Is there NO real replacement of the ACA?

2010 we took the House from you.
2012 we took the Senate from you.
2016 we took the Presidency from you. The ACA is a huge part of that, but you know that you are simply being willfully obtuse.

and haven't done a fucking thing with them .... :lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

Trump had plenty of time to lower his approval ratings .. relax.

Not to worry son, the Mediocre Negro is no longer there to block everything.

you've had the house and the senate for the last 4 years, and all you did was bitch about how worthless Obama was..

just like you're doing right bow.

dumbasses ...

You really are not a bright individual.

bla bla bla ... deflect inept RW horseshit to someone else .. the second part of the equation, add ignorance, and you have total fail.

be proud.

Are you a mediocre negro too? It has been so much fun watching all of you melt down ;)
they aren't gonna try, and Obamacare is off the gop agenda till 2018 at the earliest. And tax reform is qWagired as well. But TRUMP CAN TWEET

It is up to us...the few left-leaning posters on here to remind the Trumpsters of the quicksand they've just stepped into....They won't like it, as evidenced by their hapless attempts to cling to their delusions.
Well, I'm right leaning and was never a fan of Obamacare (or Obama, but I think he's a decent human being considering he has the ego to be potus, and the dems should have gotten a clue about Hillary when Ted tossed her off the boat)

Tom Price has only been on the job for less than a week. But what the gop is attempting to do is pretty complex. They want to reform the tax code by lowering rates and axing tax expenditures, while not touching the home mortgage deduction, and not reduce overall revenue coming to gummit. And, at the same time keep 20 million insured, keep kids on parents' plans, and cover the folks with pre-existing conditions. The real ball breaker is the last. How do they give up the revenue from the mandate on healthy people and cover the pre-existing condition folks ... without raising taxes. But yeah, both are off the table till 2018. They gotta get it done before the mid-terms, though.

Juan Williams: Trump and GOP collide with reality

But the real import is that in reality, Trump isn't doing anything that any of the other gopers from the primary would have done. He's all talk. He may have some bad ties to Russia, and he may be costing us credibility in Europe, but domestically .... meh. LOL It's all about tweeting shiny objects for the Trumpbots. And that's what Williams misses.
Nothing at all would be better than the heinously expensive and idiotic shit show that is Ocommiecare.
See, this is why I call you tards goldfish. You have memories like them.

This is also why I say you tards must have been in a coma prior to January 2009.

Here's a little reminder of what health care costs were doing before ObamaCare while Republicans did NOTHING about it:


Completely destroying the existing health care system and replacing it with such a lie-based, piece of crap is not easily replaced. It's easier to 'F*' something up than to 'UN-F*' Obama and his ACA has demonstrated.

Soooooo, Trump's mantra that he would "repeal and replace....simultaneously the ACA" was all bullshit?

Thanks for the confirmation......LOL

The only bullshit is from liberals who will oppose anything Trump and conservatives propose.
A new program is really very simple for the vast majority of Americans - remove the shackles from insurance providers, let the market determine what plans people and companies want to purchase.
It will produce a beautiful plan. We will love it, bigly.
Soooooo, Trump's mantra that he would "repeal and replace....simultaneously the ACA" was all bullshit? Thanks for the confirmation......LOL
Please allow me to correct your IGNORANCE you have put on display....

'Repeal and Replace' is not a Trump 'mantra' - the GOP has been saying it the last several years. (Where have YOU been?)

I also said it is EASIER to f* things up, as Obama / libs have demonstrated, than to fix them, not impossible.

Trump's always been about "replacing" Obamacare

Trump releases plan for replacing Obamacare
Excellent retort, Cpt. Crunch.......Run on that and see what happens.
Yes, freedom is soooo 1776.
I'm psychic:

When you ask a pseudocon for a plan to lower health care costs, you get a blank stare.

After a few minutes of staring into space, they finally come up with, "Freedom!"

Yeah, let's put that in a bill. :lol:

The Really Cool Freedom Act To Save Healthcare of 2017.

"Um...Bob? We need some text to go with that."
The "Achilles' heel" for conservatives in congress is that they have NO idea on how to replace the ACA.....

No proposed system can ensure people with HC who also have a serious pre-existing condition (like women of child-bearing age?) WITHOUT also mandating that healthy, younger people also purchase insurance....THAT is the logic of the ACA, like it or not.

So, the only options for elected right wingers are: Go back to what the system was before the ACA (and watch the consequences to their sorry hides)......OR, adopt a Medicare-for-all option (which would send the clueless base into a frenzy of lynchings.)

So, which will it be?
Eight years of, nothing but repeal; and the right wing, still has nothing? Why are they getting paid.
'Repeal and Replace' is not a Trump 'mantra' - the GOP has been saying it the last several years. (Where have YOU been?)

Oh, really???? Trump NEVER stated "repeal and replace form day one the ACA"????

Do you fuck heads really want to go there???..............LOL
and haven't done a fucking thing with them .... :lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

Trump had plenty of time to lower his approval ratings .. relax.

Not to worry son, the Mediocre Negro is no longer there to block everything.

you've had the house and the senate for the last 4 years, and all you did was bitch about how worthless Obama was..

just like you're doing right bow.

dumbasses ...

You really are not a bright individual.

bla bla bla ... deflect inept RW horseshit to someone else .. the second part of the equation, add ignorance, and you have total fail.

be proud.

