Is There A Line Between 'Incitement' and Free Press Protection?

"Free Press" in no way denotes a *right* to incite or direct violence or revolt.

Are you proposing an alien and sedition act for the 21st Century? Where would you draw the line? Calling trump illegitimate? Maybe suggesting he is unfit to hold the job as POTUS, as I do? Would you silence me, have me jailed with total disregard for the Bill of Rights?
I have to say, watching CNN and MSNBC the other night was a pretty disturbing experience. I observed almost nothing resembling 'News' or 'Journalism.' For the most part, all i observed was a constant stream of 'Trump is a Nazi' and 'Trump is a Racist' rhetoric. That constant stream of inflammatory rhetoric has to have an effect on people.

In my opinion, it was all incitement. It served no 'News' or Journalistic purpose. So is there a line media outlets can cross, that results in the removal of claims to Free Press protections? What is the 'Press' at this point? When is it 'News' or 'Journalism?' When is it incitement?

What are your thoughts? Thanks.

I have to say, watching CNN and MSNBC the other night was a pretty disturbing experience. I observed almost nothing resembling 'News' or 'Journalism.' For the most part, all i observed was a constant stream of 'Trump is a Nazi' and 'Trump is a Racist' rhetoric. That constant stream of inflammatory rhetoric has to have an effect on people.

In my opinion, it was all incitement. It served no 'News' or Journalistic purpose. So is there a line media outlets can cross, that results in the removal of claims to Free Press protections? What is the 'Press' at this point? When is it 'News' or 'Journalism?' When is it incitement?

What are your thoughts? Thanks.

I think you're absolutely right and let me add something to this. At this point, it should be clear that some level of violence is going to take place on inauguration day. Some people are inevitably going to die. It needs to also be stated clearly, this is blood on the hands of the liberal left and all who have incited what is coming. There was never any reason for any of it. We've always had (for the most part) peaceful transition of power in this country.

The blame for what is to come is the fault of all who have participated in ginning up this level of discord among the general public and they need to be held accountable in the aftermath.

And again, read-------->Timothy Daughtry - Gaslighting and the Left’s War on Reality

They have no power, and once you understand it, you will laugh at them flailing away. They are gaslighters, and you can see some in the MSM are too.

I disagree. This kind of incitement is very dangerous and effective. People can get hurt. There are many Democrats out there who feel they should act against such perceived 'Trump Evil.' The Democrats really do need to tone down the rhetoric.

Dude, the only reason it works and they can get away with it is------> most people do not know what they are doing! TELL the people, show them! The left knows it is lying, they just keep saying it so it becomes some peoples reality. I am not suggesting you don't set them straight, but I am suggesting while you are setting whomever they are lying to straight, you laugh at them!


Because if WE LAUGH at them, that becomes reality and everybody else (but them) will laugh with us at their incompetence!

Sorry, i just can't find it funny at all. Many CNN and MSNBC viewers will now feel they have to act against the 'Racist Hitler' Trump. I fear for what some will do. I think CNN and MSNBC have crossed a line.
I have to say, watching CNN and MSNBC the other night was a pretty disturbing experience. I observed almost nothing resembling 'News' or 'Journalism.' For the most part, all i observed was a constant stream of 'Trump is a Nazi' and 'Trump is a Racist' rhetoric. That constant stream of inflammatory rhetoric has to have an effect on people.

In my opinion, it was all incitement. It served no 'News' or Journalistic purpose. So is there a line media outlets can cross, that results in the removal of claims to Free Press protections? What is the 'Press' at this point? When is it 'News' or 'Journalism?' When is it incitement?

What are your thoughts? Thanks.

I have to say, watching CNN and MSNBC the other night was a pretty disturbing experience. I observed almost nothing resembling 'News' or 'Journalism.' For the most part, all i observed was a constant stream of 'Trump is a Nazi' and 'Trump is a Racist' rhetoric. That constant stream of inflammatory rhetoric has to have an effect on people.

In my opinion, it was all incitement. It served no 'News' or Journalistic purpose. So is there a line media outlets can cross, that results in the removal of claims to Free Press protections? What is the 'Press' at this point? When is it 'News' or 'Journalism?' When is it incitement?

