Is there any...

In my area they have a paper list of all registered voters in the district. You walk in, they ask your name, you tell them, they cross off your name, you go vote.
Works great.
John Jones walks in: "hello, I'm Dave Davidson, and I'm here to vote"

"OK Mr Davidson, we got you on the list"

A few hours later...

John Jones walks in "hello, I'm John Jones, and I'm here to vote"

"OK Mr Jones, we got you on the list"

A few hours later....

Dave Davidson walks in: "hello, I'm Dave Davidson, and I'm here to vote"

"I'm sorry, Mr Davidson, we show that you have already voted, I'm afraid you can't vote because we have no way of proving you didn't vote"
Is that happening?
Don't know, my point was, its that easy for someone to commit voter fraud if all you have is a list, and someone's word that they are being honest about who they are.
I don't know. They ask a couple questions. What's your address for example. Anyways, you do realize if this happens it maybe happens once or twice in each state. Not even. So why are you so worried about this?

It's more likely you are just trying to make it harder for poor people to vote.

If someone is a registered voter they should be able to get an absentee ballot no reason needed and they should be able to mail in their vote. And I sort of liked it that because of the pandemic they mailed EVERYONE an absentee ballot. It showed a lot of people will vote if they can mail in vote.

If these new rules stopped a lot of Trump voters from voting I bet you wouldn't be pushing for these new voter laws. I bet you'd want to make it easier for them to vote. And then maybe I would be like you. I'd be against the masses voting because "they are stupid".

Sorry but picking a Republican or Democrat to lead isn't about being smart. For a rich person, it's smart to vote GOP. For a poor person, it's smart to vote Democratic. It's the GOP's responsibility to represent poor and stupid people too not just smart and rich people.
No, its not about stopping poor people from voting, its about making sure legal people are voting.

So why are you so worried about this?

Why are you not worried about this? Do you not want to make sure that only legal and legitimate votes are counted?

And I sort of liked it that because of the pandemic they mailed EVERYONE an absentee ballot. It showed a lot of people will vote if they can mail in vote.

Sure, its convenient, but surely you can see the flaw in blindly sending out millions of ballots, especially when you don't allow voter role purges. Many ballots will find their way to the wrong people, former addresses, people who have died, and some people will use that as a way to commit fraud because they will send those illegitimate ballots back in, and nobody will ever be able to catch them.

1. Voter purges are not only allowed, they're encouraged. But like all things, the devil is in the details. Purges without notification, and done close to elections are barred. Ongoing purges of names with notifications being mailed out, and a reasonable time frame for the voter to respond, a second and "final notice" of purge, all done with no names being removed within 6 months of an election, should be SOP.

2. All mail in ballots require ID. The difference between Dems and Republicans, is that Dems will accept all forms of ID, and Republicans want very limited forms of ID and verifications, which are designed to limit specific blocks of voters.

3. Mail in voting has been in place since the Civil War. There has never been any cases of significant voter fraud using mail in ballots.

4. In the instances where there have been large cases of voter fraud, the voter ID laws being proposed by Republicans would have had absolutely no impact in preventing these voter fraud cases.
I remember a popular liberal saying after the 2000 election that Republicans are crying about voter fraud which has no impact on the results but meanwhile in Florida they committed election fraud. Not just one vote here and there. They stole an entire state. Who knows if Florida 2000 was the only time they did it. Some think they even stole Ohio in 2004. Kerry wanted a recount so Ken Blackwell hurried up and certified the vote and the rule was no recount once the votes have been certified.
In my area they have a paper list of all registered voters in the district. You walk in, they ask your name, you tell them, they cross off your name, you go vote.
Works great.
John Jones walks in: "hello, I'm Dave Davidson, and I'm here to vote"

"OK Mr Davidson, we got you on the list"

A few hours later...

John Jones walks in "hello, I'm John Jones, and I'm here to vote"

"OK Mr Jones, we got you on the list"

A few hours later....

Dave Davidson walks in: "hello, I'm Dave Davidson, and I'm here to vote"

"I'm sorry, Mr Davidson, we show that you have already voted, I'm afraid you can't vote because we have no way of proving you didn't vote"
Is that happening?
Don't know, my point was, its that easy for someone to commit voter fraud if all you have is a list, and someone's word that they are being honest about who they are.
I don't know. They ask a couple questions. What's your address for example. Anyways, you do realize if this happens it maybe happens once or twice in each state. Not even. So why are you so worried about this?

It's more likely you are just trying to make it harder for poor people to vote.

If someone is a registered voter they should be able to get an absentee ballot no reason needed and they should be able to mail in their vote. And I sort of liked it that because of the pandemic they mailed EVERYONE an absentee ballot. It showed a lot of people will vote if they can mail in vote.

If these new rules stopped a lot of Trump voters from voting I bet you wouldn't be pushing for these new voter laws. I bet you'd want to make it easier for them to vote. And then maybe I would be like you. I'd be against the masses voting because "they are stupid".

Sorry but picking a Republican or Democrat to lead isn't about being smart. For a rich person, it's smart to vote GOP. For a poor person, it's smart to vote Democratic. It's the GOP's responsibility to represent poor and stupid people too not just smart and rich people.
The people just above the working poor and just above them and the poor end up getting screwed over and over. Taxed/Inflation/etc. extra couple thousand here a couple of extra thousand there to give to those just below them and then they start to become the working poor and poor.

Don't forget for years rich people paid much higher taxes. That money rebuilt our infrastructure. They said the same thing you did. They cried that they shouldn't have to pay for you. So the next time roads need to be built your taxes are going to go up. Why? Because rich people don't want to pay for you anymore.
In my area they have a paper list of all registered voters in the district. You walk in, they ask your name, you tell them, they cross off your name, you go vote.
Works great.
John Jones walks in: "hello, I'm Dave Davidson, and I'm here to vote"

"OK Mr Davidson, we got you on the list"

A few hours later...

John Jones walks in "hello, I'm John Jones, and I'm here to vote"

"OK Mr Jones, we got you on the list"

A few hours later....

Dave Davidson walks in: "hello, I'm Dave Davidson, and I'm here to vote"

"I'm sorry, Mr Davidson, we show that you have already voted, I'm afraid you can't vote because we have no way of proving you didn't vote"
Is that happening?
Don't know, my point was, its that easy for someone to commit voter fraud if all you have is a list, and someone's word that they are being honest about who they are.
I don't know. They ask a couple questions. What's your address for example. Anyways, you do realize if this happens it maybe happens once or twice in each state. Not even. So why are you so worried about this?

It's more likely you are just trying to make it harder for poor people to vote.

If someone is a registered voter they should be able to get an absentee ballot no reason needed and they should be able to mail in their vote. And I sort of liked it that because of the pandemic they mailed EVERYONE an absentee ballot. It showed a lot of people will vote if they can mail in vote.

If these new rules stopped a lot of Trump voters from voting I bet you wouldn't be pushing for these new voter laws. I bet you'd want to make it easier for them to vote. And then maybe I would be like you. I'd be against the masses voting because "they are stupid".

Sorry but picking a Republican or Democrat to lead isn't about being smart. For a rich person, it's smart to vote GOP. For a poor person, it's smart to vote Democratic. It's the GOP's responsibility to represent poor and stupid people too not just smart and rich people.
The people just above the working poor and just above them and the poor end up getting screwed over and over. Taxed/Inflation/etc. extra couple thousand here a couple of extra thousand there to give to those just below them and then they start to become the working poor and poor.

