Is there any real proof of Noah's Ark?
I found it, it's in Kentucky! :D

Now WHY does THAT make perfect sense ???
No you don't. You weren't there. Neither was anyone else here.

I wasn't there when granodiorite formed in the Sierra Nevada Mountains, either, but that hasn't prevented me from knowing how it formed and what it is made of. Not having been there in Noah's day doesn't preclude me from recognizing bullshit when I see it.
No you don't. You weren't there. Neither was anyone else here.

I wasn't there when granodiorite formed in the Sierra Nevada Mountains, either, but that hasn't prevented me from knowing how it formed and what it is made of. Not having been there in Noah's day doesn't preclude me from recognizing bullshit when I see it.

Nonsense. Just because I wasn't there when the sun started fusing hydrogen and just because I won't be there when the sun finally stops fusing hydrogen and just because I have endeavored to learn the math and physics to actually understand the process doesn't mean that the Poettic Edda isn't the inherent and ineffable and infallible word of Odin and that Sol isn't really the sister of Mani the Moon, daughter of Mundifari and won't be eaten by Fenrir during Ragnarok.

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