What are your thoughts? Thanks.

I think you're absolutely right and let me add something to this. At this point, it should be clear that some level of violence is going to take place on inauguration day. Some people are inevitably going to die. It needs to also be stated clearly, this is blood on the hands of the liberal left and all who have incited what is coming. There was never any reason for any of it. We've always had (for the most part) peaceful transition of power in this country.

The blame for what is to come is the fault of all who have participated in ginning up this level of discord among the general public and they need to be held accountable in the aftermath.

And again, read-------->Timothy Daughtry - Gaslighting and the Left’s War on Reality

They have no power, and once you understand it, you will laugh at them flailing away. They are gaslighters, and you can see some in the MSM are too.

I disagree. This kind of incitement is very dangerous and effective. People can get hurt. There are many Democrats out there who feel they should act against such perceived 'Trump Evil.' The Democrats really do need to tone down the rhetoric.

Dude, the only reason it works and they can get away with it is------> most people do not know what they are doing! TELL the people, show them! The left knows it is lying, they just keep saying it so it becomes some peoples reality. I am not suggesting you don't set them straight, but I am suggesting while you are setting whomever they are lying to straight, you laugh at them!


Because if WE LAUGH at them, that becomes reality and everybody else (but them) will laugh with us at their incompetence!

Sorry, i just can't find it funny at all. Many CNN and MSNBC viewers will now feel they have to act against the 'Racist Hitler' Trump. I fear for what some will do. I think CNN and MSNBC have crossed a line.

By doing WHAT exactly? Post video.
You are clearly blindsided by you biases. Which people ginned up the discord creating a McVeigh, Roeder and Rudolph? Your are also too quick to point your finger at others, I suggest you look in the mirror, and if possible have a reality check.

Whatever goes down on inauguration day is on you and the left who has fomented this discord in the wake of the election results. When there is blood in the streets, and I believe there will be... When people die, and I believe they will... America needs to hold YOU accountable for that. Period. End of discussion.

LOL, you can't end a discussion anymore than you can predict the future. You're nothing more than a hack, one I suppose who would support a 21st Century iteration of the Alien and Sedition Act.
I have to say, watching CNN and MSNBC the other night was a pretty disturbing experience. I observed almost nothing resembling 'News' or 'Journalism.' For the most part, all i observed was a constant stream of 'Trump is a Nazi' and 'Trump is a Racist' rhetoric. That constant stream of inflammatory rhetoric has to have an effect on people.

In my opinion, it was all incitement. It served no 'News' or Journalistic purpose. So is there a line media outlets can cross, that results in the removal of claims to Free Press protections? What is the 'Press' at this point? When is it 'News' or 'Journalism?' When is it incitement?

What are your thoughts? Thanks.

I have to say, watching CNN and MSNBC the other night was a pretty disturbing experience. I observed almost nothing resembling 'News' or 'Journalism.' For the most part, all i observed was a constant stream of 'Trump is a Nazi' and 'Trump is a Racist' rhetoric. That constant stream of inflammatory rhetoric has to have an effect on people.

In my opinion, it was all incitement. It served no 'News' or Journalistic purpose. So is there a line media outlets can cross, that results in the removal of claims to Free Press protections? What is the 'Press' at this point? When is it 'News' or 'Journalism?' When is it incitement?

What are your thoughts? Thanks.

I think you're absolutely right and let me add something to this. At this point, it should be clear that some level of violence is going to take place on inauguration day. Some people are inevitably going to die. It needs to also be stated clearly, this is blood on the hands of the liberal left and all who have incited what is coming. There was never any reason for any of it. We've always had (for the most part) peaceful transition of power in this country.

The blame for what is to come is the fault of all who have participated in ginning up this level of discord among the general public and they need to be held accountable in the aftermath.

And again, read-------->Timothy Daughtry - Gaslighting and the Left’s War on Reality

They have no power, and once you understand it, you will laugh at them flailing away. They are gaslighters, and you can see some in the MSM are too.

I disagree. This kind of incitement is very dangerous and effective. People can get hurt. There are many Democrats out there who feel they should act against such perceived 'Trump Evil.' The Democrats really do need to tone down the rhetoric.