That's because corporations like Walmart and McDonald's pay so little that their workers require a second job AND food stamps to feed their families, while both corporations are booking record profits. In 2012, Walmart employees received $9 billion in income supplements, while Walmart was the second most profitable company in America. Had Walmart paid their workers just $100 per week more, per worker, their workers would have been paying taxes instead of receiving income supplements. Walmart would still have been one of the most profitable companies in America, but they wouldn't have been the second most profitable company in America.

In 2012, it was said that every American taxpayer contributed $2500 to Walmart's bottom line by subsidizing their minimum wage workforce, whether or not they ever bought anything from Walmart. When push came to shove, Walmart got a tax break, increasing their net profit, but their workers still didn't make enough to benefit from the tax cuts, and were still dependent on social programs to keep a roof over their heads.

That's not a viable economic model for a thriving economy. Walmart is America's largest employer. When your largest employers and most profitable companies don't pay enough to live on, while booking record profits, that's completely whack.
In my area they have a paper list of all registered voters in the district. You walk in, they ask your name, you tell them, they cross off your name, you go vote.
Works great.
John Jones walks in: "hello, I'm Dave Davidson, and I'm here to vote"

"OK Mr Davidson, we got you on the list"

A few hours later...

John Jones walks in "hello, I'm John Jones, and I'm here to vote"

"OK Mr Jones, we got you on the list"

A few hours later....

Dave Davidson walks in: "hello, I'm Dave Davidson, and I'm here to vote"

"I'm sorry, Mr Davidson, we show that you have already voted, I'm afraid you can't vote because we have no way of proving you didn't vote"
Is that happening?
Don't know, my point was, its that easy for someone to commit voter fraud if all you have is a list, and someone's word that they are being honest about who they are.
I don't know. They ask a couple questions. What's your address for example. Anyways, you do realize if this happens it maybe happens once or twice in each state. Not even. So why are you so worried about this?

It's more likely you are just trying to make it harder for poor people to vote.

If someone is a registered voter they should be able to get an absentee ballot no reason needed and they should be able to mail in their vote. And I sort of liked it that because of the pandemic they mailed EVERYONE an absentee ballot. It showed a lot of people will vote if they can mail in vote.

If these new rules stopped a lot of Trump voters from voting I bet you wouldn't be pushing for these new voter laws. I bet you'd want to make it easier for them to vote. And then maybe I would be like you. I'd be against the masses voting because "they are stupid".

Sorry but picking a Republican or Democrat to lead isn't about being smart. For a rich person, it's smart to vote GOP. For a poor person, it's smart to vote Democratic. It's the GOP's responsibility to represent poor and stupid people too not just smart and rich people.
The people just above the working poor and just above them and the poor end up getting screwed over and over. Taxed/Inflation/etc. extra couple thousand here a couple of extra thousand there to give to those just below them and then they start to become the working poor and poor.
Instead of worrying about how helping the poor screws you, which it doesn't, consider it's the rich who are screwing you. Over the past few decades Republicans have given corporations and rich people tax breaks every chance they get. Meanwhile the gap between the rich and you is getting wider. And the gap between you and the poor is getting smaller. Don't blame poor people.

And I judge a society by how well it's middle class is doing and how poor their poor is. Not by how the top 1% is doing.

Remember our founders warned us about money corrupting our government. Clearly it has right? And the people who left England left this kind of system where the small ruling class ruled and the small merchant class was tiny and the masses were known as the rabble. We're turning back into that.

Me? I'm saving enough to retire at 65. 62 if I could get on medicare that young. But you can't. Too bad we don't have free government healthcare for people who want to retire early. Make room for the college kids who can't find work because people who are 61 can't afford to retire.

Ended with another false premise.
rule, regulation, or law that might simply confirm a voter's identity that those of you on the left wouldn't scream "racism!" over? Can those of you crowding to the left imagine any manner whatsoever that performed and/or was intended ONLY to ensure that a voter - any voter, every voter, regardless of race - is who he or she says he or she is that would not evoke cries of "racism!!!!!" from you?
IDs being racist is one thing, but the biggest issue is “gender”

IDs only allow 2 genders: male/female.
We all know now that there are more than 2 genders. Not only that but she and he are more appropriate terms than male and female

IDs are sexist!
In my area they have a paper list of all registered voters in the district. You walk in, they ask your name, you tell them, they cross off your name, you go vote.
Works great.
John Jones walks in: "hello, I'm Dave Davidson, and I'm here to vote"

"OK Mr Davidson, we got you on the list"

A few hours later...

John Jones walks in "hello, I'm John Jones, and I'm here to vote"

"OK Mr Jones, we got you on the list"

A few hours later....

Dave Davidson walks in: "hello, I'm Dave Davidson, and I'm here to vote"

"I'm sorry, Mr Davidson, we show that you have already voted, I'm afraid you can't vote because we have no way of proving you didn't vote"
Is that happening?
Don't know, my point was, its that easy for someone to commit voter fraud if all you have is a list, and someone's word that they are being honest about who they are.
I don't know. They ask a couple questions. What's your address for example. Anyways, you do realize if this happens it maybe happens once or twice in each state. Not even. So why are you so worried about this?

It's more likely you are just trying to make it harder for poor people to vote.

If someone is a registered voter they should be able to get an absentee ballot no reason needed and they should be able to mail in their vote. And I sort of liked it that because of the pandemic they mailed EVERYONE an absentee ballot. It showed a lot of people will vote if they can mail in vote.

If these new rules stopped a lot of Trump voters from voting I bet you wouldn't be pushing for these new voter laws. I bet you'd want to make it easier for them to vote. And then maybe I would be like you. I'd be against the masses voting because "they are stupid".

Sorry but picking a Republican or Democrat to lead isn't about being smart. For a rich person, it's smart to vote GOP. For a poor person, it's smart to vote Democratic. It's the GOP's responsibility to represent poor and stupid people too not just smart and rich people.
The people just above the working poor and just above them and the poor end up getting screwed over and over. Taxed/Inflation/etc. extra couple thousand here a couple of extra thousand there to give to those just below them and then they start to become the working poor and poor.

That's because corporations like Walmart and McDonald's pay so little that their workers require a second job AND food stamps to feed their families, while both corporations are booking record profits. In 2012, Walmart employees received $9 billion in income supplements, while Walmart was the second most profitable company in America. Had Walmart paid their workers just $100 per week more, per worker, their workers would have been paying taxes instead of receiving income supplements. Walmart would still have been one of the most profitable companies in America, but they wouldn't have been the second most profitable company in America.

In 2012, it was said that every American taxpayer contributed $2500 to Walmart's bottom line by subsidizing their minimum wage workforce, whether or not they ever bought anything from Walmart. When push came to shove, Walmart got a tax break, increasing their net profit, but their workers still didn't make enough to benefit from the tax cuts, and were still dependent on social programs to keep a roof over their heads.

That's not a viable economic model for a thriving economy. Walmart is America's largest employer. When your largest employers and most profitable companies don't pay enough to live on, while booking record profits, that's completely whack.
Why does a Canadian get it but Republicans don't?
In my area they have a paper list of all registered voters in the district. You walk in, they ask your name, you tell them, they cross off your name, you go vote.
Works great.
John Jones walks in: "hello, I'm Dave Davidson, and I'm here to vote"

"OK Mr Davidson, we got you on the list"

A few hours later...

John Jones walks in "hello, I'm John Jones, and I'm here to vote"

"OK Mr Jones, we got you on the list"

A few hours later....

