Is this a fair representative of Christianity?

If God is 3 in one, where is his wife in all this?

A creator is more likely to be female if of any sex.

Two trees, one of knowledge and the other of life. Both gifts that were waiting to be taken.

The Holy Spirit was considered to be the feminine in antiquity. In most ancient texts the pronoun used for the Holy Spirit is actually "she" and one school of thought in some sects of the early church was that Jesus could not have been conceived by the Holy Spirit because it is impossible for two females to create a child. Through the Middle Ages, the idea of the Holy Spirit being feminine was discouraged and then declared heretical. Most Christians today would not even be aware that ancient Jews and Christians identified with the Holy Spirit as being "the woman".

Yes. You are referring to Gnostics. They were considered heretics and an anti-Christ. You should check out this dude named Azrael Ondi Ahman. He met with Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother. They told him to write a book. He spent the next 20 years writing, "Song of God". Azrael Ondi Ahman considers his writings to contain the restored scripture of the Gnostic Gospels. (It sounds a lot like he believes he is the Joseph Smith of the Gnostics.)

Someone with an advanced faith will see that he is a valid Christian and his path to Jesus Christ is just as valid as a loony tune from a fundamental Baptist Church that is still trapped in the dreaded stage 2.
I didn't know we were in a race.

I thought it was. The more American and humanist your faith becomes then the more comfortable your life becomes (including Stage 6). Everybody wants to race to a life that is comfortable. Who wants to be viewed as an ignorant little child by an advanced Stage 5 hero?
If God is 3 in one, where is his wife in all this?

A creator is more likely to be female if of any sex.

Two trees, one of knowledge and the other of life. Both gifts that were waiting to be taken.

The Holy Spirit was considered to be the feminine in antiquity. In most ancient texts the pronoun used for the Holy Spirit is actually "she" and one school of thought in some sects of the early church was that Jesus could not have been conceived by the Holy Spirit because it is impossible for two females to create a child. Through the Middle Ages, the idea of the Holy Spirit being feminine was discouraged and then declared heretical. Most Christians today would not even be aware that ancient Jews and Christians identified with the Holy Spirit as being "the woman".

Yes. You are referring to Gnostics. They were considered heretics and an anti-Christ. You should check out this dude named Azrael Ondi Ahman. He met with Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother. They told him to write a book. He spent the next 20 years writing, "Song of God". Azrael Ondi Ahman considers his writings to contain the restored scripture of the Gnostic Gospels. (It sounds a lot like he believes he is the Joseph Smith of the Gnostics.)

Someone with an advanced faith will see that he is a valid Christian and his path to Jesus Christ is just as valid as a loony tune from a fundamental Baptist Church that is still trapped in the dreaded stage 2.

I like this guy. :)
Will check out his book, not as a religious book but just for the common sense and perception he presents.
I think it is an accurate representation of Christians on this forum. Very hateful people. Some of the MOST hateful, judgmental and unforgiving people I have ever had the misfortune to meet.

They were probably assholes just like Jesus. Jesus told people to go and sin no more. I bet Jesus really pissed the gays off back in his time. He was probably telling them to go and sin no more as well.

Jesus was a dick. He wanted people to stop sinning. Christians today are dicks. They want people to stop sinning. The people who love sinning and hate God will probably hate the Christians too. The people that just want to keep on sinning and destroying their life will accuse Christians of being hateful, judgmental and unforgiving people.

I agree with hateful and judgmental but I don't think they are unforgiving. They are just trying to guide people to stop harming themselves and seek an abundant life through Jesus Christ. You misunderstand the message of Christians. They want your life to be better. They don't want you to continue sinning. They will be as mean as possible to get you to stop sinning because they want your life to be better. Please don't mischaracterize Christians just because you enjoy sinning and want to continue destroying your life. That's immature. You'll suffer from sinning. They will enjoy a really good life by following the commands of Jesus Christ. Be responsible. Stop sinning so much and then you will have a different view of the Christians that you encounter.

Being married and having sex with one person throughout your life is a much easier life than the alternatives. If you want to be gay then you will suffer greatly in a social capacity. If you want to cheat on your spouse then you could get yourself killed. You could end up paying child support. You could end up struggling on just one really low income. A two income household has more leverage to negotiate a higher salary. An one income household has to take whatever they get. Life is much tougher for people who discard their spouses for a night of fun sex. People that want to get divorced and remarried will have a harder time keeping a spouse since the door has been opened that declares leaving is an option. There is a Christian way to live and it works a lot better. Don't be gay. Don't have sex before marriage. Don't divorce your spouse. Don't cheat on your spouse. All of those things are obviously not as good as the alternative of having a Christian family.

