Press Protections.

Your inability to provide corroborating information tells me everything I need to know about your "concern".
I think it's perfectly fair to ask if everything falls under 'Press Protection.' I mean, i saw virtually no 'News' or 'Journalism' on CNN and MSNBC the other night. For the most part, all i saw was a repetitive 'Trump is a Nazi'/'Trump is a Racist' theme. I don't understand how that falls into the 'News/Journalism' category. Is there a line?

Post the video.

You can watch the networks yourself. They're both 24hr networks.

I do watch. Saw no examples of the networks reporting that Trump is a Nazi.

Stay tuned i guess. They'll get back around to it. I saw virtually no 'News' or 'Journalism' present on either network. It was all a well-rehearsed 'Sabotage Trump' show. It can barely be called 'Press.' Therefore, i feel they should be held accountable for their actions. Not everything they do should fall under Free Press Protections.

Your inability to provide corroborating information tells me everything I need to know about your "concern".

Only stating what i observed. It was all so obsessive and bizarre. 'Trump's a Nazi!', Trump's a Racist!', Trump's the Devil!' No 'News' or 'Journalism' at all. It's sad though, because i used to really respect CNN.
I'd like to hear the OP defend outlawing free speech or a free press. Because let's be honest, this silly question leads to that result.
Post the video.

You can watch the networks yourself. They're both 24hr networks.

I do watch. Saw no examples of the networks reporting that Trump is a Nazi.

Stay tuned i guess. They'll get back around to it. I saw virtually no 'News' or 'Journalism' present on either network. It was all a well-rehearsed 'Sabotage Trump' show. It can barely be called 'Press.' Therefore, i feel they should be held accountable for their actions. Not everything they do should fall under Free Press Protections.

Your inability to provide corroborating information tells me everything I need to know about your "concern".

Only stating what i observed. It was all so obsessive and bizarre. 'Trump's a Nazi!', Trump's a Racist!', Trump's the Devil!' No 'News' or 'Journalism' at all. It's sad though, because i used to really respect CNN.

If you saw it on a network show as you claimed, you should be able to link to it.
You can watch the networks yourself. They're both 24hr networks.

I do watch. Saw no examples of the networks reporting that Trump is a Nazi.

Stay tuned i guess. They'll get back around to it. I saw virtually no 'News' or 'Journalism' present on either network. It was all a well-rehearsed 'Sabotage Trump' show. It can barely be called 'Press.' Therefore, i feel they should be held accountable for their actions. Not everything they do should fall under Free Press Protections.

Your inability to provide corroborating information tells me everything I need to know about your "concern".

Only stating what i observed. It was all so obsessive and bizarre. 'Trump's a Nazi!', Trump's a Racist!', Trump's the Devil!' No 'News' or 'Journalism' at all. It's sad though, because i used to really respect CNN.

If you saw it on a network show as you claimed, you should be able to link to it.

I didn't record anything. But like i said, they're both 24hr networks. You can watch em anytime.

Not an issue to take so lightly. Incitement is very dangerous. All this Democrat ginned up Trump hysteria could lead to some very bad stuff.

Yes, I know, you've stated this about six dozens times in two different thread. lol. I am willing to bet the farm you were silent as the grave over the loony rhetoric over the last eight years, but now your clutching your pearls since you've been fitted with your Trump knee-pads.
I'd like to hear the OP defend outlawing free speech or a free press. Because let's be honest, this silly question leads to that result.

That's not what i'm arguing. But i do feel 'Press Protections' shouldn't cover anything, and all behavior. I mean watching CNN and MNBC the other night, i didn't see any 'News' or 'Journalism' present. They could barely be described as being 'Press.' All i saw was repetitive 'I hate Donald Trump' rhetoric. It was so obsessive and bizarre. It certainly wasn't 'News.'

It all came off as just being incitement. When you continuously use language like 'Trump is a Nazi', 'Trump is a Racist', 'Trump is Evil', it has a very negative impact on most viewers. Many see the rhetoric as being absolute fact. It incites them to possibly do harm in the name of fighting against such perceived 'Evil.' It's very dangerous. And i feel media outlets should be held accountable for it in some way.

Not an issue to take so lightly. Incitement is very dangerous. All this Democrat ginned up Trump hysteria could lead to some very bad stuff.

Yes, I know, you've stated this about six dozens times in two different thread. lol. I am willing to bet the farm you were silent as the grave over the loony rhetoric over the last eight years, but now your clutching your pearls since you've been fitted with your Trump knee-pads.

I didn't intend the thread to only be about Democrats. Republicans engage in such behavior as well. But i do feel this Democrat 'Trump is a Nazi' 'Trump is a Racist' rhetoric, has gotten out of control. The man hasn't even been sworn in yet. I fear for the worst. The Democrats need to be more responsible with their rhetoric.

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