Dave Davidson walks in: "hello, I'm Dave Davidson, and I'm here to vote"

"I'm sorry, Mr Davidson, we show that you have already voted, I'm afraid you can't vote because we have no way of proving you didn't vote"
Is that happening?
Don't know, my point was, its that easy for someone to commit voter fraud if all you have is a list, and someone's word that they are being honest about who they are.
I don't know. They ask a couple questions. What's your address for example. Anyways, you do realize if this happens it maybe happens once or twice in each state. Not even. So why are you so worried about this?

It's more likely you are just trying to make it harder for poor people to vote.

If someone is a registered voter they should be able to get an absentee ballot no reason needed and they should be able to mail in their vote. And I sort of liked it that because of the pandemic they mailed EVERYONE an absentee ballot. It showed a lot of people will vote if they can mail in vote.

If these new rules stopped a lot of Trump voters from voting I bet you wouldn't be pushing for these new voter laws. I bet you'd want to make it easier for them to vote. And then maybe I would be like you. I'd be against the masses voting because "they are stupid".

Sorry but picking a Republican or Democrat to lead isn't about being smart. For a rich person, it's smart to vote GOP. For a poor person, it's smart to vote Democratic. It's the GOP's responsibility to represent poor and stupid people too not just smart and rich people.
The people just above the working poor and just above them and the poor end up getting screwed over and over. Taxed/Inflation/etc. extra couple thousand here a couple of extra thousand there to give to those just below them and then they start to become the working poor and poor.
Instead of worrying about how helping the poor screws you, which it doesn't, consider it's the rich who are screwing you. Over the past few decades Republicans have given corporations and rich people tax breaks every chance they get. Meanwhile the gap between the rich and you is getting wider. And the gap between you and the poor is getting smaller. Don't blame poor people.

And I judge a society by how well it's middle class is doing and how poor their poor is. Not by how the top 1% is doing.

Remember our founders warned us about money corrupting our government. Clearly it has right? And the people who left England left this kind of system where the small ruling class ruled and the small merchant class was tiny and the masses were known as the rabble. We're turning back into that.

Me? I'm saving enough to retire at 65. 62 if I could get on medicare that young. But you can't. Too bad we don't have free government healthcare for people who want to retire early. Make room for the college kids who can't find work because people who are 61 can't afford to retire.

Ended with another false premise.
Can you point out what you think is false? Keep in mind my come back will be how do you know?
In my area they have a paper list of all registered voters in the district. You walk in, they ask your name, you tell them, they cross off your name, you go vote.
Works great.
John Jones walks in: "hello, I'm Dave Davidson, and I'm here to vote"

"OK Mr Davidson, we got you on the list"

A few hours later...

John Jones walks in "hello, I'm John Jones, and I'm here to vote"

"OK Mr Jones, we got you on the list"

A few hours later....

Dave Davidson walks in: "hello, I'm Dave Davidson, and I'm here to vote"

"I'm sorry, Mr Davidson, we show that you have already voted, I'm afraid you can't vote because we have no way of proving you didn't vote"
Is that happening?
Don't know, my point was, its that easy for someone to commit voter fraud if all you have is a list, and someone's word that they are being honest about who they are.
I don't know. They ask a couple questions. What's your address for example. Anyways, you do realize if this happens it maybe happens once or twice in each state. Not even. So why are you so worried about this?

It's more likely you are just trying to make it harder for poor people to vote.

If someone is a registered voter they should be able to get an absentee ballot no reason needed and they should be able to mail in their vote. And I sort of liked it that because of the pandemic they mailed EVERYONE an absentee ballot. It showed a lot of people will vote if they can mail in vote.

If these new rules stopped a lot of Trump voters from voting I bet you wouldn't be pushing for these new voter laws. I bet you'd want to make it easier for them to vote. And then maybe I would be like you. I'd be against the masses voting because "they are stupid".

Sorry but picking a Republican or Democrat to lead isn't about being smart. For a rich person, it's smart to vote GOP. For a poor person, it's smart to vote Democratic. It's the GOP's responsibility to represent poor and stupid people too not just smart and rich people.
No, its not about stopping poor people from voting, its about making sure legal people are voting.

So why are you so worried about this?

Why are you not worried about this? Do you not want to make sure that only legal and legitimate votes are counted?

And I sort of liked it that because of the pandemic they mailed EVERYONE an absentee ballot. It showed a lot of people will vote if they can mail in vote.

Sure, its convenient, but surely you can see the flaw in blindly sending out millions of ballots, especially when you don't allow voter role purges. Many ballots will find their way to the wrong people, former addresses, people who have died, and some people will use that as a way to commit fraud because they will send those illegitimate ballots back in, and nobody will ever be able to catch them.
Nobody has a problem with continuous monitoring of voter roles and having an open, fair, and defined procedure for removing those not eligible, but a last minute purge of all "John Smith's" just because one John Smith moved or died, and no opportunity for those purged to find out until it is too late won't be tolerated.
Are voter roles purged that way? I thought they purged suspected outdated and erroneous listing, and gave you an opportunity to reassert the validity of your status.

In red states, the rolls were being purged within weeks of elections, with no notification. They simply deleted the names of people who hadn't voted in the past so many elections, in September for a November election.

While voter rolls should be purged regularly, it should be done with proper notification that your name is about to be deleted, and a time frame for you to notify them not to delete you. The process needs to be done BETWEEN elections, and no deletions should occur with 6 months of an election date.

In Canada, I just check a box on my income tax filing, and I'm registered to vote. Rev Canada knows my citizenship, and they register me. When I moved just before an election, I took my proof of citizenship (birth certificate, and my electric bill to show residency) to the polling station, and registered on the spot to vote.

Rev Canada knows my citizenship,

Great, so your citizenship is known.

When I moved just before an election, I took my proof of citizenship (birth certificate, and my electric bill to show residency) to the polling station, and registered on the spot to vote.

Again, you are having to provide proof of citizenship, something they are trying to avoid here.

If you could, would you post some links to the stories of red states purging voters roles just weeks before election and not giving people an opportunity to reassert their status? I'd like to read them.
In my area they have a paper list of all registered voters in the district. You walk in, they ask your name, you tell them, they cross off your name, you go vote.
Works great.
John Jones walks in: "hello, I'm Dave Davidson, and I'm here to vote"

"OK Mr Davidson, we got you on the list"

A few hours later...

John Jones walks in "hello, I'm John Jones, and I'm here to vote"

"OK Mr Jones, we got you on the list"

A few hours later....

Dave Davidson walks in: "hello, I'm Dave Davidson, and I'm here to vote"

"I'm sorry, Mr Davidson, we show that you have already voted, I'm afraid you can't vote because we have no way of proving you didn't vote"
Is that happening?
Don't know, my point was, its that easy for someone to commit voter fraud if all you have is a list, and someone's word that they are being honest about who they are.
I don't know. They ask a couple questions. What's your address for example. Anyways, you do realize if this happens it maybe happens once or twice in each state. Not even. So why are you so worried about this?

It's more likely you are just trying to make it harder for poor people to vote.

If someone is a registered voter they should be able to get an absentee ballot no reason needed and they should be able to mail in their vote. And I sort of liked it that because of the pandemic they mailed EVERYONE an absentee ballot. It showed a lot of people will vote if they can mail in vote.

If these new rules stopped a lot of Trump voters from voting I bet you wouldn't be pushing for these new voter laws. I bet you'd want to make it easier for them to vote. And then maybe I would be like you. I'd be against the masses voting because "they are stupid".

Sorry but picking a Republican or Democrat to lead isn't about being smart. For a rich person, it's smart to vote GOP. For a poor person, it's smart to vote Democratic. It's the GOP's responsibility to represent poor and stupid people too not just smart and rich people.
No, its not about stopping poor people from voting, its about making sure legal people are voting.

