Is this a fair representative of Christianity?

Well, then what's your problem? I don't need religion to be a good person. That's all there is to it. :)

You were insulting Christians. I defended them because they aren't allowed to defend themselves. :) They have to turn the other cheek when you persecute them.

I'm just calling it as I see it. IMO, a lot of the Christians who post here are rotten. :) K?
No, you're not calling it as you see it. You're calling it as your bigotry and ignorance tells you to.

No, and you were who was foremost in my mind when I made my comments. IMO, you are just a rotten human being. :)
No, they do not. Not if they believe the Bible and are seeking to enter heaven one day. There will be no sinning Christians in heaven. If you sin like the world, you'll be judged like the world. One prayer at an altar does not make the difference. You either live the life or you don't.
ALL of my sins have been paid for
Not just the ones before baptism and none of them after.
ALL have been paid for.

To say otherwise is to say His Blood isn't sufficient

No. It means that you have decided that "overcoming" is not something you are interested in doing. To him who overcomes.............. Remember that scripture in Revelation? You should.

It is written:

To him who overcometh will I give to eat from the tree of life, which is in the midst of the paradise of God. Revelation 2:7

And if you do not overcome? You won't enter into the kingdom of heaven. Jesus made it very clear that he that endureth until the end the same shall be saved. (See Matthew Chapter 24)

The wedding has not taken place yet - Jesus isn't marrying a harlot. He is coming back for a Bride without spot or wrinkle. If that doesn't describe you and what you are striving for in your walk with Christ then watch the John Mulinde video and see what the LORD has to say to you about it.

Don't kill the messenger. I am just giving you the truth. I hope you will watch the video - it will make the message that much clearer to you.

Which one?

***without spot or wrinkle. If that doesn't describe you and what you are striving for in your walk with Christ***

Because I am always striving for that.

I just find it hard to believe that all of the sheep belonging to the Good Shepherd must be a perfect snow white
Christ's blood washes us clean. We can't do it on our own, and no Christian believes he or she can.

If we are all clean for the last 2000 years, why do we need some corrupted religion? Why the hate of other people that don't walk into the same church as you?

We aren't all clean for 2000 years, and I don't hate people who don't walk into my church. More bigotry and ignorance.
ALL of my sins have been paid for
Not just the ones before baptism and none of them after.
ALL have been paid for.

To say otherwise is to say His Blood isn't sufficient

No. It means that you have decided that "overcoming" is not something you are interested in doing. To him who overcomes.............. Remember that scripture in Revelation? You should.

It is written:

To him who overcometh will I give to eat from the tree of life, which is in the midst of the paradise of God. Revelation 2:7

And if you do not overcome? You won't enter into the kingdom of heaven. Jesus made it very clear that he that endureth until the end the same shall be saved. (See Matthew Chapter 24)

The wedding has not taken place yet - Jesus isn't marrying a harlot. He is coming back for a Bride without spot or wrinkle. If that doesn't describe you and what you are striving for in your walk with Christ then watch the John Mulinde video and see what the LORD has to say to you about it.

Don't kill the messenger. I am just giving you the truth. I hope you will watch the video - it will make the message that much clearer to you.

Which one?

***without spot or wrinkle. If that doesn't describe you and what you are striving for in your walk with Christ***

Because I am always striving for that.

I just find it hard to believe that all of the sheep belonging to the Good Shepherd must be a perfect snow white
Christ's blood washes us clean. We can't do it on our own, and no Christian believes he or she can.

If we are all clean for the last 2000 years, why do we need some corrupted religion? Why the hate of other people that don't walk into the same church as you?

We aren't all clean for 2000 years, and I don't hate people who don't walk into my church. More bigotry and ignorance.

"Christ's blood washes us clean"
He was crucified 2000 yrs ago.

Who are you to say we are not clean? Isn't that god's job?

Maybe you are the one on the wrong path, after all you are following an edited, manipulated and erroneous bible.
I think it is an accurate representation of Christians on this forum. Very hateful people. Some of the MOST hateful, judgmental and unforgiving people I have ever had the misfortune to meet.
I had a wonderful answer to Carla's question all typed out in Word and was ready to paste it when I saw this.
Why even bother?

Prayers for both of y'all......and everyone

We aren't supposed to cast pearls before swine.

kosher girl------what does that "saying" mean to you?
Look, I do like some Christians. REAL Christians, like my auntie. She is one of the most pleasant and giving people I've ever known and is VERY religious. She just doesn't have hate in her heart like some people and she doesn't use her religion to make judgment calls on others and tries to be understanding, which is why I love her.
Look, I do like some Christians. REAL Christians, like my auntie. She is one of the most pleasant and giving people I've ever known and is VERY religious. She just doesn't have hate in her heart like some people and she doesn't use her religion to make judgment calls on others and tries to be understanding, which is why I love her.

