CDZ Is there any danger of civil war in the U.S.?


May 27, 2020
To a lot of non-US citizens, the population appears to be more divided than ever. There seems to be a fundamental lack of respect for people with different political views, and the rethoric is often hateful and demeaning.
Is this a reflection of reality, or is it a social media effect? Do americans really despise each other this much? Will whoever wins your next election be able to unify your people, or is this the beginning of a downward spiral?

As a side question, are there any good (relatively factual) sources to understanding your political climate?
The US Civil War occurred because a single issue so polarized the electorate that states felt they could no longer belong to a union if that union forced that issue. Today, state and federal control is so intertwined that succession is no longer an option.

There is no such single, polarizing issue today. Today, all we have a plethora of competing issues and a lot of petty nastiness.

Also, we don't have hoop skirts.

Annex - Leigh, Vivien (Gone With the Wind)_02.jpg
No chance at all. All the so-called brave guys with the big guns are the biggest cowards of them all. I agree with Michael Moore -- you point a gun at them, most of them will pee their pants and run away like little children!
The prevalence of the internet and social media would lead you to believe America is more divided than it is. Just because you read that some guy you've never met who lives hundreds of miles away from you got punched for wearing a MAGA doesn't mean you and your neighbors will be shooting at each other any day now.
For better or worse, no one is prepared to face the forces at the disposition of the government.
The prevalence of the internet and social media would lead you to believe America is more divided than it is. Just because you read that some guy you've never met who lives hundreds of miles away from you got punched for wearing a MAGA doesn't mean you and your neighbors will be shooting at each other any day now.
Honestly, my neighbors and I would probably shoot at each other for less than a MAGA. Probably come down to something like keep your effing pit bull away from my horses.
We are far too comfortable, fat, and, lazy to participate in a civil war. In my experience, most of the ghouls wanking off at the idea of shooting their fellow Americans are elderly, limp dicks that won't be anywhere near the front lines if an actual war begin.
Civil war? Led by the party that elected a verifiable coward as president? Please. The south lost once and the gap in wealth and technology has only widened since. I was born and live in the south it’s just a fact.

Civil war? Led by the party that elected a verifiable coward as president? Please. The south lost once and the gap in wealth and technology has only widened since. I was born and live in the south it’s just a fact.

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The South per capita was the wealthiest region before the Civil War, true, but all that wealth was in very few pockets, some 2,500 families. Your map doesn't tell the whole story. White sharecroppers fared no better than black ones after the war.
To a lot of non-US citizens, the population appears to be more divided than ever. There seems to be a fundamental lack of respect for people with different political views, and the rethoric is often hateful and demeaning.
Is this a reflection of reality, or is it a social media effect? Do americans really despise each other this much? Will whoever wins your next election be able to unify your people, or is this the beginning of a downward spiral?

As a side question, are there any good (relatively factual) sources to understanding your political climate?
Essentially what you have is a Federal Leviathan that rules with a rod of iron that clamps down more and more with the only question as to when uprising will occur that need to be dealt with.

When they occur, I reckon you can call that your civil war as they are all crushed like China people in Teninamen square
No chance at all. All the so-called brave guys with the big guns are the biggest cowards of them all. I agree with Michael Moore -- you point a gun at them, most of them will pee their pants and run away like little children!
Moore is nothing but a human sweat stain.

He's more likely to piss his pants in fear than just about anyone I can think of. The blob that he is he knows he'd be helpless
We are far too comfortable, fat, and, lazy to participate in a civil war. In my experience, most of the ghouls wanking off at the idea of shooting their fellow Americans are elderly, limp dicks that won't be anywhere near the front lines if an actual war begin.

People who are not suffering do not engage in Civil Wars

Americans are fat and lazy
I think you are on to something. I think that the average person cares little about freedom and only wants safety and comfort.

Come to think of it, during the American Revolution the vast majority of Americans were not in open rebellion to the crown. The Revolution was fought by a minority of Americans.
We are far too comfortable, fat, and, lazy to participate in a civil war. In my experience, most of the ghouls wanking off at the idea of shooting their fellow Americans are elderly, limp dicks that won't be anywhere near the front lines if an actual war begin.

People who are not suffering do not engage in Civil Wars
Suffering never ends nor does war.
To a lot of non-US citizens, the population appears to be more divided than ever. There seems to be a fundamental lack of respect for people with different political views, and the rethoric is often hateful and demeaning.
Is this a reflection of reality, or is it a social media effect? Do americans really despise each other this much? Will whoever wins your next election be able to unify your people, or is this the beginning of a downward spiral?

As a side question, are there any good (relatively factual) sources to understanding your political climate?

No. There will be no civil war. What you see and hear in the media is a vocal minority.

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