So why are you so worried about this?

Why are you not worried about this? Do you not want to make sure that only legal and legitimate votes are counted?

And I sort of liked it that because of the pandemic they mailed EVERYONE an absentee ballot. It showed a lot of people will vote if they can mail in vote.

Sure, its convenient, but surely you can see the flaw in blindly sending out millions of ballots, especially when you don't allow voter role purges. Many ballots will find their way to the wrong people, former addresses, people who have died, and some people will use that as a way to commit fraud because they will send those illegitimate ballots back in, and nobody will ever be able to catch them.
If this kind of cheating were possible Republicans would be doing it.
Then why are Republicans trying to stop it and democrats are encouraging it?
In my area they have a paper list of all registered voters in the district. You walk in, they ask your name, you tell them, they cross off your name, you go vote.
Works great.
John Jones walks in: "hello, I'm Dave Davidson, and I'm here to vote"

"OK Mr Davidson, we got you on the list"

A few hours later...

John Jones walks in "hello, I'm John Jones, and I'm here to vote"

"OK Mr Jones, we got you on the list"

A few hours later....

Dave Davidson walks in: "hello, I'm Dave Davidson, and I'm here to vote"

"I'm sorry, Mr Davidson, we show that you have already voted, I'm afraid you can't vote because we have no way of proving you didn't vote"
Is that happening?
Don't know, my point was, its that easy for someone to commit voter fraud if all you have is a list, and someone's word that they are being honest about who they are.
I don't know. They ask a couple questions. What's your address for example. Anyways, you do realize if this happens it maybe happens once or twice in each state. Not even. So why are you so worried about this?

It's more likely you are just trying to make it harder for poor people to vote.

If someone is a registered voter they should be able to get an absentee ballot no reason needed and they should be able to mail in their vote. And I sort of liked it that because of the pandemic they mailed EVERYONE an absentee ballot. It showed a lot of people will vote if they can mail in vote.

If these new rules stopped a lot of Trump voters from voting I bet you wouldn't be pushing for these new voter laws. I bet you'd want to make it easier for them to vote. And then maybe I would be like you. I'd be against the masses voting because "they are stupid".

Sorry but picking a Republican or Democrat to lead isn't about being smart. For a rich person, it's smart to vote GOP. For a poor person, it's smart to vote Democratic. It's the GOP's responsibility to represent poor and stupid people too not just smart and rich people.
No, its not about stopping poor people from voting, its about making sure legal people are voting.

So why are you so worried about this?

Why are you not worried about this? Do you not want to make sure that only legal and legitimate votes are counted?

And I sort of liked it that because of the pandemic they mailed EVERYONE an absentee ballot. It showed a lot of people will vote if they can mail in vote.

Sure, its convenient, but surely you can see the flaw in blindly sending out millions of ballots, especially when you don't allow voter role purges. Many ballots will find their way to the wrong people, former addresses, people who have died, and some people will use that as a way to commit fraud because they will send those illegitimate ballots back in, and nobody will ever be able to catch them.
Nobody has a problem with continuous monitoring of voter roles and having an open, fair, and defined procedure for removing those not eligible, but a last minute purge of all "John Smith's" just because one John Smith moved or died, and no opportunity for those purged to find out until it is too late won't be tolerated.
Are voter roles purged that way? I thought they purged suspected outdated and erroneous listing, and gave you an opportunity to reassert the validity of your status.

In red states, the rolls were being purged within weeks of elections, with no notification. They simply deleted the names of people who hadn't voted in the past so many elections, in September for a November election.

While voter rolls should be purged regularly, it should be done with proper notification that your name is about to be deleted, and a time frame for you to notify them not to delete you. The process needs to be done BETWEEN elections, and no deletions should occur with 6 months of an election date.

In Canada, I just check a box on my income tax filing, and I'm registered to vote. Rev Canada knows my citizenship, and they register me. When I moved just before an election, I took my proof of citizenship (birth certificate, and my electric bill to show residency) to the polling station, and registered on the spot to vote.
Republicans know these efforts are to screw people out of their right to vote. RIGHT. And Republicans are always complaining Democrats are trying to take away our rights. HA!
And that assumption would be wrong. Republicans have been saying from the beginning that all they want is to make sure all voters are legally eligible to vote, and to close any avenue tonvoter fraud.

I've yet to see one republican say they want to inhibit anyone who is legally eligible.

The left, however, won't accept that. The media says its to prevent voting, so that must be the answer.
In my area they have a paper list of all registered voters in the district. You walk in, they ask your name, you tell them, they cross off your name, you go vote.
Works great.
John Jones walks in: "hello, I'm Dave Davidson, and I'm here to vote"

"OK Mr Davidson, we got you on the list"

A few hours later...

John Jones walks in "hello, I'm John Jones, and I'm here to vote"

"OK Mr Jones, we got you on the list"

A few hours later....

Dave Davidson walks in: "hello, I'm Dave Davidson, and I'm here to vote"

"I'm sorry, Mr Davidson, we show that you have already voted, I'm afraid you can't vote because we have no way of proving you didn't vote"
Is that happening?
Don't know, my point was, its that easy for someone to commit voter fraud if all you have is a list, and someone's word that they are being honest about who they are.
I don't know. They ask a couple questions. What's your address for example. Anyways, you do realize if this happens it maybe happens once or twice in each state. Not even. So why are you so worried about this?

It's more likely you are just trying to make it harder for poor people to vote.

If someone is a registered voter they should be able to get an absentee ballot no reason needed and they should be able to mail in their vote. And I sort of liked it that because of the pandemic they mailed EVERYONE an absentee ballot. It showed a lot of people will vote if they can mail in vote.

If these new rules stopped a lot of Trump voters from voting I bet you wouldn't be pushing for these new voter laws. I bet you'd want to make it easier for them to vote. And then maybe I would be like you. I'd be against the masses voting because "they are stupid".

Sorry but picking a Republican or Democrat to lead isn't about being smart. For a rich person, it's smart to vote GOP. For a poor person, it's smart to vote Democratic. It's the GOP's responsibility to represent poor and stupid people too not just smart and rich people.
No, its not about stopping poor people from voting, its about making sure legal people are voting.

So why are you so worried about this?

Why are you not worried about this? Do you not want to make sure that only legal and legitimate votes are counted?

And I sort of liked it that because of the pandemic they mailed EVERYONE an absentee ballot. It showed a lot of people will vote if they can mail in vote.

Sure, its convenient, but surely you can see the flaw in blindly sending out millions of ballots, especially when you don't allow voter role purges. Many ballots will find their way to the wrong people, former addresses, people who have died, and some people will use that as a way to commit fraud because they will send those illegitimate ballots back in, and nobody will ever be able to catch them.

1. Voter purges are not only allowed, they're encouraged. But like all things, the devil is in the details. Purges without notification, and done close to elections are barred. Ongoing purges of names with notifications being mailed out, and a reasonable time frame for the voter to respond, a second and "final notice" of purge, all done with no names being removed within 6 months of an election, should be SOP.

2. All mail in ballots require ID. The difference between Dems and Republicans, is that Dems will accept all forms of ID, and Republicans want very limited forms of ID and verifications, which are designed to limit specific blocks of voters.

3. Mail in voting has been in place since the Civil War. There has never been any cases of significant voter fraud using mail in ballots.

