Is there NO real replacement of the ACA?

I will say it again. It is impossible to have guaranteed issue without universal enrollment, OR, government subsidized insurance companies.There is only one solution, and that is universal coverage of the same model as Medicare. But, in spite of the fact that every industrialized nation on earth has that, except us, the Right is going to go into panic mode that the commies are taking over.
ACA Replacement : the free market

The free market means that poor people go without healthcare. Americans don't want that.
No one should be paying for anyone's else's shit...
I will say it again. It is impossible to have guaranteed issue without universal enrollment, OR, government subsidized insurance companies.There is only one solution, and that is universal coverage of the same model as Medicare. But, in spite of the fact that every industrialized nation on earth has that, except us, the Right is going to go into panic mode that the commies are taking over.
ACA Replacement : the free market

The free market means that poor people go without healthcare. Americans don't want that.
No one should be paying for anyone's else's shit...

Then exempt me from paying taxes for the percentage of defense I don't want.
I will say it again. It is impossible to have guaranteed issue without universal enrollment, OR, government subsidized insurance companies.There is only one solution, and that is universal coverage of the same model as Medicare. But, in spite of the fact that every industrialized nation on earth has that, except us, the Right is going to go into panic mode that the commies are taking over.
ACA Replacement : the free market

The free market means that poor people go without healthcare. Americans don't want that.
No one should be paying for anyone's else's shit...

Then exempt me from paying taxes for the percentage of defense I don't want.
If the federal government was in the least bit efficient we would not have to pay for such things we do not want and will never use…
I will say it again. It is impossible to have guaranteed issue without universal enrollment, OR, government subsidized insurance companies.There is only one solution, and that is universal coverage of the same model as Medicare. But, in spite of the fact that every industrialized nation on earth has that, except us, the Right is going to go into panic mode that the commies are taking over.
ACA Replacement : the free market

The free market means that poor people go without healthcare. Americans don't want that.
Poor people go without healthcare now. In order for them to afford a health policy written under the ACA they have to take a high deductible, up to $12k. It may as well be $12 million. In effect, these poor people do not have coverage except for major medical procedures that most likely will not happen (statistically speaking). They are, therefore, paying for something they do not need.

They were better off on Medicaid.
I will say it again. It is impossible to have guaranteed issue without universal enrollment, OR, government subsidized insurance companies.There is only one solution, and that is universal coverage of the same model as Medicare. But, in spite of the fact that every industrialized nation on earth has that, except us, the Right is going to go into panic mode that the commies are taking over.
ACA Replacement : the free market

The free market means that poor people go without healthcare. Americans don't want that.
Anything the government forces on you and then penalizes you if you don't have it is wrong.

Maybe in your country.
My country is the United States, where a black bastard president forced people to pay a tax penalty of they don't have insurance.
Seeing as how the majority of the country was against its passage to start with. I'm pretty sure whatever the replacement is will meet with more approval than Obamacare. Remember that time when zero Republicans voted for it? Remember how Congressmen who passed the bill didn't have a clue what was in it? Remember the lies ? of course you don't Ostrich.

You should also take into consideration the ass kicking Liberals are taking across the nation in the political arena. Your platform sucks and everywhere but California and NY have rejected it.
I get the anger, any one remember when we had to get car insurance like it or not. If both sides of the isle had worked to make ACA work we would not be in this spot. take the Obama care name off of it and fix it. no every one wont still like it. but most will be ok with it. there is no perfect solution.
Seeing as how the majority of the country was against its passage to start with. I'm pretty sure whatever the replacement is will meet with more approval than Obamacare. Remember that time when zero Republicans voted for it? Remember how Congressmen who passed the bill didn't have a clue what was in it? Remember the lies ? of course you don't Ostrich.

You should also take into consideration the ass kicking Liberals are taking across the nation in the political arena. Your platform sucks and everywhere but California and NY have rejected it.
Also worth considering is the context. The ACA was enacted between the congressional midterms and the seating of the new 2010 Congress in which the Republicans won big. Moreover, prior to the mid terms the Dem led House and Senate could not pass anything because Obama's plan was such a disasterous clusterfuck. Then the Tea Party formed in opposition to Obamacare. There was a swell of support for the Tea Party. There were huge Tea Party demonstrations objecting to Obama care,

Then the midterms occurred, just 2 yrs into Obama's presidency. America gave control of the House to Republicans, meaning that we could block Obamacare. After the election but prior to seating the new Congress - after The People spoke on Obamacare - the Dems ramrodded through the ACA, against the clearly stated will of The People.