Are you a mediocre negro too? It has been so much fun watching all of you melt down ;)

I'm native born Caucasian what's you're excuse?
I'll say it's been no fun watching RW's shove a thumb up their ass, and run their damn mouth .. take you for instance.

next contestant.
Trump's always been about "replacing" Obamacare

Trump releases plan for replacing Obamacare
The GOP has been around longer than Trump and has been chanting 'Repeal and Replace' before Trump....
And yet now that they have the power to do both, they have gone radio silent.

60 repeals of part or all of ObamaCare for the past seven years, and now...silence.

It was all theater for brainless gullible rubes like you.

They have no replacement. You've been hoaxed. Utterly hoaxed.

Trump promised to have reforms ready for implementation to replace ObamaCare "on day one". He used those exact words. Over and over and over. On his web site, and in his speeches.

He lied.

You've been hoaxed up the ass coming and going, rube.

Wake up.
The "Achilles' heel" for conservatives in congress is that they have NO idea on how to replace the ACA.....

No proposed system can ensure people with HC who also have a serious pre-existing condition (like women of child-bearing age?) WITHOUT also mandating that healthy, younger people also purchase insurance....THAT is the logic of the ACA, like it or not.

So, the only options for elected right wingers are: Go back to what the system was before the ACA (and watch the consequences to their sorry hides)......OR, adopt a Medicare-for-all option (which would send the clueless base into a frenzy of lynchings.)

So, which will it be?
FACT - The US Constitution FORBIDS the federal government to do ANYTHING about health care!! End obomba-scare, and DO NOT replace it!! Also, end social insecurity and medi-scare - they too are unconstitutional!!
What has Trump actually done about health care reform?

Has he asked Congress to repeal ObamaCare, as he promised to do "on day one"?


Has he provided a series of reforms "ready for implementation" to Congress "on day one" as he promised to do?

Nope. That one is right up there with "shovel ready projects". Remember how much you tards laughed over that one? Why so silent now over those "ready reforms"?


Because you are gullible hypocrites, that's why.

Oh. Trump has done one thing about health care. You all spunked in your jeans over it. Remember?

He signed an EO! Woo hoo!

An EO in which Trump asked his billionaire Cabinet not to fine his billionaire friends the two hundred dollars for not buying health insurance.

You actually thought this was so cool! So awesome! Trump is achieving great things! :lol:
When health care costs keep going up, that will personally affect 300 million Americans, most of whom are voters.

What has Trump actually done about health care reform?

Has he asked Congress to repeal ObamaCare, as he promised to do "on day one"?


Has he provided a series of reforms "ready for implementation" to Congress "on day one" as he promised to do?

Nope. That one is right up there with "shovel ready projects". Remember how much you tards laughed over that one? Why so silent now over those "ready reforms"?


Because you are gullible hypocrites, that's why.

Oh. Trump has done one thing about health care. You all spunked in your jeans over it. Remember?

He signed an EO! Woo hoo!

An EO in which Trump asked his billionaire Cabinet not to fine his billionaire friends the two hundred dollars for not buying health insurance.

You actually thought this was so cool! So awesome! Trump is achieving great things! :lol:
Bingo. For all the tweating, Trump is pretty Meh. The only real substance that differs with the other goper candidates he has offered is a sort of tepid "ok Vlad whatever you want."
The GOP has been caught with their hands on their dicks, jerking off. They have had SEVEN YEARS to come up with a replacement for ObamaCare since its enactment in 2010, and they have nothing.

Obama put a plan on the table 18 months before he was elected, and you tards call him a "mediocre negro". Yet he kicked your asses, and is STILL kicking your asses. So if a "mediocre negro" kicked your asses, what does it say about you?
Trump and the spineless fucks in the GOP totally hoaxed you rubes.

Totally hoaxed you.

You better start holding them accountable, and stop making excuses for them.

You look pretty stupid getting back in line, begging to be lied to again.
I will say it again. It is impossible to have guaranteed issue without universal enrollment, OR, government subsidized insurance companies.There is only one solution, and that is universal coverage of the same model as Medicare. But, in spite of the fact that every industrialized nation on earth has that, except us, the Right is going to go into panic mode that the commies are taking over.
ACA Replacement : the free market

The free market means that poor people go without healthcare. Americans don't want that.

Poor people are on Medicaid.
I will say it again. It is impossible to have guaranteed issue without universal enrollment, OR, government subsidized insurance companies.There is only one solution, and that is universal coverage of the same model as Medicare. But, in spite of the fact that every industrialized nation on earth has that, except us, the Right is going to go into panic mode that the commies are taking over.
ACA Replacement : the free market

The free market means that poor people go without healthcare. Americans don't want that.
No one should be paying for anyone's else's shit...

Then exempt me from paying taxes for the percentage of defense I don't want.

Can't do that since it is in the Constitution.
Not to worry son, the Mediocre Negro is no longer there to block everything.

you've had the house and the senate for the last 4 years, and all you did was bitch about how worthless Obama was..

just like you're doing right bow.

dumbasses ...

You really are not a bright individual.

bla bla bla ... deflect inept RW horseshit to someone else .. the second part of the equation, add ignorance, and you have total fail.

be proud.

Are you a mediocre negro too? It has been so much fun watching all of you melt down ;)

I'm native born Caucasian what's you're excuse?
I'll say it's been no fun watching RW's shove a thumb up their ass, and run their damn mouth .. take you for instance.

next contestant.

You lost. (shrugs)

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