4. In the instances where there have been large cases of voter fraud, the voter ID laws being proposed by Republicans would have had absolutely no impact in preventing these voter fraud cases.
Ongoing purges of names with notifications being mailed out, and a reasonable time frame for the voter to respond, a second and "final notice" of purge, all done with no names being removed within 6 months of an election, should be SOP.

I'm all for giving people enough time to respond to a purge notice. No argument there, but, if they send you multiple notices and you fail to respond, you can't blame that on the system.

The difference between Dems and Republicans, is that Dems will accept all forms of ID, and Republicans want very limited forms of ID and verifications, which are designed to limit specific blocks of voters.

I'll be honest, I agree that we should not accept ALL forms of ID. Its too easy to fake an ID these days. I think the form of ID should be a legal, verified ID, such as a DL, or other state or government issued ID. For those that have trouble acquiring one of these ID, I think the state should help them get it, and it should be free.

Mail in voting has been in place since the Civil War. There has never been any cases of significant voter fraud using mail in ballots.

Only in select areas and in most cases its a "by request" absentee ballot. There has never been a nation wide mass ballot mailing such as the dems are suggesting.
In my area they have a paper list of all registered voters in the district. You walk in, they ask your name, you tell them, they cross off your name, you go vote.
Works great.
John Jones walks in: "hello, I'm Dave Davidson, and I'm here to vote"

"OK Mr Davidson, we got you on the list"

A few hours later...

John Jones walks in "hello, I'm John Jones, and I'm here to vote"

"OK Mr Jones, we got you on the list"

A few hours later....

Dave Davidson walks in: "hello, I'm Dave Davidson, and I'm here to vote"

"I'm sorry, Mr Davidson, we show that you have already voted, I'm afraid you can't vote because we have no way of proving you didn't vote"
Is that happening?
Don't know, my point was, its that easy for someone to commit voter fraud if all you have is a list, and someone's word that they are being honest about who they are.
I don't know. They ask a couple questions. What's your address for example. Anyways, you do realize if this happens it maybe happens once or twice in each state. Not even. So why are you so worried about this?

It's more likely you are just trying to make it harder for poor people to vote.

If someone is a registered voter they should be able to get an absentee ballot no reason needed and they should be able to mail in their vote. And I sort of liked it that because of the pandemic they mailed EVERYONE an absentee ballot. It showed a lot of people will vote if they can mail in vote.

If these new rules stopped a lot of Trump voters from voting I bet you wouldn't be pushing for these new voter laws. I bet you'd want to make it easier for them to vote. And then maybe I would be like you. I'd be against the masses voting because "they are stupid".

Sorry but picking a Republican or Democrat to lead isn't about being smart. For a rich person, it's smart to vote GOP. For a poor person, it's smart to vote Democratic. It's the GOP's responsibility to represent poor and stupid people too not just smart and rich people.
No, its not about stopping poor people from voting, its about making sure legal people are voting.

So why are you so worried about this?

Why are you not worried about this? Do you not want to make sure that only legal and legitimate votes are counted?

And I sort of liked it that because of the pandemic they mailed EVERYONE an absentee ballot. It showed a lot of people will vote if they can mail in vote.

Sure, its convenient, but surely you can see the flaw in blindly sending out millions of ballots, especially when you don't allow voter role purges. Many ballots will find their way to the wrong people, former addresses, people who have died, and some people will use that as a way to commit fraud because they will send those illegitimate ballots back in, and nobody will ever be able to catch them.
Nobody has a problem with continuous monitoring of voter roles and having an open, fair, and defined procedure for removing those not eligible, but a last minute purge of all "John Smith's" just because one John Smith moved or died, and no opportunity for those purged to find out until it is too late won't be tolerated.
Are voter roles purged that way? I thought they purged suspected outdated and erroneous listing, and gave you an opportunity to reassert the validity of your status.

In red states, the rolls were being purged within weeks of elections, with no notification. They simply deleted the names of people who hadn't voted in the past so many elections, in September for a November election.

While voter rolls should be purged regularly, it should be done with proper notification that your name is about to be deleted, and a time frame for you to notify them not to delete you. The process needs to be done BETWEEN elections, and no deletions should occur with 6 months of an election date.

In Canada, I just check a box on my income tax filing, and I'm registered to vote. Rev Canada knows my citizenship, and they register me. When I moved just before an election, I took my proof of citizenship (birth certificate, and my electric bill to show residency) to the polling station, and registered on the spot to vote.

Rev Canada knows my citizenship,

Great, so your citizenship is known.

When I moved just before an election, I took my proof of citizenship (birth certificate, and my electric bill to show residency) to the polling station, and registered on the spot to vote.

Again, you are having to provide proof of citizenship, something they are trying to avoid here.

If you could, would you post some links to the stories of red states purging voters roles just weeks before election and not giving people an opportunity to reassert their status? I'd like to read them.
You deny Republicans have purged voter roles close to elections? Now we have to go digging to find when they tried that? What will that change for you if we show you they did that?
Republicans know these efforts are to screw people out of their right to vote. RIGHT. And Republicans are always complaining Democrats are trying to take away our rights.
Gun laws are trying to screw us out of our right to arms.

Pick a side.
I won't infringe on your right to bear arms you don't infringe on people's right to vote.

Funny, you guys don't want background checks for people who want to buy a gun but vote, you have to show the government your government issued ID. Interesting.
In my area they have a paper list of all registered voters in the district. You walk in, they ask your name, you tell them, they cross off your name, you go vote.
Works great.
John Jones walks in: "hello, I'm Dave Davidson, and I'm here to vote"

"OK Mr Davidson, we got you on the list"

A few hours later...

John Jones walks in "hello, I'm John Jones, and I'm here to vote"

"OK Mr Jones, we got you on the list"

A few hours later....

Dave Davidson walks in: "hello, I'm Dave Davidson, and I'm here to vote"

"I'm sorry, Mr Davidson, we show that you have already voted, I'm afraid you can't vote because we have no way of proving you didn't vote"
Is that happening?
Don't know, my point was, its that easy for someone to commit voter fraud if all you have is a list, and someone's word that they are being honest about who they are.
I don't know. They ask a couple questions. What's your address for example. Anyways, you do realize if this happens it maybe happens once or twice in each state. Not even. So why are you so worried about this?

It's more likely you are just trying to make it harder for poor people to vote.

If someone is a registered voter they should be able to get an absentee ballot no reason needed and they should be able to mail in their vote. And I sort of liked it that because of the pandemic they mailed EVERYONE an absentee ballot. It showed a lot of people will vote if they can mail in vote.

If these new rules stopped a lot of Trump voters from voting I bet you wouldn't be pushing for these new voter laws. I bet you'd want to make it easier for them to vote. And then maybe I would be like you. I'd be against the masses voting because "they are stupid".

Sorry but picking a Republican or Democrat to lead isn't about being smart. For a rich person, it's smart to vote GOP. For a poor person, it's smart to vote Democratic. It's the GOP's responsibility to represent poor and stupid people too not just smart and rich people.
No, its not about stopping poor people from voting, its about making sure legal people are voting.

So why are you so worried about this?

Why are you not worried about this? Do you not want to make sure that only legal and legitimate votes are counted?

And I sort of liked it that because of the pandemic they mailed EVERYONE an absentee ballot. It showed a lot of people will vote if they can mail in vote.

Sure, its convenient, but surely you can see the flaw in blindly sending out millions of ballots, especially when you don't allow voter role purges. Many ballots will find their way to the wrong people, former addresses, people who have died, and some people will use that as a way to commit fraud because they will send those illegitimate ballots back in, and nobody will ever be able to catch them.

