Is there NO real replacement of the ACA?

Seeing as how the majority of the country was against its passage to start with. I'm pretty sure whatever the replacement is will meet with more approval than Obamacare. Remember that time when zero Republicans voted for it? Remember how Congressmen who passed the bill didn't have a clue what was in it? Remember the lies ? of course you don't Ostrich.

You should also take into consideration the ass kicking Liberals are taking across the nation in the political arena. Your platform sucks and everywhere but California and NY have rejected it.
Also worth considering is the context. The ACA was enacted between the congressional midterms and the seating of the new 2010 Congress in which the Republicans won big. Moreover, prior to the mid terms the Dem led House and Senate could not pass anything because Obama's plan was such a disasterous clusterfuck. Then the Tea Party formed in opposition to Obamacare. There was a swell of support for the Tea Party. There were huge Tea Party demonstrations objecting to Obama care,

Then the midterms occurred, just 2 yrs into Obama's presidency. America gave control of the House to Republicans, meaning that we could block Obamacare. After the election but prior to seating the new Congress - after The People spoke on Obamacare - the Dems ramrodded through the ACA, against the clearly stated will of The People.

This stinks. The ACA is basically illegitimate and is deinitely flawed politically. It was enacted in an underhanded way and in bad faith. Democrats should be ashamed.

lol it's illegitimate because somehow our system doesn't grant the RWnuts the power to control the government every single year regardless of the outcomes of elections?

that is pretty fucking insane.
Carbhead does not even read my posts but nonetheless feels compelled to comment on them. What an asshole.

lol. Is there a grownup version of that post, as in, one that might actually contest the substance of my post?
Tell you what, big man, when you start posting substance then I will start contesting it. Thus far I have only seen derpish horse shit.

Did you or did you not claim that the ACA was passed in a lame duck session of Congress?
Seeing as how the majority of the country was against its passage to start with. I'm pretty sure whatever the replacement is will meet with more approval than Obamacare. Remember that time when zero Republicans voted for it? Remember how Congressmen who passed the bill didn't have a clue what was in it? Remember the lies ? of course you don't Ostrich.

You should also take into consideration the ass kicking Liberals are taking across the nation in the political arena. Your platform sucks and everywhere but California and NY have rejected it.
Also worth considering is the context. The ACA was enacted between the congressional midterms and the seating of the new 2010 Congress in which the Republicans won big. Moreover, prior to the mid terms the Dem led House and Senate could not pass anything because Obama's plan was such a disasterous clusterfuck. Then the Tea Party formed in opposition to Obamacare. There was a swell of support for the Tea Party. There were huge Tea Party demonstrations objecting to Obama care,

Then the midterms occurred, just 2 yrs into Obama's presidency. America gave control of the House to Republicans, meaning that we could block Obamacare. After the election but prior to seating the new Congress - after The People spoke on Obamacare - the Dems ramrodded through the ACA, against the clearly stated will of The People.

This stinks. The ACA is basically illegitimate and is deinitely flawed politically. It was enacted in an underhanded way and in bad faith. Democrats should be ashamed.

lol it's illegitimate because somehow our system doesn't grant the RWnuts the power to control the government every single year regardless of the outcomes of elections?

that is pretty fucking insane.
Carbhead does not even read my posts but nonetheless feels compelled to comment on them. What an asshole.

The ACA passed the House in October of 2009. The GOP did not win the Senate in 2010.
It has to be passed by both houses then go to a conference committee. Do you need for me to explain to you how bills become law... like that old cartoon on Saturday mornings?
Also worth considering is the context. The ACA was enacted between the congressional midterms and the seating of the new 2010 Congress in which the Republicans won big. Moreover, prior to the mid terms the Dem led House and Senate could not pass anything because Obama's plan was such a disasterous clusterfuck. Then the Tea Party formed in opposition to Obamacare. There was a swell of support for the Tea Party. There were huge Tea Party demonstrations objecting to Obama care,

Then the midterms occurred, just 2 yrs into Obama's presidency. America gave control of the House to Republicans, meaning that we could block Obamacare. After the election but prior to seating the new Congress - after The People spoke on Obamacare - the Dems ramrodded through the ACA, against the clearly stated will of The People.

