Is This 1968?

Remembering back to another Democratic convention in Chicago. Will this one be any different or will it be yet another bloody fight? What could go wrong in Chicago?

Actually, not much.

Chicago is much better at handling these things now. Also, there just isn't the anger about Vietnam or Civil Rights that there was in 1968.
Actually, not much.

Chicago is much better at handling these things now. Also, there just isn't the anger about Vietnam or Civil Rights that there was in 1968.

Chicago still hasn't found the MAGA country rioters who beat up Jussie Smollett yet. And Trumpsters are a rare breed at the city known as the OK Corral.
You mean other than living here for the last 62 years (less time I was in the service).
I have been to Chicago and through Chicago many times. I actually love the city. Had friends who lived there. I wouldn't go there now, not even on the North side. But, I can understand how a diehard liberal who lives there would defend the city from the truth.
I have been to Chicago and through Chicago many times. I actually love the city. Had friends who lived there. I wouldn't go there now, not even on the North side. But, I can understand how a diehard liberal who lives there would defend the city from the truth.
This past weekend, I was downtown with my wife (who, for some reason, wanted to take a train).

While we did encounter a couple of homeless people, and some other urban weirdness, it was a very pleasant experience.
This past weekend, I was downtown with my wife (who, for some reason, wanted to take a train).

While we did encounter a couple of homeless people, and some other urban weirdness, it was a very pleasant experience.
Hey, don't get me wrong. I do love Chicago. It pains me to see it turn into such a shithole city. We need to get rid of the progressive dems and bring back law and order and make the city a go to place again. It's not hopelessly gone but it can't be fixed with progressives in power. They have to be voted out. Pretty much the same thing with all of the larger cities in the country.

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