Back peddle much?
No. It means that you have decided that "overcoming" is not something you are interested in doing. To him who overcomes.............. Remember that scripture in Revelation? You should.

It is written:

To him who overcometh will I give to eat from the tree of life, which is in the midst of the paradise of God. Revelation 2:7

And if you do not overcome? You won't enter into the kingdom of heaven. Jesus made it very clear that he that endureth until the end the same shall be saved. (See Matthew Chapter 24)

The wedding has not taken place yet - Jesus isn't marrying a harlot. He is coming back for a Bride without spot or wrinkle. If that doesn't describe you and what you are striving for in your walk with Christ then watch the John Mulinde video and see what the LORD has to say to you about it.

Don't kill the messenger. I am just giving you the truth. I hope you will watch the video - it will make the message that much clearer to you.

Which one?

***without spot or wrinkle. If that doesn't describe you and what you are striving for in your walk with Christ***

Because I am always striving for that.

I just find it hard to believe that all of the sheep belonging to the Good Shepherd must be a perfect snow white
Christ's blood washes us clean. We can't do it on our own, and no Christian believes he or she can.

If we are all clean for the last 2000 years, why do we need some corrupted religion? Why the hate of other people that don't walk into the same church as you?

We aren't all clean for 2000 years, and I don't hate people who don't walk into my church. More bigotry and ignorance.

"Christ's blood washes us clean"
He was crucified 2000 yrs ago.

Who are you to say we are not clean? Isn't that god's job?

Maybe you are the one on the wrong path, after all you are following an edited, manipulated and erroneous bible.

It only washes you clean if you accept the gift.

I really hate it when people who haven't bothered to figure out how Christianity works opt to attack it. It's a waste of time to discuss theology with people who refuse to even educate themselves about what they're attacking.
Which one?

***without spot or wrinkle. If that doesn't describe you and what you are striving for in your walk with Christ***

Because I am always striving for that.

I just find it hard to believe that all of the sheep belonging to the Good Shepherd must be a perfect snow white
Christ's blood washes us clean. We can't do it on our own, and no Christian believes he or she can.

If we are all clean for the last 2000 years, why do we need some corrupted religion? Why the hate of other people that don't walk into the same church as you?

We aren't all clean for 2000 years, and I don't hate people who don't walk into my church. More bigotry and ignorance.

"Christ's blood washes us clean"
He was crucified 2000 yrs ago.

Who are you to say we are not clean? Isn't that god's job?

Maybe you are the one on the wrong path, after all you are following an edited, manipulated and erroneous bible.

It only washes you clean if you accept the gift.

I really hate it when people who haven't bothered to figure out how Christianity works opt to attack it. It's a waste of time to discuss theology with people who refuse to even educate themselves about what they're attacking.

So jesus did not come to remove sin from all people? Only a few that go to your church?

Churches and Christianity did not exist in Jesus time. Either he removed all sin from mankind or it is a poor waste of his blood and an unloving god to neglect the million and now billions that did not live in Israel during Jesus life.

and now UNESCO neglects the connection of Jerusalem to christian and jews. So belief in jesus who died in Jerusalem has no ties to christianity. Is that not the very foundation, that jesus died and later raised up? No passover, not communion, no jesus, no sacrifice, no Christianity, no people of the god, only allah?
Christ's blood washes us clean. We can't do it on our own, and no Christian believes he or she can.

If we are all clean for the last 2000 years, why do we need some corrupted religion? Why the hate of other people that don't walk into the same church as you?

We aren't all clean for 2000 years, and I don't hate people who don't walk into my church. More bigotry and ignorance.

"Christ's blood washes us clean"
He was crucified 2000 yrs ago.

Who are you to say we are not clean? Isn't that god's job?

Maybe you are the one on the wrong path, after all you are following an edited, manipulated and erroneous bible.

It only washes you clean if you accept the gift.

I really hate it when people who haven't bothered to figure out how Christianity works opt to attack it. It's a waste of time to discuss theology with people who refuse to even educate themselves about what they're attacking.

So jesus did not come to remove sin from all people? Only a few that go to your church?

Churches and Christianity did not exist in Jesus time. Either he removed all sin from mankind or it is a poor waste of his blood and an unloving god to neglect the million and now billions that did not live in Israel during Jesus life.

and now UNESCO neglects the connection of Jerusalem to christian and jews. So belief in jesus who died in Jerusalem has no ties to christianity. Is that not the very foundation, that jesus died and later raised up? No passover, not communion, no jesus, no sacrifice, no Christianity, no people of the god, only allah?