1. Voter purges are not only allowed, they're encouraged. But like all things, the devil is in the details. Purges without notification, and done close to elections are barred. Ongoing purges of names with notifications being mailed out, and a reasonable time frame for the voter to respond, a second and "final notice" of purge, all done with no names being removed within 6 months of an election, should be SOP.

2. All mail in ballots require ID. The difference between Dems and Republicans, is that Dems will accept all forms of ID, and Republicans want very limited forms of ID and verifications, which are designed to limit specific blocks of voters.

3. Mail in voting has been in place since the Civil War. There has never been any cases of significant voter fraud using mail in ballots.

4. In the instances where there have been large cases of voter fraud, the voter ID laws being proposed by Republicans would have had absolutely no impact in preventing these voter fraud cases.
Ongoing purges of names with notifications being mailed out, and a reasonable time frame for the voter to respond, a second and "final notice" of purge, all done with no names being removed within 6 months of an election, should be SOP.

I'm all for giving people enough time to respond to a purge notice. No argument there, but, if they send you multiple notices and you fail to respond, you can't blame that on the system.

The difference between Dems and Republicans, is that Dems will accept all forms of ID, and Republicans want very limited forms of ID and verifications, which are designed to limit specific blocks of voters.

I'll be honest, I agree that we should not accept ALL forms of ID. Its too easy to fake an ID these days. I think the form of ID should be a legal, verified ID, such as a DL, or other state or government issued ID. For those that have trouble acquiring one of these ID, I think the state should help them get it, and it should be free.

Mail in voting has been in place since the Civil War. There has never been any cases of significant voter fraud using mail in ballots.

Only in select areas and in most cases its a "by request" absentee ballot. There has never been a nation wide mass ballot mailing such as the dems are suggesting.
Another interesting thought I just had on Republican hypocrisy. Every time we find an illegal employer Republicans defend them saying they were shown fake id's and there is no way for them to know the ID's weren't real.

So if it's so easy for illegals to get fake id's that employers accept, why wouldn't poll workers accept their fake id's too?

Makes me think even more that this is just an unnecessary step or hoop Republicans are trying to make people jump through in order to vote, because they don't want them to vote. They want to make it harder so less people vote.
rule, regulation, or law that might simply confirm a voter's identity that those of you on the left wouldn't scream "racism!" over? Can those of you crowding to the left imagine any manner whatsoever that performed and/or was intended ONLY to ensure that a voter - any voter, every voter, regardless of race - is who he or she says he or she is that would not evoke cries of "racism!!!!!" from you?
Blacks shouldn't be allowed to vote. They are way too ignorant.
In my area they have a paper list of all registered voters in the district. You walk in, they ask your name, you tell them, they cross off your name, you go vote.
Works great.
John Jones walks in: "hello, I'm Dave Davidson, and I'm here to vote"

"OK Mr Davidson, we got you on the list"

A few hours later...

John Jones walks in "hello, I'm John Jones, and I'm here to vote"

"OK Mr Jones, we got you on the list"

A few hours later....

Dave Davidson walks in: "hello, I'm Dave Davidson, and I'm here to vote"

"I'm sorry, Mr Davidson, we show that you have already voted, I'm afraid you can't vote because we have no way of proving you didn't vote"
Is that happening?
Don't know, my point was, its that easy for someone to commit voter fraud if all you have is a list, and someone's word that they are being honest about who they are.
I don't know. They ask a couple questions. What's your address for example. Anyways, you do realize if this happens it maybe happens once or twice in each state. Not even. So why are you so worried about this?

It's more likely you are just trying to make it harder for poor people to vote.

If someone is a registered voter they should be able to get an absentee ballot no reason needed and they should be able to mail in their vote. And I sort of liked it that because of the pandemic they mailed EVERYONE an absentee ballot. It showed a lot of people will vote if they can mail in vote.

If these new rules stopped a lot of Trump voters from voting I bet you wouldn't be pushing for these new voter laws. I bet you'd want to make it easier for them to vote. And then maybe I would be like you. I'd be against the masses voting because "they are stupid".

Sorry but picking a Republican or Democrat to lead isn't about being smart. For a rich person, it's smart to vote GOP. For a poor person, it's smart to vote Democratic. It's the GOP's responsibility to represent poor and stupid people too not just smart and rich people.
No, its not about stopping poor people from voting, its about making sure legal people are voting.

So why are you so worried about this?

Why are you not worried about this? Do you not want to make sure that only legal and legitimate votes are counted?

And I sort of liked it that because of the pandemic they mailed EVERYONE an absentee ballot. It showed a lot of people will vote if they can mail in vote.

Sure, its convenient, but surely you can see the flaw in blindly sending out millions of ballots, especially when you don't allow voter role purges. Many ballots will find their way to the wrong people, former addresses, people who have died, and some people will use that as a way to commit fraud because they will send those illegitimate ballots back in, and nobody will ever be able to catch them.

1. Voter purges are not only allowed, they're encouraged. But like all things, the devil is in the details. Purges without notification, and done close to elections are barred. Ongoing purges of names with notifications being mailed out, and a reasonable time frame for the voter to respond, a second and "final notice" of purge, all done with no names being removed within 6 months of an election, should be SOP.

2. All mail in ballots require ID. The difference between Dems and Republicans, is that Dems will accept all forms of ID, and Republicans want very limited forms of ID and verifications, which are designed to limit specific blocks of voters.

3. Mail in voting has been in place since the Civil War. There has never been any cases of significant voter fraud using mail in ballots.

4. In the instances where there have been large cases of voter fraud, the voter ID laws being proposed by Republicans would have had absolutely no impact in preventing these voter fraud cases.
Ongoing purges of names with notifications being mailed out, and a reasonable time frame for the voter to respond, a second and "final notice" of purge, all done with no names being removed within 6 months of an election, should be SOP.

I'm all for giving people enough time to respond to a purge notice. No argument there, but, if they send you multiple notices and you fail to respond, you can't blame that on the system.

The difference between Dems and Republicans, is that Dems will accept all forms of ID, and Republicans want very limited forms of ID and verifications, which are designed to limit specific blocks of voters.

I'll be honest, I agree that we should not accept ALL forms of ID. Its too easy to fake an ID these days. I think the form of ID should be a legal, verified ID, such as a DL, or other state or government issued ID. For those that have trouble acquiring one of these ID, I think the state should help them get it, and it should be free.

Mail in voting has been in place since the Civil War. There has never been any cases of significant voter fraud using mail in ballots.

Only in select areas and in most cases its a "by request" absentee ballot. There has never been a nation wide mass ballot mailing such as the dems are suggesting.

The issue with the voter purges is that "True the Vote" would come in a few weeks before the election, and just strike names off the rolls, with no notice and no appeal period. If you send a notice, with a reasonable appeal period, and a final notice, with no response, yes, by all means purge the name. But do ALL of the steps, and don't do ANY purges within 3 months before a national election.

As for voter ID, again, any government issued ID should do. But please remember that there has never been a case of major voter fraud that voter ID, of the types proposed by Republicans, would have solved, so there is an awful lot of effort being put special forms of voter ID to solve a problem that doesn't exist.

Just like Republicans have brought forth more than 200 laws to restrict voting and prevent fraud, after the safest and most honest election in US history, there are more new voting laws now being proposed than there has been since the Jim Crow era!

The purpose of Jim Crow laws was to keep black people from voting. Imagine that!!
In my area they have a paper list of all registered voters in the district. You walk in, they ask your name, you tell them, they cross off your name, you go vote.
Works great.
John Jones walks in: "hello, I'm Dave Davidson, and I'm here to vote"

"OK Mr Davidson, we got you on the list"

A few hours later...