Let's be serious. Christians are loving people. They hate to see all of the suffering all around them. They want the sinning to stop and they want it to stop soon. Their own personal life doesn't suck. They are only watching out for others. That isn't hateful. That is loving.
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I think it is an accurate representation of Christians on this forum. Very hateful people. Some of the MOST hateful, judgmental and unforgiving people I have ever had the misfortune to meet.

They were probably assholes just like Jesus. Jesus told people to go and sin no more. I bet Jesus really pissed the gays off back in his time. He was probably telling them to go and sin no more as well.

Jesus was a dick. He wanted people to stop sinning. Christians today are dicks. They want people to stop sinning. The people who love sinning and hate God will probably hate the Christians too. The people that just want to keep on sinning and destroying their life will accuse Christians of being hateful, judgmental and unforgiving people.

I agree with hateful and judgmental but I don't think they are unforgiving. They are just trying to guide people to stop harming themselves and seek an abundant life through Jesus Christ. You misunderstand the message of Christians. They want your life to be better. They don't want you to continue sinning. They will be as mean as possible to get you to stop sinning because they want your life to be better. Please don't mischaracterize Christians just because you enjoy sinning and want to continue destroying your life. That's immature. You'll suffer from sinning. They will enjoy a really good life by following the commands of Jesus Christ. Be responsible. Stop sinning so much and then you will have a different view of the Christians that you encounter.

Being married and having sex with one person throughout your life is a much easier life than the alternatives.

Sorry, I don't buy into your superstitions. To me, they are silly. :D

Also, you don't make the determinations on who is a "sinner." Leave that to your God. :)
Sorry, I don't buy into your superstitions. To me, they are silly. :D

Also, you don't make the determinations on who is a "sinner." Leave that to your God. :)

It's not superstition. Look around. Single moms have a rough life.

Married people with an ex has financial obligations that hinder the current marriage.

Homosexuals have to suffer the stigma of the general population.

Married people with no ex's or illegitimate children enjoy a more prosperous position in the world.

Don't be blind. Fuck the Bible. Fuck the Qu'ran. Just open your eyes and look at the people around you. Who has the better position in life?

Immoral people or moral people? You don't have to answer it to me. You can just answer silently in your own head. Just don't lie to yourself. That's all.
Sorry, I don't buy into your superstitions. To me, they are silly. :D

Also, you don't make the determinations on who is a "sinner." Leave that to your God. :)

God doesn't exist. I choose to look at reality instead. I am not a Christian but I don't appreciate you mischaracterizing Christians. They are extremely good people that care about your well being. On the other hand I don't care about your well being. You'd be better off seeking the help of a Christian than seeking my help. I don't care about you at all. They do. They care about you very much. If you don't believe me, just ask them.
Sorry, I don't buy into your superstitions. To me, they are silly. :D

Also, you don't make the determinations on who is a "sinner." Leave that to your God. :)

It's not superstition. Look around. Single moms have a rough life.

Married people with an ex has financial obligations that hinder the current marriage.

Homosexuals have to suffer the stigma of the general population.

Married people with no ex's or illegitimate children enjoy a more prosperous position in the world.

Don't be blind. Fuck the Bible. Fuck the Qu'ran. Just open your eyes and look at the people around you. Who has the better position in life?

Immoral people or moral people? You don't have to answer it to me. You can just answer silently in your own head. Just don't lie to yourself. That's all.

I'm a single mom, and my life is quite comfortable. I'm not rich, but I make due and, most importantly, I am happy. I see PLENTY of miserable married people who follow the Bible. Perhaps you need to look around too.
Sorry, I don't buy into your superstitions. To me, they are silly. :D

Also, you don't make the determinations on who is a "sinner." Leave that to your God. :)

God doesn't exist. I choose to look at reality instead. I am not a Christian but I don't appreciate you mischaracterizing Christians. They are extremely good people that care about your well being. On the other hand I don't care about your well being. You'd be better off seeking the help of a Christian than seeking my help. I don't care about you at all. They do. They care about you very much.

I'm just calling it like I see it. :) I don't need any help, thank you.
I'm a single mom, and my life is quite comfortable. I'm not rich, but I make due and, most importantly, I am happy. I see PLENTY of miserable married people who follow the Bible. Perhaps you need to look around too.

If you have such a good life then why do you care what Christians say?
I'm a single mom, and my life is quite comfortable. I'm not rich, but I make due and, most importantly, I am happy. I see PLENTY of miserable married people who follow the Bible. Perhaps you need to look around too.

If you have such a good life then why do you care what Christians say?

I'm responding to a thread topic and giving my opinion. That's why I'm here. That's the whole point of a message board, no? :)
Well, then what's your problem? I don't need religion to be a good person. That's all there is to it. :)

You were insulting Christians. I defended them because they aren't allowed to defend themselves. :) They have to turn the other cheek when you persecute them.
Well, then what's your problem? I don't need religion to be a good person. That's all there is to it. :)

You were insulting Christians. I defended them because they aren't allowed to defend themselves. :) They have to turn the other cheek when you persecute them.

