Is there such thing as "universal morality"?

Actually, I have a gay friend and he and his husband seem very happy the way they are. He's also a super nice guy.
A friend huh? :lol:

Why did God make it so that homosexuals could raise kids and make those kids suffer?
Where is the proof that kids suffer? Got anything?
They grow up being ridiculed and shunned. It’s a terrible life.
Again, that's not proof, that's just your say so.
You know they get made fun of growing up, right?

The only time the kids of LGBTs get made fun of or be "fucked up" is because the Supreme Being created some really screwed up jerks who make fun of these kids or "fuck them up." Neither parents nor the kids do this themselves.
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I can't answer a false premise unless you show me some real proof. Better luck next time. Fool.
There's nothing false about it. They hid their homosexuality. There's your proof.

Then God allowed them to fuck up little children and make their lives so bad they end up being fucked up.
So you are saying you don't know why God made homosexuals?
So you don't know why God allows homosexuals to have children that suffer? Me either.
God deforms children, makes them retarded and gives them cancer, he must be a fucking prick.
There's nothing false about it. They hid their homosexuality. There's your proof.

Then God allowed them to fuck up little children and make their lives so bad they end up being fucked up.
So you are saying you don't know why God made homosexuals?
So you don't know why God allows homosexuals to have children that suffer? Me either.
God deforms children, makes them retarded and gives them cancer, he must be a fucking prick.
Don't forget that God also made homosexuals that suffered and allowed them to fuck up little children by raising them as their children.
So you are saying you don't know why God made homosexuals?
So you don't know why God allows homosexuals to have children that suffer? Me either.
God deforms children, makes them retarded and gives them cancer, he must be a fucking prick.
Don't forget that God also made homosexuals that suffered and allowed them to fuck up little children by raising them as their children.
God must be a sadist and a pedophile. amirite or AMIRITE???? :biggrin:
So you are saying you don't know why God made homosexuals?
So you don't know why God allows homosexuals to have children that suffer? Me either.
God deforms children, makes them retarded and gives them cancer, he must be a fucking prick.
Don't forget that God also made homosexuals that suffered and allowed them to fuck up little children by raising them as their children.
God must be a sadist and a pedophile. amirite or AMIRITE???? :biggrin:
You tell me, God allows little children to be raised by homosexuals, right?
So you are saying you don't know why God made homosexuals?
So you don't know why God allows homosexuals to have children that suffer? Me either.
God deforms children, makes them retarded and gives them cancer, he must be a fucking prick.
Don't forget that God also made homosexuals that suffered and allowed them to fuck up little children by raising them as their children.
God must be a sadist and a pedophile. amirite or AMIRITE???? :biggrin:
You should share this with your homosexual "friend."

Invisible Victims: Delayed Onset Depression among Adults with Same-Sex Parents

That way he will know what he is responsible for doing.
So you are saying you don't know why God made homosexuals?
So you don't know why God allows homosexuals to have children that suffer? Me either.
God deforms children, makes them retarded and gives them cancer, he must be a fucking prick.
Don't forget that God also made homosexuals that suffered and allowed them to fuck up little children by raising them as their children.

There is no proof of this whatsoever. It seems that a goodly number of heterosexuals have domestic-abuse problems, including abusing both partners and children. Many more heterosexuals kill their partners and/or their entire families than LGBTs seem to.

Have they caught that Marine on Staten Island who needs to be questioned about the deaths of his wife and two boys yet?
So you don't know why God allows homosexuals to have children that suffer? Me either.
God deforms children, makes them retarded and gives them cancer, he must be a fucking prick.
Don't forget that God also made homosexuals that suffered and allowed them to fuck up little children by raising them as their children.
God must be a sadist and a pedophile. amirite or AMIRITE???? :biggrin:
You tell me, God allows little children to be raised by homosexuals, right?
Only closet homos like you have a problem with that.
So you don't know why God allows homosexuals to have children that suffer? Me either.
God deforms children, makes them retarded and gives them cancer, he must be a fucking prick.
Don't forget that God also made homosexuals that suffered and allowed them to fuck up little children by raising them as their children.
God must be a sadist and a pedophile. amirite or AMIRITE???? :biggrin:
You tell me, God allows little children to be raised by homosexuals, right?
Only closet homos like you have a problem with that.
So can you tell me why God allows little children to be raised by homosexuals?
God deforms children, makes them retarded and gives them cancer, he must be a fucking prick.
Don't forget that God also made homosexuals that suffered and allowed them to fuck up little children by raising them as their children.
God must be a sadist and a pedophile. amirite or AMIRITE???? :biggrin:
You tell me, God allows little children to be raised by homosexuals, right?
Only closet homos like you have a problem with that.
So can you tell me why God allows little children to be raised by homosexuals?
God is trying to stick his cock in your mouth.
Or is morality determined by cultures and individuals themselves?

Of course. That's how morality and ethics evolves. Different societies develop different morals and values - some work out better than others.
Don't forget that God also made homosexuals that suffered and allowed them to fuck up little children by raising them as their children.
God must be a sadist and a pedophile. amirite or AMIRITE???? :biggrin:
You tell me, God allows little children to be raised by homosexuals, right?
Only closet homos like you have a problem with that.
So can you tell me why God allows little children to be raised by homosexuals?
God is trying to stick his cock in your mouth.
Is that as bad as God allowing the lives of little children to be ruined by allowing homosexuals to raise children?
God must be a sadist and a pedophile. amirite or AMIRITE???? :biggrin:
You tell me, God allows little children to be raised by homosexuals, right?
Only closet homos like you have a problem with that.
So can you tell me why God allows little children to be raised by homosexuals?
God is trying to stick his cock in your mouth.
Is that as bad as God allowing the lives of little children to be ruined by allowing homosexuals to raise children?
I don't know. How does god's cock taste?
Or is morality determined by cultures and individuals themselves?