Nope. You've got it totally wrong, and it's obvious you are clueless.
ALL of my sins have been paid for
Not just the ones before baptism and none of them after.
ALL have been paid for.

To say otherwise is to say His Blood isn't sufficient

No. It means that you have decided that "overcoming" is not something you are interested in doing. To him who overcomes.............. Remember that scripture in Revelation? You should.

It is written:

To him who overcometh will I give to eat from the tree of life, which is in the midst of the paradise of God. Revelation 2:7

And if you do not overcome? You won't enter into the kingdom of heaven. Jesus made it very clear that he that endureth until the end the same shall be saved. (See Matthew Chapter 24)

The wedding has not taken place yet - Jesus isn't marrying a harlot. He is coming back for a Bride without spot or wrinkle. If that doesn't describe you and what you are striving for in your walk with Christ then watch the John Mulinde video and see what the LORD has to say to you about it.

Don't kill the messenger. I am just giving you the truth. I hope you will watch the video - it will make the message that much clearer to you.

Which one?

***without spot or wrinkle. If that doesn't describe you and what you are striving for in your walk with Christ***

Because I am always striving for that.

I just find it hard to believe that all of the sheep belonging to the Good Shepherd must be a perfect snow white
Christ's blood washes us clean. We can't do it on our own, and no Christian believes he or she can.

If we are all clean for the last 2000 years, why do we need some corrupted religion? Why the hate of other people that don't walk into the same church as you?

We aren't all clean for 2000 years, and I don't hate people who don't walk into my church. More bigotry and ignorance.
Just a FYI...your signature makes it appear that you are supporting homosexuals and nazis
No. It means that you have decided that "overcoming" is not something you are interested in doing. To him who overcomes.............. Remember that scripture in Revelation? You should.

It is written:

To him who overcometh will I give to eat from the tree of life, which is in the midst of the paradise of God. Revelation 2:7

And if you do not overcome? You won't enter into the kingdom of heaven. Jesus made it very clear that he that endureth until the end the same shall be saved. (See Matthew Chapter 24)

The wedding has not taken place yet - Jesus isn't marrying a harlot. He is coming back for a Bride without spot or wrinkle. If that doesn't describe you and what you are striving for in your walk with Christ then watch the John Mulinde video and see what the LORD has to say to you about it.

Don't kill the messenger. I am just giving you the truth. I hope you will watch the video - it will make the message that much clearer to you.

Which one?

***without spot or wrinkle. If that doesn't describe you and what you are striving for in your walk with Christ***

Because I am always striving for that.

I just find it hard to believe that all of the sheep belonging to the Good Shepherd must be a perfect snow white
Christ's blood washes us clean. We can't do it on our own, and no Christian believes he or she can.

If we are all clean for the last 2000 years, why do we need some corrupted religion? Why the hate of other people that don't walk into the same church as you?

We aren't all clean for 2000 years, and I don't hate people who don't walk into my church. More bigotry and ignorance.
Just a FYI...your signature makes it appear that you are supporting homosexuals and nazis
No. It means that you have decided that "overcoming" is not something you are interested in doing. To him who overcomes.............. Remember that scripture in Revelation? You should.

It is written:

To him who overcometh will I give to eat from the tree of life, which is in the midst of the paradise of God. Revelation 2:7

And if you do not overcome? You won't enter into the kingdom of heaven. Jesus made it very clear that he that endureth until the end the same shall be saved. (See Matthew Chapter 24)

The wedding has not taken place yet - Jesus isn't marrying a harlot. He is coming back for a Bride without spot or wrinkle. If that doesn't describe you and what you are striving for in your walk with Christ then watch the John Mulinde video and see what the LORD has to say to you about it.

Don't kill the messenger. I am just giving you the truth. I hope you will watch the video - it will make the message that much clearer to you.

Which one?

***without spot or wrinkle. If that doesn't describe you and what you are striving for in your walk with Christ***

Because I am always striving for that.

I just find it hard to believe that all of the sheep belonging to the Good Shepherd must be a perfect snow white
Christ's blood washes us clean. We can't do it on our own, and no Christian believes he or she can.

If we are all clean for the last 2000 years, why do we need some corrupted religion? Why the hate of other people that don't walk into the same church as you?

We aren't all clean for 2000 years, and I don't hate people who don't walk into my church. More bigotry and ignorance.
Just a FYI...your signature makes it appear that you are supporting homosexuals and nazis

I got some wrinkles what is the siggy that seems to support
homosexuals and Nazis?
No. It means that you have decided that "overcoming" is not something you are interested in doing. To him who overcomes.............. Remember that scripture in Revelation? You should.