Dude, the only reason it works and they can get away with it is------> most people do not know what they are doing! TELL the people, show them! The left knows it is lying, they just keep saying it so it becomes some peoples reality. I am not suggesting you don't set them straight, but I am suggesting while you are setting whomever they are lying to straight, you laugh at them!


Because if WE LAUGH at them, that becomes reality and everybody else (but them) will laugh with us at their incompetence!

Sorry, i just can't find it funny at all. Many CNN and MSNBC viewers will now feel they have to act against the 'Racist Hitler' Trump. I fear for what some will do. I think CNN and MSNBC have crossed a line.

The truth will set some hysterical.
People just need to calm down. Donald Trump is not the 'Racist Hitler' dragging us to 'End-Times.' I'm not even saying he'll be a good President, but for God's sake, he's not the Boogeyman. Outlets like CNN and MSNBC need to be more responsible with their rhetoric. Many of their viewers will be effected in very adverse ways. The rhetoric has to be toned down.
I have to say, watching CNN and MSNBC the other night was a pretty disturbing experience. I observed almost nothing resembling 'News' or 'Journalism.' For the most part, all i observed was a constant stream of 'Trump is a Nazi' and 'Trump is a Racist' rhetoric. That constant stream of inflammatory rhetoric has to have an effect on people.

In my opinion, it was all incitement. It served no 'News' or Journalistic purpose. So is there a line media outlets can cross, that results in the removal of claims to Free Press protections? What is the 'Press' at this point? When is it 'News' or 'Journalism?' When is it incitement?

What are your thoughts? Thanks.

I have to say, watching CNN and MSNBC the other night was a pretty disturbing experience. I observed almost nothing resembling 'News' or 'Journalism.' For the most part, all i observed was a constant stream of 'Trump is a Nazi' and 'Trump is a Racist' rhetoric. That constant stream of inflammatory rhetoric has to have an effect on people.

In my opinion, it was all incitement. It served no 'News' or Journalistic purpose. So is there a line media outlets can cross, that results in the removal of claims to Free Press protections? What is the 'Press' at this point? When is it 'News' or 'Journalism?' When is it incitement?

What are your thoughts? Thanks.

I think you're absolutely right and let me add something to this. At this point, it should be clear that some level of violence is going to take place on inauguration day. Some people are inevitably going to die. It needs to also be stated clearly, this is blood on the hands of the liberal left and all who have incited what is coming. There was never any reason for any of it. We've always had (for the most part) peaceful transition of power in this country.

The blame for what is to come is the fault of all who have participated in ginning up this level of discord among the general public and they need to be held accountable in the aftermath.

And again, read-------->Timothy Daughtry - Gaslighting and the Left’s War on Reality

They have no power, and once you understand it, you will laugh at them flailing away. They are gaslighters, and you can see some in the MSM are too.

I disagree. This kind of incitement is very dangerous and effective. People can get hurt. There are many Democrats out there who feel they should act against such perceived 'Trump Evil.' The Democrats really do need to tone down the rhetoric.

Dude, the only reason it works and they can get away with it is------> most people do not know what they are doing! TELL the people, show them! The left knows it is lying, they just keep saying it so it becomes some peoples reality. I am not suggesting you don't set them straight, but I am suggesting while you are setting whomever they are lying to straight, you laugh at them!


Because if WE LAUGH at them, that becomes reality and everybody else (but them) will laugh with us at their incompetence!

Sorry, i just can't find it funny at all. Many CNN and MSNBC viewers will now feel they have to act against the 'Racist Hitler' Trump. I fear for what some will do. I think CNN and MSNBC have crossed a line.

Well then my friend, you should have woke up long ago because this has been going on for years. The only reason it has come to such a crescendo, is because America stood up and basically said that we don't believe the left anymore. The left is in a PANIC, so they are getting more, and more shrill.

Did you even read the link? If you didn't, I promise it will teach you something, and it takes 2 min to read. Timothy Daughtry - Gaslighting and the Left’s War on Reality

I get you are upset, I really, really, do. Is it a laughing matter? Well NO, but YES!