Dear K9Buck
There are both natural laws governing the human conscience that apply to all people in how we interact in general.
There are RELATIVE languages and cultural norms for different individuals who are each unique, also groups, institutions,
communities and nations.

Just like the laws in math and science are already out there in operation,
but we may express them differently in different situations.

The scientific method may follow the SAME PATTERNS,
but when applied to each experiment the VARIABLES and PARAMETERS change.

Here is a simple example.
All the following expressions are true:
2 + 2 = 4
2 X 2 = 4
2 ^ 2 = 4
if you showed this using blocks, they might all look the same:


Where all 3 equations above would explain these 4 blocks.
That the universal "common thing" they are all being used to represent.

But the three use totally different ways of expression.
The operations of addition, multiplication and exponents are not the same.
But they all explain how you could arrive at the same total,
each going by a different method.

In Religions I point out that ALL systems of laws
tend to REPRESENT basic patterns or relationships:

1. Collective
3. Individual
2. Some level of conscience, LAWS or RELATIONSHIP
between the two the "individual" and the "collective"

So this tends to take the form of
1. ABSTRACT/COLLECTIVE level (that is faith based)
2. PSYCHOLOGICAL level or level of LAWS
3. Individual or PHYSICAL level

So this is a UNIVERSAL construct between people
as social animals who desire democratic decisions
between us as individuals and collective groups, society, community, nations, tribes etc.
We want to AGREE on the rules so we can work together
but still have our say, our free will and input in determining policies that represent us.

1. God represents totality of laws and truth "for all people and the universe/all creation" (COLLECTIVE ABSTRACT level)
2. Jesus Christ represents Laws of Justice that connect individual behavior with the collective truth/good will for all humanity
3. Holy Spirit represents peace on earth with individuals and humanity on a PHYSICAL level

1. Buddha = individual spiritual awareness of truth
2. Dharma = laws, teachings, or duty
3. Sangha = peaceful order in society or community, collective level

1. Body = individual physical level
2. Mind = level of conscience connecting body and spirit
3. Spirit = Collective level joining all humanity and all other things
(see also
1. Superego = higher drive above ego and id
2. Ego = drive in the human conscience
3. Id = material or physical drive)

1. Judicial = level of interpreting law collectively for everyone for the state or nation
2. Legislative = level of laws governing relations between individuals and collective state or nation
3. Executive = physical level of carrying out laws and executing court orders

Basically the same pattern repeats or is represented which is the purpose
behind laws or religions, to define and manage the RELATIONSHIP
between the
1. Individual/physical level
3. the Collective/abstract level (such as collective society or humanity, collective truth, collective laws, etc.)
by an INTERMEDIARY level
2. of LAWS or individual CONSCIENCE/MIND connecting the other two levels.
Parents love their children regardless, no deforming necessary. Please try again.
Not like special needs children, Taz.
You must be one to think that deforming babies is good. What’s your deformity?
I’m not like you that’s for certain. I think their lives are worth living. You don’t.
A baby who is born deformed and retarded and who lives in constant pain isn’t a life worth living. Why would god do that?
Why would God make homosexuals?

God makes people do harmful things in order to bring pain to the area Pain comes to help bring the best happiness .

A life of pains and struggles and injustice is gods way to prepare humans to feel the opposite much better . Paradise cannot be felt without the pains and injustice at first
You tell me, God allows little children to be raised by homosexuals, right?
Only closet homos like you have a problem with that.
So can you tell me why God allows little children to be raised by homosexuals?
God is trying to stick his cock in your mouth.
Is that as bad as God allowing the lives of little children to be ruined by allowing homosexuals to raise children?
I don't know. How does god's cock taste?
Did I strike a nerve?
Only closet homos like you have a problem with that.
So can you tell me why God allows little children to be raised by homosexuals?
God is trying to stick his cock in your mouth.
Is that as bad as God allowing the lives of little children to be ruined by allowing homosexuals to raise children?
I don't know. How does god's cock taste?
Did I strike a nerve?
Answer my question.
Not like special needs children, Taz.
You must be one to think that deforming babies is good. What’s your deformity?
I’m not like you that’s for certain. I think their lives are worth living. You don’t.
A baby who is born deformed and retarded and who lives in constant pain isn’t a life worth living. Why would god do that?
Why would God make homosexuals?

God makes people do harmful things in order to bring pain to the area Pain comes to help bring the best happiness .

A life of pains and struggles and injustice is gods way to prepare humans to feel the opposite much better . Paradise cannot be felt without the pains and injustice at first
What a buch of disgusting, unethical, nauseating ideas that is. Gross.
There is no "universal morality." It stems from culture only. In western culture alone, there is this idea that people don't have sex before they are married, and then have sex with their legally married spouses only, until death do them part. Since when has this every been followed?

It is that a vigrn meets a virgin upon their marriage bed. Is it not? At least among the "Chistrians."
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