It is written:

To him who overcometh will I give to eat from the tree of life, which is in the midst of the paradise of God. Revelation 2:7

And if you do not overcome? You won't enter into the kingdom of heaven. Jesus made it very clear that he that endureth until the end the same shall be saved. (See Matthew Chapter 24)

The wedding has not taken place yet - Jesus isn't marrying a harlot. He is coming back for a Bride without spot or wrinkle. If that doesn't describe you and what you are striving for in your walk with Christ then watch the John Mulinde video and see what the LORD has to say to you about it.

Don't kill the messenger. I am just giving you the truth. I hope you will watch the video - it will make the message that much clearer to you.

Which one?

***without spot or wrinkle. If that doesn't describe you and what you are striving for in your walk with Christ***

Because I am always striving for that.

I just find it hard to believe that all of the sheep belonging to the Good Shepherd must be a perfect snow white
Christ's blood washes us clean. We can't do it on our own, and no Christian believes he or she can.

If we are all clean for the last 2000 years, why do we need some corrupted religion? Why the hate of other people that don't walk into the same church as you?

We aren't all clean for 2000 years, and I don't hate people who don't walk into my church. More bigotry and ignorance.
Just a FYI...your signature makes it appear that you are supporting homosexuals and nazis

Sure it does.
Which one?

***without spot or wrinkle. If that doesn't describe you and what you are striving for in your walk with Christ***

Because I am always striving for that.

I just find it hard to believe that all of the sheep belonging to the Good Shepherd must be a perfect snow white
Christ's blood washes us clean. We can't do it on our own, and no Christian believes he or she can.

If we are all clean for the last 2000 years, why do we need some corrupted religion? Why the hate of other people that don't walk into the same church as you?

We aren't all clean for 2000 years, and I don't hate people who don't walk into my church. More bigotry and ignorance.
Just a FYI...your signature makes it appear that you are supporting homosexuals and nazis
Which one?

***without spot or wrinkle. If that doesn't describe you and what you are striving for in your walk with Christ***

Because I am always striving for that.

I just find it hard to believe that all of the sheep belonging to the Good Shepherd must be a perfect snow white
Christ's blood washes us clean. We can't do it on our own, and no Christian believes he or she can.

If we are all clean for the last 2000 years, why do we need some corrupted religion? Why the hate of other people that don't walk into the same church as you?

We aren't all clean for 2000 years, and I don't hate people who don't walk into my church. More bigotry and ignorance.
Just a FYI...your signature makes it appear that you are supporting homosexuals and nazis

I got some wrinkles what is the siggy that seems to support
homosexuals and Nazis?
Koshergirl's signature
Which one?

***without spot or wrinkle. If that doesn't describe you and what you are striving for in your walk with Christ***

Because I am always striving for that.

I just find it hard to believe that all of the sheep belonging to the Good Shepherd must be a perfect snow white
Christ's blood washes us clean. We can't do it on our own, and no Christian believes he or she can.

If we are all clean for the last 2000 years, why do we need some corrupted religion? Why the hate of other people that don't walk into the same church as you?

We aren't all clean for 2000 years, and I don't hate people who don't walk into my church. More bigotry and ignorance.
Just a FYI...your signature makes it appear that you are supporting homosexuals and nazis

Sure it does.

oh----its the avatar------oh----now I get it. to be honest,
kosherg your avatar is startling ------I am not sure who
should be insulted-----Nazis, homosexuals, or the color spectrum ---
I am a bit insulted because my all time fave TV program
for my kid was-----READING RAINBOW. Everytime I see
a rainbow------levar burton comes to mind---~~~la la "take a
look, it's in a book la la la READING RAINBOW
Christ's blood washes us clean. We can't do it on our own, and no Christian believes he or she can.

If we are all clean for the last 2000 years, why do we need some corrupted religion? Why the hate of other people that don't walk into the same church as you?

We aren't all clean for 2000 years, and I don't hate people who don't walk into my church. More bigotry and ignorance.
Just a FYI...your signature makes it appear that you are supporting homosexuals and nazis

Sure it does.

oh----its the avatar------oh----now I get it. to be honest,
kosherg your avatar is startling ------I am not sure who
should be insulted-----Nazis, homosexuals, or the color spectrum ---
I am a bit insulted because my all time fave TV program
for my kid was-----READING RAINBOW. Everytime I see
a rainbow------levar burton comes to mind---~~~la la "take a
look, it's in a book la la la READING RAINBOW
Well if you're offended, you should call 911.
If we are all clean for the last 2000 years, why do we need some corrupted religion? Why the hate of other people that don't walk into the same church as you?

