Is there such a thing as end of torture?


Gold Member
Nov 17, 2012
Genesis 3, the Gospels, the Acts, as well as many real life cases show that everyone can be controlled without their knowledge and without their permission.

The question is, does it end? Death is most likely not the end of it, because Jesus then would not have had to cast out demons.

So, lets speculate. How can we find the end of torture?
Genesis 3, the Gospels, the Acts, as well as many real life cases show that everyone can be controlled without their knowledge and without their permission.

The question is, does it end? Death is most likely not the end of it, because Jesus then would not have had to cast out demons.

So, lets speculate. How can we find the end of torture?
End marriage..
Genesis 3, the Gospels, the Acts, as well as many real life cases show that everyone can be controlled without their knowledge and without their permission.

The question is, does it end? Death is most likely not the end of it, because Jesus then would not have had to cast out demons.

So, lets speculate. How can we find the end of torture?
Specifically, who and in what way, do you see someone being controlled without consent?
Genesis 3, the Gospels, the Acts, as well as many real life cases show that everyone can be controlled without their knowledge and without their permission.

The question is, does it end? Death is most likely not the end of it, because Jesus then would not have had to cast out demons.

So, lets speculate. How can we find the end of torture?
Specifically, who and in what way, do you see someone being controlled without consent?

It is very common in the information age, but was done a lot ever since industrialization. It's roots are of course in the dark arts of the pre industrial world.

For example, when a salesman uses Neuro kinetic language on you, or your teacher or neighbor does covert conversation with you, do you really think that your consent matters?
Subliminal advertising Benson & Hedges cigarette ad

Do you see what that man is holding in his left hand?

It's called subliminal seduction. Advertisers spend billions convincing us that we need their stuff. If it wasn't successful, they wouldn't keep doing it. We can be swayed and not even know it.
It isn't torture, but it illustrates how easily we can be led.
I don't understand the part about Jesus casting out demons though. I don't recall Him casting out demons of dead people. He cast them out of the living.

Does death end it? Yes.
Paul said, "Absent from the body means present with the Lord". And when we see Him, we will be like Him. We will have complete understanding, and an inability to be fooled.
we are now children of God, and what we will be has not yet been revealed. We know that when Christ appears, we will be like Him, for we will see Him as He is. And everyone who has this hope in Him purifies himself, just as Christ is pure.…

If you feel you are being attacked or tormented, the bigger you grow the Holy Spirit within you, the less room there is for demons. Light and dark cannot share the same place at the same time. :)

side bar: Stay away from the Lake of Fire. That's eternal torment. :)
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