This stinks. The ACA is basically illegitimate and is deinitely flawed politically. It was enacted in an underhanded way and in bad faith. Democrats should be ashamed.

lol it's illegitimate because somehow our system doesn't grant the RWnuts the power to control the government every single year regardless of the outcomes of elections?

that is pretty fucking insane.
Carbhead does not even read my posts but nonetheless feels compelled to comment on them. What an asshole.

lol. Is there a grownup version of that post, as in, one that might actually contest the substance of my post?
Tell you what, big man, when you start posting substance then I will start contesting it. Thus far I have only seen derpish horse shit.

Did you or did you not claim that the ACA was passed in a lame duck session of Congress?
Got to pass in both houses: the House and Senate. "Oh they call me Bill..."
Do we NEED a AC
The "Achilles' heel" for conservatives in congress is that they have NO idea on how to replace the ACA.....

No proposed system can ensure people with HC who also have a serious pre-existing condition (like women of child-bearing age?) WITHOUT also mandating that healthy, younger people also purchase insurance....THAT is the logic of the ACA, like it or not.

So, the only options for elected right wingers are: Go back to what the system was before the ACA (and watch the consequences to their sorry hides)......OR, adopt a Medicare-for-all option (which would send the clueless base into a frenzy of lynchings.)

So, which will it be?
The ACA was a giveaway to the lower class poor as a reward for voting Liberal. It wasn't a fix for the high cost of health care, so, lets get real here. Too bad. It was a pyramid scheme to pass the health care costs along, and it is pitiful as it is fleeting. It won't work. What we need is a moonshot to reduce health cost in total for everyone. Not a band aid.
We don't need to replace Obamacare. The system was better before was enact. Repealing will give us a better healthcare industry without passing a single replacement plan.
Do we NEED a AC
The "Achilles' heel" for conservatives in congress is that they have NO idea on how to replace the ACA.....

No proposed system can ensure people with HC who also have a serious pre-existing condition (like women of child-bearing age?) WITHOUT also mandating that healthy, younger people also purchase insurance....THAT is the logic of the ACA, like it or not.

So, the only options for elected right wingers are: Go back to what the system was before the ACA (and watch the consequences to their sorry hides)......OR, adopt a Medicare-for-all option (which would send the clueless base into a frenzy of lynchings.)

So, which will it be?
The ACA was a giveaway to the lower class poor as a reward for voting Liberal. It wasn't a fix for the high cost of health care, so, lets get real here. Too bad. It was a pyramid scheme to pass the health care costs along, and it is pitiful as it is fleeting. It won't work.
I totally agree. But don't tell Carbineer or he will start making up shit to discredit you. He is a scum bag that way.

I will go one step further, I think the ACA was designed to fail so as to make it easier to transition into a single payer system. They designed it to fail in order to create a crisis, which would make single payer more palpable. They sold it by lying, or "Grubering", and give aways. Unfortunately for the left, the financing is so utterly stupid that it started to fall apart right away. I agree that it is a pyramid scheme. That is exactly what it is.
I will say it again. It is impossible to have guaranteed issue without universal enrollment, OR, government subsidized insurance companies.There is only one solution, and that is universal coverage of the same model as Medicare. But, in spite of the fact that every industrialized nation on earth has that, except us, the Right is going to go into panic mode that the commies are taking over.
ACA Replacement : the free market

The free market means that poor people go without healthcare. Americans don't want that.
No one should be paying for anyone's else's shit...
You are paying for someone else's healthcare whether you like it or not. Particularly those without insurance coverage
We don't need to replace Obamacare. The system was better before was enact. Repealing will give us a better healthcare industry without passing a single replacement plan.
So you are willing to take health insurance coverage away from 20 million people.
You are paying for someone else's healthcare whether you like it or not.

I've also paid for wars I didn't want and benefited Cheney's bank account......Should I bitch about that?
Do we NEED a AC
The "Achilles' heel" for conservatives in congress is that they have NO idea on how to replace the ACA.....