I'm just calling it as I see it. IMO, a lot of the Christians who post here are rotten. :) K?
ravi ----I am a mother-----to me all males are "boys" It is not nice to accuse Christians of ----EASILY getting out of sin by simply "confessing" it is not true. Christians do not take sin lightly
Fundies do.

No, they do not. Not if they believe the Bible and are seeking to enter heaven one day. There will be no sinning Christians in heaven. If you sin like the world, you'll be judged like the world. One prayer at an altar does not make the difference. You either live the life or you don't.
ALL of my sins have been paid for
Not just the ones before baptism and none of them after.
ALL have been paid for.

To say otherwise is to say His Blood isn't sufficient

No. It means that you have decided that "overcoming" is not something you are interested in doing. To him who overcomes.............. Remember that scripture in Revelation? You should.

It is written:

To him who overcometh will I give to eat from the tree of life, which is in the midst of the paradise of God. Revelation 2:7

And if you do not overcome? You won't enter into the kingdom of heaven. Jesus made it very clear that he that endureth until the end the same shall be saved. (See Matthew Chapter 24)

The wedding has not taken place yet - Jesus isn't marrying a harlot. He is coming back for a Bride without spot or wrinkle. If that doesn't describe you and what you are striving for in your walk with Christ then watch the John Mulinde video and see what the LORD has to say to you about it.

Don't kill the messenger. I am just giving you the truth. I hope you will watch the video - it will make the message that much clearer to you.

Which one?

***without spot or wrinkle. If that doesn't describe you and what you are striving for in your walk with Christ***

Because I am always striving for that.

I just find it hard to believe that all of the sheep belonging to the Good Shepherd must be a perfect snow white
Christ's blood washes us clean. We can't do it on our own, and no Christian believes he or she can.
I think it is an accurate representation of Christians on this forum. Very hateful people. Some of the MOST hateful, judgmental and unforgiving people I have ever had the misfortune to meet.
I had a wonderful answer to Carla's question all typed out in Word and was ready to paste it when I saw this.
Why even bother?

Prayers for both of y'all......and everyone

We aren't supposed to cast pearls before swine.
Well, then what's your problem? I don't need religion to be a good person. That's all there is to it. :)

You were insulting Christians. I defended them because they aren't allowed to defend themselves. :) They have to turn the other cheek when you persecute them.

I'm just calling it as I see it. IMO, a lot of the Christians who post here are rotten. :) K?
No, you're not calling it as you see it. You're calling it as your bigotry and ignorance tells you to.
I think it is an accurate representation of Christians on this forum. Very hateful people. Some of the MOST hateful, judgmental and unforgiving people I have ever had the misfortune to meet.
I had a wonderful answer to Carla's question all typed out in Word and was ready to paste it when I saw this.
Why even bother?

Prayers for both of y'all......and everyone


Awww. That is so sad. :( Save your prayers for yourself, seriously.
Fundies do.

No, they do not. Not if they believe the Bible and are seeking to enter heaven one day. There will be no sinning Christians in heaven. If you sin like the world, you'll be judged like the world. One prayer at an altar does not make the difference. You either live the life or you don't.
ALL of my sins have been paid for
Not just the ones before baptism and none of them after.
ALL have been paid for.

To say otherwise is to say His Blood isn't sufficient

No. It means that you have decided that "overcoming" is not something you are interested in doing. To him who overcomes.............. Remember that scripture in Revelation? You should.

It is written:

To him who overcometh will I give to eat from the tree of life, which is in the midst of the paradise of God. Revelation 2:7

And if you do not overcome? You won't enter into the kingdom of heaven. Jesus made it very clear that he that endureth until the end the same shall be saved. (See Matthew Chapter 24)

The wedding has not taken place yet - Jesus isn't marrying a harlot. He is coming back for a Bride without spot or wrinkle. If that doesn't describe you and what you are striving for in your walk with Christ then watch the John Mulinde video and see what the LORD has to say to you about it.

Don't kill the messenger. I am just giving you the truth. I hope you will watch the video - it will make the message that much clearer to you.

Which one?

***without spot or wrinkle. If that doesn't describe you and what you are striving for in your walk with Christ***

Because I am always striving for that.

I just find it hard to believe that all of the sheep belonging to the Good Shepherd must be a perfect snow white
Christ's blood washes us clean. We can't do it on our own, and no Christian believes he or she can.

If we are all clean for the last 2000 years, why do we need some corrupted religion? Why the hate of other people that don't walk into the same church as you?

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