NO---------> Because the left is actually trying to subvert America through lies, and get their way.

YES-------> Because they have played this card so much, it is no longer working except with their most ardent....brainwashed.....supporters, as seen by the election outcomes across the country.

My friend......THEY HAVE NO POWER in the feds, and LITTLE POWER in the states! Sooooooooooooooo, until Friday when Trump actually takes power, MAKE FUN OF THEIR CRYING ASSES! We don't have to defend anything, because he hasn't done anything, lol.

Trust me, try hard to laugh till Friday, because after that it is going to get serious! If you think they are shrill and crazy now, wait till he wants to give American parents vouchers for their children to go to school, lol! (ok, that is serious, I shouldn't have said LOL, but I am thinking about their reaction) You/we/us might have to give 25% of the leftists mouth to mouth resuscitation, as they have massive coronaries in the streets of our cities!
I think more Americans need to start contemplating what exactly the 'Press' is. What is 'News?' What is 'Journalism?' When is just incitement? Should everything fall under 'Press Protection?'
LOL, you can't end a discussion anymore than you can predict the future. You're nothing more than a hack, one I suppose who would support a 21st Century iteration of the Alien and Sedition Act.

No need for that, we just need to enforce the law. You can't incite violence under freedom of speech. I think it's clear that some level of violence is going to happen on inauguration day and when it does, the authorities need to arrest all who have participated in inciting it.
I have to say, watching CNN and MSNBC the other night was a pretty disturbing experience. I observed almost nothing resembling 'News' or 'Journalism.' For the most part, all i observed was a constant stream of 'Trump is a Nazi' and 'Trump is a Racist' rhetoric. That constant stream of inflammatory rhetoric has to have an effect on people.

In my opinion, it was all incitement. It served no 'News' or Journalistic purpose. So is there a line media outlets can cross, that results in the removal of claims to Free Press protections? What is the 'Press' at this point? When is it 'News' or 'Journalism?' When is it incitement?

What are your thoughts? Thanks.

I think you're absolutely right and let me add something to this. At this point, it should be clear that some level of violence is going to take place on inauguration day. Some people are inevitably going to die. It needs to also be stated clearly, this is blood on the hands of the liberal left and all who have incited what is coming. There was never any reason for any of it. We've always had (for the most part) peaceful transition of power in this country.

The blame for what is to come is the fault of all who have participated in ginning up this level of discord among the general public and they need to be held accountable in the aftermath.

And again, read-------->Timothy Daughtry - Gaslighting and the Left’s War on Reality

They have no power, and once you understand it, you will laugh at them flailing away. They are gaslighters, and you can see some in the MSM are too.

I disagree. This kind of incitement is very dangerous and effective. People can get hurt. There are many Democrats out there who feel they should act against such perceived 'Trump Evil.' The Democrats really do need to tone down the rhetoric.

Dude, the only reason it works and they can get away with it is------> most people do not know what they are doing! TELL the people, show them! The left knows it is lying, they just keep saying it so it becomes some peoples reality. I am not suggesting you don't set them straight, but I am suggesting while you are setting whomever they are lying to straight, you laugh at them!


Because if WE LAUGH at them, that becomes reality and everybody else (but them) will laugh with us at their incompetence!

Sorry, i just can't find it funny at all. Many CNN and MSNBC viewers will now feel they have to act against the 'Racist Hitler' Trump. I fear for what some will do. I think CNN and MSNBC have crossed a line.

By doing WHAT exactly? Post video.
Don't expect him to actually post evidence of incitement.

He is probably hoping there will be some violence connected to Trump's inauguration in some way so he can claim he predicted it, and then say that justifies shutting down opposition media without ever proving they actually incited violence.

That's what jackbooted nazi wannabe's do.
If you didn't, I promise it will teach you something, and it takes 2 min to read. Timothy Daughtry - Gaslighting and the Left’s War on Reality
Two minutes to read. That's because you tards' attention span doesn't go beyond 120 characters.

Here's something which will take a little longer to read, and it exposes the profoundly hilarious irony of your post: Fool Me A Thousand Times

See posts 1 and 3.

