Is there anyone in the Democratic party brave enough to step out and try to bring them back?

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
They are being led around by a bunch of loons who have long overstayed their welcome. For proof of how whcked out they've become just look at the last elections results in former Democrat districts as well as the CBS poll of the SOTU address.
The party leaders are not inline with the majority of their base. The party leaders response to what was regarded as a good speech Is so far out there they might as well be on Mars.

Is there a Democrat like Webb who can bring this party back from the brink? For a two party system to be healthy & functional you have to have two viable parties.

The dems in charge seem to think this resistance shit is a viable plan to win but that's only because the minority are the loudest (Hollywood, Media etc). Being the loudest makes you neither right nor smart.
Pelosi must be sponsoring hay rides to keep the weak kneed members of her party in line...can you imagine taking orders from the likes of her? being too cowardly to speak up? Even if doing so could help salvage the party...
Bring back to what? A “lite” version of the GOP? That would do as much to stop the evil that has gripped the republican party as a Nazi “lite” party would have done to stop Hitler.
They are being led around by a bunch of loons who have long overstayed their welcome. For proof of how whcked out they've become just look at the last elections results in former Democrat districts as well as the CBS poll of the SOTU address.
The party leaders are not inline with the majority of their base. The party leaders response to what was regarded as a good speech Is so far out there they might as well be on Mars.

Is there a Democrat like Webb who can bring this party back from the brink? For a two party system to be healthy & functional you have to have two viable parties.

The dems in charge seem to think this resistance shit is a viable plan to win but that's only because the minority are the loudest (Hollywood, Media etc). Being the loudest makes you neither right nor smart.
Webb was honest about the Dems' use of the race card, was immediately branded a racist (what a shock), and that was it.

There are a few out there who could help the party with some kind of Reformation, but they are not going to be given the chance. Joe Manchin, Tim Ryan, John Hickenlooper, Doug Jones, who knows.
My pick would be congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard. She's only 36 so if she can put in a couple of terms as governor, perhaps in 15 years...
Bring back to what? A “lite” version of the GOP? That would do as much to stop the evil that has gripped the republican party as a Nazi “lite” party would have done to stop Hitler.
This is exactly, EXACTLY, what the purists in the GOP have said. "Dem lite".

The similarities between the wings of the two parties are astonishing. Some level-headed leaders have to step forward, and soon.
Is there anyone in the Democratic party brave enough to step out and try to bring them back?

I thought it was going to be OPRAH ... but then she declared it's just not in her DNA....
Bring back to what? A “lite” version of the GOP? That would do as much to stop the evil that has gripped the republican party as a Nazi “lite” party would have done to stop Hitler.
Back to a party that cares about the citizens and the country.
Bring back to what? A “lite” version of the GOP? That would do as much to stop the evil that has gripped the republican party as a Nazi “lite” party would have done to stop Hitler.
Clintons presidency was a lite Nazi presidency?
Despite his stupid oval office antics I remember everyone doing really well. Clinton was willing to negotiate in good faith & work to find common ground.

That is now bad? Trump just offered you nuts 2 million ILLEGALS on a silver platter and your leaders are too wound up in their resistance bullshit to see it.
Trump just offered you nuts 2 million ILLEGALS on a silver platter and your leaders are too wound up in their resistance bullshit to see it.

Yeah, and I don't like that. I'd like to see all the DACA illegals deported. However, I am satisfied Trump knows what he is doing and will make the best deal against illegal immigration that he can.
Trump just offered you nuts 2 million ILLEGALS on a silver platter and your leaders are too wound up in their resistance bullshit to see it.

Yeah, and I don't like that. I'd like to see all the DACA illegals deported. However, I am satisfied Trump knows what he is doing and will make the best deal against illegal immigration that he can.
I don't like it either but whatcha gonna do?
The Democrats have been gaining ever since the November 2016 election. They don't need RWnuts to tell them how to act.
Trump just offered you nuts 2 million ILLEGALS on a silver platter and your leaders are too wound up in their resistance bullshit to see it.

Yeah, and I don't like that. I'd like to see all the DACA illegals deported. However, I am satisfied Trump knows what he is doing and will make the best deal against illegal immigration that he can.

It's more important we get our southern boarder secure, because we are living in a volatile world right now..

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