This stinks. The ACA is basically illegitimate and is deinitely flawed politically. It was enacted in an underhanded way and in bad faith. Democrats should be ashamed.
The "Achilles' heel" for conservatives in congress is that they have NO idea on how to replace the ACA.....

No proposed system can ensure people with HC who also have a serious pre-existing condition (like women of child-bearing age?) WITHOUT also mandating that healthy, younger people also purchase insurance....THAT is the logic of the ACA, like it or not.

So, the only options for elected right wingers are: Go back to what the system was before the ACA (and watch the consequences to their sorry hides)......OR, adopt a Medicare-for-all option (which would send the clueless base into a frenzy of lynchings.)

So, which will it be?

I told you so.
Someone explained part of the GOP's problem this morning...

...Much of how the GOP want to replace Obamacare would involve screwing over many older voters, one of their stronger constituencies.

My take on the GOP problem is simple - they cannot formulate a plan that will, as a whole, help more Americans than does Obamacare,

unless of course their plan pretty much leaves Obamacare intact.
Trump promised that the Obamacare replacement will make healthcare cheaper.

How can it be cheaper than a heavily subsidized exchange plan, and offer the same level of coverage?

How can it be cheaper than the person receiving the benefit of expanded Medicaid?
Poor people go without healthcare now. In order for them to afford a health policy written under the ACA they have to take a high deductible, up to $12k. It may as well be $12 million. In effect, these poor people do not have coverage except for major medical procedures that most likely will not happen (statistically speaking). They are, therefore, paying for something they do not need.

They were better off on Medicaid.

There is a great deal of truth to this and more. I suspect that obamacare has done more harm than it has done good.

It has driven policy costs up across yhe board whith higher deductables.and more benefits being dropped from plans.

Not only are the deductables higher than what the average person would spend on healthcare in a year. There are many too poor to ne able to afford the policy and if they dont qualify for medicare than the gov waives their penality for not having any insurance.

I think people supported this with good intentions but when we deconstruct it and look at it. I dont think in its current form its benefitting anyone except a very few. Im not even sure if we jave shrunk the number of people who are not carrying coverage which was one of its main objectives.

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Seeing as how the majority of the country was against its passage to start with. I'm pretty sure whatever the replacement is will meet with more approval than Obamacare. Remember that time when zero Republicans voted for it? Remember how Congressmen who passed the bill didn't have a clue what was in it? Remember the lies ? of course you don't Ostrich.

You should also take into consideration the ass kicking Liberals are taking across the nation in the political arena. Your platform sucks and everywhere but California and NY have rejected it.
Also worth considering is the context. The ACA was enacted between the congressional midterms and the seating of the new 2010 Congress in which the Republicans won big. Moreover, prior to the mid terms the Dem led House and Senate could not pass anything because Obama's plan was such a disasterous clusterfuck. Then the Tea Party formed in opposition to Obamacare. There was a swell of support for the Tea Party. There were huge Tea Party demonstrations objecting to Obama care,

Then the midterms occurred, just 2 yrs into Obama's presidency. America gave control of the House to Republicans, meaning that we could block Obamacare. After the election but prior to seating the new Congress - after The People spoke on Obamacare - the Dems ramrodded through the ACA, against the clearly stated will of The People.

This stinks. The ACA is basically illegitimate and is deinitely flawed politically. It was enacted in an underhanded way and in bad faith. Democrats should be ashamed.

lol it's illegitimate because somehow our system doesn't grant the RWnuts the power to control the government every single year regardless of the outcomes of elections?

that is pretty fucking insane.
The "Achilles' heel" for conservatives in congress is that they have NO idea on how to replace the ACA.....

No proposed system can ensure people with HC who also have a serious pre-existing condition (like women of child-bearing age?) WITHOUT also mandating that healthy, younger people also purchase insurance....THAT is the logic of the ACA, like it or not.

So, the only options for elected right wingers are: Go back to what the system was before the ACA (and watch the consequences to their sorry hides)......OR, adopt a Medicare-for-all option (which would send the clueless base into a frenzy of lynchings.)

So, which will it be?

The achilles heal for the republicans is that they are too spineless to end it when the vote really matters. They voted to repeal it numerous times because they knew the vote didnt and would not count. Cowards.
Seeing as how the majority of the country was against its passage to start with. I'm pretty sure whatever the replacement is will meet with more approval than Obamacare. Remember that time when zero Republicans voted for it? Remember how Congressmen who passed the bill didn't have a clue what was in it? Remember the lies ? of course you don't Ostrich.