And here's one to add to the list, hot off the fake news press: Mexican drug kingpin "El Chapo" Gave Hillary $15M... for her "Clinton Foundation"

You see, you pseudocon tards literally can't stop yourselves from drinking the piss. And even after being fooled a fucking thousand times, you get right back in line for more.
I think more Americans need to start contemplating what exactly the 'Press' is. What is 'News?' What is 'Journalism?' When is just incitement? Should everything fall under 'Press Protection?'
Here's something you should read about our freedoms, Nazi. I apologize it can't fit into your Tweet-sized goldfish brain. Oops! I hope I didn't just incite your tender feewings!

Here you go:

If anyone could point out an intermediate and yet a tenable position between the complete independence and the entire servitude of opinion, I should perhaps be inclined to adopt it, but the difficulty is to discover this intermediate position. Intending to correct the licentiousness of the press and to restore the use of orderly language, you first try the offender by a jury; but if the jury acquits him, the opinion which was that of a single individual becomes the opinion of the whole country. Too much and too little has therefore been done; go farther, then. You bring the delinquent before permanent magistrates; but even here the cause must be heard before it can be decided; and the very principles which no book would have ventured to avow are blazoned forth in the pleadings, and what was obscurely hinted at in a single composition is thus repeated in a multitude of other publications. The language is only the expression and, if I may so speak, the body of the thought, but it is not the thought itself. Tribunals may condemn the body, but the sense, the spirit of the work is too subtle for their authority. Too much has still been done to recede, too little to attain your end; you must go still farther. Establish a censorship of the press. But the tongue of the public speaker will still make itself heard, and your purpose is not yet accomplished; you have only increased the mischief. Thought is not, like physical strength, dependent upon the number of its agents; nor can authors be counted like the troops that compose an army. On the contrary, the authority of a principle is often increased by the small number of men by whom it is expressed. The words of one strong-minded man addressed to the passions of a listening assembly have more power than the vociferations of a thousand orators; and if it be allowed to speak freely in any one public place, the consequence is the same as if free speaking was allowed in every village. The liberty of speech must therefore be destroyed as well as the liberty of the press. And now you have succeeded, everybody is reduced to silence. But your object was to repress the abuses of liberty, and you are brought to the feet of a despot. You have been led from the extreme of independence to the extreme of servitude without finding a single tenable position on the way at which you could stop.

Tocqueville: Book 1 Chapter 11
LOL, you can't end a discussion anymore than you can predict the future. You're nothing more than a hack, one I suppose who would support a 21st Century iteration of the Alien and Sedition Act.

No need for that, we just need to enforce the law. You can't incite violence under freedom of speech. I think it's clear that some level of violence is going to happen on inauguration day and when it does, the authorities need to arrest all who have participated in inciting it.

I think it's perfectly fair to ask if everything falls under 'Press Protection.' I mean, i saw virtually no 'News' or 'Journalism' on CNN and MSNBC the other night. For the most part, all i saw was a repetitive 'Trump is a Nazi'/'Trump is a Racist' theme. I don't understand how that falls into the 'News/Journalism' category. Is there a line?
If you didn't, I promise it will teach you something, and it takes 2 min to read. Timothy Daughtry - Gaslighting and the Left’s War on Reality
Two minutes to read. That's because you tards' attention span doesn't go beyond 120 characters.

Here's something which will take a little longer to read, and it exposes the profoundly hilarious irony of your post: Fool Me A Thousand Times

See posts 1 and 3.

And here's one to add to the list, hot off the fake news press: Mexican drug kingpin "El Chapo" Gave Hillary $15M... for her "Clinton Foundation"

You see, you pseudocon tards literally can't stop yourselves from drinking the piss. And even after being fooled a fucking thousand times, you get right back in line for more.

And you are a phony! It was not us who said "if you like your doc, you can keep him," was it? And you said THAT WAS OK!

It wasn't us who said we were going to save 2500 bucks, was it? And your people said, that was OK too!

It wasn't our guys who got up there, and basically said that all you LEFTISTS were STUPID! (Grueber) We tried to save you, but you people are to dumb to save yourselves!