John Jones walks in "hello, I'm John Jones, and I'm here to vote"

"OK Mr Jones, we got you on the list"

A few hours later....

Dave Davidson walks in: "hello, I'm Dave Davidson, and I'm here to vote"

"I'm sorry, Mr Davidson, we show that you have already voted, I'm afraid you can't vote because we have no way of proving you didn't vote"
Is that happening?
Don't know, my point was, its that easy for someone to commit voter fraud if all you have is a list, and someone's word that they are being honest about who they are.
I don't know. They ask a couple questions. What's your address for example. Anyways, you do realize if this happens it maybe happens once or twice in each state. Not even. So why are you so worried about this?

It's more likely you are just trying to make it harder for poor people to vote.

If someone is a registered voter they should be able to get an absentee ballot no reason needed and they should be able to mail in their vote. And I sort of liked it that because of the pandemic they mailed EVERYONE an absentee ballot. It showed a lot of people will vote if they can mail in vote.

If these new rules stopped a lot of Trump voters from voting I bet you wouldn't be pushing for these new voter laws. I bet you'd want to make it easier for them to vote. And then maybe I would be like you. I'd be against the masses voting because "they are stupid".

Sorry but picking a Republican or Democrat to lead isn't about being smart. For a rich person, it's smart to vote GOP. For a poor person, it's smart to vote Democratic. It's the GOP's responsibility to represent poor and stupid people too not just smart and rich people.
No, its not about stopping poor people from voting, its about making sure legal people are voting.

So why are you so worried about this?

Why are you not worried about this? Do you not want to make sure that only legal and legitimate votes are counted?

And I sort of liked it that because of the pandemic they mailed EVERYONE an absentee ballot. It showed a lot of people will vote if they can mail in vote.

Sure, its convenient, but surely you can see the flaw in blindly sending out millions of ballots, especially when you don't allow voter role purges. Many ballots will find their way to the wrong people, former addresses, people who have died, and some people will use that as a way to commit fraud because they will send those illegitimate ballots back in, and nobody will ever be able to catch them.
Nobody has a problem with continuous monitoring of voter roles and having an open, fair, and defined procedure for removing those not eligible, but a last minute purge of all "John Smith's" just because one John Smith moved or died, and no opportunity for those purged to find out until it is too late won't be tolerated.
Are voter roles purged that way? I thought they purged suspected outdated and erroneous listing, and gave you an opportunity to reassert the validity of your status.

In red states, the rolls were being purged within weeks of elections, with no notification. They simply deleted the names of people who hadn't voted in the past so many elections, in September for a November election.

While voter rolls should be purged regularly, it should be done with proper notification that your name is about to be deleted, and a time frame for you to notify them not to delete you. The process needs to be done BETWEEN elections, and no deletions should occur with 6 months of an election date.

In Canada, I just check a box on my income tax filing, and I'm registered to vote. Rev Canada knows my citizenship, and they register me. When I moved just before an election, I took my proof of citizenship (birth certificate, and my electric bill to show residency) to the polling station, and registered on the spot to vote.

Rev Canada knows my citizenship,

Great, so your citizenship is known.

When I moved just before an election, I took my proof of citizenship (birth certificate, and my electric bill to show residency) to the polling station, and registered on the spot to vote.

Again, you are having to provide proof of citizenship, something they are trying to avoid here.

If you could, would you post some links to the stories of red states purging voters roles just weeks before election and not giving people an opportunity to reassert their status? I'd like to read them.
You deny Republicans have purged voter roles close to elections? Now we have to go digging to find when they tried that? What will that change for you if we show you they did that?
No, I'm not denying anything. I want to read the stories about where a state purged voter roles close to an election without giving voters ample opportunity to verify their status.

Yes, I'm skeptical, because, often, when someone makes a claim like that, it usually turns out to not be exactly as they claim. I did a quick search of "voter roles purged close to election" and didn't really see much in the way of results. With most media being lefty driven, I would have figured that search would pop up many stories, but didn't seem to be any matching that query. Mostly just stories from years gone by about normal voter role purges.

So, yes ,I asked for a link to some stories showing where red states purposely purged voter roles, and then didn't give the citizens an opportunity to reaffirm their eligibility.
In my area they have a paper list of all registered voters in the district. You walk in, they ask your name, you tell them, they cross off your name, you go vote.
Works great.
John Jones walks in: "hello, I'm Dave Davidson, and I'm here to vote"

"OK Mr Davidson, we got you on the list"

A few hours later...

John Jones walks in "hello, I'm John Jones, and I'm here to vote"

"OK Mr Jones, we got you on the list"

A few hours later....

Dave Davidson walks in: "hello, I'm Dave Davidson, and I'm here to vote"

"I'm sorry, Mr Davidson, we show that you have already voted, I'm afraid you can't vote because we have no way of proving you didn't vote"
Is that happening?
Don't know, my point was, its that easy for someone to commit voter fraud if all you have is a list, and someone's word that they are being honest about who they are.
I don't know. They ask a couple questions. What's your address for example. Anyways, you do realize if this happens it maybe happens once or twice in each state. Not even. So why are you so worried about this?

It's more likely you are just trying to make it harder for poor people to vote.

If someone is a registered voter they should be able to get an absentee ballot no reason needed and they should be able to mail in their vote. And I sort of liked it that because of the pandemic they mailed EVERYONE an absentee ballot. It showed a lot of people will vote if they can mail in vote.

If these new rules stopped a lot of Trump voters from voting I bet you wouldn't be pushing for these new voter laws. I bet you'd want to make it easier for them to vote. And then maybe I would be like you. I'd be against the masses voting because "they are stupid".

Sorry but picking a Republican or Democrat to lead isn't about being smart. For a rich person, it's smart to vote GOP. For a poor person, it's smart to vote Democratic. It's the GOP's responsibility to represent poor and stupid people too not just smart and rich people.
No, its not about stopping poor people from voting, its about making sure legal people are voting.

So why are you so worried about this?

Why are you not worried about this? Do you not want to make sure that only legal and legitimate votes are counted?

And I sort of liked it that because of the pandemic they mailed EVERYONE an absentee ballot. It showed a lot of people will vote if they can mail in vote.

Sure, its convenient, but surely you can see the flaw in blindly sending out millions of ballots, especially when you don't allow voter role purges. Many ballots will find their way to the wrong people, former addresses, people who have died, and some people will use that as a way to commit fraud because they will send those illegitimate ballots back in, and nobody will ever be able to catch them.

1. Voter purges are not only allowed, they're encouraged. But like all things, the devil is in the details. Purges without notification, and done close to elections are barred. Ongoing purges of names with notifications being mailed out, and a reasonable time frame for the voter to respond, a second and "final notice" of purge, all done with no names being removed within 6 months of an election, should be SOP.

2. All mail in ballots require ID. The difference between Dems and Republicans, is that Dems will accept all forms of ID, and Republicans want very limited forms of ID and verifications, which are designed to limit specific blocks of voters.

3. Mail in voting has been in place since the Civil War. There has never been any cases of significant voter fraud using mail in ballots.

4. In the instances where there have been large cases of voter fraud, the voter ID laws being proposed by Republicans would have had absolutely no impact in preventing these voter fraud cases.
Ongoing purges of names with notifications being mailed out, and a reasonable time frame for the voter to respond, a second and "final notice" of purge, all done with no names being removed within 6 months of an election, should be SOP.