You should also take into consideration the ass kicking Liberals are taking across the nation in the political arena. Your platform sucks and everywhere but California and NY have rejected it.
Also worth considering is the context. The ACA was enacted between the congressional midterms and the seating of the new 2010 Congress in which the Republicans won big. Moreover, prior to the mid terms the Dem led House and Senate could not pass anything because Obama's plan was such a disasterous clusterfuck. Then the Tea Party formed in opposition to Obamacare. There was a swell of support for the Tea Party. There were huge Tea Party demonstrations objecting to Obama care,

Then the midterms occurred, just 2 yrs into Obama's presidency. America gave control of the House to Republicans, meaning that we could block Obamacare. After the election but prior to seating the new Congress - after The People spoke on Obamacare - the Dems ramrodded through the ACA, against the clearly stated will of The People.

This stinks. The ACA is basically illegitimate and is deinitely flawed politically. It was enacted in an underhanded way and in bad faith. Democrats should be ashamed.

lol it's illegitimate because somehow our system doesn't grant the RWnuts the power to control the government every single year regardless of the outcomes of elections?

that is pretty fucking insane.
Carbhead does not even read my posts but nonetheless feels compelled to comment on them. What an asshole.

lol. Is there a grownup version of that post, as in, one that might actually contest the substance of my post?
Seeing as how the majority of the country was against its passage to start with. I'm pretty sure whatever the replacement is will meet with more approval than Obamacare. Remember that time when zero Republicans voted for it? Remember how Congressmen who passed the bill didn't have a clue what was in it? Remember the lies ? of course you don't Ostrich.

You should also take into consideration the ass kicking Liberals are taking across the nation in the political arena. Your platform sucks and everywhere but California and NY have rejected it.
Also worth considering is the context. The ACA was enacted between the congressional midterms and the seating of the new 2010 Congress in which the Republicans won big. Moreover, prior to the mid terms the Dem led House and Senate could not pass anything because Obama's plan was such a disasterous clusterfuck. Then the Tea Party formed in opposition to Obamacare. There was a swell of support for the Tea Party. There were huge Tea Party demonstrations objecting to Obama care,

Then the midterms occurred, just 2 yrs into Obama's presidency. America gave control of the House to Republicans, meaning that we could block Obamacare. After the election but prior to seating the new Congress - after The People spoke on Obamacare - the Dems ramrodded through the ACA, against the clearly stated will of The People.

This stinks. The ACA is basically illegitimate and is deinitely flawed politically. It was enacted in an underhanded way and in bad faith. Democrats should be ashamed.

lol it's illegitimate because somehow our system doesn't grant the RWnuts the power to control the government every single year regardless of the outcomes of elections?

that is pretty fucking insane.
Carbhead does not even read my posts but nonetheless feels compelled to comment on them. What an asshole.

lol. Is there a grownup version of that post, as in, one that might actually contest the substance of my post?
Tell you what, big man, when you start posting substance then I will start contesting it. Thus far I have only seen derpish horse shit.
Seeing as how the majority of the country was against its passage to start with. I'm pretty sure whatever the replacement is will meet with more approval than Obamacare. Remember that time when zero Republicans voted for it? Remember how Congressmen who passed the bill didn't have a clue what was in it? Remember the lies ? of course you don't Ostrich.

You should also take into consideration the ass kicking Liberals are taking across the nation in the political arena. Your platform sucks and everywhere but California and NY have rejected it.
Also worth considering is the context. The ACA was enacted between the congressional midterms and the seating of the new 2010 Congress in which the Republicans won big. Moreover, prior to the mid terms the Dem led House and Senate could not pass anything because Obama's plan was such a disasterous clusterfuck. Then the Tea Party formed in opposition to Obamacare. There was a swell of support for the Tea Party. There were huge Tea Party demonstrations objecting to Obama care,

Then the midterms occurred, just 2 yrs into Obama's presidency. America gave control of the House to Republicans, meaning that we could block Obamacare. After the election but prior to seating the new Congress - after The People spoke on Obamacare - the Dems ramrodded through the ACA, against the clearly stated will of The People.

This stinks. The ACA is basically illegitimate and is deinitely flawed politically. It was enacted in an underhanded way and in bad faith. Democrats should be ashamed.

lol it's illegitimate because somehow our system doesn't grant the RWnuts the power to control the government every single year regardless of the outcomes of elections?

that is pretty fucking insane.
Carbhead does not even read my posts but nonetheless feels compelled to comment on them. What an asshole.

The ACA passed the House in October of 2009. The GOP did not win the Senate in 2010.

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