You are a GASLIGHTER, a propagandist, and a astro turfer. By the sheer volume of posts, your masters must think you are pretty good at it, but most of us have caught on. You are SOL, and when you and your socialists friends get a little power back, come and talk to us:Boom2:

Oh hell, with all that GASSYNESS you are putting out, I sure hope that cannon does ignite anything, hehehehehehehehehehe!
Trump's complaint about not being able to beat up protesters: “You know, part of the problem and part of the reason it takes so long is nobody wants to hurt each other anymore, right?"

"In the good old days this doesn't happen because they used to treat them very, very rough."
If you didn't, I promise it will teach you something, and it takes 2 min to read. Timothy Daughtry - Gaslighting and the Left’s War on Reality
Two minutes to read. That's because you tards' attention span doesn't go beyond 120 characters.

Here's something which will take a little longer to read, and it exposes the profoundly hilarious irony of your post: Fool Me A Thousand Times

See posts 1 and 3.

And here's one to add to the list, hot off the fake news press: Mexican drug kingpin "El Chapo" Gave Hillary $15M... for her "Clinton Foundation"

You see, you pseudocon tards literally can't stop yourselves from drinking the piss. And even after being fooled a fucking thousand times, you get right back in line for more.

And you are a phony! It was not us who said "if you like your doc, you can keep him," was it? And you said THAT WAS OK!

No I didn't, liar.

Don't lie to cover up your embarrassment, retard. You are proving my point.

Read the links I provided you. You obviously didn't. Are you too retarded to read beyond 120 characters?
Sorry, i just can't find it funny at all. Many CNN and MSNBC viewers will now feel they have to act against the 'Racist Hitler' Trump. I fear for what some will do. I think CNN and MSNBC have crossed a line.

You're absolutely right.

Yeah, i really tried to give CNN and MSNBC a shot. I didn't go into it thinking they would shock me the way they did. I used to respect CNN quite a bit. So i was appalled at the constant 'Trump is a Racist/Trump is a Nazi' rhetoric.

And it was the same thing with MSNBC, maybe worse. It was all just so obsessive and bizarre. There was virtually no 'News' or 'Journalism' present on either network. It really did come off as just brainwashing incitement. I was very disappointed.
I think it's perfectly fair to ask if everything falls under 'Press Protection.' I mean, i saw virtually no 'News' or 'Journalism' on CNN and MSNBC the other night. For the most part, all i saw was a repetitive 'Trump is Hitler'/'Trump is a Racist' theme. I don't understand that that falls into the 'News/Journalism' category. Is there a line?

This is called "gaslighting" and it's what the left does all the time. They've done it for years because they controlled the media and no one ever knew. Gaslighting is also known as "repeating the lie until it becomes the truth". It's effective when you control the information and you can isolate the lie from the truth. Back in the days of Walter Cronkite, all our information came through the Big 3 networks. It was when Rush Limbaugh and talk radio emerged in the 80s that this began to change the dynamics of how we get our information. You'll notice, that's when the "PC culture" became prominent with the left. This was their counter to the attack on their gaslighting strategy... shut the debate down before it happens by controlling the language we can use.
If you didn't, I promise it will teach you something, and it takes 2 min to read. Timothy Daughtry - Gaslighting and the Left’s War on Reality
Two minutes to read. That's because you tards' attention span doesn't go beyond 120 characters.

Here's something which will take a little longer to read, and it exposes the profoundly hilarious irony of your post: Fool Me A Thousand Times

See posts 1 and 3.

And here's one to add to the list, hot off the fake news press: Mexican drug kingpin "El Chapo" Gave Hillary $15M... for her "Clinton Foundation"

You see, you pseudocon tards literally can't stop yourselves from drinking the piss. And even after being fooled a fucking thousand times, you get right back in line for more.

And you are a phony! It was not us who said "if you like your doc, you can keep him," was it? And you said THAT WAS OK!

No I didn't, liar.

Don't lie to cover up your embarrassment, retard. You are proving my point.

Read the links I provided you. You obviously didn't. Are you too retarded to read beyond 120 characters?

Oh you didn't? Sorry, maybe I was wrong. So you agree then that Obama and friends GASLIGHTED the American public to keep them under control!

Then we agree on this, and I apologize!

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