I'm all for giving people enough time to respond to a purge notice. No argument there, but, if they send you multiple notices and you fail to respond, you can't blame that on the system.

The difference between Dems and Republicans, is that Dems will accept all forms of ID, and Republicans want very limited forms of ID and verifications, which are designed to limit specific blocks of voters.

I'll be honest, I agree that we should not accept ALL forms of ID. Its too easy to fake an ID these days. I think the form of ID should be a legal, verified ID, such as a DL, or other state or government issued ID. For those that have trouble acquiring one of these ID, I think the state should help them get it, and it should be free.

Mail in voting has been in place since the Civil War. There has never been any cases of significant voter fraud using mail in ballots.

Only in select areas and in most cases its a "by request" absentee ballot. There has never been a nation wide mass ballot mailing such as the dems are suggesting.
Another interesting thought I just had on Republican hypocrisy. Every time we find an illegal employer Republicans defend them saying they were shown fake id's and there is no way for them to know the ID's weren't real.

So if it's so easy for illegals to get fake id's that employers accept, why wouldn't poll workers accept their fake id's too?

Makes me think even more that this is just an unnecessary step or hoop Republicans are trying to make people jump through in order to vote, because they don't want them to vote. They want to make it harder so less people vote.
What employers are you referring to?

So if it's so easy for illegals to get fake id's that employers accept, why wouldn't poll workers accept their fake id's too?

Thats a good point. Its why I'm not in favor of allowing any and all IDs as verification, but a specific ID, that you have to.prove your citizenship to acquire and if you have a hard time getting the ID the state can assist you in finding the appropriate documents to prove your citizenship.

And no, don't want to make it harder for legal citizens to vote, just want to make it so that only citizens can vote, and that no dead people, dogs, or people who get someone else's ballot in the mail are able to vote.

Why does the left keep insisting its about voter suppression? I've yet to hear anyone from the right say they wanted to prevent people from voting. Only YOU folks are saying that.
In my area they have a paper list of all registered voters in the district. You walk in, they ask your name, you tell them, they cross off your name, you go vote.
Works great.
John Jones walks in: "hello, I'm Dave Davidson, and I'm here to vote"

"OK Mr Davidson, we got you on the list"

A few hours later...

John Jones walks in "hello, I'm John Jones, and I'm here to vote"

"OK Mr Jones, we got you on the list"

A few hours later....

Dave Davidson walks in: "hello, I'm Dave Davidson, and I'm here to vote"

"I'm sorry, Mr Davidson, we show that you have already voted, I'm afraid you can't vote because we have no way of proving you didn't vote"
Is that happening?
Don't know, my point was, its that easy for someone to commit voter fraud if all you have is a list, and someone's word that they are being honest about who they are.
I don't know. They ask a couple questions. What's your address for example. Anyways, you do realize if this happens it maybe happens once or twice in each state. Not even. So why are you so worried about this?

It's more likely you are just trying to make it harder for poor people to vote.

If someone is a registered voter they should be able to get an absentee ballot no reason needed and they should be able to mail in their vote. And I sort of liked it that because of the pandemic they mailed EVERYONE an absentee ballot. It showed a lot of people will vote if they can mail in vote.

If these new rules stopped a lot of Trump voters from voting I bet you wouldn't be pushing for these new voter laws. I bet you'd want to make it easier for them to vote. And then maybe I would be like you. I'd be against the masses voting because "they are stupid".

Sorry but picking a Republican or Democrat to lead isn't about being smart. For a rich person, it's smart to vote GOP. For a poor person, it's smart to vote Democratic. It's the GOP's responsibility to represent poor and stupid people too not just smart and rich people.
No, its not about stopping poor people from voting, its about making sure legal people are voting.

So why are you so worried about this?

Why are you not worried about this? Do you not want to make sure that only legal and legitimate votes are counted?

And I sort of liked it that because of the pandemic they mailed EVERYONE an absentee ballot. It showed a lot of people will vote if they can mail in vote.

Sure, its convenient, but surely you can see the flaw in blindly sending out millions of ballots, especially when you don't allow voter role purges. Many ballots will find their way to the wrong people, former addresses, people who have died, and some people will use that as a way to commit fraud because they will send those illegitimate ballots back in, and nobody will ever be able to catch them.

1. Voter purges are not only allowed, they're encouraged. But like all things, the devil is in the details. Purges without notification, and done close to elections are barred. Ongoing purges of names with notifications being mailed out, and a reasonable time frame for the voter to respond, a second and "final notice" of purge, all done with no names being removed within 6 months of an election, should be SOP.

2. All mail in ballots require ID. The difference between Dems and Republicans, is that Dems will accept all forms of ID, and Republicans want very limited forms of ID and verifications, which are designed to limit specific blocks of voters.

3. Mail in voting has been in place since the Civil War. There has never been any cases of significant voter fraud using mail in ballots.

4. In the instances where there have been large cases of voter fraud, the voter ID laws being proposed by Republicans would have had absolutely no impact in preventing these voter fraud cases.
Ongoing purges of names with notifications being mailed out, and a reasonable time frame for the voter to respond, a second and "final notice" of purge, all done with no names being removed within 6 months of an election, should be SOP.

I'm all for giving people enough time to respond to a purge notice. No argument there, but, if they send you multiple notices and you fail to respond, you can't blame that on the system.

The difference between Dems and Republicans, is that Dems will accept all forms of ID, and Republicans want very limited forms of ID and verifications, which are designed to limit specific blocks of voters.

I'll be honest, I agree that we should not accept ALL forms of ID. Its too easy to fake an ID these days. I think the form of ID should be a legal, verified ID, such as a DL, or other state or government issued ID. For those that have trouble acquiring one of these ID, I think the state should help them get it, and it should be free.

Mail in voting has been in place since the Civil War. There has never been any cases of significant voter fraud using mail in ballots.

Only in select areas and in most cases its a "by request" absentee ballot. There has never been a nation wide mass ballot mailing such as the dems are suggesting.

The issue with the voter purges is that "True the Vote" would come in a few weeks before the election, and just strike names off the rolls, with no notice and no appeal period. If you send a notice, with a reasonable appeal period, and a final notice, with no response, yes, by all means purge the name. But do ALL of the steps, and don't do ANY purges within 3 months before a national election.

As for voter ID, again, any government issued ID should do. But please remember that there has never been a case of major voter fraud that voter ID, of the types proposed by Republicans, would have solved, so there is an awful lot of effort being put special forms of voter ID to solve a problem that doesn't exist.

Just like Republicans have brought forth more than 200 laws to restrict voting and prevent fraud, after the safest and most honest election in US history, there are more new voting laws now being proposed than there has been since the Jim Crow era!

The purpose of Jim Crow laws was to keep black people from voting. Imagine that!!
As for voter ID, again, any government issued ID should do.

I disagree. Even illegals can get valid government ID. Some states are issuing drivers licenses to illegals and that is considered a valid state ID.

The ID for voting should be a citizenship verified ID.

Just like Republicans have brought forth more than 200 laws to restrict voting and prevent fraud, after the safest and most honest election in US history, there are more new voting laws now being proposed than there has been since the Jim Crow era!

The purpose of Jim Crow laws was to keep black people from voting. Imagine that!!

Again, who is saying they are preventing anyone legal from voting? Only the left is saying that. I've yet to see anyone from the right saying that certain legal citizens should be prevented from voting. The right sees the illegal immigration at the border as a problem. They are afraid that many of these illegals will slip through the cracks and end up voting. Many on the right think the left is facilitating it. So, they want to make sure that those people who are not eligible to vote don't get a chance.

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