We aren't all clean for 2000 years, and I don't hate people who don't walk into my church. More bigotry and ignorance.
Just a FYI...your signature makes it appear that you are supporting homosexuals and nazis

Sure it does.

oh----its the avatar------oh----now I get it. to be honest,
kosherg your avatar is startling ------I am not sure who
should be insulted-----Nazis, homosexuals, or the color spectrum ---
I am a bit insulted because my all time fave TV program
for my kid was-----READING RAINBOW. Everytime I see
a rainbow------levar burton comes to mind---~~~la la "take a
look, it's in a book la la la READING RAINBOW
Well if you're offended, you should call 911.

I will not tell you where I live-----but----well----I will tell you a story-----
I woke one day and went into my son's room to wake him for school
(he was six)------the window was right next to his bed -----and it was OPENED---
the kid opened his eyes and said "why is the window opened"? ----
"it wasn't last nite" I went to the kitchen and notice my handbag was gone---
and some other stuff was missing and the front door was ajar. -----uhm----
someone came into the apartment --STEPPED OVER MY SLEEPING KID---
and burglarized the joint ------I called the cops-------they said----"come in later or
tomorrow and make a report" In my town ----report a dead body in the hallway
and they will say----"ok ---how about you call the coroner?" really----all true. There is a reason-------the cops are trying to keep the CRIME STATS DOWN---
you think they need you and your swastika rainbow ON THE BOOKS?
We aren't all clean for 2000 years, and I don't hate people who don't walk into my church. More bigotry and ignorance.
Just a FYI...your signature makes it appear that you are supporting homosexuals and nazis

Sure it does.

oh----its the avatar------oh----now I get it. to be honest,
kosherg your avatar is startling ------I am not sure who
should be insulted-----Nazis, homosexuals, or the color spectrum ---
I am a bit insulted because my all time fave TV program
for my kid was-----READING RAINBOW. Everytime I see
a rainbow------levar burton comes to mind---~~~la la "take a
look, it's in a book la la la READING RAINBOW
Well if you're offended, you should call 911.

I will not tell you where I live-----but----well----I will tell you a story-----
I woke one day and went into my son's room to wake him for school
(he was six)------the window was right next to his bed -----and it was OPENED---
the kid opened his eyes and said "why is the window opened"? ----
"it wasn't last nite" I went to the kitchen and notice my handbag was gone---
and some other stuff was missing and the front door was ajar. -----uhm----
someone came into the apartment --STEPPED OVER MY SLEEPING KID---
and burglarized the joint ------I called the cops-------they said----"come in later or
tomorrow and make a report" In my town ----report a dead body in the hallway
and they will say----"ok ---how about you call the coroner?" really----all true. There is a reason-------the cops are trying to keep the CRIME STATS DOWN---
you think they need you and your swastika rainbow ON THE BOOKS?

What the hell are you talking about?

I don't want to know where you live, wtf?
Just a FYI...your signature makes it appear that you are supporting homosexuals and nazis

Sure it does.

oh----its the avatar------oh----now I get it. to be honest,
kosherg your avatar is startling ------I am not sure who
should be insulted-----Nazis, homosexuals, or the color spectrum ---
I am a bit insulted because my all time fave TV program
for my kid was-----READING RAINBOW. Everytime I see
a rainbow------levar burton comes to mind---~~~la la "take a
look, it's in a book la la la READING RAINBOW
Well if you're offended, you should call 911.

I will not tell you where I live-----but----well----I will tell you a story-----
I woke one day and went into my son's room to wake him for school
(he was six)------the window was right next to his bed -----and it was OPENED---
the kid opened his eyes and said "why is the window opened"? ----
"it wasn't last nite" I went to the kitchen and notice my handbag was gone---
and some other stuff was missing and the front door was ajar. -----uhm----
someone came into the apartment --STEPPED OVER MY SLEEPING KID---
and burglarized the joint ------I called the cops-------they said----"come in later or
tomorrow and make a report" In my town ----report a dead body in the hallway
and they will say----"ok ---how about you call the coroner?" really----all true. There is a reason-------the cops are trying to keep the CRIME STATS DOWN---
you think they need you and your swastika rainbow ON THE BOOKS?

What the hell are you talking about?

I don't want to know where you live, wtf?

I did not suggest that you wanted to know where I live----
I related an interesting story related to calling 911
-----I hesitate to bug the cops in my town-----THEY DON't want
to know--------just do not want to know. it UPS their stats

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