No proposed system can ensure people with HC who also have a serious pre-existing condition (like women of child-bearing age?) WITHOUT also mandating that healthy, younger people also purchase insurance....THAT is the logic of the ACA, like it or not.

So, the only options for elected right wingers are: Go back to what the system was before the ACA (and watch the consequences to their sorry hides)......OR, adopt a Medicare-for-all option (which would send the clueless base into a frenzy of lynchings.)

So, which will it be?
The ACA was a giveaway to the lower class poor as a reward for voting Liberal. It wasn't a fix for the high cost of health care, so, lets get real here. Too bad. It was a pyramid scheme to pass the health care costs along, and it is pitiful as it is fleeting. It won't work.
I totally agree. But don't tell Carbineer or he will start making up shit to discredit you. He is a scum bag that way.

I will go one step further, I think the ACA was designed to fail so as to make it easier to transition into a single payer system. They designed it to fail in order to create a crisis, which would make single payer more palpable. They sold it by lying, or "Grubering", and give aways. Unfortunately for the left, the financing is so utterly stupid that it started to fall apart right away. I agree that it is a pyramid scheme. That is exactly what it is.
Perhaps, and if so, seems a little over the top. WHO controls the costs of health care? Pharmaceutical companies, Insurance companies, lawyers? Are they TOO BIG to question? If Trump really wants to help Americans, he's gonna have to look deep past profit driven concerns and contradict the pro business classist rich elists he seems to be. We will see what happens.
lol it's illegitimate because somehow our system doesn't grant the RWnuts the power to control the government every single year regardless of the outcomes of elections?

that is pretty fucking insane.
Carbhead does not even read my posts but nonetheless feels compelled to comment on them. What an asshole.

lol. Is there a grownup version of that post, as in, one that might actually contest the substance of my post?
Tell you what, big man, when you start posting substance then I will start contesting it. Thus far I have only seen derpish horse shit.

Did you or did you not claim that the ACA was passed in a lame duck session of Congress?
Got to pass in both houses: the House and Senate. "Oh they call me Bill..."

The Democrats did not lose the Senate in 2010, so you're claim that the People had voted against the ACA is a lie.
Do we NEED a AC
The "Achilles' heel" for conservatives in congress is that they have NO idea on how to replace the ACA.....

No proposed system can ensure people with HC who also have a serious pre-existing condition (like women of child-bearing age?) WITHOUT also mandating that healthy, younger people also purchase insurance....THAT is the logic of the ACA, like it or not.

So, the only options for elected right wingers are: Go back to what the system was before the ACA (and watch the consequences to their sorry hides)......OR, adopt a Medicare-for-all option (which would send the clueless base into a frenzy of lynchings.)

So, which will it be?
The ACA was a giveaway to the lower class poor as a reward for voting Liberal. It wasn't a fix for the high cost of health care, so, lets get real here. Too bad. It was a pyramid scheme to pass the health care costs along, and it is pitiful as it is fleeting. It won't work.
I totally agree. But don't tell Carbineer or he will start making up shit to discredit you. He is a scum bag that way.

I will go one step further, I think the ACA was designed to fail so as to make it easier to transition into a single payer system. They designed it to fail in order to create a crisis, which would make single payer more palpable. They sold it by lying, or "Grubering", and give aways. Unfortunately for the left, the financing is so utterly stupid that it started to fall apart right away. I agree that it is a pyramid scheme. That is exactly what it is.
Perhaps, and if so, seems a little over the top. WHO controls the costs of health care? Pharmaceutical companies, Insurance companies, lawyers? Are they TOO BIG to question? If Trump really wants to help Americans, he's gonna have to look deep past profit driven concerns and contradict the pro business classist rich elists he seems to be. We will see what happens.
The real meat of the problem, in my opinion, is provider and pharma costs. Anyone who has ever had a medical procedure has received a huge bill, only to then see that his/her insurer "negotiated" the cost way, way, way down. To me, this indicates that they are inflating costs. In other words, the pricing is artificial and not reasonably related to the service. I am more familiar with the provider side, but pharma plays the same game.

