Is there anything Republicans aren't terrified of?

The Dean, you are a colostomy bag in need of a friend.

Your enema got no frienema.
"Crow" is you validating my post.

And thank you for that.

You are some kind of character with serious issues and I'd suggest you seek professional help, lest you wallow in your own cesspool of fetid delusion.

Proving that Republicans hating gays "validates" your post? Talk about delusional.

Stay crispy my friend... I have gay friends and relatives. Can't you read?

Can't you fuck? Off?

You can SAY anything, but if you belong to a party that only wants to fuck gays over, you are NOT their friend. Even a drooling tarded idiot understands that.

It's like the white guy who says he has black friends, but when you ask his black friends if they are friends, they say no, they only know each other at work. They don't "hang together".
Republicans are most afraid of a changing country. It's why they are trying so desperately to destroy it. To show the rest of the world how dangerous they are.
Neither rdean nor westwall are classic liberals in any sense of the words.

However, they both care for America but have a hard time getting along with other.

Republicans, to be honest, handle change not too well.

Actually I am. I believe in the maximum amount of rights for the individual and the minimum amount of power in the hands of the government. I want people to be left alone to do as they please, how they please, and with whomever they please, so long as they harm no one. Deanie wants government to be in everyone's face and control most aspects of their lives.

Totally different, one helps people, the other helps government CONTROL people.

Who is this "government" you're talking about? Surely not ours. We control the government through the ballot box. If the government controlled us, they would do a better job. It's the tards Republicans put into office that have been ruining the country. They're the ones who trample on our rights and practice voter suppression.

So you think "if the government controlled us, they would do a better job", eh? Yep, I do believe this explains just about everything you post.
Who is this "government" you're talking about? Surely not ours. We control the government through the ballot box. If the government controlled us, they would do a better job. It's the tards Republicans put into office that have been ruining the country. They're the ones who trample on our rights and practice voter suppression.

This one, that YOU support. You're a totalitarian wannabe.

So you show me a paper called "Eroding Liberty: Rights and Freedoms we lost since 9/11"?

What you've done is proven to me why Republicans in government is a "bad idea".

Ummmm, at least 50% of those laws were started or passed by Democrats fool. My point is BOTH parties are culpable but you're such an intellectually dishonest bozo that you won't acknowledge that.

In short you're the worst kind of hyper partisan political hack that claim the Republicans to be. As Mr. H says. You need some serious psychiatric help.
Republicans are most afraid of a changing country. It's why they are trying so desperately to destroy it. To show the rest of the world how dangerous they are.

Right now it's the Democrats doing the work of destroying this country idiot. But you approve so are blind to what they are doing. I suggest you move to Venezuela, they can use a poster child for the retarded Americans down there.
Republicans are most afraid of a changing country. It's why they are trying so desperately to destroy it. To show the rest of the world how dangerous they are.

Right now it's the Democrats doing the work of destroying this country idiot. But you approve so are blind to what they are doing. I suggest you move to Venezuela, they can use a poster child for the retarded Americans down there.

Republicans want back control so they can finish the job they started under Bush, right?

The number one fear of Republicans. Stay afraid. The boogey man is coming to get you.
The government we elect






college professors





What did I miss?
Terrified? No. Not everyone is driven solely by emotion like you are.

Why are you terrified of people who have different views?
Neither rdean nor westwall are classic liberals in any sense of the words.

However, they both care for America but have a hard time getting along with other.

Republicans, to be honest, handle change not too well.

Not being able to handle change is the very essence of "conservatism".

So let me add "change".

Notice, they cry, they call names, but do they deny? Umm, not really. What are they going to say?
No one is under any obligation to validate your twisted, hate-fueled fantasies.
The government we elect






college professors





What did I miss?
Terrified? No. Not everyone is driven solely by emotion like you are.

Why are you terrified of people who have different views?

Republicans are 90% white. Can you really say they have "different" views. Seems more like just one.
This quote aptly describes your version of the "truth".

"I have never denied that truth has a value, the fool pays homage to it while the wise man twists it to his advantage."- Mike Resnick

While it is true you're not wise, you DO twist the truth whenever you open your mouth.
The government we elect






college professors





What did I miss?
Terrified? No. Not everyone is driven solely by emotion like you are.

Why are you terrified of people who have different views?

Republicans are 90% white. Can you really say they have "different" views. Seems more like just one.
I guess you've purposely ignored all the GOP infighting the past few weeks.

Damn reality, full progressive fantasy ahead!

Meanwhile, you utterly failed to answer the question:

Why are you terrified of people who have different views?
I'm not afraid of him. I pity him. He has a desperate need to hate others to make himself feel better about his failures in life.

They hate the truth. I'm only the "messenger".
You're a liar, is all you are.

And yet, what have I lied about? Republicans tricking us into Iraq? Republicans stopping the investigation of BP? Republicans cutting embassy security budgets? Republicans blackmailing the president into extending the Bush Tax Cuts? What?

You have to admit it's pretty funny that Republicans are so afraid of taxes when so many are unemployed.

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