Providers need to disclose all the costs prior to the procedures. Personally, I am not amused by being billed $20.00 for one Tylenol. The consumer should be given a total breakdown of estimated costs. If something changes based upon circumstances, then fine. But I want to know what I Or my insurance company will be billed. Maybe I can shop around, or negotiate. I may opt for a CT rather than an MRI. I may choose to not authorize certain tests, or whatever. You do not have to do whatever your doctor or the provider tells you to do. They are not God.

Needless to say, my doctor probably thinks I am an asshole, but who cares? If we stood up to the system rather than let them hose us over then pricing would have to be reigned in.
Carbhead does not even read my posts but nonetheless feels compelled to comment on them. What an asshole.

lol. Is there a grownup version of that post, as in, one that might actually contest the substance of my post?
Tell you what, big man, when you start posting substance then I will start contesting it. Thus far I have only seen derpish horse shit.

Did you or did you not claim that the ACA was passed in a lame duck session of Congress?
Got to pass in both houses: the House and Senate. "Oh they call me Bill..."

The Democrats did not lose the Senate in 2010, so you're claim that the People had voted against the ACA is a lie.
Carbineer, I am just barely paying attention to what you are saying now. You are an ignorant shit. If I feel like it later or tomorrow I will cite some sources for you.
The "Achilles' heel" for conservatives in congress is that they have NO idea on how to replace the ACA.....

No proposed system can ensure people with HC who also have a serious pre-existing condition (like women of child-bearing age?) WITHOUT also mandating that healthy, younger people also purchase insurance....THAT is the logic of the ACA, like it or not.

So, the only options for elected right wingers are: Go back to what the system was before the ACA (and watch the consequences to their sorry hides)......OR, adopt a Medicare-for-all option (which would send the clueless base into a frenzy of lynchings.)

So, which will it be?
For decades the Republicans did not want to interfere with the free market making profits from Americans who fall ill. A federal government plan was off the table. But by promising 20,000,000+ Americans who are enrolled in the Affordable Care Act, that they will replace it, they now are talking about a federal health plan. This is the ultimate victory of President Obama.

We don't need to replace Obamacare. The system was better before was enact. Repealing will give us a better healthcare industry without passing a single replacement plan.
So you are willing to take health insurance coverage away from 20 million people.

We still are but NOW we are not only paying their deductible and out of pocket but we are paying their premiums too.
The "Achilles' heel" for conservatives in congress is that they have NO idea on how to replace the ACA.....

No proposed system can ensure people with HC who also have a serious pre-existing condition (like women of child-bearing age?) WITHOUT also mandating that healthy, younger people also purchase insurance....THAT is the logic of the ACA, like it or not.

So, the only options for elected right wingers are: Go back to what the system was before the ACA (and watch the consequences to their sorry hides)......OR, adopt a Medicare-for-all option (which would send the clueless base into a frenzy of lynchings.)

So, which will it be?
For decades the Republicans did not want to interfere with the free market making profits from Americans who fall ill. A federal government plan was off the table. But by promising 20,000,000+ Americans who are enrolled in the Affordable Care Act, that they will replace it, they now are talking about a federal health plan. This is the ultimate victory of President Obama..

LOL, come up with that all by yourself didya?
I'd opt for real health insurance/law reform over mandates and other such shit. You can't dump millions who have not paid a dime in premiums on the health insurance rolls and not expect premiums to skyrocket.[/QUOTE]

It's a never-ending task to help educate moronic right wingers.......take a look at how premiums increased under GWB versus Obama's tenure.......and then apologize


Slower Premium Growth Under Obama
but that graph doesn't show how much deductables went up now does it? ooppppps
The mandate STOPS freedloaders!! You'd think the cons would be for that .

Instead you have cons wanting to keep all the good , but dump the bad that pays for it .

How the fuck do you do that !?
how do you figure that? there are 20 million not paying a fking dime. I call that free loading. You?

BTW, did those 20 million ever get denied medical care in the past? Nope......

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